Square Enix: More Big Time Delays

squareWell, talk about a bummer. While we’ve already lamented at the numerous (and now almost comical) delays of many high profile Japanese developers, it seems that more are in store for Square Enix.

Some game-breaking bugs were recently found in Dragon Quest IX for the DS, enough so that the game is being delayed from March in Japan until July 11th. Unfortunately, these bugs may not be just specific to DQ IX, but may be reaching across to several other Square Enix games- including Final Fantasy XIII. While Square would not say whether or not Final Fantasy XIII would be delayed as well, they allowed for the possibility that something like that could indeed happen.

Once again, this is unfortunate news if it turns out that FF XIII is delayed yet again. We’ve already waited how long for this game?

Source- Andriasang

January Sales Figures Show Nintendo’s Pwnage

nintendoReally, Nintendo? I’m starting to get suspicious. Either you’re lacing your consoles with crack, or it’s full of hidden money, or maybe the Wii really is more than a fad. Whatever the case, the Big N is still smoking the competition month after month, and at this point it’s just getting shameful.

So how did Nintendo do in January? Well, here’s the list:

* Wii – 679,200
* Nintendo DS – 510,800
* Xbox 360 – 309,000
* PlayStation 3 – 203,200
* PSP – 172,300
* PlayStation 2 – 101,200

Nintendo needs to tell me the secrets of how to take millions of dollars from people. I need that info.

Source- Kotaku

Bioware: Dragon Age Will Have 6 Unique Prologues

dragonageI heart me some Bioware, it’s official. Their new game Dragon Age: Origins is slated for later on in 2009, and I couldn’t be more excited about the awesome fantasy potential in the game. These are guys are master storytellers, and it seems like they’re ramping up to give us quite a treat.

They even revealed today that the game is going to sport 6 unique intros, depending on what class of character you select. Each of these prologues is going to sport several hours of gameplay that define your character’s origin story, with choices that will effect the main narrative and how it plays out. Some classes are of noble lineage, and others are on the fringes of society. All of this takes place before the actual game starts. Basically, it’s like the origin choices you make at the beginning of Mass Effect, only this time, you get to play them out and see your character’s past.

See the classes and situations after the jump!
Continue reading Bioware: Dragon Age Will Have 6 Unique Prologues

The Great Edge Killzone 2 Review Caper

kz21Killzone 2 is coming out later this month, as many gamers are no doubt aware of. Reviews are already starting to pour in, most of them overwhelmingly positive, which is exciting for me, as I own a PS3. However, what is not as exciting to me is some of the rabid fanboyism that it is inspiring amongst the gaming populace, either for it or against it.

Case in point: recently, Edge magazine gave the game a 7/10, which is admittedly lower than it has been receiving so far. However, 7/10 is still above average for a game, but no, not many others saw it that way. In fact, Edge was blasted by PSX Extreme and numerous other publications (as well as Sony’s most devoted fanboys) for being elitists and just trying to grab attention by scoring the game lower. Um, maybe they just didn’t like it as much as you did?

To me, this really drives home the reason why a game like Grand Theft Auto IV will get almost all perfect scores with little to no dissension among the ranks. Hell, disagreeing with the norm gets you labeled as a pariah in the gaming journalism circles these days. It’s ridiculous. To me, it speaks of a greater issue with gaming publications and the way they buy into their own hype.

What do you guys think? Fair/foul by Edge magzine, or by the other sites that are giving them guff?

Source- CVG

Left 4 Dead Survival Pack Is Yours for Zero Dollars

left4deadWow. I am continually impressed with Valve. They bitch slap the competition when it comes to releasing great content digitally, and releasing quality content in general. And now, they have bitch slapped Microsoft’s “paid DLC no matter what” stance as well.

That’s right, the recently announced Left 4 Dead Survival Pack DLC will be free for both PC and XBox 360 users! In addition, there are a few new details about the pack, as well.

The two new versus modes will be for the original two campaigns, Death Toll and Dead Air. Also, survival mode places humans against several waves of zombies on up to 12 different levels from the campaigns. I’m guessing these will be the crescendo moments scattered throughout each campaign.

This is pretty exciting, and re-enforces my love for Valve yet again.

Source- Kotaku

Microsoft and EA Promise to Stay Original

moneyIf you weren’t aware, these fair United States are in a bit of an economic crunch at the moment. Heck, the whole world is, really. As a result, we’re seeing news of lay-offs and downsizing happening in nearly every industry, and unfortunately, video games have suffered their own casualties.

However, both Microsoft and EA have officially declared that they will continue to push forward on new, original IPs despite the recession. Both companies feel that they can take risks due to their currently strong brands (Gears of War, Halo and Madden can do that for you, I guess). Hopefully this means more Dead Space and Mirror’s Edge.

To me this is certainly welcome news. Lately, I’ve felt that some of the only developers out there pushing new IP were coming from Microsoft Game Studios, joined last year by EA. Hopefully, we’ll continue to see some more innovation, instead of all the studios falling back on even more sequels than we’re already getting.

Source- Shacknews

Dead Rising 2 Confirmed!

dr2It seems that the mysterious viral Dead Rising 2 trailer from the other day was actually the real deal. As of yesterday, Capcom officially unleashed the news that the sequel to the popular zombie brawler will be dropping for the PC, PS3 and XBox 360.

The second game takes place in Fortune City, a spoof of modern day Las Vegas, and from some of the ludicrously gorgeous screenshots, it looks like you will take to killing zombies in all kinds of crazy ways, including roulette tables, slot machines, and whatever else the new protagonist can get his hands on. Apparently, it’s set around 7 years after the first game, and the zombie outbreak has recurred in several cities beyond the humble town of Willamette.

Personally, I can’t wait to get my hands on this game. I think if they fix some of the save/replay options (the first game only allowed one save file and skipped the story if you were late), then itll be a surefire winner.

Who’s excited about this? Did anyone play the first game?

Source- Kotaku

Introducing: Battlefield 1943!

So, apparently EA just announced Battlefield 1943 this morning, which is coming out this freaking summer. This is a welcome surprise, and seeing as how Battlefield 1942 is one of my favorite PC shooters ever, I can’t wait to create me some more sticky bombs out of moving jeeps.

They even did us a solid and released an awesome trailer, full of vehicle combat, turrets and straight up mayhem. Who else thinks this news totally rules?

Source- Kotaku

EA Dishes out a Triple Bomb of Announcements

eaWow, EA had themselves quite the day today. First, they informed us rabid fanboys that Bioware’s Dragon Age: Origins wouldn’t be hitting multiple consoles (XBox 360 and PS3) or the PC until later in 2009, which is contrary to the “early 2009” release date they teased at last year. Those whores.

After that, they went on to confirm a rumor that started circulating last week- Dead Space Wii! That’s right, the Nintendo Wii console-slaying machine will be getting its own dose of strategic dismemberment. I’m wondering how the controls translate, and I actually imagine they’ll be pretty well suited.

And lastly, we finally got some dirt on Mass Effect 2, also from Bioware. Namely, that it’s not coming until early 2010. However, the juicy part of all that is that they said it would be a multiplatform release. Now, that could mean XBox 360 and PC. Or better yet, maybe the PS3 will see Mass Effect 2 after all.

So, after that flurry of announcements- which are you most excited about? Dragon Age: Origins, Dead Space Wii or Mass Effect 2? Go!

Sources- Yahoo, VG247 and Kotaku

GameSpot Tries to Show Some Killzone 2 Integrity

kz2Some of you know me to complain about modern video game reviews. To me, you shouldn’t review a video game until you’ve had some extensive time with it, enough to really sit down and tell people what’s what, and if this thing is worth their money. For instance, many Grand Theft Auto IV reviews are based on only 8 hours of total play, which is almost criminal.

Well, it seems the same is happening to Killzone 2, as GameSpot revealed today that any reviews of the game so far are based on just 3 hours of multiplayer play (they have gotten to play all of single player, however). And not just 3 hours back-to-back of multiplayer, but rather, 3 single hour sessions held for the press over the last month. As a result, GameSpot is actually holding off their reviews until they can spend more time with this aspect of the game.

This trend is incredibly disturbing to me, especially considering that all the major publications have already released reviews of the game. Hell, IGN even gave it a 9.4. Kind of odd considering these people only played the multiplayer aspect of the game online at 3 press events. Seems to me that there should be separate reviews for multiplayer and single player these days. What do you guys think? Fair/foul for video game reviewers?

Source- GameSpot

GameCop Vs LameCop #4

GameCop vs. LameCop is a feature where Anthony and I argue about video game issues, playing the role of either the GameCop or the LameCop as we do so. We switch roles each time. The GameCop has your best interests as gamers at heart, while the LameCop is just what he sounds like: a total loser.

This week, we tackle several issues including Nintendo’s Wii Motion Plus, Ubisoft’s shady DLC and Sony’s penchant for starting the hype train too early.

Continue reading GameCop Vs LameCop #4

Batman: Arkham Asylum Breakout Trailer

Ok, so Mark Hamil’s Joker and a new Batman video game is a total “do want” kind of thing for me. This new Batman: Arkham Asylum trailer finally shows off the voice talents from the animated series, as well as a look at some gameplay. Great stuff in here, this game might actually be worth playing. Thoughts?

Rumor: 10 Games Most Likely to be Delayed

duke-nukemDelays. We all hate them. But unfortunately, we all know the pain of waiting on pins and needles to see some scrap of new for your favorite game, only to hear that it’s been delayed. Hell, it was almost no surprise to hear that Final Fantasy XIII wouldn’t be coming stateside until mid 2010. We’re all used to this kind of thing.

That’s why GamesRadar put together a nifty list of 10 games most likely to be delayed until 2010. Yes, it’s kind of depressing, but going through the list they’ve put together, I can’t help but agree. I mean, who really thinks that Gran Turismo 5 is going to come out this year? At this point, the number at the end of the title should stand for the amount of years it’s been in development.

However, I really do hope they are wrong about Heavy Rain getting delayed until 2010. Right now, it’s probably my most anticipated title of this gen, save for Mass Effect 2. What about you guys, what are you anxious for? And what do you think will get delayed?

Source- GamesRadar

Nintendo Games Take Half the Software Pie in 2008

nintendoYikes. We all know that the Nintendo Wii and DS are literally just shredding the competition. To pieces. Dominating all challengers. Nintendo, were it a man, would be kicking other companies, were they men, in their nuts, if they had them. And then there would be tears, and possibly gloating.

So, what else can Nintendo tack to its 2008 accomplishments to contribute to the “don’t-mess-with-us-bitch-we-are-Nintendo” swagger? Well, possibly this: Nintendo games made up almost half of all software sales last year. Forty-nine percent of all game sales.

Yes, really. I guess people love that Wii more than that PS Triple and XBox 360 after all. Basically, they sold 132 million games, with 70 million being Wii games.

All I have to say is this: Damn, that’s a lot of games.

Source- Gamasutra

Bethesda Short Changes PS3 Owners

fallout3-ps3For me, one of the coolest parts of finishing an open world game such as Grand Theft Auto IV or Crackdown or Fallout 3, is the ability to continue on around the world after everything is said and done. Especially in RPGs, where there might even be loads of sidequests yet to complete, so that you can truly experience all that the game you purchased has to offer.

A lot of people were upset with Fallout 3’s ending, which didn’t allow you to do this. So, Bethesda has heard the cries of discontent, and are releasing a patch this week with the DLC to allow 360 and PC users to continue exploring the post-apocalyptic paradise of Washington, DC. Cool deal, huh? Well, not if you’re a PS3 owner. Apparently, Bethesda has no plans for a PS3 Fallout 3 patch as of now, and they’re ok with that.

Kind of a crappy deal if you ask me. I’m not sure how game developers feel like this lack of support is ok for the gamers. Fair or foul for Bethesda? What do you guys think?

Source- MTV Multiplayer

EDIT: Confusing much? According to The Bitbag, there is no patch for the 360 and the PC. Rather, this update is all part of the DLC- which the PS3 is still not getting. Hope that clears things up a tad.

Today’s Win: Tetris Plus Sim City

Ah, how I miss those times when creative games seemed to flow like rivers. These days, all we seem to get is the same console shooter re-packaged ad infinite. Woo. It’s nice to play something like Castle Crashers or Braid every now and then, just to feel like you’re doing something different.

Enter the Independent Games Festival, who announced their finalists just yesterday. One of those games is called City Rain, which combines gameplay mechanics from Sim City and Tetris to create something incredibly awesome looking. For real, check this out. If you want to see the lists of other rad finalists, click here.

Go ahead. Tell me it doesn’t look sweet.


Source- Kotaku

RumorBusters: GTA V and Mass Effect

smashSo in the past couple of weeks, I wrote about a couple of rumors that I had seen reported around the Web Tubes. The first had to with Game Informer claiming that a new Grand Theft Auto game would be hitting this year. The second had to with the supposed Mass Effect trilogy coming to the Playstation 3.

As it turns out, both of these things are false. Earlier this week, Rockstar confirmed that there will be no GTA V in 2009. However, they do claim that the Lost and Damned DLC episode for GTA IV is not just an expansion, but a full game. I get to keep driving around Liberty City for 20 bucks? Joy!

In addition, EA commented on the rumor that Mass Effect is coming to the PS3, calling it “inaccurate”. But, they wouldn’t confirm that it would stay as a 360 exclusive. Corporate double speak much?

And there you have it. Personally, both of those being debunked disappoints me just a little. Having a brand new GTA game so soon definitely would have rocked the industry, and I think more people need to experience the brilliance of Mass Effect. What are your thoughts?

Source- Kotaku and VG247

Ubisoft Predicts New Consoles in 2012

ubisoftLots of speculation has been going on recently as to when the current generation of gaming consoles is going to give way for newer, shinier, more capable consoles from Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. Some people believe these days will come as soon as 2010, while others have said much later, though this is all speculation. Of course, it all depends on what folks in the industry say.

However, game developer Ubisoft says new consoles are coming in 2012, and are already preparing as such. How so? Well, they’re hiring developers, checking out some new technology, and even looking over some potential new brands.

To be honest, this is good news to me, if Ubisoft is correct in their assumption. I’ve always felt like this generation had a lot more potential left, so it’s good to hear we’re getting perhaps an extra couple more years than we first imagined. So what do you guys think? Is Ubisoft right?

Source- GI

Rumor: GameStop, Steam and the Dawn of War II Mystery

dow2Man. Every time I think I’m starting to like GameStop a little more than I used to, they go ahead and do some foolish thing that reminds me why I constantly campaign against them in the first place. On top of overcharging for used video games, it seems the video game retail chain may now be blocking certain games due to their association with Steam.

Yes, you read that correctly. Kotaku is reporting that Dawn of War II pre-orders were recently removed from the company’s website, and the stores themselves are no longer taking pre-orders either. Why? A source close to the situation claims that it has to do with Dawn of War II being packaged with a mandatory install of Steam.

Once again, this is a rumor, but if it’s true, it’s just beyond me. It’d be one thing if it installed a Best Buy promotional offer, but GameStop, contrary to what it thinks, is NOT in a war against digital distributors. To me, anyone that was going to purchase games online is someone that you’re not losing brick-and-mortar sales to. I guess nobody told GameStop that digital distribution is the way of the future.

This is the corporate equivalent of “I’m going to take my ball and go home”. So what do you guys think?

Source- Kotaku

The Top Selling Games of 2008

moneyEach and every year, video game developers push to come out with that mega blockbuster that shatters sales. And each and every year, the final list of which games sold the best is always slightly baffling. While we gamers have our top titles, the general public doesn’t always feel that way. So how about this year?

Well, MTV Multiplayer has combined the numbers across consoles to figure out the top 5 selling games of 2008. You might be surprised. List after the jump!
Continue reading The Top Selling Games of 2008