World’s Most Useless Toaster

But it makes for a pretty awesome NES system, no?

Once again I am baffled by the ingenuity of some people. This seriously has to fall under maybe the coolest Nintendo mod I’ve ever seen. It even has a “making of” video to match! Seeing the SMB3 cartridge in their is wrecking hell on my nostalgia gland, as well.

If you guys had a thing like this sitting in your room, which old games would be the first ones you pulled out?

Source- WiiFanboy

Kick, Punch, Parappa

Kick, punch, it’s all in the mind…

I’m not sure how many of you ever played Parappa the Rapper for the original Playstation, but that game was kind of awesome. I keep hoping for a sequel to it, to be honest.

Mega 64, creators of skits that mimic popular game franchises in public (see their Tetris video, plz), had different plans. They took Parappa to the streets. Hilarity ensued.


CERN is Black Mesa

So, if you haven’t heard, be forewarned that the world is ending today, no thanks to CERN in Europe experimenting with black holes and supercolliders, etc. The details are a little fuzzy for me as I lack the proper brain hemispheres to compute the physics of it, but I know that poop could hit the fan, and I’m prepared.

The funniest part of all of this, is what CERN is doing is essentially the premise behind the Half-Life games, starring crowbar wielding Gordon Freeman. It is for this reason that some dudes sent CERN a crowbar and a strategy guide for the game. I think it’s hilarious.

Source- Reddit

The Real Madden Curse

Mike Vick can tell you about it. So can Marshall Faulk, Donovan McNabb and countless others. For years, talk has spread of a curse that haunts any athlete that graces the cover of the latest edition of Madden. Well, kids, I’m here to tell you that the curse you think is real is not the curse you should be worried about.

Continue reading The Real Madden Curse

GameStop Woes

I don’t know about you guys, but almost every experience I’ve had with a GameStop store has been a negative one. At this point, between GameFly and MicroCenter across the street, I’ve pretty much been able to avoid stepping into a GameStop for months now, much to my delight.

Here’s a new video from a former GameStop employee, calling himself WhistleBlowerZero, done in the style of Zero Punctuation, the fast-talking game reviewer. It’s awesome.


Casualties of Gaming

All this talk about the Wii being the bastion of casual gamers is really starting to stick in my craw. And I didn’t even know I had a craw or that such a thing could get stuck in it, but whatever. What bothers me is that casual gaming has been around FOREVER and it has nothing to do with the Wii.

Continue reading Casualties of Gaming

Half Life 2 Meets Mr. Cruise

So in possibly one of the freakiest mashups ever, a new video titled “The Combine Interview” is a re-imagining of that Tom Cruise scientology promo with characters and story elements from Half-Life 2. Seriously.

This thing is all kinds of messed up and all kinds of awesome. Two interesting tastes that taste kind of screwed up together.

If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to run along and find Gordon Freeman.

Source- Digg

Spore Not Perfect, Internet Poops Bricks

Sometimes, the Internet’s view of game reviews really just drives me crazy. And not just normal crazy, but bat-crap-freaking-loco.  Take this news, for instance, that Spore is getting less than stellar reviews out of Europe. In fact, some media outlets like German mag PC Games are going as low as an appalling score of 73%. Out of 100, even!

The sky isn’t just falling. Bitch done collapsed.

Continue reading Spore Not Perfect, Internet Poops Bricks

Fable II Creator Helps Reviewers

Peter Molyneux is a nice guy. He created The Movies, Black & White and Fable after all. And those were nice games. Molyneux is so nice, in point of fact, that he has saved game reviewers the time and effort required to review his upcoming game Fable II by reviewing it himself.

How utterly generous. And what was the score of the self review? 9/10. Ridiculous block quote to follow.

Continue reading Fable II Creator Helps Reviewers

PAX: Cosplay Edition

I’m a huge nerd. Let’s just get that out of the way. I am maybe one of the biggest (not just in stature) nerds that you will ever meet. It’s a combination of factors that make me that way, really. However, I’ve always liked to think that there’s a line I would never cross, no matter what, a line that takes you from just a nerd into a sacred realm reserved for precious few…

That line for me is cosplay. And at PAX, there was lots of it.

Continue reading PAX: Cosplay Edition

Today’s WTF? Crazy Name Changes

Yahoo News is reporting that Cincinnati Bengals receiver Chad Johnson, known for his endzone antics has legally changed his last name to “Ocho Cinco”, a reference to his jersey number 85.


According to Johnson Ocho Cinco:

It’s something I don’t think anyone has ever done before. Have I ever had a reason for why I do what I do? I’m having fun.

Continue reading Today’s WTF? Crazy Name Changes

Today’s WTF: Guitar Hero Movie?

Rush Hour and X-Men 3 director Brett Ratner wants to take his franchise ruining stick and beat Guitar Hero with it, according to MTV Multiplayer. Ratner has featured the game in several different projects as of late, including a Miley Cyrus music video. His dream is to make a Guitar Hero movie. WTF?

I’ll give you a second to brace yourselves for the super-spectacular plot…

Continue reading Today’s WTF: Guitar Hero Movie?