Nintendo E3 Presser Highlights

nintendoHere are the big points of the big N’s press event today:

  • Looks like those reports of a new Mario Wii game were right. However, they shocked everyone with a new Super Mario Bros. game – with 4 player co-op! Plays a lot like LittleBigPlanet from the looks of it. It will also be out by X-Mas!
  • Wii Fit Plus is out in late 2009. Oh joy.
  • Wii Sports Resort uses the new Wii Motion Plus for enhanced movement – isn’t this what the Wii was supposed to do to begin with? However, the sky diving looks cool, also there will be basketball and archery.
  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 packaged with Wii Motion Plus. Neat.
  • Red Steel 2 also comes packaged with Motion Plus and can only be played with the peripheral. Gameplay looks pretty sweet, and love the new art style.
  • Square Enix announced Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers, a new open world RPG headed exclusively to the Wii. That’s what I’m talking about. The system sorely needs more RPG’s.
  • A new DS Mario and Luigi RPG called Bowser’s Inside Story is coming at the end of the year. Those games are fun, but they really need to change the formula.
  • Next, they teased everyone with a “legendary RPG announcement”. No, it’s not Zelda. Turns out it’s Golden Sun DS. Meh.
  • Cop, a new DS game from Ubisoft, looks like a rip-off of Chinatown Wars, only it might be even better.
  • Wario Ware DIY for the DS lets you design your own games. Could be cool, but due to Nintendo’s fear of the Internet, I can’t see this going anywhere.
  • Facebook is coming to the DSi. That’s two systems now. You can upload your pictures of yourself with a squished head!
  • Every presser is bound to have a wtf, and Nintendo unleashed one with the Wii Vitality Sensor. It’s a pulse reader that helps you relax? Seriously, they just showed a pic of Iwata in a recliner with his eyes closed and the thing on his finger. Wtf Nintendo. Games, please.
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2! This one’s got Yoshi in it apparently. I have to say, that’s a pretty cool announcement. Any new 3D mario game is a total bonus. No date given, though.
  • You know it’s bad when Reggie has to come out and say “I read the blogs, too”, and has to defend Nintendo’s hardcore-ism. After that, he showed off Sega’s Conduit, Dead Space: Extraction and Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles. Nothing too exciting here.
  • Oh snap. A new Metroid game dubbed Other M is being made by Team Ninja, the Ninja Gaiden dudes. It’s a mature game with awesome third person action and platforming elements. Coming in 2010, and holy crap it actually looks cool. Maybe one of the best announcements at E3 to date.
  • Kind of weird that Miyamoto didn’t make an appearance. I’m guessing that means we won’t be seeing Zelda until next year.

I have to admit, while most of that was a snoozer, the Project M reveal at the end was incredible. Check back throughout the day and these bullets will be updated with links to videos and screenshots.

What’s the coolest news from the Nintendo event? Discuss!

Microsoft E3 Presser Highlights

x360The Microsoft E3 press event has officially taken place. With it come a bevy of announcements, trailers, videos and more.

Here are the highlights:

  • Modern Warfare 2 gameplay looks awesome.
  • Splinter Cell Conviction coming Fall 2009. Sounds like they’ve added some new gameplay elements, mainly for the story.
  • Final Fantasy XIII coming in Spring 2010, much earlier than projected.
  • Left 4 Dead 2 Coming November 17th! Seems a little early, but I can dig it. New weapons, including chainsaws.
  • Forza 3 is coming in October.
  • Crackdown 2 trailer shown! This rules, it was one of my favorite games of this generation so far.
  • Halo 3 ODST video looks sweet. They also highlighted a story-telling element: most of the game will be a mystery pieced together through flashbacks. Coming September 22nd.
  • Bungie also shows a trailer for a new Halo game, Halo: Reach. Guess they lied when they said they were done with Halo, but I’m cool with it since Reach is such an awesome story. The book is incredible. Fall 2010.
  • is coming to XBL gold users at no additional cost. Listening to music is neat, but I’d rather not do it on my TV. Still though, not bad for a service I’m already paying for.
  • Facebook and Twitter are coming to the XBox 360? Double no thanks. The world is over as we know it.
  • Kojima sneaks onto stage to announce that the Metal Gear Solid franchise is coming to the 360. Kind of cool, but it’s a Raiden game. Which is not so cool. If you’re bringing MGS to the 360, bring the actual game, not some dumb Raiden extension. Guess sloppy seconds is better than nothing, though.
  • Motion control coming to the 360. The final wtf? It’s not a controller. It’s a camera that translates your actual movements to the game. Sounds mega-lame. “Project Natal”. Lionhead even showed off a new game for it called Milo.

By the way, the links are to videos. So, which of these excites you most? Which is the stupidest? Go!

Today’s Foot-In-Mouth: Sorry, Treyarch

wawYes. I’m going on the record. I’m apologizing to Treyarch. You see for the last year or so I’ve been on the bandwagon that Call of Duty: World at War wasn’t going to be very good, because it was made by Treyarch, and it was going to be set in World War II. I loved Call of Duty 4, so any departure from that game seemed to me to be a bad idea.

Well, I was wrong. I just had two epic 3 hour gaming sessions last night and this morning, and beat World at War. I have to say, that I was thoroughly impressed, and agree with almost all of Sean’s review of the game. I’d easily give the game, based on the campaign, a B or B+, even. It was great, and in particular the Russian/German levels were a joy to play, if a tad difficult towards the end.

So, does anyone else want to join me in apologizing to Treyarch?

GamerSushi Impressions: Killzone 2 Demo

killzone2boxart2am9So I imagine you guys are all aware of this little title called Killzone 2? Yeah, thought so. The 360 fanboys hate it already and the PS3 fanboys are ready to canonize it, so I thought I would take a look at it myself. Having read dozens of reviews of the game already, I had a good idea of what to expect and my main complaint was that the demo was really too short to make a firm judgment about anything. This preview will also answer some things I have seen pop up online regarding the demo and the game itself.
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Left Bumper, Attack: Halo Wars Impressions

halo-wars1Let it be known that I am a Halo fanboy. I know that may draw ire from some of you hardcore PC gamers, and even I am ashamed of it on some level, being also a Counter-Strike fanboy as well. Something about the atmosphere of Halo has always grabbed me, and its rich mythology did the job of sucking me in. You’re reading the words of a guy who has read the graphic novel, assorted comics, and several of the novels, here.

As many of you know, a demo for the game hit XBox Live just last week. So, how did this console RTS that has spent way too long in development hold up as of right now?
Continue reading Left Bumper, Attack: Halo Wars Impressions

Anthony Goes Home

Monday night was a weird night. After watching my beloved Tampa Bay Bucs get pounded by the Carolina Panthers, I noticed it was about midnight. I drove up the road to Blockbuster and purchased The Dark Knight and went home to watch it. I decided to check my email first, though, to see if there were any emails from Eddy telling me how great my posts are.

Alas, none from Eddy (probably busy playing Little Orphan Eddy by replaying Fallout 3’s opening tutorial) but I did receive an email from Sony, which brought a brief moment of panic. Had they finally noticed how awesome I am at all their games and sent me a Cease and Desist Pwning email? But no, wrongo. It was an invite to the Playstation Home Beta! I knew my awesomeness would be recognized eventually.

Continue reading Anthony Goes Home

NXE Hands On, Part 2: Netflix

So after experiencing some more actual time with the NXE, I felt it was necessary to provide an update. While I wasn’t too thrilled after my first exposure to it, last night I played Left 4 Dead for awhile and got to tinker quite a bit. I have to say, I really enjoy it.

For one, it’s faster to browse than the Dashboard was, by far. I remember sometimes I wouldn’t want to answer messages just because it was so slow to do that right in the middle of a game. With the NXE, browsing through the blades is quick and easy and feels just right.

In addition, I spent some time with the Netflix streaming last night… Let me say, if you have a Netflix subscription, the XBox 360 just got 10 times cooler. Adding movies to your instant queue is a breeze, and in no time at all, I was streaming HD TV shows (they’ve got a selection that includes things like 30 Rock, The Office, Heroes, etc) to my 360 instantly. The quality is spectacular, too. This is by far my favorite feature of the NXE now.

So how many of you have Netflix subscriptions and a 360 and will be using this to its full?

Hands on with the NXE

So apparently, if you filled out an application for the NXE a few weeks back, you can already get online and grab your update for the XBox 360. I turned on my 360 earlier tonight and was pleasantly surprised to be greeted with a new update, which then promptly replaced the old dashboard with the slick shiny new one.

All in all, while I like the way they’ve re-organized things, it all just seems overwhelmingly unnecessary, though I understand that something had to be done about all the clutter with the marketplace and the usability in general. I like the sleek look of it, and I can’t wait to test out the party system, which will let me bring several friends into games at once and do private chats with groups of people.
Continue reading Hands on with the NXE

Left 4 Dead Demo Impressions

As many of us know, the Left 4 Dead demo dropped on XBox Live as well as Steam yesterday, sending gamers into a frenzy much akin to the virtual undead hordes that awaited bullet-pummeling. After a bit of a download time, I managed to nab the demo myself over XBL for the 360, and I couldn’t wait to get into my first game.

The thing that was curious to me from the menus and even once the game started was how much it felt like a game that belonged on the PC rather than the 360. Something about the controls, the HUD, the interface, everything about it screamed PC at me. Even hooking up with a party didn’t feel completely intuitive, though after a bit the matter was settled. So how was the gameplay?

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Left 4 Dead Goes Zombies on a Plane

We all want Left 4 Dead. Zombies and such. Well, part of the goodness that is L4D is the main campaign which can be played as 4 player co-op, or if you have no friends, by yourself. This campaign is split into 4 acts. So far, we only know that one is in the corn fields, one is in a hospital, and some new details have recently emerged about a third act, “Dead Air”, which takes place in an airport.

The dudes over at Rock, Paper, Shotgun have meticulously constructed what they call a Photo Essay of this part of the campaign, spoiling everything and showing you all the details that you could possibly want to know about this great zombie shooter. Beware though, there are spoilers galore, especially considering that this is possibly the last act of the game.

The Left 4 Dead demo also drops on XBL today. Excited much?

Source- Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Who Else Got Gears of War 2?

So I got Gears of War 2 at midnight last night, and then played til just after 4 in the morning, central standard time. I’m about to hop on it again, too. I got about almost halfway through the game I’m guessing, and I wanted to leave a few impressions.

If you were even remotely a fan of the first campaign, get this game. So far, I’d have to say it’s tougher, huger and more epic than the first. There are constantly more enemies, more objectives, and all the new gameplay features work out really well together. I haven’t even dipped into the multiplayer modes yet, but I think the campaign is going to be a distraction for hours to come. Save for one completely out of place level (you’ll know it when you play it).

So yeah, weigh in if you got this game already or plan on getting it in the near future. If there are enough of us, I’d like to try a GamerSushi community match at some point in the near future. Let me know!

Mirror’s Edge Impressions: Free Running Bliss

So last week, the Mirror’s Edge Demo dropped with a mighty splash on Sony’s PSN as well as XBox Live, bringing with it the stylized First Person Platformer that we’ve been catching tantalizing glimpses of for months.

The demo comes with a trial mode (if you’ve pre-ordered the game) as well as a tutorial and a small bit of the single player campaign. Having been excited about this one for a few months, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it and give it some control time myself. So how does it hold up?

Continue reading Mirror’s Edge Impressions: Free Running Bliss

PS3 Fallout 3 is Kind of Really Bug-ish?

I don’t know why developers feel like they can release broken versions of games (when their budgets are up and the games cost more for us), but that’s just the way things are these days. Just patch it later, right? It’s the mantra of the industry.

Anywho, all that to say that apparently, Fallout 3 for the PS3 is a bit buggy, and Bethesda’s forums are filled with complaints about freezing games, textures that don’t load, and even more.

Hopefully they can release some kind of patch to fix this in the near future, because this game really doesn’t deserve to be spoiled. I’ve been playing it some this week and so far I’m completely enthralled. While I’m not sold on the combat, I love the style, the world and the story, and it’s been great to just dive into it. Anyone else played this yet?

Source- Kotaku

Little Big Planet Has Arrived!

Went to the mall today to see a movie. The Duchess, for those that care. Not bad, I liked it. As we passed by Gamestop, I felt a great disturbance in the Force. I went inside and asked the clerk when they would be getting Little Big Planet in. She replied that they had them come in today! That sound? Was my mind blowing!

So yes, been playing for an hour and it is FUN! Have not gotten to make anything yet, as you have to watch the tutorials and stuff, but just playing it is a lot of fun. Go out there and get this game!

Saint’s Row 2 Thugs Me Out

So after forcing myself to finish GTA IV last week and feeling slightly underwhelmed, I decided to grab Saint’s Row 2, having heard from several gamers that it is just maddeningly fun. I wasn’t too impressed with what I played at PAX, but that was an early build, so I gave it a go…

As of now, I’ve dumped about 5 or 6 hours into the game in just a day, and I have to say, I could see it being more fun than GTA IV by the time I’m done.

Continue reading Saint’s Row 2 Thugs Me Out

Left 4 Dead Versus Mode Impressions

To be honest, there are so many great games on their way that I literally forget about a few of them every now and then. Just yesterday, I was browsing through a list of games and marking “buy” or “rent” next to them, and then I slapped myself in the forehead when I came to Left 4 Dead. I can’t believe this game is almost here.

Shacknews has posted some impressions from their lengthy play-through of Left 4 Dead’s versus mode, where people get to play as humans, zombies, and everything in between.

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Castle Crashers and Braid Bring Joy

So this weekend my goal was to get through a couple of new XBLA games, Castle Crashers and Braid. I’ve been hearing a lot of great stuff about both of these games, and I wanted to check them out, with hopes of reviewing them sometime in the next week or so.

As of right now, I’m completely thrilled with and loving both of these titles. It’s funny, because they’re the exact opposite of one another in terms of their playing styles. Braid is a puzzle game and Castle Crashers is an old school arcade beat-em-up a la The Simpsons or Streets of Rage.

Continue reading Castle Crashers and Braid Bring Joy

PAX: The Leftovers

The wild thing about PAX is there’s really so much to see and do, it’s hard to take it all in. I got to play a ton of great new games, many of which you’ve already read about. There were also a few other not-so-great ones, which you no doubt read about as well.

In the end, though, there were too many to do write-ups on all of them, so I just focused on the ones that stuck out to me most for some reason or another. However, I’ve put together a list of the other games that I saw, played and gathered some brief impressions of:

Continue reading PAX: The Leftovers

Now Playing-Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

Since I am on a budget these days, I have turned to Gamefly for most of my gaming needs. This allows me to play games that I would normally never buy. One such game is Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. To clarify, this is not a review, as our review process has yet to be finalized, but merely my thoughts on the game as I close in on the final few levels.

Continue reading Now Playing-Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

PAX: Saint’s Row 2

Even though I’m a bit of an XBox junkie, I’ve never actually played the original Saint’s Row for the 360, though I’ve consistently heard good things about it. The Saint’s Row 2 booth at PAX is almost impossible to miss, given that it’s got a giant gangsta’s head about twenty feet in the air, with 3 large HDTV’s plastered to the walls for people to play.

I’m a fan of open world games (too much of a fan), so I was pretty excited to see this one here. I stepped up to an open controller, wondering if it was going to be a thugarific good time, or just a GTA clone. I got a little bit of both.

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