First Modern Warfare 2 Gameplay Video

Well, it seems that another tiny teaser is available for the next entry to the Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 2. It shows some snow action, underwater bits, and some good ol’ helicopter flying. It also hints to a debut of some more footage, set for May 24th during the NBA Eastern Conference Finals on TNT. I think I’ll have my DVR handy.

GameCop Vs LameCop #6

GameCop vs. LameCop is a feature where Anthony and I argue about video game issues, playing the role of either the GameCop or the LameCop as we do so. We switch roles each time. The GameCop has your best interests as gamers at heart, while the LameCop is just what he sounds like: a total loser.

This week, we tackle several issues including multiplayer in single player games, Nintendo’s lackluster GTA: Chinatown Wars sales and E3 predictions.

Continue reading GameCop Vs LameCop #6

Bioshock 2 Multiplayer Details

bioshock2Once again, a case of a game having multiplayer that doesn’t exactly need it in the first place. When Bioshock came out, there was a group of people that, as great as the game was, wanted multiplayer for some reason. I’m not sure what exactly they expected, but I for one love playing great single player games and thought that Bioshock was a perfect example of that golden age of gaming done right.

Well, it seems that the 2K Games dudes are going to deliver a multiplayer experience for the sequel, but luckily, it sounds like they’re going through a lot of work to do it, rather than just throwing everybody in Big Daddy suits. Apparently, each player is going to play a plasmid test subject during the Fall of Rapture. So, basically, the multiplayer helps add to the lore and mythos of the game series as a whole.

If Bioshock 2 has to have multiplayer, it’s probably better that they do something like this that builds more layers onto the story. Hopefully though, the mode doesn’t turn out to be stupid or take away from development of the single player. What do you guys think?

Source- Kotaku

Red Dead Redemption: Debut Trailer

I never played the original Red Dead Revolver for the PS2, but I heard it was at least decent enough. Created by Rockstar, the dudes that make Grand Theft Auto, this new Red Dead Redemption trailer is all kinds of awesome. I really love the atmosphere, and I’ve always wished for more great Western-themed games. Who else thinks this looks promising? Did anyone play the original?

Wii: Red Steel 2 Trailer

While the first Red Steel game for the Nintendo Wii wasn’t a whole lot to write home about, the 2nd one is supposed to kick things up a notch. With the addition of Motion Plus controls and an updated art style, things are actually looking rather smooth, to say the least. I have to say that the new Red Steel 2 trailer shows some promise. I’m a big fan of the cel shaded style, though I wish these Wii trailers would actually show us more gameplay rather than dudes doing things no sane person in their right mind would do while playing a game.

Rumor: XBox 360 Full Body Motion Control?

360motionFor the love of Pete, somebody please just make this stop. After some recent rumors that Sony will be introducing motion control at E3 (didn’t they already try and fail at motion control?), it sounds like Microsoft is going to be joining the party and hoping for free money the likes of which Nintendo has enjoyed this generation. That’s right, the rumor is that Microsoft is developing full body motion control for future 360 games.

Supposedly, this will be superior to dongle-waggling in that it translates full body movement. For instance, in fighting games you kick, dodge, duck, and punch and watch it happen on the screen. It is also rumored to have video conference via a webcam, and will even have the ability for people to grab and manipulate things on their screen, a la Minority Report.

So what do you guys think? Are you sick of the motion control yet? Personally, I just want to push some buttons, but I don’t blame these guys for thinking they can make more money this way.

Source- Engadget

Fallout 3: Broken Steel Debut Trailer

Man, you’ve got to hand it to Bethesda for all of the DLC they’ve been able to support their game with. Lots of games companies have said they’d do it, but Fallout 3 has really received some awesome additions to the excellent FPS RPG from last year. This Broken Steel trailer, the newest DLC for the game, is looking rather awesome. What do you guys think? Who has played any of the DLC packs so far?

TMNT: Turtles in Time Remake

tmntMan. I don’t know how many of you guys played the old school side-scrolling beat-em-up Ninja Turtle games back in the day, but they were pretty much my favorite things ever. The original TMNT for the NES (with rocket-powered skateboards), as well as Hyperstone Heist and Turtles in Time were so stinking fun to play back then, I remember repeatedly renting those games and beating them in one sitting with my brother.

That’s why I’m thrilled to hear that a 3D Turtles in Time remake is underway, and is rumored to be coming to XBox Live sometime in the near future. If this is true, I’m buying that game the day it comes out and playing the junk out of it.

Who else loves this game and wants to hit up some 4 player co-op when it drops?

Source- Destructoid

Sessler’s Soapbox: Japan, Take a Chance

It’s funny that in the newest edition of Sessler’s Soapbox, Adam Sessler should talk about the same thing I’ve been saying for a few months, most recently in last week’s feature about JRPG’s: Japanese developers have fallen off the rails. He lays out some of the issues and even mentions what part of the problem is, before offering a few solutions.

What do you guys think about this issue? Are Japanese devs playing catch-up to Western developers?

First Footage of PS3’s MAG

For those that are uninitiated, MAG, or Massive Action Game, is an FPS game coming for the PS3 that promises 256 player multiplayer matches. Massive, indeed, no? While I’ve been doubtful about pulling this off, Sony has come along to prove us all wrong with a new MAG trailer along with real-time footage of some of the big battles in question.

This is all very early, but what do you guys think? Can they pull this off?

Dead Rising 2 Trailer

Well, the long wait is over for actual video footage from Dead Rising 2 with this brand new trailer. It features the new character as well as a variety of new weapons. I for one am particularly excited for the paddle with the chainsaws attached, or the motorcycle with the same previously mentioned chainsaws. Kind of awesome.

Kotaku also has a write-up of some demo footage that they saw, including the mention of up to 7,000 zombies at a time. Pretty crazy. Who else is pumped?

Microsoft: Spread Them Games Out, Fool

msFinally, a voice of reason has spoken in the clusterfrak that is the video game release schedule, which places the majority of all games for an entire year in the holiday months. And who is this voice of reason, you ask? Well, it’s none other than Microsoft. I know, I was surprised, too.

Basically, after last year’s release hell that saw over 200 games release in a 3-4 week time span, Microsoft is wondering if this is a model that video game companies should continue to follow. Specifically, the questions are about whether new IPs can survive when all of the heavy hitters are released at the same time. As the main point of contention, they site Resident Evil 5 and GTA IV, both released in the first quarter of the year and seeing great sales numbers.

So what do you guys think? Good news? I for one would love to see gaming releases spread out through the year. I still haven’t caught up on my Christmas gaming, and I’m starting to lose interest.

Source- MCVUK

Today’s Totally Lame: Uncharted 2 Has Multiplayer

uncharted2I know we’ve talked about this before, but it really is starting to bother me. Apparently, Naughty Dog is adding a multiplayer component to Uncharted 2, complete with 3 player co-op and deathmatch, among some other game modes. While I don’t mind the 3 player co-op (though it is kind of a weird number to settle on), the deathmatch mode just annoys me. Uncharted is a platformer a la Prince of Persia- why does it need a deathmatch mode?

Sure, I can just avoid playing the multiplayer when the game comes out, but my real concern is that a subpar deathmatch mode just seems like it’s a waste of valuable developer time to me. It’s the same as people complaining that Bioshock or Mirror’s Edge didn’t have multiplayer. I understand that it adds some replay value, but why can’t games be single player anymore?

What do you think about platformers like Uncharted 2 having a multiplayer component? Do you celebrate it, or do you want a more focused single player experience?

Source- Kotaku

Battlefield 1943 Wake Island Trailer

Here comes another trailer for Battlefield 1943, which will be priced for the totally awesome price of $15 bucks, from what I hear. The shooter is going to drop this summer, and I for one can not wait to get my hands on it. This new Wake Island trailer for the game is pretty slick, too.

Who else is pumped?

GamerSushi Asks: Changing the Ending?

fallout3There might be some slight spoilers here regarding Fallout 3, but I will do my best to avoid them. I haven’t finished the game, so I can’t spoil it too much anyway, I can only talk about what I know.

It seems that the new Fallout 3 DLC, “Broken Steel” which will hit next month on the PC and 360, actually removes the ending of the game itself. Beyond that, it even changes a few key events leading up to the finale, in order to make things more to people’s liking after lots of complaining about the original ending.

Not only does this raise the level cap and allow people to explore the world after the game is finished, it also raises some interesting questions.
Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Changing the Ending?

Bethesda Announces Fallout: New Vegas

las-vegasWell dudes, it looks like we finally have confirmation of a new Fallout sequel in 2010, courtesy of Bethesda. The next Fallout game will take place in a post-apocalyptic version of Las Vegas, and is another story told in the same universe we already know and love, much like The Pit or Anchorage.

While Fallout: New Vegas isn’t a true sequel to Fallout 3, it’s nice that a full game is coming, and the idea of a Las Vegas setting is super intriguing to me. Another interesting tidbit is that Obsidian, creators of KOTOR 2, are going to be working on this sequel with Bethesda, which should theoretically free Bethesda up to focus on other things- Elder Scrolls V, anyone?

So, who’s excited about the announcement of a new Fallout game?

Source- Kotaku

End of Eternity Trailer Has Bullets and Style

End of Eternity, a game I’ve never heard of but am now insanely interested in, is a new RPG that is in development from Tri-Ace and Sega, set to release on the XBox360 and PS3. The new trailer shows off some stunning cinematics, complete with high-flying dudes with guns blazing, and a really incredible art style to the whole thing.

Is anyone else interested in this game after the trailer?

E3 2009 Predictions

e3Now that we’re already halfway through the month of April (seriously?), that means the whole gaming realm inches closer to E3 2009, which takes place the first week of June. While the event isn’t quite the spectacle that it used to be, gaming studios take the few days with the press fairly seriously, and bring out their big guns, especially in terms of announcements.

We are now starting to hit that gaming news drought that comes in the month or so leading up to E3 where studios pull up the protective turtle shells and wait to unleash their megaton announcements all at once. In years past, we’ve gotten to see first glimpses of things like Halo, MGS, GTA, Zelda, and the like.

So what do you think we’ll hear at E3 this year? Any big and bold predictions? Personally, I think that one of the big 3 is going to mention a new console. They probably won’t be unveiling it or showing it at this point, but it wouldn’t shock me to get a tease of some kind. Also, I’m thinking we might see an announcement regarding a new Zelda game as well as something new from the Halo franchise.

What do you guys think? Make your predictions!

First Bioshock 2 Gameplay Video!

Well, here it is, the first Bioshock 2 gameplay video. It showcases some of the combat while playing as the prototype Big Daddy, and even features some creepy Big Sister action, too. I love the bit with the water coming in through the window, and the graphics really do look insane. Definitely seems like stepping back into Rapture. What do you guys think?

Assassin’s Creed 2 Trailer Revisited

The teaser for Assassin’s Creed 2 appeared earlier this week, leaving people with a clue about more information to come. While it didn’t show any actual gameplay, it did give a few hints towards some of the elements that could be involved in the next game, as well as its setting. Check out the Assassin’s Creed 2 pop-up style video below that points out some of the tidbits left in there by Ubisoft. Specifically, it seems that the next game might take place in Italy. Also, there could be some kind of flying contraption. Awesome.