Today’s Awesome: Team Fortress 2 Meets Smash Bros

We’ve all seen mash-ups, and while they are either hit-or-miss, this one is particularly sweet. Someone took the original Smash Bros 64 intro cut-scene and re-filmed it completely with GMod, using Team Fortress 2 characters. And it totally works. Definitely jealous of this idea and the execution. Team Fortress 2 meets Smash Bros 64. Who would have thought?


7 Crazy Gaming Rigs

pcI’ve finally decided to update my PC in just a couple of months, seeing as how it’s been almost 4 years since my last significant hardware upgrade. I’m actually pretty excited about this, as I’ve spent a little more time lately on my PC and have been getting the itch to play certain games that I haven’t had before.

Since I’ve been curious about all of this business again, it was neat to see that Wired had an article titled The Best Gaming Rigs Money Can Buy up today, where they detail a few of the craziest machines in the PC gaming world. While some of them have atrocious cases and can obviously be made for much cheaper given some tweaks, it’s still pretty nuts to see some of these things. I really can’t justify spending up to 10k on a computer.

What do you guys think? When was the last time you PC gamers updated your machines? What is your next upgrade going to be?

Source- Wired

Gaming Obsessions

warcraft3I think I need an intervention. I have this problem, you see. Sometimes, I get stuck playing a game for months on end, not because it’s ridiculously fun or anything, but because I become obsessed with getting good at it. I don’t know why, but I have this fixation with certain games where I need to become better at them, even after the game isn’t nearly as fun as it once was when I started playing.

I suppose this is an obsession. Right now for me, I’ve been doing this with Halo Wars. It’s a good game, and I still have fun, but I spend more energy on trying to come up with the right build order than really enjoying what’s there. I think this happened for me with Halo 2 as well, and Warcraft 3 before that. Games like Halo 3 and Counter-Strike have never been bogged down like that, but for some reason, those other titles were.

So what about you guys? Has a game’s fun ever been obscured by a want to be better at it? Or have you been obsessed with a game in general?

First Modern Warfare 2 Gameplay Video

Well, it seems that another tiny teaser is available for the next entry to the Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 2. It shows some snow action, underwater bits, and some good ol’ helicopter flying. It also hints to a debut of some more footage, set for May 24th during the NBA Eastern Conference Finals on TNT. I think I’ll have my DVR handy.

Bioshock 2 Multiplayer Details

bioshock2Once again, a case of a game having multiplayer that doesn’t exactly need it in the first place. When Bioshock came out, there was a group of people that, as great as the game was, wanted multiplayer for some reason. I’m not sure what exactly they expected, but I for one love playing great single player games and thought that Bioshock was a perfect example of that golden age of gaming done right.

Well, it seems that the 2K Games dudes are going to deliver a multiplayer experience for the sequel, but luckily, it sounds like they’re going through a lot of work to do it, rather than just throwing everybody in Big Daddy suits. Apparently, each player is going to play a plasmid test subject during the Fall of Rapture. So, basically, the multiplayer helps add to the lore and mythos of the game series as a whole.

If Bioshock 2 has to have multiplayer, it’s probably better that they do something like this that builds more layers onto the story. Hopefully though, the mode doesn’t turn out to be stupid or take away from development of the single player. What do you guys think?

Source- Kotaku

Fallout 3: Broken Steel Debut Trailer

Man, you’ve got to hand it to Bethesda for all of the DLC they’ve been able to support their game with. Lots of games companies have said they’d do it, but Fallout 3 has really received some awesome additions to the excellent FPS RPG from last year. This Broken Steel trailer, the newest DLC for the game, is looking rather awesome. What do you guys think? Who has played any of the DLC packs so far?

Late to the Party: Team Fortress 2

tf2If you were unaware, the Orange Box is only $9.99 for the weekend on Steam. So if for some reason you’ve been holding out on this game, it’s probably time to steal it for this low price. Since I’ve only ever played it via other people’s computers, I figured it was time to buy it for myself. And let me say, playing Team Fortress 2 over the weekend has been incredible.

I know many people have already played (and gotten tired) of this awesome game, but I’m experiencing it for the first time really almost 2 years later. I’m really enjoying the team play, and somehow, playing as a backstabbing bastard (aka The Spy) seems to really suit me.

Have you guys ever jumped on to a game years after its release to discover what everybody else already knew? Go!

Battlefield 1943 Wake Island Trailer

Here comes another trailer for Battlefield 1943, which will be priced for the totally awesome price of $15 bucks, from what I hear. The shooter is going to drop this summer, and I for one can not wait to get my hands on it. This new Wake Island trailer for the game is pretty slick, too.

Who else is pumped?

Someone Should Make This TF2 RPG

tf2rpgI’ve seen a lot of mash ups in my life, and they don’t always work. However, when they’re solid, they’re freaking rock solid, and this is no exception. Over on the Team Fortress 2 Maps forums, user goldenhearted has thrown together a wicked concept: a Team Fortress 2 RPG, complete with a party of the Heavy and the Medic, on a mission to locate the Scout.

The really cool part about all of it is the menus and the user interface that he’s put together, complete with the classic and colorful Team Fortress 2 look. He’s posed a few cut scenes together with GMod, and even has some loading screen mock ups. All of it is really slick and just screams to be made into an actual game. So, modders, if you’re reading this, get to it!

To check out the awesome gallery of photos, head over to TF2Maps. Thanks to Lord Ned for the heads up.

GamerSushi Asks: Changing the Ending?

fallout3There might be some slight spoilers here regarding Fallout 3, but I will do my best to avoid them. I haven’t finished the game, so I can’t spoil it too much anyway, I can only talk about what I know.

It seems that the new Fallout 3 DLC, “Broken Steel” which will hit next month on the PC and 360, actually removes the ending of the game itself. Beyond that, it even changes a few key events leading up to the finale, in order to make things more to people’s liking after lots of complaining about the original ending.

Not only does this raise the level cap and allow people to explore the world after the game is finished, it also raises some interesting questions.
Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Changing the Ending?

Left 4 Dead Survival Pack Hits Today!

l4dThe new DLC for Left 4 Dead releases today, bringing with it some new maps for versus play as well as a new mode, “Survival”. The more I read about Survival, the cooler it sounds. Basically, it takes the big crescendo moments from the campaigns (like the hospital elevator or the boat house) and stretches them out indefinitely, gradually adding more and more zombie spawns as you mow them down with limited supplies. This could be awesome.

The Survival Pack hit the 360 late last night, and should be out for the PC version later in the day. The best part of all of this is that it’s free, thanks to the fine dudes at Valve. I haven’t played Left 4 Dead in a month or so, but I just might play it like a maniac again thanks to this.

Who else is excited?

Bethesda Announces Fallout: New Vegas

las-vegasWell dudes, it looks like we finally have confirmation of a new Fallout sequel in 2010, courtesy of Bethesda. The next Fallout game will take place in a post-apocalyptic version of Las Vegas, and is another story told in the same universe we already know and love, much like The Pit or Anchorage.

While Fallout: New Vegas isn’t a true sequel to Fallout 3, it’s nice that a full game is coming, and the idea of a Las Vegas setting is super intriguing to me. Another interesting tidbit is that Obsidian, creators of KOTOR 2, are going to be working on this sequel with Bethesda, which should theoretically free Bethesda up to focus on other things- Elder Scrolls V, anyone?

So, who’s excited about the announcement of a new Fallout game?

Source- Kotaku

WoW: Secrets of Ulduar Trailer is Fine Machinima

Now this is something you don’t see everyday. As games’ technology gets more and more advanced, it seems that many developers are turning to in-game cinematics rather than the CG artistry of old. Heck, even MGS4’s cut scenes were filmed with a real time camera tool. It’s pretty cool then, to see Blizzard using this machinima trailer to promote its next part of the Wrath of the Lich King, Secrets of Ulduar. The animation is slick and the visuals rock, to boot. Great stuff.

Top 10 PC Developers?

starcraftEven though I don’t do too much PC gaming these days, some of my favorite titles of all time have been played via keyboard and a mouse. Warcraft III, The Sims, Counter-Strike: Source, Battlefield 2 and many other games easily top the list of great titles, and I never would have had them without my trusty PC. Well what about the folks that made those games?

ZTGD has put together a list of the top 10 PC game developers of all time, and while the list isn’t all that surprising, it really is cool to go back and reminisce on gaming days of old. These developers really have brought a lot to gaming, particularly folks like Valve, Blizzard and Id.

So who made the number one? Go check it out and see. Also, who is your favorite PC game developer of all time? Do you agree/disagree with this list?

Source- ZTGD

GamerSushi Community Night!

community-nightWe’ve developed quite a cool community here at GamerSushi. For reals, Anthony and I really just enjoy hearing your thoughts on the dumb gaming-related things that we think about (ie: obsess over), and the last few months has been especially cool as you guys weigh in and give your feedback.

That being said, what good is a community of gamers if they don’t actually game together? Anthony and I would like to start doing some GamerSushi community nights in the near future, where we all get together and frag, talk trash, and cause some all out mayhem. We’d like to do 3 separate nights for 3 separate platforms: XBox 360, PC and PS3.

What multiplayer games do you guys own for each of these systems? We’ll look at what everyone says and come up with some games and some dates. Go!

First Bioshock 2 Gameplay Video!

Well, here it is, the first Bioshock 2 gameplay video. It showcases some of the combat while playing as the prototype Big Daddy, and even features some creepy Big Sister action, too. I love the bit with the water coming in through the window, and the graphics really do look insane. Definitely seems like stepping back into Rapture. What do you guys think?

Star Wars: The Old Republic Timeline Trailer

Wow. Everytime I start to forget about the KOTOR MMO (or as it’s supposed to be known, The Old Republic), Bioware dishes out some kind of tease that keeps me coming back for more. Try as I might to avoid this game, I think it will inevitably grip me with a sarlacc pit fierceness.

The newest trailer features the voice of Lance Henrisken (Bishop from Aliens, duh) as the keeper of the Jedi archives. He narrates The Old Republic timeline that leads up to the MMO, and I have to say that it is both epic and enticing. Man, I can’t wait for this game.

It’s also neat to hear that the game will be taking place after the first two KOTOR games. For some reason, I thought it was a prequel. Silly me. Anywho, just watch it.

Alpha Protocol: Obsidian Evolves Trailer

A few weeks ago, I posted a trailer for Alpha Protocol, the stealth/action RPG from Obsidian, creators of KOTOR 2. That trailer pretty much blew me away, and their new trailer for the game, in which Obsidian discusses its evolution, keeps me interested as well. I have to say that I’m really curious about how this game is going to come together in a way that mixes story, RPG elements, and spy tactics.

So far it looks promising. Keeping my eyes on this one for sure. What do you guys think of what you’ve seen?

A Tale of Two Liberty Cities

liberty-cityIf you’re unaware, GTA: Chinatown Wars was just released recently on the Nintendo DS, and from what I hear, the game is actually pretty good. It returns to the top down view of the old school GTA games, but brings the thieving and action to the small dual screens of the Nintendo handheld.

The game takes place in the same Liberty City that GTA IV takes place in, and I have to say, it seems that Rockstar has done a great job re-creating the living breathing world that we saw in the next gen version. Even though I’m not crazy about GTA IV, the city is probably my favorite piece of the game. GamesRadar has put some side-by-side comparisons of Chinatown Wars and GTA IV up for gamers to check out, and it’s pretty breathtaking.

So what about you guys? Anybody interested in Chinatown Wars? I might actually pick it up now.

Source- GamesRadar

Today’s Do Want: EVE Fan Video, Day of Darkness II

EVE Online, the space MMO that is home to brigands, rogues and generally awesome dudes, always seems to come along and tantalize me. Particularly after a fan trailer like this latest machinima work from EVE player Dire Lauthris. The video is produced mostly with in-game footage (though he adds some sizzle here and there), and is also incredible. Apparently, he’s been working on it since back in 2007.

If you want to hear more about the dude’s methods, check out the EVE forums.

Source- RPS