One of the more interesting parts of each fall and winter is the decision about which games are worthy of purchase, and which are more up the rental alley. And let’s be honest, there’s nothing quite like the anticipation that leads up to a release of a game that you’ve been dying for. Whether I’m attending a midnight release (which doesn’t happen so often these days), picking up a game during lunch or after work, I love the build up before a new video game.
Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Day One Purchasing?
Category: lists
Gaming’s Best Quotes
Over the years, gaming has produced quite a few fond memories for me. There are the emotional moments, the rushes of pure adrenaline, the challenges, all of these things have created a slew of experiences for me to draw from. However, there’s another thing that gaming is great for, and that’s memorable quotes.
GamesRadar has put together a list of the 40 Most Repeated Game Quotes, ranging from error messages to ridiculous things said by a co-pilot rabbit in space. While I’ve heard most of the ones on the list, there were a few that I wasn’t quite as familiar with, so I was glad for the sound bytes they provided. I’d have to say my favorite gaming quote is probably the “master of unlocking” line from Resident Evil. So painfully bad and hilarious.
What about you guys? Are you familiar with the quotes on this list? What’s your favorite?
Source- GamesRadar
Top 10 Gamer Ripoffs
Even though many people live in a fantasy world where video game companies only exist to make fun things for cool people, the reality is that they also exist to take away our money. This is a fundamental truth that you can’t escape, and I won’t believe otherwise until someone starts giving me free video games.
That being said, sometimes gamers really get the raw end of the deal. Wired has put together a list of the top 10 ripoffs in the video game realm. They hit the nail on the head pretty well, especially the idea that the same game should be cheaper to download than it is for the physical disc, as well as the high cost of repackaged old school games with little to no new features. I also wholeheartedly agree with their numero uno, but you’ll have to read it to see it.
I think if they missed anything at all, it would be the handling of DLC right now. Sure, it’s not bad just yet, but it seems headed down some shady pathways. Anywho, what do you guys think the biggest ripoffs are in gaming, and what do you think of the list?
Source- Wired
Video Game Daddies
Meant to say this earlier, but I guess it’s better late than never: Happy’s Father Day, dudes. Hope you guys have had decent days with your dads, and if not, then I hope you at least got some good gaming time in. Myself, I’ve been playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope all day and might purchase Metal Gear Solid on the PSN.
Anywho, in honor of Dad Day, Kotaku has posted a pretty interesting article about the best and worst fathers in video game history. They actually take a comprehensive look at dads across all genres, selecting the good and bad including Big Boss, Eli Vance, Sam Fisher and many more. I highly recommend reading it.
Personally, my vote for best has to go to Eli Vance, and worst probably has to go to Big Boss. What do you guys think? Also, if you did anything particularly rad for Father’s Day, feel free to share.
Source- Kotaku
The Worst Online Gamers
Nothing is worse when playing a game online than getting stuck with some jerk on your own team. I mean, getting matched up against them is bad enough, but when you’re on the same team with them, you just have to put up with their garbage for the entire time you play, rather than just the occasional match-up. And the worst part about it is these jerks come up in all shapes and sizes.
So what are these different types of losers? GamesRadar has cataloged them in a recent article titled the 9 Worst Types of Gamer to Have on Your Team, and I have to say it’s pretty accurate. They run down the gobshite (trashtalker), the mute, the drill sergeant, the lone wolf and even the damsel, who always needs saving. There are plenty more, and all of them are hilarious, so I’d recommend reading up on the whole thing.
Which type of online gamer do you hate the most? Which category do you fall into? I’m part drill sergeant and part griefer. Woot!
Source- GamesRadar
GamerSushi Asks: Would You Rather?
On the eve of E3, it’s time for gamers young and old to dream up a world of possibilities for our next year of gaming. With that in mind, I figured it was a great chance for a new Would You Rather.
In Would You Rather, I simply ask a series of questions, and you follow up with your answers. Give as much or as little explanation as you want for your choices, but we all know that we like to see the reasoning behind the madness.
Don’t let your answers suck, though. You’ll be tarred, feathered and quite possibly beaten like you stole something.
Last Year’s E3 Promises
We all know what E3 means. It’s the time of year when we get sandwiched by video game news galore, and announcements from every corner of the gaming kingdom. Not only do we hear from the developers we enjoy, but also from the big 3 of the console wars: Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo. Each year, they regale us with tales of things to come. So how truthful are they?
A writer over at Kotaku took the time to analyze last year’s E3 promises from each of the major console makers, in order to see who told more fibs and who did the biggest exaggerations. Surprisingly enough, it seems that all of them did a pretty good job at predicting the things to come. See for yourself:
So, how do you think they all did? And who had the best year? Personally, from the looks of it, it seems that Sony may have edged out the competition in terms of truth-telling, and they’ve even given us several great reasons to pick up their new console since then. Thoughts?
Source- Kotaku
GamerSushi Asks: Best Games You’ve Never Played?
We all know what some of the greatest games of all time are. We’ve seen the list, we’ve heard the arguments. Heck, we may have even seen friends playing them, so we’ve at least experienced the greatness. But there’s no way we’ve played all of them.
For one reason or another, I’ve missed out on a few of the “greatest games ever” throughout my life. I say that I always want to go back and play them some day, but as I get older and have less free time, this seems highly unlikely. I think for me, the greatest games I’ve never played are Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy VI, Super Mario World, and the original Half-Life (I know, I know).
I hope that someday I’ll finish all of these great games, but we’ll see what happens. What about you guys? What are the best games you’ve never played?
GamerSushi Asks: Would You Rather?
Summer is almost here and it’s time to bust out all the games that you haven’t finished yet. I figured that means it’s time for another Would You Rather.
In Would You Rather, I simply ask a series of questions, and you follow up with your answers. Give as much or as little explanation as you want for your choices, but we all know that we like to see the reasoning behind the madness.
However, if your answers suck, there will be zombies marching upon your abode. Zombies spitting swine flu. So yeah, you’d better make it good.
Top Ten Most Needed MMO’s
I know that one day, an MMO will nab me and never let me go. I’m totally in love with the idea of them, but the gameplay has yet to really catch me on any particular one. And with everybody and their mom starting to turn IP’s into that now popular genre, it’s only a matter of time before one really inserts itself into my daily gaming.
That being said, MMORPG has put together a lost of the top 10 games that need to be MMO’s, and I have to say they have some really crazy but interesting ideas. While I don’t know if a Madden MMO would work, I can see it having that mass appeal that developers are looking for. The possibility of a Nintendo based world is nifty, as well. Also, the idea of zombie MMO where survivors try to find one another amidst a world overrun by the undead sounds cool as hell.
This list is definitely worth reading. What do you guys think of the ideas that are laid out? What is your favorite? Go!
Source- MMORPG
GamerSushi Asks: True Gaming Confessions
In my life, there are lots of things that I’m not proud of. First, I’m a girl when it comes to horror movies. Or horror anything, really. I’m easily frightened, jumpy, and pretty much a big sissy when you break it all down. True story: when I think something scary is going to happen in the middle of a movie, I literally cower done in my seat and stick one finger in one ear, thus hopefully blocking out some of the inevitable noise whenever the scary thing pops out. Yes, it’s as pathetic as it sounds.
See? Lots of things that I’m not keen to admit to people, much less all of the Internet, but what the heck. The funny thing is, since gaming is such a big part of our lives, I’m sure that we all have things like that when it comes to gaming. Things that we don’t necessarily talk about or that we hide from other people for fear of public humiliation and rejection.
So, here are some questions that hopefully pull some gaming confessions out of you dudes. Answer with as much or little as you want.
Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: True Gaming Confessions
And The Hardest Game Ever Is…
As gamers, we’ve all gone through our own number of difficult ordeals. Whether it’s a boss, a particular area, or just a largely difficult stage, there are those games out there that just seem to give us fits because of the insane amount of skill needed to best them.
It’s funny, I was thinking about this just the other day, and lo and behold, GameDaily shows up with their own list of the hardest games of all time. There are quite a few on there that give me chills just by seeing their titles, and I’m sure you’d agree.
Hit the jump to see the full list!
Continue reading And The Hardest Game Ever Is…
Top 10 PC Developers?
Even though I don’t do too much PC gaming these days, some of my favorite titles of all time have been played via keyboard and a mouse. Warcraft III, The Sims, Counter-Strike: Source, Battlefield 2 and many other games easily top the list of great titles, and I never would have had them without my trusty PC. Well what about the folks that made those games?
ZTGD has put together a list of the top 10 PC game developers of all time, and while the list isn’t all that surprising, it really is cool to go back and reminisce on gaming days of old. These developers really have brought a lot to gaming, particularly folks like Valve, Blizzard and Id.
So who made the number one? Go check it out and see. Also, who is your favorite PC game developer of all time? Do you agree/disagree with this list?
Source- ZTGD
So Many Games It’s Like Being Strangled With My Own Hand
Having more money and less time on my hands than when I was younger has led to me a terrible dilemma: too many games, not enough time! I have games from two Christmases ago that I have yet to even play, let alone beat.
Thanks to my newly purchased Wii from Eddy, the unplayed games total just got bigger. It spans 4 different systems, 2 different generations and that doesn’t even include classics from the Virtual Console and PSN! Plus, I have a one game subscription to GameFly that usually gets played more than the games I own! I seriously am putting an end to any and all game purchases (except for PSN and Virtual Console…a guy’s gotta have something new to look forward to) until Christmas of this year. By then, I hope to have made a few dents in the Wall of Games I have sitting in my room, laughing at me. Quit laughing at me!
I know that I will not come close to getting all these done by Christmas, but I want to have some of them out of the way. Problem is, Killzone 2 and Call of Duty 4’s online multiplayer keep distracting me! Plus, I have movies and books that I want to enjoy…I am seriously stressed. So what I do when I get overwhelmed is I make a list and as I complete the items on the list, I get to cross them off. I am very OCD this way, but it feels really good.
So here is my list, broken down by system:
Playstation 3
Resident Evil 5
Killzone 2
Fallout 3
Call of Duty 4
Elder Scrolls III: Oblivion and Shivering Isles
Civilization Revolution
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
Mario Kart Wii
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Contra 4
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy V
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
Final Fantasy X-2
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
PSN Games/PS1 Classics
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Syphon Filter
Calling All Cars
The Last Guy
Super Stardust HD
High Velocity Bowling
Pixeljunk Monsters
Age of Booty
Lumines Supernova
Virtual Console
Super Mario 64
Super Mario RPG
Secret of Mana
Super Punch Out
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King
Contra III
Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels
Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
Breath Of Fire II
Super Metroid
Super Castlevania IV
Current GameFly Game:
Super Mario Galaxy
If time is the fire in which we burn, as was once famously said, then my fire is fading fast! I have hours and hours of gaming ahead of me and it’s time to get organized and kick some ass! So I will be periodically updating you guys on my progress or lack of progress, hopefully the former. Soon as I finish Super Mario Galaxy (25 or so stars to go), I will try to play some Killzone 2…but the online is so addicting that it’s really hard to play the single-player mode!
Eddy also has a backlog as does every gamer these days. Here’s a look at his:
Fallout 3
Penny Arcade Episode 2
Dead Rising
Killzone 2
Valkyria Chronicles
PSN/PS1 Classics
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Final Fantasy Tactics
Now, that is a very reasonable list. I envy him. Looks like Final Fantasy is on everyone’s list of games to get through. I think you really have to be in the mood for that. The problem we all have is that with games like Oblivion or Fallout 3, you can beat it, sure, but never really complete it. And so you keep coming back to it and let other games sit on the shelf. That’s why I stopped playing Madden. Never got around to my other games.
So that’s our sob stories, what does your gaming backlog look like and how do you go about thinning the herd?
Today’s WTF: Games To Play Before You Die
Yikes. While we tend to dissect a lot of other people’s lists a lot, we have established well and good that it is something that inherently is appealing to gamers. We live to tear other people’s gaming favorites apart and interject our own.
Take this list from TheGameReviews, which put together “30 Games You Must Play Before You Die”. The idea of the list is that everybody should play these 30 games before they kick the bucket, obviously. Only, their choices weren’t so obvious. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that their choices are pretty awful in some cases.
There are a shocking amount of games from this gen on the list. And while there are a lot of good games this gen, should someone really play Mario Galaxy as opposed to Mario 64? Or Metal Gear Solid 4 over MGS 1 or MGS 3? And where the heck is Half Life?
So what do you guys think of the list? And what would you have put on it?
Source- TheGameReviews
GamerSushi Top Six: Video Game Twists
Here there be spoilers…
Games are an interactive medium and therefore it can be very easy for games to play tricks on us. Lead us in one direction, only to change the whole game around on us a few minutes later. Some twists have to do with the plot, others with gameplay. These can leave us cheering, reeling, or just plain dumbfounded in the wake of their awesomeness.
For instance, Metal Gear Solid 2 pulled a fast one on gamers worldwide when it turned out that Solid Snake wasn’t actually the protagonist. Likewise, Chrono Cross flips everything on you by suddenly swapping the identities of the game’s bad guy and good guy.
So sit back as GamerSushi unveils its first “Top Six” feature, as we look at gaming’s best plot twists.
Continue reading GamerSushi Top Six: Video Game Twists
Top 10 Downloadable Games
When I finally hooked my PS3 up to the InterGoogle, the first thing I did was jump on the PSN Store. I had heard about some great games and I was really looking forward to seeing what they had to offer. Downloadable games are a cheap way to get quality games, not to mention old classics and new, experimental games that would never see a retail release. So here are the Top 10 games you can get on the PSN Store, XBox Live Arcade and the Virtual Console. I have included classics, exclusives and multi-console releases.
Continue reading Top 10 Downloadable Games
GamerSushi Asks: Would You Rather?
With the Spring gaming season getting kicked into full gear, it’s time for another Would You Rather.
In Would You Rather, I simply ask a series of questions, and you follow up with your answers. Give as much or as little explanation as you want for your choices, but we all know that we like to see the reasoning behind the madness.
However, if your answers suck, there will be the worst kind of suffering from the most unimaginable devices. Devices that are big and scary and unable to be imagined. Fear them!
The 2009 BAFTA Winners
Just like those oh-so-endearing video game lists, video game awards provide much fodder for us to analyze, debate and generally moan about. And don’t you worry, I like to join right in!
Whenever they get around to it, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), does a video game awards show much like the Oscars, which leads to the big “Best Game” award handed out at the end of the night. The end result for this year shows that they awarded a robust and surprisingly diverse list of titles. Something to keep in mind is that they didn’t do the awards last year, so it looks like these cover more than just 2008.
See the winners after the jump!
Continue reading The 2009 BAFTA Winners
100 Best Games to Play Right Now
We all love lists. You know it’s true. It’s so fun to look at something that’s ordinarily so difficult to measure and to break it down in to easy to understand numbers. And then after we’re done, we can bitch about whether or not the list was right, in our oh so humble opinions.
Anywho, Edge has put up a list of 100 Best Games to Play Today, and it’s a pretty epic order. It’s not exactly a “best games of all time” list. But rather, if you had access to every game ever made, these are the 100 that you should play right away, classic or not. Definitely an interesting take.
While I don’t know that I’d put Ocarina of Time at the top, I have to say that I love that Mario 64 came in second, as that would probably be my number 1 or close to it as well. Also, their description of Counter-Strike is absolutely perfection.
What did you guys think of the list? What would be the first games you would play with access to every game ever made?
Source- Edge Online