Nintendo Bitch Slaps the Competition in November Sales

Ouch. I mean, so far this generation we know that Nintendo is first, Microsoft is second and Sony is third. That just seems to be the way of things, even though I think that order should be completely swapped up, with the Wii at a dead last place because of its atrocious games.

So while it’s not shocking that Nintendo came in first yet again in November, the truly shocking thing is the margin of consoles. Nintendo sold 2 million Wiis last month. That’s right. 2 freaking mil. I can’t even fathom how these things are still flying off the shelves that quickly.

Official numbers after the jump!
Continue reading Nintendo Bitch Slaps the Competition in November Sales

Play WoW, Quit College

I do my best to stay away from MMO’s. From some of their earliest conceptions (including Everquest), I have seen friends, family and acquaintances taken down by these silent killers. The couple of times I attempted to play were akin to time travel, my weekend having suddenly flown by in a blur. They are truly evil machinations.

Well, according to the FCC Commissioner, it’s worse than we thought. Apparently, they have found that World of Warcraft is one of the leading causes of college drop-outs in this day and age. Not sex, drugs, alcohol or anything of that ilk- but an MMO.

While some might call foul, I don’t find this that hard to believe. Having nobody to dictate your schedule and becoming addicted to a video game in college is a terrible snare to be trapped in, and I remember Counter-Strike sucking away most of my freshman year. These things can happen.

So what do you guys think? Ever had a gaming addiction problem? And how shocking is it that WoW is a leading cause for dropping out of college?

Source- GamePolitics

Anthony Goes Home

Monday night was a weird night. After watching my beloved Tampa Bay Bucs get pounded by the Carolina Panthers, I noticed it was about midnight. I drove up the road to Blockbuster and purchased The Dark Knight and went home to watch it. I decided to check my email first, though, to see if there were any emails from Eddy telling me how great my posts are.

Alas, none from Eddy (probably busy playing Little Orphan Eddy by replaying Fallout 3’s opening tutorial) but I did receive an email from Sony, which brought a brief moment of panic. Had they finally noticed how awesome I am at all their games and sent me a Cease and Desist Pwning email? But no, wrongo. It was an invite to the Playstation Home Beta! I knew my awesomeness would be recognized eventually.

Continue reading Anthony Goes Home

Fanboy Battle: Most Overrated Games in 2008

Get the boxing gloves out, dudes. We’ve said time and time again that we love lists. We flock to them like they are the life-bread from heaven, glorious nectar from the gods. I’m not sure what invisible quality it is that makes them so addictive, but gamers love them and so does GamerSushi.

Anywho, Fidgit just posted its list of the 10 Most Overrated Games of 2008, and I bet there will be a few surprises on there (eliciting an “oh snap” or two) as well as a few that you would expect. Get ready to rant a little bit…

List after the jump!

Continue reading Fanboy Battle: Most Overrated Games in 2008

Retro: The Console Wars, Circa 1990

Ah, the console wars in 1990. Such a simpler time, for simple consoles. The biggest worry was if you should spend $100 on a Nintendo or not, or hold out for the uber-powerful 16 bit Sega Genesis. But wait! Nintendo’s super system is just around the corner, and it’s just as powerful.

Man, watching this video really shows what has happened to the industry in the last 18 years. Pretty wild.

GameCop Vs LameCop #3

GameCop vs. LameCop is a feature where Anthony and I argue about video game issues, playing the role of either the GameCop or the LameCop as we do so. We switch roles each time. The GameCop has your best interests as gamers at heart, while the LameCop is just what he sounds like: a total loser.

This week, we tackle several issues including Nintendo’s racial epithets in Animal Crossing, gaming companies’ decision to release all of the video games at the same time each year, and releasing buggy games.

Continue reading GameCop Vs LameCop #3

GTA IV PC Review, Minus the Hype

God bless us everyone, and especially 1UP, for what I consider to be a fantastic look at GTA IV several months later, in light of some of the other great games that have hit this year. I’ve been saying since about 5-10 hours into this title that it is one smoldering heap of an overrated game (though still incredibly well made). I can recognize the game’s quality, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still overrated.

What I find particularly interesting is the brief analysis of the characters and the story, but also how other games have given us virtual playgrounds such as Stillwater in Saint’s Row 2 and the Wasteland in Fallout 3 without short-changing us when it comes to our characters. It’s an interesting look at the game that everyone is saying “OMG BEST EVAR” about, and a sobering one at that.

What do you guys think? Is this reviewer and idiot, as some of the commenters have already suggested?

Source- 1UP

Playstation Home Launches Tomorrow

So Playstation Home launches on December 11th, 2008 and… wait. That’s tomorrow. Home is only a day away. That’s right, in just about 24 hours, you can be browsing your own version of Second Life for the Playstation 3, complete with avatars, emoticons, and all the advertising your heart is wet for.

While Sony claims that this is totally groundbreaking and unique, I just don’t know if I can see this thing through rose tinted glasses the way they can. I’m not sure if users will really spend a whole lot of time in it when they could be, you know, playing games.

What about you guys? Any of you excited for Playstation Home?

Source- VG247

New Batman: Arkham Asylum Trailer Has Sizzle

Not only sizzle, but also Akira trails on the Bat pod and “zzzzt” editing effects! Fancy. But even fancier and more fascinating to batfans out there is just how moody and dark this trailer is. I love the design on the Joker, and the shot of Croc at the end is just awe inspiring. Count me excited.

More Top 10 Lists: Pirated Games of 2008

Hey, EA, quick question: How’s that Spore DRM working out for you guys in piracy land? Oh, the DRM is very effective to stop all those dirty pirates, you say?

Well, other sources are saying something different. According to TorrentFreak, here are the top 10 most pirated games of 2008:

1. Spore / 1,700,000 / Sept. 2008
2. The Sims 2 | 1,150,000 | Sept. 2004
3. Assassins Creed | 1,070,000 | Nov. 2007
4. Crysis / 940,000 | Nov. 2007
5. Command & Conquer 3 | 860,000 | Mar. 2007
6. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare | 830,000 | Nov. 2007
7. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | 740,000 | Jun. 2005
8. Fallout 3 | 645,000 | Oct. 2008
9. Far Cry 2 | 585,000 | Oct. 2008
10. Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 | 470,000 | Oct. 2008

I know how we all love to talk about top 10 lists, so sink your teeth into that one. Curious that several EA games are on there, despite the DRM. You know which top PC gaming company doesn’t have any on that list? Valve. I guess if you don’t handicap your users when you give them a game, they’re more inclined to actually pay for the damn thing.

Source- TorrentFreak

GamerSushi Asks: Best Gaming Moments, 2008

Over the next few weeks, we’re hoping to put together a couple of features regarding “best of” for 2008, but we still have a few other questions we’d like to hit you up with. This week’s question: what are your favorite gaming moments from this year? It can be something that happened in multiplayer, a moment in a story from a single player game, anything.

For me, I’d have to say that the opening of Fallout 3 really blew me away. I know a lot of people got bored with the childhood thing, but after Oblivion I honestly wasn’t expecting a story. To have the game open the way it did, bringing me into a world that I felt immersed in, and having the character born into it, was just a creative and cool concept. Also, I’d have to throw some Left 4 Dead moments in there, because those just rule.

What about you guys?

RTS Goodness: Dawn of War II Trailer

I haven’t played an RTS in a while, but Dawn of War always tempted me. Dawn of War II looks to be just as epic, just as space-ish, and just as awesome, if not more so. The new trailer shows off tons of cool units and lots of gameplay. Did any of you guys play the first one?

Ludacris Says to “Press the Start Button”

This is one of those things that needs almost no description. You just have to listen to it for yourself. I’ll still attempt a brief summary, though. In the new Ludacris album (the Netherlands release), there is a song called “Press the Start Button”, in which he raps about nearly ever freaking video game on the planet. Not quite, but close enough.

See how many references you can catch, because when he started dropping Contra and MGS bombs into the mix, I was shocked and/or awed.

Edit: By the way, this is totally NSFW.


Microsoft Wants Crackdown Part Deux

I find Crackdown to be one of the most underrated games of this generation, and a testament to pure platforming bliss. While the open world could have had a few more options and the story was lacking, the gameplay was addictive and the agility orbs could weaken even the strongest man’s resolve.

That’s why it’s exciting to hear several dudes including XBox Live’s Major Nelson talking up the possibility of a Crackdown sequel. Unfortunately, Realtime Worlds immediately began work on the MMO titled APB, which is essentially an MMO version of GTA, in a sense. I guess nobody knew that Crackdown would take hold like it did, despite the packaging of the Halo 3 beta. Go figure.

I can’t wait for a Crackdown 2. What do you guys think? Did any of you play the first one? Am I on the crazy bus?

Source- VG247

TIME’s Top 10 Games of 2008

We all know what the end of the year means… Sure, there’s that celebration where we get presents and eat lots of food and it gets colder (at least here in the States), but there’s also that other special factor: “best of (insert year here)” lists! It’s when everybody starts listing off what was cool about the year before, and it’s addicting as hell to read them.

Heck, even TIME has put together a best video games of 2008 list, and the results are about par for the course, I’d say.

Breakdown is after the jump:

Continue reading TIME’s Top 10 Games of 2008

Review: Saint’s Row 2

This year, tons of buzz was made about a few open world games. With great games like Fallout 3, GTA IV, Fable II and the like, it was hard to ignore the pull that these titles had, sucking gamers in and sinking their teeth in for the kill. However, there was one title that got ignored amidst all of the to-do about these other good games: Saint’s Row 2.

The THQ sequel puts you back in the shoes of Stillwater’s most wanted, the leader of the Saints, the city’s most notorious criminals. As the curtain opens, you are in a coma, having survived a horrific explosion that changed your appearance and left you comatose. And then the fun starts.

Continue reading Review: Saint’s Row 2

Ridiculous Super Sized Fat Man in Fallout 3

Like Fallout 3? Love explosions? Ever wanted to see 96 nukes go off at the same time from this super deluxe Fat Man v2? This is kind of awesome.

By the way, if you’d like to try this for yourself on Fallout 3 for the PC, download this dude and this guy.

GamerSushi Asks: Most Anticipated in 2009?

Well, as far as I know, we’re past most if not all of the major releases for this gaming season of 2008, and boy was it a memorable one. Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, Prince of Persia, Bioshock, Little Big Planet, CoD: World at War, Mirror’s Edge, Saint’s Row 2, Gears of War 2, and then some, and still counting. While these games will keep us busy for a while, there is still more on the horizon…

So, that begs the question- now that these games are out, what are your most anticipated titles of next year? Anything on your radar that you’re just dying to play? It seems to me that there’s not quite as much to look forward to next year, though I’m interested in LotR: Conquest, Mass Effect 2, Final Fantasy XIII, Diablo III, Dragon Age and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. However, not all of those are even confirmed yet.

What are you looking forward to still? Answer away!

Today’s WTF: Chrono Trigger at GameStop

As we all know, Chrono Trigger is considered to be one of the greatest RPGs, if not one of the greatest games of all time. It features a great cast, an epic storyline, and everyone’s favorite story trope, time travel. The game was just recently re-released on the Nintendo DS, and I absolutely can’t wait to pick it up.

However, apparently the re-release, according to GameStop, is slightly different from the version we all know and love. From their website:

If the physics depicted in TV and movies are correct, and we have no reason to doubt that, then messing with the time-space continuum always results in wacky adventures. Join Crono in this updated old-school favorite as he travels through time and space in order to go back to 1982 and throw a football over some mountains to win the state championship.

Wow. That sounds like it could be even better than the original. I’m not sure how long this will stay up on the GameStop website, so go check it out while you can!

Source- GameStop, via Kotaku

Valve Reveals Sales, Most Impressive

Curious about how many copies of CS:S that Valve has sold? I’ll bet you go to sleep thinking about it. Well, today’s your lucky day, since Valve has just released a list of their lifetime retail sales worldwide for popular titles like Half-Life, Counter Strike, The Orange Box, etc.

While this doesn’t show exactly how much money and mad cash they’ve made from all of these awesome games that they keep providing, it does display that they sell quite a large number of them. About 32.8 million games, actually. That number is rather impressive. You know that’s more impressive, though? That number doesn’t include games bought on Steam. It also doesn’t include Left 4 Dead. So, uh. Add a lot more to it.

Check out a list of totally interesting numbers after the jump.

Continue reading Valve Reveals Sales, Most Impressive