Dragon Age Coming to Consoles?

One of the more interesting things I saw at PAX a few months back was Dragon Age: Origins, from famed developer Bioware. It looks to have some great hack and slash gameplay and a great story to boot. From what I saw, it was one of my more anticipated games of the next year along with Diablo III.

Well, for those of you who refuse to play games on your PC, this should be some good news, then. It seems that Dragon Age is coming to consoles in late 2009. A Bioware dude even confirmed that it would be coming to both the 360 and the PS3.

Trust me, this is good news. This game is going to be awesome. Who’s excited?

Source- November 2008 Game Informer

Call of Duty: World at War Multiplayer Trailer

Another in a long line of trailers is now out for Call of Duty: World at War, this one highlighting the multiplayer versus modes that are sure to be the glory of many. So far, CoD4 has some of the best console multiplayer I’ve yet experienced in this generations. I’m curious how this one stacks up, though something tells me it’ll be pretty sweel at as well. Thoughts?

Left 4 Dead Versus Mode Impressions

To be honest, there are so many great games on their way that I literally forget about a few of them every now and then. Just yesterday, I was browsing through a list of games and marking “buy” or “rent” next to them, and then I slapped myself in the forehead when I came to Left 4 Dead. I can’t believe this game is almost here.

Shacknews has posted some impressions from their lengthy play-through of Left 4 Dead’s versus mode, where people get to play as humans, zombies, and everything in between.

Continue reading Left 4 Dead Versus Mode Impressions

Half Life 2 Episode 3 Still Far Away

And by “far away”, I mean 2010.

Though the wait between Half Life 2 and Episode One was about 2 years, Valve’s Doug Lombardi has said in an interview that the next installment of the epic storyline will probably take a little longer than that even before it’s ready to release. Episode 2 came out in 2007. So yeah, 2010 or thereabouts.

While this seems like a downer, he also hinted that they could be showing something new by the end of the year, after Left 4 Dead’s release. Fun stuff! So who is anxious for Episode Three?

Source- Shacknews

WoW: Blizzard To Charge For Custom Characters?

Blizzard has taken masochism to a new extreme over this weekend. Never have I seen a company so content to drop nuclear bombs on itself in so short a time as they have, announcing to the world that yes, “We will take your money with us smiling to our graves”.

The newest in the trilogy of wtf-inducing news items is that World of Warcraft is about to get paid character customization in the future. Want to have a special hat that nobody else has? Need the newest leather boots to impress the ladies? It’s just like middle school again, only you’re paying a monthly fee.

Continue reading WoW: Blizzard To Charge For Custom Characters?

Today’s WTF: Future Battle.net Won’t Be Free

Come on, Blizzard. In just a few days, you’re tarnishing any street cred you may have gained through years of hard work and devotion to your fanbase.

You’ve now hit two massive WTF’s in just one short weekend. What’s the deal?

Apparently, during a BlizzCon panel, Diablo III director Jay Wilson said that Blizzard is looking to monetize Battle.net. Guess who’s paying for it? No, not Blizzard, silly fanboys. We all know that they’re so hard up for that green.

Continue reading Today’s WTF: Future Battle.net Won’t Be Free

Fallout 3: March to the Monument

Some new Fallout 3 gameplay videos have dropped courtesy of GameTrailers, featuring different locales, enemies and a variety of weapons. This video here is probably the most epic one, documenting a march to the Washington monument through apocalyptic streets and tons of cool big guns. Check it out.

TGS: Fallout 3 Trailer

Ah, Fallout 3. That game that continues to tease me. I’m seriously terrified of buying this game because of what Oblivion did to me. Basically, I spent 25-30 hours just robbing houses. Seriously. Open world games just own me that bad. I get addicted to the most inane things.

If I get this one, there’s no telling what silly activity might sidetrack me from the hours of gameplay packed inside of it. Anywho, there’s a new trailer from TGS. Cool beans.

Today’s WTF: Pay for Starcraft II Three Times!

In an earth-shatteringly epic WTF that’s sure to have gamers everywhere in an upheaval, Blizzard just announced that Starcraft II’s campaign is so huge, it’s got to be split into three games!

Three games that you get to pay for! So if you want to see the full story, get ready to spend $180 instead of just the original $60.

Thanks, Blizzard!

Continue reading Today’s WTF: Pay for Starcraft II Three Times!

Diablo III: Say Hello to The Wizard

This morning, Blizzard announced a new class to go along with the witch doctor and barbarian: the wizard! Now, you can mow down hordes of enemies with kick-ass AoE spells while stealing your friend’s loot. I can’t wait to see all of the new classes they continue to bring to this game. All we need now is some release info.

Source- Joystiq

Can You Run Fallout 3 on Your PC?

If you hadn’t heard, Fallout 3 is done and ready to be delivered into your hands later this month. Bethesda was kind enough to put together the handy list of system requirements for you PC die-hards that are dying to pimp this thing out on your gaming rig.

Requirement list after the jump.

Continue reading Can You Run Fallout 3 on Your PC?

Portal: Prelude Ready for Download

Portal:Prelude is the incredible fan-made prequel to Valve’s Portal, and it is now available to download. It features a chapter count bigger than the actual game, some wicked puzzles, and lots of dialogue. Best of all, it’s free for you to enjoy.

As I noted above, this game is huge, so the download won’t exactly be a short one. And obviously, it requires Portal already installed to even play it. But surely, if you’re interested, you already have that. Download it, play it, report back and let us know what you think.

Source- Portal:Prelude

The Definitive Holiday Gaming List

We all know that lots of games are coming out this Fall/Winter. We’ve been through this drill many times as gamers. We’ve gotten used to it. However,  I don’t know if I remember another year quite like this one, with so many quality titles coming out across a variety of platforms.

GamesRadar has put together an awesome list of “The 28 Best Games Still to Come in 2008”, to help you get an idea of what’s in store for you. It’s really wild to see them all listed together like this. I think I want to play about 14 titles on it.

Hooray for going broke this holiday season? How many make your list?

Source- GamesRadar

Homebrew: PSP as a Dual Monitor

Here’s a neat little trick for your PSP: using it as a second computer monitor. Apparently, there are people out there that need about 32 extra square inches of screen space, or approximately 966 x 544 pixels.

So, if you’re one of those dudes that likes to do crazy stuff to his PSP, you should definitely check out the requirements and install procedures at PSP Updates.

Machinima: Oil’s Well

I’m not sure just how many of you are familiar with Machinima, but one of my favorite machinimakers out there is Ross Scott, who makes a little series in Half Life 2 called Civil Protection. These episodes star Mike and David, two combines who patrol the streets of City 17 and have humorous antics.

However, in the newest short, he has them talking about today’s oil crisis. I’ve always been really impressed with Scott’s camera work and manipulation of the Source engine, knowing a little about Hammer (the editor) myself. I’m pretty much in awe of some of what he pulls off here.

MOD Squad Weekend on Steam

Got Steam? Like MODs?

Well, this is your lucky weekend, because Valve is making a new effort to push community-created MODs. To show their undying love to you, the gamers, they are releasing, free of charge, 5 new Source MODs for anyone that already has a Half-Life 2 property installed on their computer. Also, you can grab HL2: Episode 1 for just $4.99.

All in all, the MODs look pretty great. I’m particularly interested in Age of Chivalry and Zombie Panic. There’s also Synergy, which allows friends to play through HL2 co-operatively. What are you waiting for? Go get your free games!

Source (no pun intended)- Steam

Rumor: Revealing the KOTOR MMO

The long-rumored (and sort of confirmed by EA) KOTOR MMO has been a thing of legend over the last few months. As a joint venture between LucasArts and Bioware, it’s got fanboys (namely, me) chomping at the bit for any kind of official confirmation or piece of news to show that dear sweet Lord, it is true.

Well, according to CVG, that news is coming soon. Like, in just a few weeks.

Personally, I’m dying to hear something about this game, seeing as how KOTOR is one of my favorite games of all time. I’ve never allowed myself to touch an RPG, but for this, I just might have to break those rules.

What about you guys? Excited about a KOTOR MMO?

Source- CVG

EA Cancels Tiberium, Comment Fight Ensues

Nothing like a good old fashioned blog war. In case you hadn’t heard, EA has canceled Tiberium, the sci-fi RTS/FPS that had you playing as generic space marines fighting some generic bad guys. Wait, why was this canceled again? I think there’s a market for that.

Anywho, what’s even crazier than this game getting canceled is the comment fight that erupted at Gamasutra, where several disgruntled developers have weighed in on what the real development problems were with the game, naming names and crucifying producers and execs.

Continue reading EA Cancels Tiberium, Comment Fight Ensues

Lame: GamePro’s Best PC Games

So a few weeks ago, I cried foul about GamePro’s not-so-great “Best 360 Games” list. Well, I’m here to break it to you: the newest installment, “The 32 Best PC Games of All Time”? Even worse. Yes, believe it.

Once again, I understand that this is all opinion, but just take a gander at the positioning of some of these great games, and where they fall. To give you a little hint: Doom, even though it’s perhaps one of the most influential games of all time, didn’t even land on the list, and World of Warcraft is declared the number one PC game of all time.

Continue reading Lame: GamePro’s Best PC Games

Machinima: Katy Perry Sings Simlish

For those of you who don’t know, “Simlish” is the language spoken by those oh-so-lovable Sims. Recently, Katy Perry, singer of “I Kissed a Girl”, that song that gets annoyingly stuck in your head, re-recorded her song “Hot N Cold” in Simlish for this machinima music video.

While it’s weird to here a song this way, it’s pretty nuts what the Sims is still capable of in terms of machinima. Fun stuff.