Top 10 Final Fantasy Songs

Man, watching things like this really reminds me how much I love the Final Fantasy series. Square really has created a long lasting tradition of great music in their flagship series, so I’m hoping that Final Fantasy XIII continues to deliver the great medleys.

It’s actually pretty cool to compare this list to Anthony’s Top 5 Final Fantasy Musical Pieces from a few months back, which is entirely different. Though to be fair, this video only chose one song per game. So which on this list is your favorite? Did any get left out?

The Wonderful World of RPG Cliches

chronotriggerI am a rabid fan of RPG’s, and have been for quite some time now. I love playing an engrossing story, leveling up, and collecting loot. While these games used to be priorities in my gaming schedule, they’ve gradually grown a little weak, and perhaps, a tad too predictable. Let’s face it, if there’s one thing that we know for certain about video gaming, it’s the basic generic plot that most RPGs tend to follow.

GamesRadar has put together a hilarious, awesome and totally accurate list of 30 Rules Every RPG Must Follow in an attempt to outline just how cliche the stories of these games have become. Everything from the hero’s village being destroyed all the way to the mythical “ancient race”, they nail them perfectly.

I’d have to say my favorite bit is the one about the family sword that is passed down from generation to generation that also happens to be the worst sword in the game. What were your favorites? And what’s the last RPG you played?

Source- GamesRadar

Debunking Video Game Lies

mk-ermacRemember back in the day, when there was nothing like PSN or XBox Live or Steam for you to monitor what your friends were doing and see their trophies or achievements? Back then, they could say whatever they wanted, and you had to take them at face value. There’s a dude named Ermac in Mortal Kombat, they would say. Or you can resurrect Aeris, they’d report. Lies!

Well, someone has finally decided to put a stop to all of the video game lies with the official Video Game Lies Wiki, which documents the many untruths that people cling to about their old favorites. It’s definitely interesting to scroll through some of the lists and see things that I recognize from my elementary and middle school days.

Definitely worth checking out. So which of these are familiar to you guys? Did you have that one friend (like I did) who always lied to you about things hidden in video games?

Source- Video Game Lies Wiki via GameSetWatch

GamerSushi Asks: Old School Downloads?

mgsOne thing I love about the newest consoles is the ability to download and play old school favorites straight onto the system. Whether it’s XBox Live, PSN or Virtual Console, each one is allowing gamers to download and experience old favorites at their leisure.

However, I’ve noticed that there are a lack of some of my favorite previous gen games on some of these networks. I think that the Virtual Console is probably doing the best job of giving some of the classics like Super Mario RPG, Zelda and the like. While there are some options on the PSN and XBox Live, there are some notable entries still missing.

So, if your console (or PC) could download any five previous gen titles for any system onto it, what would your choice be? I think I could easily go for KOTOR, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy VI and Metal Gear Solid. What about you guys?

Nintendo Releases List of 120 Games I Don’t Want

punchoutwiiOk, I kid, maybe I want one or two, but even that might be stretching it. Nintendo recently unveiled a whole ton of games coming out this year with release dates, and put them all together for us to see and ogle. Problem is, I’m just not that interested in anything that they have listed, giving more credence to the selling of my Wii.

The only two games that I have even the slightest desire to play are probably the new Punch Out game as well as the exclusive Indiana Jones title, but beyond that, I feel very much “meh” about it. I’ve said before that while I don’t and have never hated Nintendo, they’re just baffling me this generation, and I’ve been severely disappointed in their complete lack of games. So what are they? Check the list out after the jump.
Continue reading Nintendo Releases List of 120 Games I Don’t Want

Another WTF: Most Influential Games List

smkThroughout the years, there have been any number of games that proved to be influential to both gamers and developers alike. Games that dropped and made an impact on gaming culture as we know it, and things were never the same. Whether you like them or love them, it’s hard to deny the power of games such as Halo or Grand Theft Auto III, simply because of what they did to the business.

Guinness Book of World Records have now come out with their own list of most influential games of all time. And what tops it? Well, uh… Super Mario Kart. While not a bad game in the slightest, I’m confused at how this has been dubbed the most influential game to ever be released, over titles like Doom or Super Mario Bros.

So what else does the list say? Find out after the jump.
Continue reading Another WTF: Most Influential Games List

Gaming’s Sweetest Records

lanEvery hobby has some kind of weird record associated with it. Or at least, that’s what I like to tell myself. Whenever I go on a particularly epic gaming binge, I like to think that surely, someone, somewhere, has committed far more heinous deeds than I. This is how I go to sleep every night. Plus, I snore.

Anyway, I came across a list over at CVG of what appears to be a list of 30 gaming world records. Some of them are bizarre, and some of them are cool, but most of all, I find them terribly interesting. Did you know that the largest mass-participation LAN party was 203 people for 36 hours straight? That actually seems small to me. Or perhaps you knew that the greatest gaming setup is a dude that owns his own motion picture screen with theater sound? Or that GTA IV had a voice cast of almost 900 actors? Well now you do.

If you’re interested in those tidbits and more, be sure to check out the list. Kind of awesome. By the way, I think GamerSushi could totally beat that whimpy 203 person LAN party. So what was the most epic one you ever participated in?

Source- CVG

GamerSushi Asks: Best Video Game Openings?

ff6In my mind, they just don’t make video game openings the way they used to. Since games seem to focus less on story in many instances, or more on tutorial levels, the classic opening intro to video gaming past is more like a relic than something that is constantly evolving and moving forward. That’s why, when one hits you right in the mouth and is awesome, you really remember it. Take Fallout 3, for instance, which has one of the best openings to a game I can remember in years.

Well, GamesRadar has put together a list of what they deem to be the greatest video game openings of all time. It’s a pretty interesting group of games, and one that I mostly agree with, though I would have liked to see Final Fantasy VI or Final Fantasy VII on there, I think. Nothing quite compares to those marching mechs in VI, or seeing Midgar for the first time in VII.

So what do you guys think? What is your favorite video game opening of all time?

Source- GamesRadar

GamerSushi Asks: Would You Rather?

I figured after all this time, and the new year already rolling along (how is it almost February), it was time for another “Would You Rather”? We seriously love the way you guys participate in these topics.

In “Would You Rather’, I simply ask a series of questions, and you follow up with your responses. Give as much or as little explanation as you want with your answers.

However, if your answers suck, there will be robots, with metal hands. You don’t want to know what they do with the metal hands. Trust me.

Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Would You Rather?

GamerSushi Asks: Favorite Multiplayer Modes?

halo3ctfAfter playing Left 4 Dead versus like an addict for the last couple of months, I’ve started thinking about what makes it so fun. I mean, it’s not all that different from a game like Halo or Gears of War, right? At its core, it’s still just one team versus another team, so why am I enjoying it like crazy?

To be honest, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it is, in fact, different. While most games rely on the “kill-or-be-killed” mentality, Left 4 Dead, even in versus mode, is a co-operative beast.
Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Favorite Multiplayer Modes?

7 Most Ridiculous Video Game Economies

With new President Barack Obama sworn in as King Dude in the U.S., it’s no secret that there’s a lot of work to do out there, particularly when it comes to the festering maw that is our nation’s current economy. Since the fiscal temperature has moved from a state of “cool with low humidity” to “frigid with a high chance of sucking”, we’ve seen our share of absurd ordeals.

However, if you think that our economy is wacky, then perhaps you haven’t spent too much time inhabiting many fictional video game worlds. For those of you who are looking to relocate somewhere better, we’ve put together a small travel guide for virtual visitors. If these places were real, they would be bizarre and unbelievable.

Here are the 7 most ridiculous video game economies, good and bad.
Continue reading 7 Most Ridiculous Video Game Economies

Hideo Kojima’s “Top 15 Films” List is For Dudes

kojimaBesides whatever narcotics he puts into his system to give him wild visions and convoluted storylines, Hideo Kojima is inspired primarily by movies. I mean, the fact that nobody told him that Metal Gear Solid 4 was not actually a video game past Act 2 is quite plain to see, and the man clearly has some directorial chops.

So, what are the movies that have had the most effect on this gaming storyteller? Well, it seems Kojima has a list. To be honest, from glancing at it, I’d have to say that Kojima would fit in rather well with me and my buds.

He would also get all of our Predator jokes, apparently. See the full list after the jump!
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The Top Selling Games of 2008

moneyEach and every year, video game developers push to come out with that mega blockbuster that shatters sales. And each and every year, the final list of which games sold the best is always slightly baffling. While we gamers have our top titles, the general public doesn’t always feel that way. So how about this year?

Well, MTV Multiplayer has combined the numbers across consoles to figure out the top 5 selling games of 2008. You might be surprised. List after the jump!
Continue reading The Top Selling Games of 2008

The 2008 Sushis: A Year in Review

Like most gaming sites, we here at GamerSushi are all about year-in-review awards, in which we give prestigious designations to some of the best (and easiest to make fun of) video games from the year before. The Sushis are no laughing matter though, and represent the highest standard in gaming opinion.

Ok, well maybe that last part isn’t true. But they sure are fun.

The Sushis are basically just our take on the last year, for better or for worse. Some of the awards are goofy and some of them are legit. We hope you get as big of a kick out of it as we did of playing these games. So, without further ado, here are the 2008 Sushis, picked out by both Anthony and yours truly.

Continue reading The 2008 Sushis: A Year in Review

PC Games That Deserve Sequels

jediknightpcAh, PC gaming yesteryear. How I miss thee. No matter how much I love console gaming, there’s a part of me that will never leave PC gaming behind completely. Unfortunately, there aren’t a whole lot of games that really make me want to jump back into it these days.

In honor of PC games gone by, Big Download has put together a list of 10 PC Games That Need to Make a Comeback. While I haven’t heard of all of the games on the list, I strongly agree with a couple that they have on there. Particularly Baldur’s Gate, Wing Commander, and the Jedi Knight games.

What about you guys? What PC games would you like to see sequels for? For me, Counter-Strike! It’s about time for a new one, darnit.

Source- Big Download

Hottest Wii Games of 2009

nintendo_wii_1With what seems to be just a so-so year for the XBox 360 and a stellar year for the PS3 coming up, one wonders what Nintendo is up to for the future. So far, there are many that feel that Nintendo has left the hardcore gamers behind, but the overwhelmingly huge sales that they’ve been raking in deserve lots of praise.

Well it was only a matter of time before someone put together a list of the most anticipated Wii games of 2009, and Gamasutra delivered. I actually have to say that I’m pleasantly surprised by the list, as there are a couple of more interesting and normal games (rather than Wii Ware) that will be hitting. Apparently, the new Tenchu is actually showing lots of promise, Sin and Punishment 2 looks great and some of the other exclusives look rather unique.

Another interesting thing about the list? Most of the games on it are coming before the summer. So what’s Nintendo got up its sleeve? Thoughts?

Source- Gamasutra

7 Things a Hardcore Gamer Should Never Admit, Vol. 1

As those experienced in the realm of nerdery, we gamers know what it is like to be social outcasts more often than not. We understand that there are certain codes, unwritten rules to being a part of circles, and what must be done to infiltrate them.

The same is true of the gaming community, perhaps more so than other clubs. To keep our hardcore gaming membership card secure in our wallets, there are certain appearances we must uphold in order to earn the respect of the gaming community at large.
Continue reading 7 Things a Hardcore Gamer Should Never Admit, Vol. 1

The Most Anticipated XBox 360 Games in 2009

xbox360-1It’s kind of a given that in terms of AAA titles, Microsoft has really set the bar high over the last couple of years. From games like Mass Effect, Gears of War, Halo, and even some great XBLA titles like Castle Crashers or Braid, the 360 set itself up as a gaming machine with some unique content. Will 2009 continue the trend?

Gamasutra compiled a list of the most-awaited games of 2009 for Xbox 360, and the answer might be a sad, resounding “no”.

A quick perusal of the list reveals just a few exclusives, and two of those are Halo spin-offs (ODST and Halo Wars). The only game I can say I’m really looking forward to that is exclusive would have to be Star Ocean: The Last Hope which looks like a proper honest-to-goodness JRPG. So what about you guys? Excited about any of these games?

Source- Gamasutra

Who’s Got The Best Exclusives?

console-warsIn the epic fanboy debates of ages past and present, the ultimate factor always turns out to be console exclusives. Being able to tout a game that the other console doesn’t have wins major points, even if the other side pretends that they wouldn’t touch Halo or Metal Gear Solid if it was on their console of choice. Yeah. Right.

However, these days, console exclusives are light. Since games cost more to make, it’s just not financially reasonable to make an exclusive for one console when you can make more money by spreading the love and your game around.

Unigamesity has put together a list of the pure console exclusives from 2008, and compares their Metacritic ratings. Who wins? You might be surprised. For the record, I think Left 4 Dead should have been included on the 360 list. Sure, you can play it on the PC. But console-wise, you can only play it on the 360, which is what matters for the purposes of this argument.

Source- Unigamesity

PS3 Games to Watch Out For

ps3In terms of games, the last couple of years have belonged to Microsoft, with just a few exceptions for both Nintendo and Sony. The slew of games for the 360 since 2007 seems to have finally slowed though, and we’ve gobbled up the bevy of FPS games til our eyes have turned red. Now that the 360 doesn’t seem to have much on its plate, this could easily be Sony’s year, and it’s about time.

Edge Online has put together a list of the 10 most anticipated PS3 games for 2009, and I have to say, I’m excited to be a PS3 owner. There are more exclusive games coming out than I realized, and who knows, maybe Sony gets its groove back after all.

List after the jump!
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