Well, if you’ve been wondering what the new DLC zombie stuff looks like for Call of Duty: World at War, Treyarch was kind enough to release a brand new gameplay video for all of us. It shows off the new map which definitely has a cool feel to it, and some great lighting to boot. Looks fun.
Category: Industry News
Call of Duty World at War DLC Details
I’m a big fan of what Treyarch did with Call of Duty: World at War. While many of us doubted that the game would be any good at all, they put out a respectable sequel to one of the greatest shooters of all time, which was no easy task.
Right now, the game’s online multiplayer is still crushing the competition, some would say, but it’s about time for some new stuff to freshen everything up. That’s why a new DLC pack is coming March 19th, complete with not only a few new multiplayer maps, but also a new map for the oh-so-loved Nazi Zombie Mode. Sounds awesome.
Details after the jump!
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GTA IV Sales About “50-50” Between 360 and PS3
Take-Two said in a press conference that sales of its mega-ultra-super-shiny juggernaut Grand Theft Auto IV (the one without the digital ding dong) were split about even between the 360 and PS3. They did not give any other specifics or release any actual numbers, but fanboys on both sides are freaking right out, while Wii fanboys wave a plastic remote in the air cause they just don’t care.
GTA IV sold 13 million copies worldwide so if they sold even down the middle on both systems, this means that more of the PS3’s installed base bought the game than the 360’s, which is odd and just a little surprising. The PS3 has sold 21.3 million worldwide and the Xbox 360 has sold 27.93 million worldwide. Maybe its due to the PS3’s demographic skewing older? Maybe people just preferred getting it on the PS3 because thats what the old GTAs were originally on? If this is accurate and Take-Two is not just having a laugh at us, it also means that Microsoft’s much vaunted exclusive DLC did not play much of a factor in people’s decision, which is even more odd. If I had a 360, I would have got it on that for the DLC. As a PS3 owner, I am still hoping it is simply a timed exclusive.
What did you buy the game on and if you have both systems, why? What do you make of this surprising news?
Source: SeekingAlpha.com
The 2009 BAFTA Winners
Just like those oh-so-endearing video game lists, video game awards provide much fodder for us to analyze, debate and generally moan about. And don’t you worry, I like to join right in!
Whenever they get around to it, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), does a video game awards show much like the Oscars, which leads to the big “Best Game” award handed out at the end of the night. The end result for this year shows that they awarded a robust and surprisingly diverse list of titles. Something to keep in mind is that they didn’t do the awards last year, so it looks like these cover more than just 2008.
See the winners after the jump!
Continue reading The 2009 BAFTA Winners
Rumor: Fallout MMO in the Works?
MMO’s. Everybody’s doing them, so you should, too. One day, every game ever will be an MMO. Well, maybe not, but sometimes it seems that way, no? Heck, even ZeniMax Studios, parent company of a nifty little outfit called Bethesda, wants to get in on the action.
Yup, that’s right. The dudes that own Bethesda are looking at hiring some folks to make themselves an MMO. They’ve already nabbed some Blizzard talent, and are currently searching for additional game dudes.
So, could this mean that a Fallout or Elder Scrolls MMO could be in the works? Interesting thought indeed. I must say that I really do like the idea of living in an online world full of vaults, and traveling across barren landscapes to reach other areas. I mean, imagine living in the city you actually live in, only in Fallout style. What do you guys think?
Source- Destructoid
Bioshock 2 Reveal in Next PC Gamer
In a day where print is dying a sad, slow, miserable death, it’s a wonder that anybody else besides Game Informer gets any kind of exclusive first-looks anymore. Apparently, however, we must all watch on as gaming magazines continue to limp forward.
But like I said, sometimes these things happen, and it just so happens that the world’s first look at Bioshock 2: Sea of Dreams is going to occur in the next PC Gamer magazine. If you weren’t aware, there’s already a Bioshock 2 viral site that has gone up in the last week or so, complete with a tease about little girls getting kidnapped by something mysterious in coastal towns.
So, who’s excited about Bioshock 2? Who played the first one?
Source- CVG
Chronicles of Riddick Demo Up on XBL
Yikes, that was fast. The Spring games are all getting ready to come out, and I’m not quite ready for them to! The release of Killzone 2 and Halo Wars has already flown by, and games like Resident Evil 5 and Chronicles of Riddick are creeping up around the corner, ready to do a judo move on us as time rushes onward.
Speaking of Riddick, there’s a demo for the new stealthy FPS up on XBox Live as of yesterday, ready for your downloading, sneakiness and enjoyment. I’m trying not to get my hopes up about this game, but we all know that I’m a sucker for sci fi and Vin Diesel’s ridiculously awesome voice, and this game’s got both of those.
So who plans on playing this? The demo will hit PSN next month.
Source- Shacknews
Halo 3 Joins the 1 Billion Club
One billion is a big number. That’s a thousand million, if you weren’t aware. That’s a lot of millions, when you think about it. Anyway, we’re so focused on this big billion number, because as of yesterday, that’s how many Halo 3 matchmaking games have been played online. One billion games. That’s a poop ton of tea bagging, no?
To help put into perspective just how monumental this is, Halo 2 still has yet to reach one billion games in its huge, seemingly everlasting tenure. Right now it sits just under 800 million. Another cool fact? The matchmaking games played equal out to over 64,000 years of playing time. How wild is that?
So, who has contributed and is still contributing to these one billion games and then some? I’ve contributed quite a fair share, and most of those are of the slayer variety.
Source- Bungie
GameCop Vs LameCop #5
GameCop vs. LameCop is a feature where Anthony and I argue about video game issues, playing the role of either the GameCop or the LameCop as we do so. We switch roles each time. The GameCop has your best interests as gamers at heart, while the LameCop is just what he sounds like: a total loser.
This week, we tackle several issues including GTA IV’s DLC dong, Resident Evil 5 and the problem with reviewing video games too early.
Oregon Trail for the iPhone Brings Back Memories
Man, did anyone else remember playing Oregon Trail on old school computers back in the day? Because I remember playing the junk out of that in the library and in elementary school. My favorite was when like, you’d have a kid get cholera. And you’re still pushing on, trying to make it to the next area. And you get the messages.
Timmy has cholera.
Timmy has cholera.
Timmy has fever.
Jenny has died.
Wtf?! Jenny wasn’t even sick! Damn you, Oregon Trail! Anywho, the game is coming out for the iPhone and now I kind of want one just to play this game. Check out the trailer.
Homophobia On Xbox Live (and PSN)
The Consumerist is reporting that a woman who identified herself as a lesbian on her gamertag profile was banned from Xbox Live. In order to prevent offensive actions or harassment, Microsoft bans certain words, regardless of how they are used. This policy makes a certain degree of sense, but wasn’t the case:
The woman, who only goes by “Teresa,” claims that she was harassed by other XBL users. “They followed me into the games and told all the players to turn me in because they didn’t want to see that crap or their kids to see that crap. As if xbox live is really appropriate for kids anyways!” She goes on to say that her account was suspended. When she brought the issue up to Microsoft, the response was that other users found it “offensive.”
Simply saying you are gay, which has no affect on anyone you are playing online with, causes this kind of hatred. I think its really sad and it makes me ashamed that gamers treat people like this. Microsoft told MTVÂ they are reconsidering their policy towards offensive words, which is good news.
Xbox Live and PSN are full of people who shout “faget” and other racist and homophobic terms. Gamers get so offended when someone portrays them as mouth-breathing neanderthals or violent-loving sickos, but this kind of portrayal doesn’t seem to bother most. I think its really wrong when people play a GAME and can’t even enjoy it without hatred and vitriol spewed at them.
This is Anthony, getting off his soapbox, in a bad mood because Morrissey canceled his concert, which was Anthony’s birthday gift. We now return you to your regularly scheduled life.
Nintendo Releases List of 120 Games I Don’t Want
Ok, I kid, maybe I want one or two, but even that might be stretching it. Nintendo recently unveiled a whole ton of games coming out this year with release dates, and put them all together for us to see and ogle. Problem is, I’m just not that interested in anything that they have listed, giving more credence to the selling of my Wii.
The only two games that I have even the slightest desire to play are probably the new Punch Out game as well as the exclusive Indiana Jones title, but beyond that, I feel very much “meh” about it. I’ve said before that while I don’t and have never hated Nintendo, they’re just baffling me this generation, and I’ve been severely disappointed in their complete lack of games. So what are they? Check the list out after the jump.
Continue reading Nintendo Releases List of 120 Games I Don’t Want
Rumor: Resident Evil 5 is Less Than 8 Hours Long?
There’s a rumor flying around that Resident Evil 5 clocks in at about 7 1/2 hours total running time. While there are different claims about how long the game actually is, this is what XBox World 360 is claiming about their experience with the upcoming Capcom blockbuster.
We don’t know what is actually true here, but if the game is indeed that short, I find it to be a bit disturbing. I mean, the last Resident Evil title dropped all the way back in 2005, which is a whopping 4 years ago. So basically, it took Capcom that long to produce an experience that amounts to under 8 hours of gameplay? Sure there’s co-operative play, but in my mind, you have to have some more material there to justify asking $60 for a game.
But hey, maybe I’m wrong. If this is actually true (and there is reason to believe it’s not), would you guys find this fair, or foul? Go!
Source- CVG
GTA IV DLC Goes Full Frontal?
So, it’s a day of opinions from you guys. In case you weren’t aware, the new GTA IV DLC pack, “The Lost and Damned” has male full frontal nudity in it. Yes, you read that correctly. An old man dong, to be more specific.
While the mainstream media hasn’t yet seemed to have found the dong in question, Common Sense Media, a website for parental advice when it comes to things like games and movies, has. And you know what? They still liked the game, giving it 4 out of 5 stars. However, they did caution parents to keep it away from their children, which is the correct thing to do, seeing as how the game is rated M.
However, gaming sites have already jumped down their throats for this, much to my disappointment. Here you have a site giving a responsible review of this game, and we’re still crucifying them, just because they rightly say that young children shouldn’t be playing a game with full frontal nudity?
What do you guys think about this issue? Is nudity out of place in video games? Personally, while I’m not offended if I see some pixel knockers or whatever, as we approach the uncanny valley, I get a little weirded out by sexual anatomy of almost any kind in video games. This goes for animated features as well. Tell us your thoughts!
First Mass Effect 2 Teaser Trailer
And the hype begins. Bioware has released the first official Mass Effect 2 teaser trailer, and it is just that. A tease. Also, it’s incredibly short, but packed with some potentially interesting stuff. All I’ve got to say are these two things: do, and want.
Watch it and discuss!
Valve Wonders if Games Are Too Expensive
In an echo to something I was saying just the other day, it seems that Valve is claiming that games are over-priced. Gabe Newell recently gave a talk at DICE on Wednesday, giving some impressive numbers about Steam, and showing where game companies are currently missing the mark with retail.
In particular, he notes the promotional offers that companies run for their games on Steam. His main example was Left 4 Dead, which was half price this last weekend. How did it affect sales, you ask? They rose. By how much? Three thousand percent. Yes, you read that right.
Continue reading Valve Wonders if Games Are Too Expensive
GamerSushi Asks: Spring Releases?
The prolific times of the year for video games show up around February/March, August, and October/November. As we come up to the first big season of the gaming year, there are quite a few notable titles looming on the horizon. Halo Wars, Killzone 2, Resident Evil 5, and Street Fighter IV seem to round out the list.
Right now, I’m actually really looking forward to both Halo Wars and Killzone 2, which couldn’t represent more of a polar opposite in terms of fanboy and genre appeal. While I’m not sold on Resident Evil 5, I’m still anxious to actually play the game proper, and Street Fighter IV is just nowhere on my radar, even though it looks fun. I guess I’m just not that into fighters anymore.
Which of these titles are you guys looking forward to? Which could you care less about? Go!
God Exists and We Have Proof: Brett Ratner Drops Out of God of War Movie
Sometimes, Christmas comes early. Sometimes, your prayers are answered. And sometimes, the good guys win. Stop rubbing that rabbit’s foot as your luck finally turned. No, Uwe Boll didn’t lose his Director’s Guild membership, but Worstpreviews is reporting via Production Weekly that Brett Ratner, acclaimed (ahem) director behind the Rush Hour series and X-Men hater (judging from X-Men:The Last Stand, he clearly doesn’t like them) has left the upcoming God of War movie:
“Over at Universal it looks like Brett Ratner has shelved ‘God Of War,’ and is moving forward on ‘Trump Heist’ with Eddie Murphy and Chris Tucker.“
I don’t think Kratos himself could have withstood that disaster. Now that Ratner has left to further drop Eddie Murphy and Chris Tucker into the Realm of Irrelevance, who would you like to step in an take over? It’s a long shot, but Zack Snyder of 300 fame and the upcoming Watchmen would rock this world. Who’s your dream director?
Source: Worstpreviews.com
5 Things Hurting the Video Game Industry
One look at my entertainment center or my favorites in Firefox reveals that I am in love with video games. It’s really not that hard to hide. On top of being in love with the games themselves, though, I am also madly in love with the culture of gaming and the history behind it.
Looking forward to the future, I continually fall in love with this lifestyle even more. However, there are a few trends that are starting to emerge that I am simply not a fan of. While these ultimately won’t break gaming, they are definitely detrimental to the overall community. Here are 5 things that are currently wrong with the video game industry.
Continue reading 5 Things Hurting the Video Game Industry
Microsoft Wants to Buy Motion Control Company?
With Nintendo currently dominating the console (and video game) market as a whole, it becomes no surprise that others, namely Microsoft and Sony, would want to follow suit. I mean, who’s not interested in making money hand over fist the way Nintendo is?
Apparently, Microsoft is interested in buying an Israeli VR firm 3DV. The technology specifically has to do with using your hands in front of a camera to manipulate objects in 3D space. So yes, it’s a form of motion control, and Microsoft has got their “do want” hats on as the two companies are now in talks.
So does this confirm it? Will the other consoles be moving towards motion controls? Is this a good thing or bad? Go!
Source- CNET