Grand Theft Trophies

Ready to jump back into the depths of LIberty City?

PS3FANBOY has the just released list of Trophies for Grand Theft Auto IV for the PS3. For those of you that have a 360 and have done the Achievements already, this list will likely look familiar. For those of us who don’t, lock and load!

See the trophies after the jump! Continue reading Grand Theft Trophies

GameStop Deal: 20% Off Used Games and Accessories

I know, we tend to rag on GameStop every now and then, but let’s get real- a deal’s a deal. And this is a mighty good one. Until Thursday, Oct 2nd, you can get 20% off used games and accessories as long as you bring in this GameStop coupon.

So go ahead, print it out and enjoy. Hurry, so you can get your used games at a reasonable price. I’ve been meaning to make a trip to GameStop myself lately, as I have quite a few games I need to trade in to get ready for the barrage of games that is about to lay waste upon gamers far and wide, so this might be the right time for me to get my act together.

Source- PS3 Fanboy

Downloadable Content Unleashed!

Kotaku is reporting that the best-selling The Force Unleashed will be getting some pretty cool DLC in the fall. The content, which has no specific release date as of yet, will be released for both the PS3 and the Xbox 360 before the end of the year. Continue reading Downloadable Content Unleashed!

Top 5: Games I Want For Xmas

It’s time for all the good boys and girls to make lists for their loved ones for Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever holiday festival you choose to celebrate. I celebrate Christmas, so this is a Christmas list. If that bothers you, don’t worry. I eat poorly and will likely die an untimely death. Now, on with the countdown…er count up, since I start with #1. Continue reading Top 5: Games I Want For Xmas

Story vs. Gameplay: Final Fantasy Edition

Story. Gameplay.

These two things are what matter most in a game to me. And they matter more when it comes to RPG’s and especially Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy games are known for great stories or great gameplay. But only a few have both. Three of them, in fact.

In this feature, I will walk through each Final Fantasy (minus spin offs, sequels and that online thing) and tell my thoughts on each game’s true strength: story or gameplay.

Continue reading Story vs. Gameplay: Final Fantasy Edition

Fabulous Fable 2 Achievements

Ok, this one is for Eddy and all those other Achievement Whores out there who are anxious for Fable 2 to come out and hopefully live up to the hype it has generated. I think it looks like a fun game, but time will tell. Time and fanboys. Full list of Achievements after the jump. Continue reading Fabulous Fable 2 Achievements


Being a lover of all things Final Fantasy, I have decided to do the first in what will be a series of posts about this revered franchise. First, my credentials: I played the very first Final Fantasy when I was 9 years old. I have played every single version that was released in the United States within a month of its release.


A Gag-Worthy “Best Of 360” List

I have a weird love/hate thing with “best of” gaming lists. They’re addictive as anything to read, but a lot of times you want to just slap the writers of them in the face for the way they have ranked the games. While a lot of that is expected and just typical subjectivity, sometimes dudes just get it wrong.

Take GamePro, for instance. While I’m sure they mean well with their new “Best of XBox 360” list, they are sadly, horribly, woefully misguided in the way they’ve placed the appropriate titles. There should be terrible punishments for people that are this far off.

Continue reading A Gag-Worthy “Best Of 360” List

GTA IV DLC This Fall (360 Only…DOH!) is reporting that Microsoft has indeed confirmed that downloadable content for Grand Theft Auto IV will be out this fall.

What exactly this entails is anyone’s guess, but as a PS3 owner, I hope it’s nothing storyline related. But there is hope yet…

Continue reading GTA IV DLC This Fall (360 Only…DOH!)

Halo Haters: 5 Things Under Appreciated About Halo

Halo is this weird kind of dividing line within the gaming community. On one hand, it’s overrated by the throngs of people who go crazy over it and swear that it could perhaps be the greatest FPS on any platform, PC or otherwise, EVER. On the other hand, there are people that just don’t seem to “get” Halo and what makes it fun, and in fact, would rather hate the game just to hate it, regardless.

For some reason, there are many hardcore gamers that have never been able to embrace the franchise or its signature character, Master Chief. Either they are blinded by the fanboy ravings, their own fanboy prejudices, or they’ve never give the game the time of day. So I thought I’d put together a little list to take a look at what makes Halo unique.

Continue reading Halo Haters: 5 Things Under Appreciated About Halo


Hey dudes, got caught in a bit of a tough pickle known as Hurricane Ike here in Houston, and virtually the entire city is without power, including us (I’m at my brother’s now writing this).

Anthony will keep updating with some game-related news as he can, but I won’t be posting until I get some power back, and who knows when that will be.

DC Universe Vs. Mortal Kombat Roster Unveiled



Ready to test your might against Kombatants from Mortal Kombat and DC? Those dream matches you always wanted to see can now happen minus a few notable heroes and villains, thanks to List after the jump: Continue reading DC Universe Vs. Mortal Kombat Roster Unveiled


Metal Gear Solid Creator Hideo Kojima is speaking out against game marketing that is all hype and no substance. His strong comments raised eyebrows across the gaming industry with a posting on the job announcements page for Kojima Productions: Continue reading Snake? Snake? SSSNNNAAAKKKEE!!!

Socom: Confrontation Beta Open To Qore Users on Friday

Do you like to get in on the ground floor of something that could be kind of fun? If so, I hope you bought the June edition of Qore on the PSN.

If you did, you will be treated to something special on Friday, September 12th as the Socom: Confrontation beta will be available for you to download and give a test run.

Continue reading Socom: Confrontation Beta Open To Qore Users on Friday

GamerSushi Face Off: Dante vs. Alucard

It’s fun to fantasize, isn’t it? Jessica Alba, Britney Spears circa 2001 and myself are all living happily together in my fantasy world. A world without The Hills and other nonsense. A world where video game characters collide. Unlike other dream matches, I am going to keep it real. So here is the first GamerSushi Face Off:

Continue reading GamerSushi Face Off: Dante vs. Alucard

Who Needs Friends When You’ve Got Games Lists (And Games)?!

The holidays are upon us!  Ah, yes, it is that wonderful (and sad) time of the year when games ruin your social life and empty your bank account.  Don’t get me wrong, I for one am in favor of not having real friends!  This allows me time to visit my virtual friends, in their virtual worlds, with their virtual stuff.

Therefore, I have compiled a couple Top Ten Most Wanted Games lists for you, the viewing public.  When the complaints start piling up and my alleged friends yell at me because I didn’t get X done or failed to hang out with so and so, it will mostly like be the fault of one of these gems.

Continue reading Who Needs Friends When You’ve Got Games Lists (And Games)?!

Coming Soon: Guitars Gently Weeping

Guitar Hero and Rock Band are the latest craze with everyone these days. This is a game that I would call a casual game, no question. And big rumblings coming courtesy of EGM’s gossip monger Quartermann: Continue reading Coming Soon: Guitars Gently Weeping