Marvel Ultimate Alliance, while not perfect, was a rather fun superhero beat-em-up, especially if you had a friend playing through the game with you. I really enjoyed the story, and playing with an overpowered Wolverine was pure bliss. So imagine my shock when I saw a Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 trailer today, complete with a storyline ripped right out of the Civil War series that took place just a couple of years ago. Iron Man versus Captain America anyone?
Category: GamerSushi News
EVE Players Pulls off Most Badass Grief Job Ever
Wow. This is one for the record books. Seriously. I’ve heard of some crazy junk going down in multiplayer games, but this one really takes the epic griefing cake. Basically, last night, a virtual mega-corporation was taken over, and it all happened inside of EVE Online.
For those of you who are unaware about EVE, it is essentially a spaceship-fighting MMO. It’s a lot bigger than that, but that’s the simplified version. Basically, in this game, there are guilds, factions, corporations and the like, the biggest of which was known as the Band of Brothers, which owned most of the territory in the game for quite some time… up until last night. When spies attacked. What follows is the greatest gaming teabag of all time.
Continue reading EVE Players Pulls off Most Badass Grief Job Ever
Valve Announces Left 4 Dead Survival Pack
Rejoice my fellow Left 4 Dead-ites, for Valve is releasing the much anticipated Left 4 Dead DLC this spring. And goodness me, that’s just a few short months away.
Firstly, there will be a new multiplayer mode titled Survival, which I’m guessing is just what it sounds like: surviving against tons of zombies. I’m wondering if this only takes place on the finale levels, or if it just doesn’t give you health packs and puts you into the campaigns as they are. We shall see. In addition, there will be two brand new campaigns, playable in co-op or versus mode.
On top of all of that, PC users will also get access to the SDK for the game, which will open up the floodgates of user-generated content. Sounds like L4D is about to get a lot cooler, and especially so for the PC.
Source- Shacknews
Introducing: Battlefield 1943!
So, apparently EA just announced Battlefield 1943 this morning, which is coming out this freaking summer. This is a welcome surprise, and seeing as how Battlefield 1942 is one of my favorite PC shooters ever, I can’t wait to create me some more sticky bombs out of moving jeeps.
They even did us a solid and released an awesome trailer, full of vehicle combat, turrets and straight up mayhem. Who else thinks this news totally rules?
Source- Kotaku
Halo Wars Demo is Live!
Well, the long-awaited Halo Wars has now produced a demo on XBox Live for you fanatics to get your grubby hands on. The game doesn’t come out until March 3rd, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go ahead and kill your fair share of Covenant vehicles and ground troops, RTS style.
I’m really interested to see how the game holds up on several levels. One, as a Halo game, does it do the franchise justice, and is it enough to tide the fans over until Halo ODST? Also, as an RTS on a console, is there enough depth there for long time RTS fans, but enough accessibility so that new players and Halo fanboys can dive right in and use it intuitively.
So, who else is going to download this demo? Anybody pumped about Halo Wars?
Source- Major Nelson
Adam Sessler Responds to Fanboy Wars, Is Pissed
Wow. Adam Sessler is a super nice guy, at least from the time that I met him at PAX. He was super busy, and in a rush, but took the time to talk to me and even accepted a business card from me. Super swell fellow.
Well, this happy-go-lucky man is a bit pissed off in the newest edition of “Sessler’s Soapbox”, in which he responds to the fanboy wars between XBox 360 and PS3 fans after X-Play’s review of Killzone 2. Basically, after the review, people accused XPlay of being biased towards the 360, and also of lacking integrity, for getting paid off to review the game the way they did.
The best part of all? They gave the game a perfect score. Yeah. I can see why he’d be pissed. He really gets going by the end, too.
Review: Metal Gear Solid 4
Ok, so Metal Gear Solid 4 came out last summer for the PS3, but some of us didn’t get a chance to finish the darn thing until recently, so sue me. I wanted to take some time away to reflect on finishing this epic saga that spanned multiple console generations, and review it without the hype of the story itself weighing me down.
For me, Metal Gear Solid ranks as one of my favorite series in gaming history. The PSX game grabbed me in some kind of vicious chokehold, and still hasn’t let go to this day.
The combination of stealth gameplay and big-budget Hollywood action, not to mention an entangled plot really struck me back in those days, awakening me to the potential that video games had as a medium. Over the years, there have been stumbles and triumphs for this series, moments that leave you shaking your head in embarrassment (naked Raiden, anyone), or raise your fist in victory (defeating The End). So, how does Metal Gear Solid 4 stand up to its predecessors?
Continue reading Review: Metal Gear Solid 4
Retro Nintendo Customer Service Training Video
I love when all things retro surface again on the Internet, rising from their graves like some unholy zombie minion, ready to slay us with laughter and tales of times gone by. Today’s particularly retro minion comes courtesy of a 1991 Nintendo training video that helps people deal with customers with defective (or supposedly defective) products. Ah, remember back when that Nintendo seal meant something? Good times.
Today’s ZOMG: New Uncharted 2 Screenshots
I’ve said plenty of times that I find Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune to be one of the unsung heroes so far for this generation. It’s a shame the game was only on the PS3, which meant that only a small pocket of the gaming community at large got a chance to share in its platforming, cinematic joy. Bummer.
However, I’m still stupid excited for the game’s follow up, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Some brand new screenshots released today that about made me slap a bear in the face. These new pictures are not only gorgeous, but they may sport some of the best graphics I’ve ever seen.
Seriously, go look. This rates high on the “do want” meter. Very high, indeed. Who played the first game and wants the second?
Source- GamesRadar
EA Dishes out a Triple Bomb of Announcements
Wow, EA had themselves quite the day today. First, they informed us rabid fanboys that Bioware’s Dragon Age: Origins wouldn’t be hitting multiple consoles (XBox 360 and PS3) or the PC until later in 2009, which is contrary to the “early 2009” release date they teased at last year. Those whores.
After that, they went on to confirm a rumor that started circulating last week- Dead Space Wii! That’s right, the Nintendo Wii console-slaying machine will be getting its own dose of strategic dismemberment. I’m wondering how the controls translate, and I actually imagine they’ll be pretty well suited.
And lastly, we finally got some dirt on Mass Effect 2, also from Bioware. Namely, that it’s not coming until early 2010. However, the juicy part of all that is that they said it would be a multiplatform release. Now, that could mean XBox 360 and PC. Or better yet, maybe the PS3 will see Mass Effect 2 after all.
So, after that flurry of announcements- which are you most excited about? Dragon Age: Origins, Dead Space Wii or Mass Effect 2? Go!
Sup Chief, Episode 1: Mister Chief
I’ve posted a few videos by TheDuoGroup, some of my favorite machinimators. Well, they’re now breaking into the live action realm with a new Web series called Sup Chief?, about a group of guys that gets a new famous roomie from the Halo series. This first episode has its moments, but I’m really curious as to how they’re going to stretch this into a series without the premise getting stale. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.
GamerSushi Asks: Best Video Game Openings?
In my mind, they just don’t make video game openings the way they used to. Since games seem to focus less on story in many instances, or more on tutorial levels, the classic opening intro to video gaming past is more like a relic than something that is constantly evolving and moving forward. That’s why, when one hits you right in the mouth and is awesome, you really remember it. Take Fallout 3, for instance, which has one of the best openings to a game I can remember in years.
Well, GamesRadar has put together a list of what they deem to be the greatest video game openings of all time. It’s a pretty interesting group of games, and one that I mostly agree with, though I would have liked to see Final Fantasy VI or Final Fantasy VII on there, I think. Nothing quite compares to those marching mechs in VI, or seeing Midgar for the first time in VII.
So what do you guys think? What is your favorite video game opening of all time?
Source- GamesRadar
GameSpot Tries to Show Some Killzone 2 Integrity
Some of you know me to complain about modern video game reviews. To me, you shouldn’t review a video game until you’ve had some extensive time with it, enough to really sit down and tell people what’s what, and if this thing is worth their money. For instance, many Grand Theft Auto IV reviews are based on only 8 hours of total play, which is almost criminal.
Well, it seems the same is happening to Killzone 2, as GameSpot revealed today that any reviews of the game so far are based on just 3 hours of multiplayer play (they have gotten to play all of single player, however). And not just 3 hours back-to-back of multiplayer, but rather, 3 single hour sessions held for the press over the last month. As a result, GameSpot is actually holding off their reviews until they can spend more time with this aspect of the game.
This trend is incredibly disturbing to me, especially considering that all the major publications have already released reviews of the game. Hell, IGN even gave it a 9.4. Kind of odd considering these people only played the multiplayer aspect of the game online at 3 press events. Seems to me that there should be separate reviews for multiplayer and single player these days. What do you guys think? Fair/foul for video game reviewers?
Source- GameSpot
Left 4 Dead Valentines Equal Time 4 Love
As some of us men with a ball-and-chain (love you sweetie) know, Valentine’s Day is coming up just around the corner. Yes, that commercial holiday in which the meaning of romantic love is boiled down to buying each other trinkets and doodads.
However, if you’re feeling a bit out of sorts, and are looking for the perfect way to tell that special someone how you’re feeling, then fortunately, there’s a solution for you. And yes, it does involve zombies. Left 4 Dead valentine cards!
Created by a Penny Arcade forum goer, these guys kind of rule. I’m a sucker for puns, and these are about as silly as they come. My favorite is the tank. Anyone else know of any other good gaming related valentines?
Source- Penny Arcade forums
Star Wars: The Old Republic Trailer
Here’s a new trailer from Bioware’s MMO, The Old Republic. While it may seem like just a regular old “making of” featurette, there’s actually a good bit of stuff from the game as it goes on. The more I see from this game, the more it ratchets up the “do want” meter that exists somewhere inside of my brain. Curse you Bioware!
Source- Kotaku
GamerSushi Asks: Your Gaming Weekend
It’s a special weekend here in America. A sacred one, if you will. You see, there’s this thing called football, and apparently a big showdown is happening tonight that we are all going to stop and marvel at. By the way, go Steelers.
However, the weekend is also the time for gaming. So what games have you guys been working on lately? Me, I’ve been doing some Left 4 Dead versus still, but the gaming gem I’ve been having a blast with lately is Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3. How nobody is talking about this game, I have no clue, but it might be the best PS3 exclusive out there, I’m thinking. It is also the best Strategy RPG I’ve played since Final Fantasy Tactics, and quickly becoming one of my favorites this gen.
Seriously, if you haven’t heard anything about it, it’s great. Beautiful art, addictive gameplay, a great step in innovating the SRPG genre. So what about you guys? What are you playing?
GameCop Vs LameCop #4
GameCop vs. LameCop is a feature where Anthony and I argue about video game issues, playing the role of either the GameCop or the LameCop as we do so. We switch roles each time. The GameCop has your best interests as gamers at heart, while the LameCop is just what he sounds like: a total loser.
This week, we tackle several issues including Nintendo’s Wii Motion Plus, Ubisoft’s shady DLC and Sony’s penchant for starting the hype train too early.
The Goldeneye Achievements That Could Have Been
This list is actually kind of sad. You see, Goldeneye was supposed to be released for XBox Live Arcade at some point over the last year or so, but Microsoft and certain other parties couldn’t act like big boys and get the thing to happen. So as a result, we, the gamers missed out on the re-release of an old classic. I mean, imagine an XBL deathmatch in this game. Sigh.
An all too painful reminder of the Goldeneye that could have been graced the Intertubes today, namely in the form of supposedly leaked achievements.
While these aren’t the confirmed actual achievements from the game, the names seem to speak for themselves.
Continue reading The Goldeneye Achievements That Could Have Been
Tornado Chasing Comes to GMod
I’m sure that many of you are familiar with the Facepunch forums, especially those of you that are HL2 fanatics of different shapes and sizes. Like most forums, it’s full of its own amount of useless drivel, but occasionally, you’ll find a truly precious gem in its hallowed annals.
This particular gem is gm_tornadochase, a new GMod map being built by user monkeyjoe_, who has had real life experience chasing tornadoes. Yes, the premise is exactly what it sounds like. There is a big freaking tornado on the map, complete with realistic physics and swirling debris, and your job is survive by building structures. Also, you can release research probes up into the vortex to gather data for the stormchaser team.
To me, this is one of the most creative things I’ve ever seen out of a gaming community, and I wanted to share it here. It’s not quite finished, but apparently it’s getting there. There are lots of pictures and even some video demonstrations available in the thread. What do you guys think? Is this bad ass or what?
Source- Facepunch
Batman: Arkham Asylum Breakout Trailer
Ok, so Mark Hamil’s Joker and a new Batman video game is a total “do want” kind of thing for me. This new Batman: Arkham Asylum trailer finally shows off the voice talents from the animated series, as well as a look at some gameplay. Great stuff in here, this game might actually be worth playing. Thoughts?