O noz! Eddy Attacked by Leviathan Summon

So there might be a slight pause in how much I post for the next day or so (and there already has been) because last night, our water heater exploded and flooded my whole apartment. It got into the living room, the bedroom, everywhere.

All my stuff is ok for the most part, but the carpet is now pulled up and we had to move all of our furniture into different areas of the apartment. I’ll have some pictures up here at some point soon. In the meantime, I’ll post the feature I’ve written. I meant to have it up last night, but uh, yeah.


Hey dudes, got caught in a bit of a tough pickle known as Hurricane Ike here in Houston, and virtually the entire city is without power, including us (I’m at my brother’s now writing this).

Anthony will keep updating with some game-related news as he can, but I won’t be posting until I get some power back, and who knows when that will be.

GamerSushi Asks: Game Reviews

There’s an ongoing discussion around gaming media and the industry these days about the nature of gaming reviews, and whether or not they’re broken in their current state. We here at GamerSushi have been in a lengthy (pages of Facebook threads) discussion about what exactly makes a good game review.

Is it a percentage, a score out of 10, a letter grade, a thumbs up, or some other way of attributing a tangible rating to a product, like gold stars or smiley face stickers? Poop?

Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Game Reviews

How To Get A GamerSushi Avatar

I see that while many of you have registered, not everyone knows how to get a fun picture next to your name when you leave comments. That’s because you haven’t signed up for Gravatar yet.

Gravatar is an online tool that is essentially a universal avatar system. Basically, you’ll have the same avatar for any website that uses Gravatar instead of having to set up a new picture for every profile you create. It’s pretty cool, and it’s ridiculously easy to sign up for, so you should go get a Gravatar.