Retro: The Console Wars, Circa 1990

Ah, the console wars in 1990. Such a simpler time, for simple consoles. The biggest worry was if you should spend $100 on a Nintendo or not, or hold out for the uber-powerful 16 bit Sega Genesis. But wait! Nintendo’s super system is just around the corner, and it’s just as powerful.

Man, watching this video really shows what has happened to the industry in the last 18 years. Pretty wild.

Wii’s Best Games of 2008 Are Kind of Lame

It’s no secret around these interwebz that while I respect the Wii’s bone-crushing grip on the marketplace this generation, I have a strong disdain for its gaming lineup and its gimmicky system. I will admit that it has served up a couple of titles that moved some small part of me to want to play, but overall, I have been a disappointed heap of a person.

Seeing Wired’s Top 5 Wii Games of 2008 only confirms these feelings of bitterness. I mean, besides Super Smash Bros. Brawl, this list has virtually no substance. This is not me disagreeing with the list. This is me completely agreeing that these are the 5 best games that Nintendo had to offer, and being horribly saddened by that realization.

What do you guys think? Will Nintendo redeem itself in 2009?

Source- Wired

The Mario Kart Love Song

Why am I so in love with this young songwriter? Well, allow him to serenade you with tales of Mario Kart with both his voice and guitar, and perhaps you too, shall be wooed. Also, there’s a moustache. My favorite line is about the sparks. And the different cups. Tear.

Legend of Zelda Meets Little Big Planet

Since we’re on the subject of Zelda, it only seemed appropriate to post this LittleBigPlanet map, which features recreated gameplay from the first Legend of Zelda game on the NES. Pretty incredible. I mean, sure, it’s slow and isn’t quite the same, but I’m impressed yet again by the seemingly limitless possibilities in this engine. The thing is, we’ve probably barely even scratched the surface.

Funny fact about the original Legend of Zelda: I could never play it because the dungeons always scared me when I was a kid.

Zelda Producer Aims to Beat Ocarina of Time

Ah, the good old Legend of Zelda series. How Nintendo needs you. How long will you keep getting shoveled out?

The man behind the Zelda franchise for the past few years, Eiji Aonuma, said in an interview recently that he won’t stop making Zelda games until he has made one that surpasses Ocarina of Time. Seeing as how that game is declared “OmG B3ST EvAR” from fans and gaming sites alike, that’s probably not a bad thing. Though one might think that if he hasn’t done it yet, will he able to do it now?

Here’s the quote:

I’m happy that a title I worked on some time ago remains highly praised to this day, but that also shows how none of the subsequent games in the series have surpassed it. As someone who is still working on the series, I have mixed feelings about that. Because I haven’t yet surpassed it, I can’t quit. Surprisingly, that simply motivation may be the reason I continue to work on the Zelda series.

More passionate developers=better games for us. Keep at it, good sir! What do you guys think about the Zelda franchise? Going in the right direction, or staying stagnant?

Source- GoNintendo

You Got Link in my RE4

We don’t like to post two videos in a row here, but this one is so cool I just had to make the exception. This is some kind hack/mod of Resident Evil 4, where a Link model was added. It is kind of awesome looking, and I kind of wish that the whole thing was in Hyrule, etc. Give it a watch.


The Big Nintendo Release List

So Nintendo has taken the time to put together a big mega list of every Nintendo game being released in 2009. This list includes both Wii and DS titles from first, second, third and every party in between. There are a surprising amount of games on there, so it’s definitely worth a look.

Now, how many of these games will be good and how many am I looking forward to? Umm… that part is a little harder to quantify. In a season where we’ve seen so many great releases and Nintendo has offered nothing, it’s hard to get excited about an Animal Crossing title in 2009 or a Dead Rising port.

But then again, I’m cynical. I do want Sin and Punishment and Super Punch Out, though.

What about you guys? Anything on the list you’d like to get your hands on for next year?

Source- Kotaku

Are We Really Ready For Next Gen?

Over the years, I’ve owned a lot of consoles. At one point or another I’ve been the master of the NES, Atari, Sega Saturn, Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast, Sony Playstation (uno, dos, tres) the GBA, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, XBox, GameCube, XBox 360, PSP, the PC and Nintendo Wii. I like consoles, and the games that come with them. Each console represents a unique period of my life, in which I had a chance to become familiar with the system like a new friend, watching as they grew into their own.

The newest generation of consoles is starting to gather its steam, and so far things have been decent. However, as of late, more and more people are starting discussions about the next generation beyond the 360, the Wii and the PS3, speculating about development and wanting to know when the new systems will drop. My question is: is it time to be talking about this already? Have the big 3 earned an investment in a new console just yet?

Continue reading Are We Really Ready For Next Gen?

Dragon Quest IX Trailer

I’m not sure how many of you have ever partaken in the Dragon Quest series, but it’s among the RPG elite out there, and I think Dragon Quest VIII for the PS 2 may have been one of the best RPG’s I’ve played in years. The games have some fun combat, tons of depth, and art by Mr. DBZ himself, Akira Toriyama.

Dragon Quest IX is coming in 2009 for the DS, and this trailer is kind of wicked. It’s really hard to believe I’m looking at a DS game when I see some of the cut scenes and gameplay. Crazy what a handheld can do these days, no?

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Trailer

Ok, so it’s got one of the stupidest names I’ve ever seen, but Kingdom Hearts DS (as I’m going to refer to it from here on out) looks pretty cool. While I didn’t play KH2 because the story looked convoluted beyond believe, this actually is intriguing to me. What really grabs my fancy is the 4 player multiplayer arena clip, which just seems to be a blast. Thoughts? Who has played the other KH games?

Why Do You Love Your Favorite Console?

With apologies to Episode III: Revenge of the Sith…

Console War! Sony and Microsoft are battered by the ruthless onslaught of the Nintendo Wii. There are exclusives on all sides. Fanboys are everywhere!

So even the most non-partisan gamer has a favorite console. I hate the console wars, but I prefer my PS3 to all others. Why do you guys like your console?

Continue reading Why Do You Love Your Favorite Console?

New, Unique Ideas Coming to Next Zelda

Poor Link. He’s gone from 2D to 3D to cel shading to dark and gritty. He’s been all over the place.

Actually, come to think of it, the only thing that’s changed about him since Ocarina of Time is the way he looks. The core of all of the Zelda games has remained unchanged for some time now, but it looks like Shigeru Miyamoto, the man behind Link, has implied he wants to rectify this for the next iteration of the franchise.

According to him, something new is coming.

Continue reading New, Unique Ideas Coming to Next Zelda

Introducing: GameCop vs LameCop

GameCop vs. LameCop is a feature where Anthony and I argue about video game issues, taking on the persona of either the GameCop or the LameCop as we do so. The GameCop has your best interests as gamers at heart, while the LameCop is just what he sounds like: a total loser.

This week, we tackle several issues including pre-order incentives, video game hype and Nintendo re-packaging GameCube games and selling them for the Wii.

Continue reading Introducing: GameCop vs LameCop

Goofy Nintendo Points Are Goofy

Nintendo, I love you, but you’re killing me, Smalls.

Maybe they just don’t understand the intertubes, or maybe they’re glorious money-grubbing bastards, or maybe they’re a little of column A and a little of column B- but Nintendo’s latest move with its recently re-purposed Nintendo Points cards is a little befuddling.

Basically, if you buy a Nintendo Points card and then use it on your Wii, it then becomes tied to that console. And you only get that one. So your new Nintendo Points are now useless for your DSi. Why did you change the name from Wii Points in the first place, Nintendo?

Continue reading Goofy Nintendo Points Are Goofy

Tales of Symphonia 2’s Opening Is So RPG

Besides hiding my head under a rock, one of my other hobbies is missing out in video game news that everyone else knows about. Namely, that there is a Tales of Symphonia sequel (titled Dawn of Souls) hitting the Wii in November. Wtf? For those of you who don’t know, ToS was a Gamecube RPG that was one of the shining stars of that system, and one of the best RPG’s of last gen, in my opinion.

I seriously had no clue about this game, or I would have been excited as I am right now. What’s funnier is I saw this back at PAX, but thought it was just the original ToS being re-released with waggle controls, so I barely gave it a glance. Here’s the opening cinematic from the game. Did anyone else play the original ToS?

Wii Punch-Out Trailer

Ah, the nostalgia begins. So far, Wii Punch Out is looking good. Really, they could just recreate the exact same game with some updated graphics and I’d be happy with it. Luckily, that’s about exactly what this seems to be. Hopefully it’s got a tad more depth though, and maybe a little bit more length on it.

Bravo Nintendo!

Sin and Punishment 2 Teaser

Wow. Got to hand it to Nintendo for this one. If you were unaware, a game existed in Japan for the N64 called Sin and Punishment, an on-rails shooter that many consider to be one of the best of the N64, if not one of the best in that genre altogether. Sadly, we never knew its joy in America except through drastic means.

Well, it looks like a Sin and Punishment sequel is going to be hitting the Wii, and even though it’s just a teaser trailer, some of the gameplay footage really does look incredible. Now that I’m done peeing my pants about it, watch the video.

Introducing: Nintendo DS-i

Maybe they’re trying a little too hard to be like Apple with the name, but nonetheless, Nintendo has announced the DS-i, the new Nintendo DS.

The DS-i will feature a .3 megapixel camera (640 x 480), larger screens and no GBA slot. There will also be an SD card slot to save those pictures onto, as well as some audio enhancements. All in all, this will run you about $180 early next year, whenever this thing comes to the US.

Continue reading Introducing: Nintendo DS-i

Nintendo: New Wii Punch-Out!

Not sure how many of you remember the old school boxer title Punch Out! from the original NES, but it seems that Nintendo is giving the series a slight makeover and then reviving it on the Nintendo Wii.

There aren’t really any other details besides the screen here, but I’ll definitely be following this one pretty closely. I still have fond memories of that game, not to mention the epic training music and montage that went up before the big fights. I’m pretty excited to see this announcement, that’s for sure. What about you guys?

Source- NintendoWiiFanboy