Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage DLC Trailer

The Fallout 3 DLC which so confusingly this week is now being enjoyed by gamers far and wide. Up until now, I’ve only seen screenshots of the thing, which is why it was nice of to Bethesda release this shiny new Operation Anchorage trailer to whet our appetites for some RPG shooter action.

I have to say that I’m an extremely huge fan of the ninja. So who all has played this? Thoughts?

Riddick: Dark Athena Opening Cinematic

I’m a total sci-fi tool. I will admit it before anyone else even thinks it. That’s why I am kind of losing my junk over this video, the first four minutes of Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena. It’s definitely got a cool sci-fi feel to it, and I’ve always loved the universe of the Riddick stories.

Best part of all? This video game is only two months away. How does it look to you guys?

Rumor: GameStop, Steam and the Dawn of War II Mystery

dow2Man. Every time I think I’m starting to like GameStop a little more than I used to, they go ahead and do some foolish thing that reminds me why I constantly campaign against them in the first place. On top of overcharging for used video games, it seems the video game retail chain may now be blocking certain games due to their association with Steam.

Yes, you read that correctly. Kotaku is reporting that Dawn of War II pre-orders were recently removed from the company’s website, and the stores themselves are no longer taking pre-orders either. Why? A source close to the situation claims that it has to do with Dawn of War II being packaged with a mandatory install of Steam.

Once again, this is a rumor, but if it’s true, it’s just beyond me. It’d be one thing if it installed a Best Buy promotional offer, but GameStop, contrary to what it thinks, is NOT in a war against digital distributors. To me, anyone that was going to purchase games online is someone that you’re not losing brick-and-mortar sales to. I guess nobody told GameStop that digital distribution is the way of the future.

This is the corporate equivalent of “I’m going to take my ball and go home”. So what do you guys think?

Source- Kotaku

Today’s Do Want: Real Portal Gun

portalThere really aren’t a whole lot of things I can say about this. I mean, I can talk about how I’ve always wanted to be a handy person (again), or how I like video game things and want them near me or on me. You know how it goes. But really, words can’t quantify how ridiculously cool this fanmade portal gun is.

Basically, a dude made it for his girlfriend because he knew she loved the game so much. It looks like a ton of care went into the project, and I can’t believe how good it turned out. I think I may love this man.

Anywho, check out the pictures yourself. I can has?

Source- Kotaku

This Left 4 Dead Shirt Rules

l4dshirtI don’t own a whole lot of extraneous video game merchandise. That’s not to say that I choose not to, or that I’m categorically opposed to filling my house with bizarre video game paraphernalia (my wife would throttle me), it’s just not financially viable all the time. Sure, kicking back with my life-sized Solid Snake cardboard cut-out would rule, but unfortunately, it’s not meant to be.

Enter a shirt that might make me spend my money like it’s going out of style. This Left 4 Dead shirt is kind of one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. It totally adheres to the “less is more” policy as far as t-shirts go, and I find that to be a welcome thing. Who says you can’t kill zombies in style?

So, who else is drooling over one of these? What’s the coolest video game merchandise you own?

Source- Zazzle

GTA IV Machinima: Dirty Brake

Zachariah Scott of LitFuseFilms is at it again with some more GTA IV machinima tests, the newest of which is called Dirty Brake. This one involves some good old fashioned driving and destruction, something we can all relate to in terms of the GTA series. A particularly epic shot has to do with a light pole. You’ll know it when you see it. Also, make sure to check it out in HD.


Bioware: PC Gaming is Just Fine, Thanks

biowareThere are lots of discussions going on these days in the gaming blogosphere about whether or not PC gaming is dying or not. While the place to game 10 years ago was on the PC, console developers have really stepped up and given our computers a run for their money.

However, Bioware begs to differ, and asserts that PC gaming is doing alright. Since they are kind of veterans in the PC gaming realm, along with other greats like Valve and Blizzard, I suppose maybe we should listen to them, eh?
Continue reading Bioware: PC Gaming is Just Fine, Thanks

Where Should GTA V Be Located?

gta4pcApparently, there are rumors that GTA V might drop as soon as this freaking year. While I’m not putting too much stock in these things just yet, it does bring up an interesting discussion. Will we return to Liberty City? GTA III moved to both Vice City and San Andreas, so what are the likely candidates for the next free-roaming installment?

The XBoxist has put together a list of their top 5 candidates for GTA V. They’ve got a pretty interesting breakdown as to why some of these settings would be ideal, namely Moscow, Paris, Tokyo, Hawaii and the future.

As some of you know, I’m a big fan of that last one. Also, I could see Tokyo make for a great GTA world. What do you guys think? What should the next Grand Theft Auto city be?

Source- Xboxist

Valve Makes Steam More Awesome

steamI’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Valve is genius. They really know what they’re doing, especially when it comes to Steam. That’s why even EA comes to them for web distribution of their games. It kind of rules.

In a move that makes Steam rule your face even harder, Valve has delivered in-game web browsing to Steam in a new update. So now, you can get your game on, your snack on, your noodz on, and whatever else you want to get on while you play their awesome games.

Heck, you can even read GamerSushi while you play. Right? Right? Who else thinks this is awesome? Spread the Valve love.

Source- Kotaku

PC Games That Deserve Sequels

jediknightpcAh, PC gaming yesteryear. How I miss thee. No matter how much I love console gaming, there’s a part of me that will never leave PC gaming behind completely. Unfortunately, there aren’t a whole lot of games that really make me want to jump back into it these days.

In honor of PC games gone by, Big Download has put together a list of 10 PC Games That Need to Make a Comeback. While I haven’t heard of all of the games on the list, I strongly agree with a couple that they have on there. Particularly Baldur’s Gate, Wing Commander, and the Jedi Knight games.

What about you guys? What PC games would you like to see sequels for? For me, Counter-Strike! It’s about time for a new one, darnit.

Source- Big Download

Review: Mirror’s Edge

me-1Last year, EA surprised much of the gaming world with several brand new titles that showed innovation and style, opening gamers up to the possibility that the company had turned over a new leaf. One of those titles was Mirror’s Edge, the first person platformer that puts you behind the eyes and in the shoes of Faith, a runner in a future dystopia. She climbs rooftops and leaps across alleys, and you control it all from her point of view.

One of the first things you’ll notice when you turn the game on is the design, the feel of Mirror’s Edge as you play. The city’s rooftops are pristine, clean and vibrant. The camera sways slightly with Faith’s run, and you can hear her breathe from the the strain of diving from platform to platform. Working together, it really does simulate first person in a way that I haven’t experienced before, and it is incredibly immersive.
Continue reading Review: Mirror’s Edge

GTA IV Machinima: Driving the Airtug

Zachariah Scott from LitFuseFilms posted this on their blog the other day, and I think it’s a cool little preview of what we might start seeing from the machinima community out of GTA IV. The music is fun, and I just love the style of it.

Right now, it’s just a test from them to see what kind of stuff the game is capable of. Hopefully we’ll be seeing more out of those dudes out of this game in the near future. Actually, I know we will.


Mass Effect 2 Struts Its Stuff at GDC 09

masseffectEvery generation has its underrated games. The ones that get overlooked, missed and perhaps swallowed in the wake of the hype of other gaming behemoths. I feel like one of those games for this generation has to be Mass Effect, which presented a level of story and cinematic presentation that I feel was unprecedented and largely unnoticed when it dropped.

Well, the sequel should hopefully be an even better endeavor, and it sounds like we’re getting our first look in just a couple of months at GDC in March. Apparently, some Bioware dudes are going to be there showing off some of the level creation techniques they’re using for the second game, having addressed some issues that they had the first time around.

There’s a lot of other technical mumbo jumbo in there that I couldn’t discern, but who cares? I’m pumped about finally getting some Mass Effect 2 news! Who’s with me?

Source- VG247

Prototype Trailer Is Kind of Freaking Sweet

Consider me a little pumped about Prototype, Activision Blizzard’s new open world action game that’s coming in 2009. Basically, you are in a city full of infected people, you have super powers, and the military is hunting you. I mean, if chunking a civilian into a helicopter is wrong, well then… you know the rest. The new Prototype trailer just came out last night, and it ruled me just a little.

Dude Creates Team Fortress 2 Dispenser

tf2dispenserI am maybe the least handy person in a world. I can’t build anything for crap. You should have seen my lame shop class creations. So that’s why I’m always absurdly impressed by the things that gamers come up with given the time, determination and the resources.

Take this guy, for instance, who built himself a real-life Team Fortress 2 dispenser. No he’s not a TF2 engineer, and no, it doesn’t give out ammo and health, but it does hold beer as well as all of his network equipment, such as his router and DSL Modem. It’s also got his phone and answering machine. Go figure.

So who wants one? Sign me up. If you’re interested in how he built the thing, check it out here, and if you’d like to see more pictures, check those out here.

Source- Steam Forums

Review: Fallout 3

fallout-3-zombie Having been a great fan of Bethesda’s earlier RPG series, The Elder Scrolls, I was eagerly waiting for Fallout 3 and their decision to make it into a FPS/RPG hybrid. Not having played any of the previous Fallout games, I was not concerned with any drastic changes they might have made, so this review will come from the perspective of a Fallout noob.

Continue reading Review: Fallout 3

Review: Left 4 Dead

left4deadIf anybody knows anything about anything, they know that zombies are the glue that hold this world together. Or at least, that’s my view. Throw zombies at any crappy old movie/videogame/book and it instantly becomes a winner. Really, I’d be happy if everything had the undead rolling like waves in the sea, overtaking the helpless innocents.

So you can imagine my excitement about Left 4 Dead. Not only because it is chock full of zed heads, but also because it is the spawn of legendary developer Valve, those messiah figures turned game makers (if you can’t tell, I kind of like them). When you break it down, it’s been hard to argue with their track record over the last few years.
Continue reading Review: Left 4 Dead

Boomer In A Thong Makes Left 4 Dead Sexy

boomer-thongBeing out of the PC gaming scene for awhile now (not by choice, it’s just that updating rigs is expensive), I sometimes miss out on one of the coolest aspects of it- community content. The mods, the skins, the updates, it’s all totally worth it to buy a game because over the course of a couple of years, you get what you paid for from what people add on.

It seems this is already the case with Left 4 Dead, as there are already mods and such for the zombie shoot-em-up. This one, however, just about made me pee my pants in laughter. The boomer in a thong. That’s right. He’s big. He’s burpy. He’s thongy. And he’s sexy as hell.

You should definitely check out the screenshots for a good laugh. Heck, download it yourself and get in on the sexy action. Anybody else seen some good L4D mods/skins?

Source- FPS Banana. Also, Slowa found this at Left4Dead411, as well.

PC Gaming Preview, 2009

pc-gamingI know that many of you are PC gamers, so I wanted to direct your attention over to Shacknews, where they have put together some cool lists for 2009. Basically, each one runs down a huge list of titles that are going to be hitting the PC next year, and apparently there’s a lot to look forward to.

So far, there’s not really a whole lot on my plate that excites me about 2009 in terms of the consoles I own, but looking at these lists shows that PC gaming is far from dead. Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead DLC, Starcraft II, Dragon Age: Origins, Battlefield Heroes, and not to mention the other ports from consoles. Good stuff.

Be sure to check out both part one as well as part two to get your PC gaming info. What are you guys excited about for next year?

Source- Shacknews

The Craft of War: BLIND

So I’m rather impressed after watching this new WoW video. While this isn’t quite machinima (I’m guessing it’s all animated in a program like 3D Max), it’s still the best World of Warcraft video I’ve seen hands down. The animations are gorgeous, and it’s just entertaining to watch. While the music can and does get old, the fight scenes are pretty wicked.

Titled, “The Craft of War: BLIND”. Good stuff.