Great Moments In Video Game Music: The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past – Hyrule Overworld Theme

It occurred to me that I had not yet posted any songs from the Legend of Zelda series on here yet, an oversight I am about to correct. A Link to the Past was and is my favorite Zelda game. I’ve played it dozens of times and I know where everything in that game is at this point, but no matter how often I play, this stirring theme always gets my juices flowing. Just hearing it now tempts me to rush to my Wii and download it via Virtual Console. Do you feel the same?


Jose Gonzalez Performs Far Away From Red Dead Redemption

If you’ve played Red Dead Redemption, then you are familiar with the song Far Away by Jose Gonzalez, which plays at one of the most iconic moments from the game. This moment is easily one of the best examples of exactly when to play music and let the game sound fade away. I’m also not afraid to say that it instantly made the list of my favorite gaming moments of this generation.

In this video, Jose Gonzalez performs the song on the roof Rockstar in New York. And it’s just as awesome as that sounds. Give it a watch.

Without giving too many spoilers, who else adores this moment in Red Dead Redemption?

Great Moments In Video Game Music: Actraiser – Blood Pool

Actraiser was a SNES game that was so unique that I am pretty sure there has never been a game like it ever since. The game starts out as a 2D side-scroller, like Castlevania, but after completing a stage, the game turns into a SimCity-like simulation where you try to rebuild a town that has been under attack by demons. The action was epic, the simulation addictive and the music, especially this song from the first Blood Pool stage, was tremendous. Truly a hidden gem.


Great Moments In Video Game Music: Dragon Quest VIII – Strange World

Yeah, yeah, two Square Enix RPGs in a row, something I have tried not to do. But you have to cut me some slack because Dragon Quest IX comes out on July 11th for the Nintendo DS and I am pumped. By the time most of you hear this one, I will be knee deep in slimes and drakys. So to honor this momentous occasion, here is the main theme of the previous entry in the most popular RPG franchise in Japan (Yes, much more so than even Final Fantasy), Dragon Quest VIII, which was one of the best RPGs for the Playstation 2. Enjoy!


Great Moments In Video Game Music: Final Fantasy X – Zanarkand

We return to the usual epic JRPG music that I have been avoiding for the last few weeks with a gorgeous composition from Final Fantasy X. This song plays on the title screen when you just let the game do its intro scene and it is one I never really tire of. For anyone who says games aren’t art, listen to this and tell me how something associated with it is not art.


Great Moments In Video Game Music: Kid Icarus – Underworld Theme

Well, in honor of the awesome news we received at E3 about Kid Icarus returning after a 20 year break, I downloaded the original NES game on Virtual Console. After receiving a few ass-whippings, which I attribute to 20 years or so of rust, I realize another reason I always loved this game: the music.

Specifically, the music of the first level, of which I am becoming way too familiar with as I try to remember how the hell to play this game. So here’s a taste, hope you enjoy. I personally can’t wait to hear a modern version of this when it releases on the 3DS!


Great Moments In Video Game Music: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time – Time Only Knows

In honor of the “meh-ish” Prince of Persia movie currently exiting theaters right now, I thought I would do what I could to salvage this once proud franchise by looking back at the premier game in the series and the song that blew me away upon first listen.

This song plays during the end credits and as I sat there listening to it, I was really moved. The lyrics and music fit in very well with the story and setting of the game and I listen to this on my iPod on a regular basis. I hope you enjoy it as well, especially this fan-made music video version.


Great Moments In Video Game Music: Metal Gear Solid 3 – Snake Eater

This one goes out to my loyal listeners Mitch and Eddy, who submitted this idea to me and after a few listens, I fell in love with it. This song plays during the opening credits of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and is very James Bond-ish, which I think works in its favor. The images that play during the movie are very cool, but I think the song works just by itself, which is the point of these posts: game music you can enjoy without having played the game. Enjoy and may the mullet be with you!


Great Moments in Video Game Music: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night – Dracula’s Castle

Not every song has to be an epic piece of music in order to qualify as great music. Sometimes just kick-ass background music that plays while you explore the depths of an evil vampire lord’s lair is enough. If you have ever played Symphony of the Night (and any so-called hardcore gamer had better), then this tune is ingrained in your mind forever.


Great Moments In Video Game Music: Chrono Trigger – Tyran Castle

Okay, I couldn’t resist this one any longer. When you first hear it, you might think of Golbez from Final Fantasy IV, but stick around to about 45 seconds in and the crunchy guitars kick in and you are suddenly nodding your head to a bad ass riff. If you think JRPG music can’t kick a little ass, listen to this.


Great Moments in Video Game Music: Mass Effect 2 – Suicide Mission

Mitch recommended this one to me and with a careful listen, it only took about halfway through before I decided I loved it. I’m going to go ahead and assume that this song plays during some sort of mission that might be a tad bit dangerous. The quiet opening leads to a bombastic theme that kind of reminds me of the Saw theme, but in a good, sci-fi sort of way. Thanks for the advice, Mitch and enjoy this one, everybody.


Great Moments in Video Game Music: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 – Casino Nights

Nick reminded me of this little swinging ditty during our podcast and after listening to it for about 3 seconds, it all came flooding back to me, much like Celine Dion once sang. The Genesis was not known for its sound chip, but you wouldn’t know it from listening to this. The song holds up well even after all these years and I love the little breaks before the music picks back up again. Enjoy this trip down memory lane.


Great Moments in Video Game Music: Final Fantasy XIII – Blinded by the Light (Battle Theme)

Like I mentioned in the podcast, I am trying not to go crazy with Square Enix music, but give me a pass for this week. I was in love with this music before the game even came out and I have to say, 30 hours into this game, I never get tired of hearing this song. That’s pretty damn impressive, if you ask me. Enjoy:


Great Moments in Video Game Music: Uncharted 2 – Drake’s Theme

Time for another awesome song that I think you guys will like. Just to clarify, I am trying to pick songs that are good regardless of whether or not you have played the game.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time and amid all the praise, the music is one aspect that really drew me into the game. Featuring a score akin to that of something by John Williams, this is the main theme of the game and one of my favorites.


Great Moments In Video Game Music: Chrono Cross – Dream of the Shore Near Another World

I thought I would do a random post about a song I listen to at least once a week and I will do other posts with other great songs at intermittent intervals.

This is from Chrono Cross, the “sequel” to Chrono Trigger that appeared on the PS 1 back in 2000. A great RPG that got pooped on (even by me) for derailing Chrono Trigger’s story, but one aspect that held up over time was the music, this track in particular. The mournful, melancholy drone can make even the most jaded weep and the most superficial suddenly finding themselves contemplating the complexities of the universe.



The Video Game Level Hall of Fame

Levels are the staples of most video games, new and old. Throughout my life, there are video game levels that are so iconic that they have left a permanent imprint on who I am as a gamer. Whether it’s the challenge, the design, the music or the sheer fun factor, the best video game levels manage to be both memorable and entertaining, thrilling gamers for hours on end.

In this new regular feature, The Video Game Level Hall of Fame, we induct a few of our favorite video game levels of all time to an ongoing list. Since there are too many awesome levels from video games past to include, we thought that would be a good way to handle it.

So, here are the first five video game level inductees into our Hall of Fame, in no particular order.
Continue reading The Video Game Level Hall of Fame

The Alternative Rock Band Names List

rock-bandI’ve always wondered what goes into naming a potential big brand hit in video games. Do they pick the first name that sticks, or is there a much longer process, for instance? Today at GDC, Harmonix revealed several of the trial names for Rock Band, before they ultimately decided on the one that we know and relate to. And let me say: they picked well, considering these other options:


Makes me wonder if other franchises go through this. Any chance that Grand Theft Auto was once Hooker Shooter Extreme? So, which of these has your vote?

Top 10 Final Fantasy Songs

Man, watching things like this really reminds me how much I love the Final Fantasy series. Square really has created a long lasting tradition of great music in their flagship series, so I’m hoping that Final Fantasy XIII continues to deliver the great medleys.

It’s actually pretty cool to compare this list to Anthony’s Top 5 Final Fantasy Musical Pieces from a few months back, which is entirely different. Though to be fair, this video only chose one song per game. So which on this list is your favorite? Did any get left out?

Wind Waker Dude Has Talent, Free Time

Ok, so the other day we showed you the one man Zelda theme band. This is possibly even better. One dude with a stupid amount of talent plays a variety of instruments to create the Wind Waker theme by himself. And when I say a variety, I mean a variety. Watch out for the chorus. It rules.

Thanks for the link, Smarty.

LittleBigPlanet Rolled!

If I was really mean, I would say this is something other than what it is: Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” performed in LittleBigPlanet. Some fun machinima work right there. Since you know what it is, it’s not technically a Rick Roll, right? Right?
