Left 4 Dead DLC Soon?

left4deadLeft 4 Dead, how I miss thee. I’m in Tampa right now and it’s been almost a week since I’ve been able to slaughter hordes of the undead with my all-powerful assault rifle or pump-action shotgun. Soon though. Soon I’ll return to ridding the earth of these vile minions. And who knows, maybe something new will be waiting for me.

According to Valve writer Chet Faliszek (dude bra), some DLC is coming out for L4D pretty soon. Nothing too definite, but it does sound like it might contain some new “scenarios”, which I take to mean new campaigns. Which is kind of awesome. The SDK for the PC should be out at some point as well.

Unfortunately for those of us silly enough to own this game on the 360, the DLC is going to cost some money, while PC users get it for free. I think it’s totally ridiculous that MS insists on charging for ALL DLC that they release, even if the PC counterparts get them for free. It makes no sense at all to me, especially since I pay a subscription to XBL already.

So, who’s excited about more L4D?

Source- Shacknews

Left 4 Dead: Death From Above

Left 4 Dead has sucked away much of my waking life over the last few weeks. The versus mode is intense, addictive and most of all, incredibly fun. While I suck at the hunter, I know that there are quite a few people out there that have mastered the impeccable timing required for the dreaded wall jump of death. This video highlights a dude with what some might call mad skillz.

WoW Could Be The World’s 4th Largest City

wow1It seems that WoW has now surpassed the 11.5 million subscriber mark this month, after decimating the 11 million mark just a short while ago. I guess those Wrath of the Lich King sales really pushed them over the edge. Who knew?

Seriously, though, that’s an absurd amount of subscribers. Stacked up against the biggest cities of the world, that places WoW just above Delhi, India which has 11.3 million people in the city proper. Just a couple more million to pass Mumbai (13.6 million), and that will be something quite unprecedented in gaming.

It’s hard to imagine that many people all playing the same game all the time. I’m really just baffled by that number. So how many of you here have played or are currently WoW players? You are a mighty army, I’m told. I’d rather not cross you.

Source- Kotaku

EA Folds to Valve’s Steam Machine

eaWow. This is one of those things that I never thought I’d say out loud in my lifetime. EA learned their lesson. They have seen the grievous error of their ways, and have thus repented. How does one know this, you ask? Well, there is a simple answer.

EA has moved its games to Steam.

You can now purchase games like Spore and Mass Effect, with notable titles like Dead Space on their way soon. The best part of all? It seems that they may be DRM-free. To me, this just speaks volumes to the power of Steam, and that Valve yet again shows that it understands gamers and digital distribution better than anybody.

What do you guys think? Good news? I certainly think so. I hope Steam is eventually the platform for all PC releases, personally.

Source- Shacknews

Today’s WTF: Second Life Movie?

secondlifeAre you ready for the megaton WTF bomb for the day? Possibly even the week? I’m going to have to do it quickly though. It’s kind of like ripping off a band-aid, where it’s best to just do it and get it over with. Ok, well here goes nothing: Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean) has snagged the rights to a Second Life movie.

Yeah. You read that correctly. The story specifically has to do with a married dude who’s got a wife inside of the game as well. Dun dun dun!

So yeah, this guy is also making the Bioshock movie. And now, Second Life. Talk about a WTF inducing story. Anybody else NOT going to go see this one?

Source- Variety

Mirror’s Edge DLC Trailer is Trippy and Totally Sweet

Not sure how many of you guys have gotten around to playing Mirror’s Edge, but one of the things that I hear a lot is that despite it being a lot of fun, it’s got some flaws. Namely, having to fight with soldiers as well as other crazy ninja parkour dudes, which is just not everyone’s cup of tea.

There is a new trailer out for the Mirror’s Edge DLC, though, that looks to be all of the fun of the actual game, minus the combat. To me, when I see this, I’m like, dang, I’d pay for a game that was just THIS. What do you guys think?

First Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO Footage

Speaking of MMO’s making people shirk their responsibilities and fall off the grid, it seems that Bioware’s KOTOR MMO has debuted with its first video documentary. What’s so special about it? Well, it has some of the first actual footage of the KOTOR MMO on it, ready for your viewing.

It actually doesn’t show all that much, which makes sense this early on, but even still, I’m intrigued. Anybody else interested in this?

Play WoW, Quit College

I do my best to stay away from MMO’s. From some of their earliest conceptions (including Everquest), I have seen friends, family and acquaintances taken down by these silent killers. The couple of times I attempted to play were akin to time travel, my weekend having suddenly flown by in a blur. They are truly evil machinations.

Well, according to the FCC Commissioner, it’s worse than we thought. Apparently, they have found that World of Warcraft is one of the leading causes of college drop-outs in this day and age. Not sex, drugs, alcohol or anything of that ilk- but an MMO.

While some might call foul, I don’t find this that hard to believe. Having nobody to dictate your schedule and becoming addicted to a video game in college is a terrible snare to be trapped in, and I remember Counter-Strike sucking away most of my freshman year. These things can happen.

So what do you guys think? Ever had a gaming addiction problem? And how shocking is it that WoW is a leading cause for dropping out of college?

Source- GamePolitics

GTA IV PC Review, Minus the Hype

God bless us everyone, and especially 1UP, for what I consider to be a fantastic look at GTA IV several months later, in light of some of the other great games that have hit this year. I’ve been saying since about 5-10 hours into this title that it is one smoldering heap of an overrated game (though still incredibly well made). I can recognize the game’s quality, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still overrated.

What I find particularly interesting is the brief analysis of the characters and the story, but also how other games have given us virtual playgrounds such as Stillwater in Saint’s Row 2 and the Wasteland in Fallout 3 without short-changing us when it comes to our characters. It’s an interesting look at the game that everyone is saying “OMG BEST EVAR” about, and a sobering one at that.

What do you guys think? Is this reviewer and idiot, as some of the commenters have already suggested?

Source- 1UP

New Batman: Arkham Asylum Trailer Has Sizzle

Not only sizzle, but also Akira trails on the Bat pod and “zzzzt” editing effects! Fancy. But even fancier and more fascinating to batfans out there is just how moody and dark this trailer is. I love the design on the Joker, and the shot of Croc at the end is just awe inspiring. Count me excited.

More Top 10 Lists: Pirated Games of 2008

Hey, EA, quick question: How’s that Spore DRM working out for you guys in piracy land? Oh, the DRM is very effective to stop all those dirty pirates, you say?

Well, other sources are saying something different. According to TorrentFreak, here are the top 10 most pirated games of 2008:

1. Spore / 1,700,000 / Sept. 2008
2. The Sims 2 | 1,150,000 | Sept. 2004
3. Assassins Creed | 1,070,000 | Nov. 2007
4. Crysis / 940,000 | Nov. 2007
5. Command & Conquer 3 | 860,000 | Mar. 2007
6. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare | 830,000 | Nov. 2007
7. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | 740,000 | Jun. 2005
8. Fallout 3 | 645,000 | Oct. 2008
9. Far Cry 2 | 585,000 | Oct. 2008
10. Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 | 470,000 | Oct. 2008

I know how we all love to talk about top 10 lists, so sink your teeth into that one. Curious that several EA games are on there, despite the DRM. You know which top PC gaming company doesn’t have any on that list? Valve. I guess if you don’t handicap your users when you give them a game, they’re more inclined to actually pay for the damn thing.

Source- TorrentFreak

RTS Goodness: Dawn of War II Trailer

I haven’t played an RTS in a while, but Dawn of War always tempted me. Dawn of War II looks to be just as epic, just as space-ish, and just as awesome, if not more so. The new trailer shows off tons of cool units and lots of gameplay. Did any of you guys play the first one?

Ridiculous Super Sized Fat Man in Fallout 3

Like Fallout 3? Love explosions? Ever wanted to see 96 nukes go off at the same time from this super deluxe Fat Man v2? This is kind of awesome.

By the way, if you’d like to try this for yourself on Fallout 3 for the PC, download this dude and this guy.

New Riddick: Dark Athena Multiplayer Details

I’ve always said that if I could meet one famous person, I’d meet Vin Diesel, because I’m convinced we’d be friends. Seriously. He’s a true nerd at heart, and even knows some D & D madness. Needless to say, the opportunity to play as him in a video game is an exciting one indeed.

Some new details have started to trickle down about some of the new multiplayer modes in the next Chronicles of Riddick game, and they sound pretty interesting. Of course, you have the customary 12-man-deathmatch, where everyone gets their frag on. Beyond that though are some CTF gametypes as well as a prison riot mode, where several teams face off in a battle royale.

The coolest mode, though, sounds more like a Splinter Cell gametype, in that several prison guards hunt down one player (Riddick) in pitch black. They have flashlights and guns. He has night vision, blades and is awesome. This mode really sounds like it could rule. It’s nice to hear of something beyond the standard CTF or deathmatch. What do you guys think?

Source- CVG

Lord of the Rings: Conquest, Baddies Trailer

Lord of the Rings: Conquest comes out in January, and lets you play in some of your favorite battles online against other equally nerdy opponents. In this new trailer, we get to see a glimpse of the dark forces of Sauron doing their thing and it looks awesome. Lord of the Rings? Check. Nazgul? Check. Killing Hobbitses? Check.

Do want.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is Coming!

Color me shocked! Well, not really. But it’s still awesome to hear Activision announce Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be released in Fall 2009, just in time for yet another mad holiday rush. While I hear that Call of Duty: World at War is a great game in its own rite, CoD 4 was just an all around incredible experience that gamers have been dying to relive all over again.

While there aren’t many details announced for the game just yet, it sounds like it might be a direct sequel to what we already saw in CoD 4. You won’t see me complaining about that as I really enjoyed both the characters and the story, which just built and built until it exploded.

So- who’s excited about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2?

Source- Big Download

Ghostbusters Trailer Shows Ghosts, Busting

When there’s something strange, in the neighborhood… Who you gonna call?

Addictive song aside, this trailer actually arouses an incredible fanboy lust inside my nerdy heart. The Ghostbusters franchise is one that I love, and I’ve always felt that there was lots of untapped potential there in terms of more stories for the crew. This game will feature 4 player co-op from what I’m told. Just don’t cross the streams!

Valve Reveals Sales, Most Impressive

Curious about how many copies of CS:S that Valve has sold? I’ll bet you go to sleep thinking about it. Well, today’s your lucky day, since Valve has just released a list of their lifetime retail sales worldwide for popular titles like Half-Life, Counter Strike, The Orange Box, etc.

While this doesn’t show exactly how much money and mad cash they’ve made from all of these awesome games that they keep providing, it does display that they sell quite a large number of them. About 32.8 million games, actually. That number is rather impressive. You know that’s more impressive, though? That number doesn’t include games bought on Steam. It also doesn’t include Left 4 Dead. So, uh. Add a lot more to it.

Check out a list of totally interesting numbers after the jump.

Continue reading Valve Reveals Sales, Most Impressive

Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena Trailer Nerds Me Out

Not sure if many of you ever played Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, but it really was ahead of its time for an FPS. It combined platforming, first person fist-fights, puzzles, RPG-ish sidequests and was also the first XBox game to use normal mapping, and looked great for it.

It’s crazy exciting to me to see another game in the series coming out, though I think I wouldn’t mind seeing a new movie in the franchise, either. I may be the only one, though. Chronicles of Riddick may have been cheesy, but it was a cool sci-fi universe, darnit! Anywho, check out the trailer. It’s epic.

The Mass Effect 2 Wish List

Christmas is the time of year for wish lists. It’s often fun to ruminate on the things you’d like the most, put them all down, and hope that perhaps, you’ll get all those things you desire. This is no different for video games, particularly when we start talking about sequels.

The guys over at AtomicGamer have done just that in regards to Mass Effect 2, creating a wish list for the things that they would like to see in the follow-up to Bioware’s sprawling space opera RPG. The list includes all kinds of goodies like more alien races, visiting alien home planets, more tactical combat, unique weaponry, less linear storytelling and then some.

Personally, I’d love to see more consequences for the things that you choose in the game, as well as better sidequests with more variety. I simply loved the dialogue points, and I’d like to have even more to do and more people to interact with in such a brilliantly sculpted universe. What about you guys? What do you want to see from Mass Effect 2?

Source- AtomicGamer