Black Mesa Source Trailer Is In-Freaking-Credible

Seriously. This is just too cool for words. In another case of “awesome fan made shizzle”, a new trailer has come out from the dudes over at BlackMesaSource, the Half-Life 2 Mod that re-creates Half-Life 1 with graphics straight from the Source engine. The result? I just made up a new word for it. Fantastic-ness.

Welcome to De_VanGogh

Last week it was Disney’s Haunted Mansion, this week it’s a map for Counter-Strike 1.6 made entirely out of crazy textures featuring Van Gogh paintings. Heck, even the skybox is an awesome shot of Starry Night, and it is just gorgeous to look at. I’d suggest you do so.


GamerSushi Asks: Left 4 Dead Stories

So Left 4 Dead is out and I’ve been playing the junk out of it. What I can’t deal with about the game (in a good way) is just how epic everything is when you’re playing with a group of friends, battling zombies in campaign or becoming them in versus mode. I’ve played the game for hours already with no signs of letting up anytime soon.

As you know, if you’ve played the game, the thing that’s just awesome is that each playthrough is different, resulting in wildly imaginative tales after your harrowing escapes. I thought it would be a good time to recount some of ours.

Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Left 4 Dead Stories

Epic Prince of Persia Trailer Makes Me Happy

Time for another epic trailer for Prince of Persia before I start eating lots of turkey until something in my stomach blows or fails. Every step of the way, I’ve been terribly impressed by this game’s artful care, which ranges from the design to the graphics and even the story, as shown here. I really can’t wait. This is out next Tuesday, December 2, by the way.

Anybody picking it up?

GTA IV: Get Sprunk

Here’s an example of what you can do with the new GTA IV PC video editor, out in the wild. This video is good for a quick chuckle, and I’m liking some of the camera moves you can do as well. Can’t wait to see what it’s capable of, first person. Guess we’ll be seeing lots of machinima from the GTA IV community, perhaps. Anyone else plan on getting this for the PC?

Doom Creator Says PC Shooters Still Pwn

For as long as I can remember, there has always been a debate raging about PC versus console shooters, and which are better. I remember leaving the world of PC shooters for some time because of games like Goldeneye, etc, before being dragged back in by Counter-Strike and convinced that no other shooter on the console could come close. But then I go back and play a Halo and realize that sometimes simpler is better. Sometimes.

In a new interview, John Carmack of Id, creators of Doom, says that PC shooters are still the best in the business, as the PC is much more suited to the genre. He says that the mouse and keyboard set up is the “superior interface” for shooters, and that browser based gaming can be the future of the business, as Id is working on Quake Live to be played straight from your browser. He’s got some interesting things to say, so I’d recommend checking it out.

I know we’ve got a lot of PC gamers here, so I dare to ask: what about you guys? What are your favorite PC shooters, and why are they so much better than console shooters?

Source- GamesRadar

Left 4 Dead Gets Dawn of the Dead Map

A couple of weeks ago, when I was still debating about whether or not I should get Left 4 Dead on the XBox 360 or the PC, a friend of mine told me that the custom content for the PC would ultimately make it the choice that you would want long-term. He insisted that it would just be a few short weeks before someone created the Dawn of the Dead mall. Well, he was right.

Over at L4DMods, a user has posted that a replica of the Crossroads Mall from Dawn of the Dead is already nearing completion, having been made for a previous HL2 mod. The screenshots look fantastic, and there’s even a video walkthrough. Check it out:


Source- L4DMods

Valve: Gaming’s Best Storytellers?

One of the most important aspects of any visual medium, be it films, games, graphic novels, machinima, etc- is story. While many people put an emphasis on the kinds of images and effects they can put into their production, it’s ultimately story that leaves a resonating impact on the viewer/participant.

While gaming has come a long way in recent years, I still find this to be one of the more lacking areas in the industry. Game makers just don’t seem interested in telling great stories. Sure, they’re interested in gameplay, physics, art, mechanics, coding and so forth, and if they can slide a decent story into that framework, then great. But it always seems to be an afterthought.

After reading a great article from Gabe Newell about Left 4 Dead’s design and the idea of using “procedural narrative” that simulates a story that is unique to each player, rather than a traditional scripted narrative that unfolds before the player’s eyes, some of my suspicions were confirmed. Namely, that Valve might be the best storytellers in gaming today.

Continue reading Valve: Gaming’s Best Storytellers?

Eidos Wants Negative Tomb Raider Reviews Delayed

In today’s gaming culture and in the age of Metacritic, this isn’t all that surprising, but it seems that Eidos is asking that anyone who gives the new Tomb Raider a score under an 8 has to delay their reviews. Basically, they’re trying to boost the game’s Metacritic score in order to persuade buyers.

While I understand it in the business sense, it’s kind of shady seeing as how Eidos was part of the whole Gerstmann-gate/Gamespot scandal all those many months ago. It’s not entirely too shocking that video game companies have this kind of hold over the reviewers that they advertise with, but it really is just another sign that gaming editorials these days are jacked.

It especially makes me miss Dan Hsu, former editor-in-chief at EGM, who always took the ballsiest stance possible against these kinds of shenanigans. What do you guys think of Eidos’ policy on game reviews- fair or foul?

Source- Shacknews

Prince of Persia: Open World and Story

Prince of Persia, why must you appear so tasty? Something I didn’t know about this game is that instead of being linear, it takes place in an open world. Definitely a different take on the series, and one that might add even more interesting twists to the Price of Persia franchise.

Also, if you’ve played Uncharted, the dude that plays Nate is the Prince. So that rules.

GTA IV PC’s Machinima Tools

GTA IV releases on the PC in December, bringing its destructive gameplay to desktop gaming around the world. One of the cool new features that will be coming to the PC version of the game, however, is the in-game video editor that allows you to piece together several 30-45 second clips that you can capture while you play.

With those clips, you have access to a video editor that allows you to place camera movements, text and more, all for upload to Rockstar Social, or you can even output them at 720p or 1080p for your own use. While I wasn’t too excited about the tools at first, Eurogamer has posted some quick clips showing little demos of what is available to you, option-wise, and I must say I’m pleased with the results…

Great, another game I might be picking up on Steam next month… What do you guys think? You can view some videos made with the editor at the link below.

Source- Eurogamer

Left 4 Dead- Blood Harvest Gameplay

So I broke down and got Left 4 Dead on the 360. I don’t regret it, either. I had a blast playing it with my brother and a couple of friends tonight. The amount of zombies coming at you is just incredible, and you absolutely have to work together to survive. In honor of this momentous game, I’m posting some gameplay from later on, in the Blood Harvest act, where you are running from zombies in fields of corn. It ends with an epic showdown in a barn.

Fallout 3 Plus Google Maps Equals Sweet

Wow. I know I say it all the time, but I’m continually impressed by both the ingenuity of gamers and the way that they can help each other in community on these crazy tubes called the Internetz. For anyone that’s feeling overwhelmed by Fallout 3’s Capital Wasteland and all of its many places of exploration, some of the folks at Planet Fallout have built a google map edition.

Basically, you can find everything from NPC’s, easter eggs, to points of interest and all kinds of other stuff. You can even filter through the different groups, if you’re feeling extra spoiler-conscious. It’s really astonishing, even though the Wasteland isn’t nearly as big as Oblivion’s world, just how much is packed into the space.

Just clicking around is showing all kinds of cool stuff I didn’t know about, and I’m anxious to get in there and start exploring.

Source- Planet Fallout

Left 4 Dead Now Available On Steam

Ok all you crazy zombie nuts… Left 4 Dead, the game you’ve been waiting for, is now available on Steam. I know several people on my friends list who are already downloading this game, and going nuts about it as we speak. Or as I type this rather.

So, who’s grabbing this game today and playing the junk out of it? Weigh in on the version that you’re grabbing- PC or 360! Also, feel free to leave Steam/ Gamertags, so people can get together and start playing.

I still haven’t decided what I’m going to do about this game, and whether I’ll grab it on the 360, the PC, or both, just so I can play with my 360 friends and have all of the assets for possible use in the future on the PC…

Fallout 3 Versus Oblivion

So we are several weeks into the holiday season of video game releases, and no doubt many of you are already piled too high with games to play. Myself, I just finished Saint’s Row 2 over the weekend and have just jumped into Fable II as of yesterday. One game that I’m putting on hold so I can savor it in its entirety is Fallout 3, which has been good to me when I’ve had a chance to play it.

I know a lot of people are curious about how it stacks up against say, Oblivion, so CVG has put together a little article that stacks the two against each other head to head in terms of eye candy, combat, questing and the worlds that the games take place in. Looks like Oblivion wins, in their eyes. Definitely worth a look if you’re into either game.

Personally, it seems that Oblivion had way more interesting quests (dark brotherhood, wow), but Fallout 3’s story is very immersive, as is the world of the wasteland. What about you guys, what do you think?

Source- CVG

Bragging Rights: Pwning Call of Duty 4

Do you ever finish a game and don’t know what to play next? Man, I agonize over this sometimes. Should I go back and play some more Oblivion, but if I do will I not want to play Fallout 3 when I get it for Christmas? Do I want to finish Final Fantasy X-2 or find more prizes in Little Big Planet? When in doubt, I play Call of Duty 4.
Continue reading Bragging Rights: Pwning Call of Duty 4

Another Prince of Persia Story Trailer

Sigh. Another really cool trailer for Prince of Persia. I guess you can watch it and get happy or something. Me? I’ll just sulk because it means another $60 out of my pocket. Thanks video gaming. You rule like a kick in the nuts.

Valve Proves its BadAss-ness with Complete Pack

If you needed any further convincing, Valve has just confirmed that they are, in fact, complete and utter badasses. How did they do this? Well, first of all, by making some truly classic games, with a great track record. Second, for being the only gaming company that understands how its gamers want to use the Internet to buy things.

And lastly, the new Valve Complete Pack, which includes essentially every Valve game ever made, including Left 4 Dead and the Orange box, HL2, HL, CS, CSS, and all kinds of other things. How much does this cost you? $99. Seriously. It’s almost $140 in savings.

This is perfect for me because I actually don’t own the Orange Box and I was thinking about getting Left 4 Dead on the PC anyway. Anybody else going to hit Valve up on this?

Source- Steam

Call of Duty World at War Teases us with Jungles

Another trailer is out for Call of Duty: World at War, this one featuring sneaky foes hiding in secret jungles, ready to strike at a moment’s notice. This game released this week a little under the radar, considering how much hype was centered around it, but so far I’m only hearing great things. In particular, I hear the Pacific levels are wild and epic, with some huge clashes.

Has anyone played this? Tell us your thoughts!

Fallout 3 Scenes in GMod

Ah, silly GMod dudes. Mingebags, roleplayers, and the like. You always come up with the most creative stuff. In fact, you were Forge and LittleBigPlanet before there was Forge and LittleBigPlanet. Why, here’s an example of someone re-creating some scenes from Fallout 3 in G-Mod, complete with Megaton and even a little dancing hula lady. Shame it’s not faceposed, and the camera work is pretty bad, but it’s still quirky enough to get on my good side.