Square Enix: More Big Time Delays

squareWell, talk about a bummer. While we’ve already lamented at the numerous (and now almost comical) delays of many high profile Japanese developers, it seems that more are in store for Square Enix.

Some game-breaking bugs were recently found in Dragon Quest IX for the DS, enough so that the game is being delayed from March in Japan until July 11th. Unfortunately, these bugs may not be just specific to DQ IX, but may be reaching across to several other Square Enix games- including Final Fantasy XIII. While Square would not say whether or not Final Fantasy XIII would be delayed as well, they allowed for the possibility that something like that could indeed happen.

Once again, this is unfortunate news if it turns out that FF XIII is delayed yet again. We’ve already waited how long for this game?

Source- Andriasang

Today’s Holy Crap: Escape from City 17

Dang. It’s amazing what you can do with some nice equipment and only $500 dollars on the Internet these days. These guys have put together a live action Half-Life 2 short film, Escape from City 17, that could easily be on TV. Some really great work here, I’m impressed.


January Sales Figures Show Nintendo’s Pwnage

nintendoReally, Nintendo? I’m starting to get suspicious. Either you’re lacing your consoles with crack, or it’s full of hidden money, or maybe the Wii really is more than a fad. Whatever the case, the Big N is still smoking the competition month after month, and at this point it’s just getting shameful.

So how did Nintendo do in January? Well, here’s the list:

* Wii – 679,200
* Nintendo DS – 510,800
* Xbox 360 – 309,000
* PlayStation 3 – 203,200
* PSP – 172,300
* PlayStation 2 – 101,200

Nintendo needs to tell me the secrets of how to take millions of dollars from people. I need that info.

Source- Kotaku

GTA IV: Lost and Damned DLC Trailer

I knew that the GTA IV DLC, “Lost and Damned”, was coming out soon, but I guess it kind of snuck in under the radar for me. Apparently, it’s out on Tuesday, February 17, on XBox Live for all you 360 owners. It comes in at $20, and supposedly supports quite a few hours of new story missions. While this trailer is pretty cool, I’m not sure I’m ready to spend any more money on GTA IV just yet.

What do you guys think? Does anyone plan on buying it?

Bioware: Dragon Age Will Have 6 Unique Prologues

dragonageI heart me some Bioware, it’s official. Their new game Dragon Age: Origins is slated for later on in 2009, and I couldn’t be more excited about the awesome fantasy potential in the game. These are guys are master storytellers, and it seems like they’re ramping up to give us quite a treat.

They even revealed today that the game is going to sport 6 unique intros, depending on what class of character you select. Each of these prologues is going to sport several hours of gameplay that define your character’s origin story, with choices that will effect the main narrative and how it plays out. Some classes are of noble lineage, and others are on the fringes of society. All of this takes place before the actual game starts. Basically, it’s like the origin choices you make at the beginning of Mass Effect, only this time, you get to play them out and see your character’s past.

See the classes and situations after the jump!
Continue reading Bioware: Dragon Age Will Have 6 Unique Prologues

The Great Edge Killzone 2 Review Caper

kz21Killzone 2 is coming out later this month, as many gamers are no doubt aware of. Reviews are already starting to pour in, most of them overwhelmingly positive, which is exciting for me, as I own a PS3. However, what is not as exciting to me is some of the rabid fanboyism that it is inspiring amongst the gaming populace, either for it or against it.

Case in point: recently, Edge magazine gave the game a 7/10, which is admittedly lower than it has been receiving so far. However, 7/10 is still above average for a game, but no, not many others saw it that way. In fact, Edge was blasted by PSX Extreme and numerous other publications (as well as Sony’s most devoted fanboys) for being elitists and just trying to grab attention by scoring the game lower. Um, maybe they just didn’t like it as much as you did?

To me, this really drives home the reason why a game like Grand Theft Auto IV will get almost all perfect scores with little to no dissension among the ranks. Hell, disagreeing with the norm gets you labeled as a pariah in the gaming journalism circles these days. It’s ridiculous. To me, it speaks of a greater issue with gaming publications and the way they buy into their own hype.

What do you guys think? Fair/foul by Edge magzine, or by the other sites that are giving them guff?

Source- CVG

Gaming and Religion: Why Not?

megamanAs a storytelling medium, there is no doubt that gaming has come a long way. From the early years of navigating pixelated plumbers on to the revolutionary cut scenes of the late 90’s and finally to the high definition narratives of today, gaming is truly growing up in more ways than one.

While there are those out there that will always claim that gaming is not and can never be art, or that gaming can in no way tackle deep issues, I propose that those people have not been emotionally moved or impacted by a game before. Even though gaming is still an adolescent in terms of its medium, some great strides have been made in storytelling that place video games right alongside some of the best books or Hollywood blockbusters.
Continue reading Gaming and Religion: Why Not?

The Halo RPG Video

Heck, they already made a Halo RTS. Why not a Halo RPG, Final Fantasy style?

While this video isn’t terribly original, it’s pretty well done and mildly entertaining. A bit too long though. The trick to a good short is knowing when to stop the joke, and these guys kind of went overboard. All in all, it’s worth a watch.


Left 4 Dead Survival Pack Is Yours for Zero Dollars

left4deadWow. I am continually impressed with Valve. They bitch slap the competition when it comes to releasing great content digitally, and releasing quality content in general. And now, they have bitch slapped Microsoft’s “paid DLC no matter what” stance as well.

That’s right, the recently announced Left 4 Dead Survival Pack DLC will be free for both PC and XBox 360 users! In addition, there are a few new details about the pack, as well.

The two new versus modes will be for the original two campaigns, Death Toll and Dead Air. Also, survival mode places humans against several waves of zombies on up to 12 different levels from the campaigns. I’m guessing these will be the crescendo moments scattered throughout each campaign.

This is pretty exciting, and re-enforces my love for Valve yet again.

Source- Kotaku

Microsoft and EA Promise to Stay Original

moneyIf you weren’t aware, these fair United States are in a bit of an economic crunch at the moment. Heck, the whole world is, really. As a result, we’re seeing news of lay-offs and downsizing happening in nearly every industry, and unfortunately, video games have suffered their own casualties.

However, both Microsoft and EA have officially declared that they will continue to push forward on new, original IPs despite the recession. Both companies feel that they can take risks due to their currently strong brands (Gears of War, Halo and Madden can do that for you, I guess). Hopefully this means more Dead Space and Mirror’s Edge.

To me this is certainly welcome news. Lately, I’ve felt that some of the only developers out there pushing new IP were coming from Microsoft Game Studios, joined last year by EA. Hopefully, we’ll continue to see some more innovation, instead of all the studios falling back on even more sequels than we’re already getting.

Source- Shacknews

GamerSushi Asks: Potential Flops?

re5We’ve all been there. That game that you’ve been waiting for finally releases. You rush home with it, open it, put it in the disc tray, and start playing… only, it’s not what you thought it was going to be. You keep waiting for it to get better, but alas- it never does. This has happened far too many times in our pastime, and the sad news is that it won’t be going away any time soon.

So, out of the games that are coming out for 2009, which do you think are going to flop, or have the biggest potential to flop? Are there any particularly hyped games that you think/worry might be disappointing once you get your hands on it?

For me, I’m thinking that Resident Evil 5 might be one of those titles. After playing some great games so far this gen, not being able to run and shoot to me seems like a card poorly played. I’m also thinking that Prototype might not be all its cracked up to me, as well as Halo 3: ODST. Not getting to play as the Chief I think will really hurt this game.

What about you guys?

Is it Me, Or Does Flower Look Fun?

Flower is a PSN game that puts you in control of flower petals that float across colorful landscapes, all done via the PS3’s motion controls. While the concept is mega artsy fartsy, and the developers talk about it as such, it still looks like a damn innovative game, and we don’t get enough of those these days. It’s actually getting good reviews, too. I think this is a game that you can easily get for your significant other.

Pretentious mumbo jumbo aside, aren’t the visuals pretty great? It actually looks kind of fun to play, too.

Dead Rising 2 Confirmed!

dr2It seems that the mysterious viral Dead Rising 2 trailer from the other day was actually the real deal. As of yesterday, Capcom officially unleashed the news that the sequel to the popular zombie brawler will be dropping for the PC, PS3 and XBox 360.

The second game takes place in Fortune City, a spoof of modern day Las Vegas, and from some of the ludicrously gorgeous screenshots, it looks like you will take to killing zombies in all kinds of crazy ways, including roulette tables, slot machines, and whatever else the new protagonist can get his hands on. Apparently, it’s set around 7 years after the first game, and the zombie outbreak has recurred in several cities beyond the humble town of Willamette.

Personally, I can’t wait to get my hands on this game. I think if they fix some of the save/replay options (the first game only allowed one save file and skipped the story if you were late), then itll be a surefire winner.

Who’s excited about this? Did anyone play the first game?

Source- Kotaku

Even More Nazi Undead Coming to CoD: World at War

codzombieI hear that Call of Duty: World at War is a good time. I am anxiously awaiting its arrival via GameFly for me to sink my sharpened fangs into. In addition to having some great solo and co-op campaign action, it also sports a fairly wicked Nazi Zombie mode. I mean, I’ve said before that I can think of no better thing than zombies to add to any game to spice it up, and the idea of mowing down Nazi undead is terribly appealing.

I actually hear that Nazi Zombie Mode is one of the best parts of World at War, so it’s no surprise, then, that Treyarch’s first map pack for the game will have a new zombie mode map in it. Right now, the current map places you and other survivors in a house together, purchasing new rooms and boarding up windows. But apparently, a new map is coming soon that opens the gameplay up even more, and brings a “new wave of undead”, according to the developers.

Who else thinks that this rules?

Source- Call of Duty HQ

Riddick: Dark Athena Gameplay Trailer

Ah, more lovely gameplay footage from the new Riddick: Dark Athena game, which actually comes out next month, if you can believe it. The more I see of this game, the more interested I get. I love the idea of stealth and action gameplay, FPS style, that really seems to blend well together. It looks like it’s shaping up to be a good time. And supposedly, we’re getting a demo of it try for ourselves rather soon.

Left Bumper, Attack: Halo Wars Impressions

halo-wars1Let it be known that I am a Halo fanboy. I know that may draw ire from some of you hardcore PC gamers, and even I am ashamed of it on some level, being also a Counter-Strike fanboy as well. Something about the atmosphere of Halo has always grabbed me, and its rich mythology did the job of sucking me in. You’re reading the words of a guy who has read the graphic novel, assorted comics, and several of the novels, here.

As many of you know, a demo for the game hit XBox Live just last week. So, how did this console RTS that has spent way too long in development hold up as of right now?
Continue reading Left Bumper, Attack: Halo Wars Impressions

Rumor: Dead Rising 2 Viral Video

So a viral video popped up on the glorious ‘tubes today, purporting to be a trailer for Dead Rising 2. While we can’t be sure, as this trailer is filmed via cam off a TV screen, it does offer some interesting teases. Say, zombies in Las Vegas? If this is actually true, then I am all over this game.

Also, rolling over zombies in a hamster ball would totally rule.


Review: Call of Duty: World at War

Some time ago, I asked GamerSushi user Sean to write a review for us. I’ve known Sean for a few years outside of GS, so I thought it’d be cool to have him contribute a guest feature. He was very prompt and did this right away. I, however, having been a bum, did not post it until just now. So, here’s a guest review of Call of Duty: World at War!
Continue reading Review: Call of Duty: World at War

Battlefield 1943 Has Fewer Classes But Comes Cheap

bf1943Some more details are dropping from the New York Comic-Con today concerning Battlefield 1943: Pacific, which comes out this summer from EA. I’m terribly excited about this, as the original game was one of my favorite PC shooters ever, and had some truly epic and memorable battles. Here are some of the new bits of info released for the game today…

Apparently, the game is going to be a $15 to $20 purchase, and will only be about a 350 MB download. In addition, the game will feature fewer classes than the original Battlefield titles, having removed medics and heavy weapons soldiers. To make up for this, all classes will be better suited to deal with tanks and vehicles, and will have regenerating health and unlimited ammo. Also, environments are destructible, which rules.

Personally, while I don’t like having fewer classes or unlimited ammo, I’m curious how the experiment works out in terms of having a smaller, cheaper game that releases paid DLC in small bits. To me, this could be better than dropping $60 bucks on a game that you dont utilize all of the features for. Should be interesting to see how this turns out.

I know that there already people disappointed about this (looking at you, Mitch). So what do you guys think?

Source- Kotaku (thanks to Mitch for pointing this article out to us)

Check Out The Top 10 Graphics Cards

gfxcardI know that there are quite a few of you PC-obsessed gamers out there, so this one’s for all of you.

I haven’t updated my graphics cards in a while (still sporting a Radeon X1600), but for those of you who are on the market for an upgrade, TechRadar UK released a list of what they deem to be the 10 best graphics cards for your buck.

Definitely a handy list. Makes me wish I had the money to build a new PC again. Ah, the memories. So do any of you already own any of these? What kind of graphics cards are you dudes sporting?

Source- TechRadar