Today’s Do Want: Awesome Movie Games

fifthelement1-smallAwesome video games based on movies are in rather short supply on the whole. You figure that these two great visual mediums wouldn’t be all that hard to combine, but for some reason the translations across both sides of the line have been rather awkward to say the least, and rather awful for the most part.

That’s why these new screenshots will make you drool and long for game movies that could have been. It seems that over at the Game Artist forums, a friendly competition is underway for users to create video game screenshots based on famous movies. Some of the submissions include Aliens, Hellboy, Harry Potter, Blade Runner, Indiana Jones, and then some. And they’re incredible.

The screenshots are mostly created in Unreal or the CryEngine, and are pretty face melting. Seriously, you’ll wish that these really existed. Hit the jump to see the screenshots.
Continue reading Today’s Do Want: Awesome Movie Games

Today’s WTF: Shadow of the Colossus Movie

sotcNo. Please, no. It appears that a Shadow of the Colossus movie is in the works. While many might find the idea of such a great and epic video game being put into a big screen format enticing, I find it simply repulsive, for a number of reasons.

Beyond the fact that the game is one of the most powerful studies of death I’ve ever seen, the people involved with this project don’t exactly scream cinema quality to me. Ready for this? The producer is also behind such great flicks as The Scorpion King. Heck, they even went top dollar and hired the writer for the new Chun-Li Street Fighter movie.

While part of me is sick to my stomach to even think about a bad film version of this, I can’t help but get angry at the people in the video game industry that keep cheapening their unique intellectual properties for a quick buck. I mean, really? This is the depth you’ll sink to for more money on your brand?

What do you guys think? Is this an epic fail or am I just being dumb? Go.

Source- Kotaku

GamerSushi Asks: Extend the Story?

ff7-acOver the weekend, I got sick as a dog. For real. Burritos and stomach viruses do not mix, and apparently I don’t go well with with those two, either. Anywho, my brother was in town visiting, and since our options were limited to anything I could do while plastered to a couch, we chose to partake in the glorious fight scenes of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

All complaints about the movie aside, the fight scenes are some of the coolest I’ve ever seen in any medium, but beyond that, the movie itself is total fanboy service in terms of the content it delivers. I mean, really, they revisit nearly every single major or minor character and even give you a glimpse at life after the events of the story. Hell, they have the main bad guy show up again.

This got me wondering- what other franchises or video games would you love to see get the Advent Children treatment that Final Fantasy VII got? If you could have a ridiculous fanboy-loving movie sequel to any game that allowed you to see what happened to your favorite characters, and even threw in pants-wettingly awesome action sequences, what would it be? Go!

God Exists and We Have Proof: Brett Ratner Drops Out of God of War Movie

brett-ratner-nickelodeons-20th-annual-kids-choice-awards-1yu21zSometimes, Christmas comes early. Sometimes, your prayers are answered. And sometimes, the good guys win. Stop rubbing that rabbit’s foot as your luck finally turned. No, Uwe Boll didn’t lose his Director’s Guild membership, but Worstpreviews is reporting via Production Weekly that Brett Ratner, acclaimed (ahem) director behind the Rush Hour series and X-Men hater (judging from X-Men:The Last Stand, he clearly doesn’t like them) has left the upcoming God of War movie:

Over at Universal it looks like Brett Ratner has shelved ‘God Of War,’ and is moving forward on ‘Trump Heist’ with Eddie Murphy and Chris Tucker.

I don’t think Kratos himself could have withstood that disaster. Now that Ratner has left to further drop Eddie Murphy and Chris Tucker into the Realm of Irrelevance, who would you like to step in an take over? It’s a long shot, but Zack Snyder of 300 fame and the upcoming Watchmen would rock this world. Who’s your dream director?
