How Does Hype Affect You?

halo3In our chosen hobby of playing video games, it is fair to say that the Internet is a major component. And the internet is good at several things, but the thing it excels at more than any other is buzz. Nothing gets word moving faster than the InterGoogle and game companies and fanboys alike take advantage of this. But hype comes in more forms than that.

Let’s take a look at Halo 3. It had the kind of buzz reserved for a major box office movie. When I saw all the cross-promotional tie-ins, I started to wonder if Bungie was being run by George Lucas. I mean, seriously: Halo energy drinks?

I saw so many commercials and trailers and ads with Master Chief pleading with me to finish the fight that I honestly was ready to join the Covenant.
Continue reading How Does Hype Affect You?

GamerSushi Asks: Your Gaming Weekend

vcIt’s a special weekend here in America. A sacred one, if you will. You see, there’s this thing called football, and apparently a big showdown is happening tonight that we are all going to stop and marvel at. By the way, go Steelers.

However, the weekend is also the time for gaming. So what games have you guys been working on lately? Me, I’ve been doing some Left 4 Dead versus still, but the gaming gem I’ve been having a blast with lately is Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3. How nobody is talking about this game, I have no clue, but it might be the best PS3 exclusive out there, I’m thinking. It is also the best Strategy RPG I’ve played since Final Fantasy Tactics, and quickly becoming one of my favorites this gen.

Seriously, if you haven’t heard anything about it, it’s great. Beautiful art, addictive gameplay, a great step in innovating the SRPG genre. So what about you guys? What are you playing?

Batman: Arkham Asylum Breakout Trailer

Ok, so Mark Hamil’s Joker and a new Batman video game is a total “do want” kind of thing for me. This new Batman: Arkham Asylum trailer finally shows off the voice talents from the animated series, as well as a look at some gameplay. Great stuff in here, this game might actually be worth playing. Thoughts?

Final Fantasy XIII Kick-Off Trailer

Just when I thought I wasn’t interested in Final Fantasy XIII any longer, Square-Enix goes and releases a brand new kick-ass trailer for it. Seriously, after seeing the same one for the last 3-4 years, it’s nice to see some sweet new footage, along with some really exciting battle gameplay. I guess I’m back on the hype train again.

What do you guys think?

Prince of Persia DLC Gives Game a Proper Ending

popI’m not sure how many of you played Prince of Persia, but I’m going to give the tiniest of spoilers here, so watch out. While I won’t go into much detail, there really isn’t a true ending to the game, as everything you worked hard to do is essentially undone in the game’s “resolution”. Many people were upset about this, though I guess a few got into it and found it artsy and well done.

However, Ubisoft is going to rectify this with a DLC Epilogue that continues the events of the story, gives some new costumes and even a new power. Personally, I find this to be a little disgusting. Don’t just cut your game off short to give the real ending away for 20 bucks at a later date. I can’t stand the lengths these developers are going to nickel and dime us to death. Or technically, 10 and 20 dollar us to death, to quote Penny Arcade.

So what do you guys think? Fair or foul?

Source- IGN

Resident Evil 5 Demo is Online!

That’s right, the long awaited demo for the much-anticipated Resident Evil 5 is now online for the XBox 360. The best part? You can even play some co-op with a friend, and slay crazed villagers together! In honor of this totally awesome event, here’s a sweet video of Resident Evil 5 demo co-op play. I still can’t get over these graphics. They make my heart all a flutter.

EDIT: My bad dudes! This is currently available for the XBox 360, but it won’t hit PSN until next week.

Bethesda Short Changes PS3 Owners

fallout3-ps3For me, one of the coolest parts of finishing an open world game such as Grand Theft Auto IV or Crackdown or Fallout 3, is the ability to continue on around the world after everything is said and done. Especially in RPGs, where there might even be loads of sidequests yet to complete, so that you can truly experience all that the game you purchased has to offer.

A lot of people were upset with Fallout 3’s ending, which didn’t allow you to do this. So, Bethesda has heard the cries of discontent, and are releasing a patch this week with the DLC to allow 360 and PC users to continue exploring the post-apocalyptic paradise of Washington, DC. Cool deal, huh? Well, not if you’re a PS3 owner. Apparently, Bethesda has no plans for a PS3 Fallout 3 patch as of now, and they’re ok with that.

Kind of a crappy deal if you ask me. I’m not sure how game developers feel like this lack of support is ok for the gamers. Fair or foul for Bethesda? What do you guys think?

Source- MTV Multiplayer

EDIT: Confusing much? According to The Bitbag, there is no patch for the 360 and the PC. Rather, this update is all part of the DLC- which the PS3 is still not getting. Hope that clears things up a tad.

Riddick: Dark Athena Opening Cinematic

I’m a total sci-fi tool. I will admit it before anyone else even thinks it. That’s why I am kind of losing my junk over this video, the first four minutes of Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena. It’s definitely got a cool sci-fi feel to it, and I’ve always loved the universe of the Riddick stories.

Best part of all? This video game is only two months away. How does it look to you guys?

Leaked Killzone 2 Opening Cinematic

Well, Killzone 2 is just around the corner, bringing months of Sony hype into its inevitable fail/win Internet declarations. You know how these things go.

Furthering this speeding engine, the Killzone 2 opening cinematic has been leaked onto our glorious Web tubes for all to see and gawk at. Like other videos having to do with this game, it excites me at some points, makes me say “meh” at others. What do you guys think?

Oh, and obviously, there are spoilers.

Hideo Kojima’s “Top 15 Films” List is For Dudes

kojimaBesides whatever narcotics he puts into his system to give him wild visions and convoluted storylines, Hideo Kojima is inspired primarily by movies. I mean, the fact that nobody told him that Metal Gear Solid 4 was not actually a video game past Act 2 is quite plain to see, and the man clearly has some directorial chops.

So, what are the movies that have had the most effect on this gaming storyteller? Well, it seems Kojima has a list. To be honest, from glancing at it, I’d have to say that Kojima would fit in rather well with me and my buds.

He would also get all of our Predator jokes, apparently. See the full list after the jump!
Continue reading Hideo Kojima’s “Top 15 Films” List is For Dudes

GTA IV Machinima: Dirty Brake

Zachariah Scott of LitFuseFilms is at it again with some more GTA IV machinima tests, the newest of which is called Dirty Brake. This one involves some good old fashioned driving and destruction, something we can all relate to in terms of the GTA series. A particularly epic shot has to do with a light pole. You’ll know it when you see it. Also, make sure to check it out in HD.


Rumor: Mass Effect Trilogy to PS3?

masseffect1You all know of my love for Mass Effect and its awesomely epic sci-fi space opera ways. As I’ve said before, it’s one of the more underrated games of this generation, and deserves a spot right near the top of the heap because of its excellent story telling, something that not many games do that well to begin with.

So, it should excite some of you Sony dudes to know that Second Story Gamer is reporting a rumor that Mass Effect and its eventual trilogy of games are all going to be hitting up the PS3. Their source says that this decision was made by EA due to the economic climate, and the official announcement will drop during GDC (also where Mass Effect 2 will first be revealed).

As I said before, this is a rumor, but even the idea of it is exciting. The thought of more gamers getting to experience such a fun title is always a welcome one. So what do you guys think?

Source- Second Story Gamer

GamerSushi Asks: The Cut Scene?

mgs41A few days ago, I beat Metal Gear Solid 4, excited about having finished the game. I figured, hey, I’ll go to bed after this is over. Having heard it was long, I estimated that this would be about 20 or 30 minutes later, and I would be tucked away and dreaming after seeing Snake & Co’s fate. Boy, was I wrong. The ending was nearly an hour and a half long. Leaving me tired and disheveled at work the next day.

This got me thinking. I do that sometimes. I remember an age in gaming when cutscenes were welcome with anticipation. Hell, part of the draw of the original PSX hits like Final Fantasy VII and Metal Gear Solid were the spectacular cut scenes, because it brought gaming to a new level in that generation. But then you have a game like Portal or Left 4 Dead which uses little to no cut scenes in order to fully immerse you in the gameplay, and it works just as well.

So- what’s the perfect kind of cut scene in gaming? While we can all probably agree that an hour and a half is much too long, what’s too short? What should a cut scene accomplish? What are your thoughts about cut scenes in video games? And what are your favorite examples? Answer away!

Final Fantasy XIII and the Long Hello

ff-13We all know that Square-Enix has taken its sweet time on the last couple of Final Fantasy games, most notably Final Fantasy XIII. While many gamers were under the impression that it was coming to the US and Europe in 2009 (it hits in Japan later this year), that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Yes, ladies and gents, Final Fantasy XIII will not be coming to the western hemisphere this year. In fact, Square-Enix has recently said that FF XIII won’t release before April 2010 on these shores.

While I understand that these things take time, this to me is almost laughable. I mean, why were we seeing trailers for this 2-3 years ago if it’s so far from release?

So, is anyone still interested in this game? I want it to be good, but man, I’ve been seeing the same trailer over and over for years now so much that it’s hard to be excited.

Source- Final Fantasy XIII

Where Should GTA V Be Located?

gta4pcApparently, there are rumors that GTA V might drop as soon as this freaking year. While I’m not putting too much stock in these things just yet, it does bring up an interesting discussion. Will we return to Liberty City? GTA III moved to both Vice City and San Andreas, so what are the likely candidates for the next free-roaming installment?

The XBoxist has put together a list of their top 5 candidates for GTA V. They’ve got a pretty interesting breakdown as to why some of these settings would be ideal, namely Moscow, Paris, Tokyo, Hawaii and the future.

As some of you know, I’m a big fan of that last one. Also, I could see Tokyo make for a great GTA world. What do you guys think? What should the next Grand Theft Auto city be?

Source- Xboxist

Killzone 2 Preview Video

Well, with all the hype surrounding the game (at least in the gaming world if not on the tube), I figured I’d finally post a video of Killzone 2. Gametrailers recently did a nice preview of what the game has to offer, and it’s fairly comprehensive.

I have to say, while the Sony E3 video will live in infamy because of its pre-rendered footage, none of the footage in the actual game is CG. And man, the graphics are nice. Admittedly, the gameplay looks somewhat generic and the design is meh, but still, it can be a looker.

Review: Mirror’s Edge

me-1Last year, EA surprised much of the gaming world with several brand new titles that showed innovation and style, opening gamers up to the possibility that the company had turned over a new leaf. One of those titles was Mirror’s Edge, the first person platformer that puts you behind the eyes and in the shoes of Faith, a runner in a future dystopia. She climbs rooftops and leaps across alleys, and you control it all from her point of view.

One of the first things you’ll notice when you turn the game on is the design, the feel of Mirror’s Edge as you play. The city’s rooftops are pristine, clean and vibrant. The camera sways slightly with Faith’s run, and you can hear her breathe from the the strain of diving from platform to platform. Working together, it really does simulate first person in a way that I haven’t experienced before, and it is incredibly immersive.
Continue reading Review: Mirror’s Edge

Prototype Trailer Is Kind of Freaking Sweet

Consider me a little pumped about Prototype, Activision Blizzard’s new open world action game that’s coming in 2009. Basically, you are in a city full of infected people, you have super powers, and the military is hunting you. I mean, if chunking a civilian into a helicopter is wrong, well then… you know the rest. The new Prototype trailer just came out last night, and it ruled me just a little.

GamerSushi Asks: Halo Killer?

halo-killerEver since Halo claimed the console FPS throne, several games have come and gone to try to take the title “Halo Killer”. As if all of FPS-dom were some huge hill that could be overtaken, and fans would automatically shift their allegiances to this new god-like app with the ability to fell Master Chief and his minions.

Personally, I find that to be a load of garbage, as does The Goozex Report, which has an interesting article up discussing how Sony May Never Have a Halo Killer. While many Sony games have tried, none have come close, and honestly, I don’t see it happening any time soon. Not because of any deficiency of the system, it’s just the fan base is so large I can’t see it being slain and won over.

Not even with Killzone 2, which Sony expects to outsell MGS4 (seriously). Personally, while I’m excited about a lot of games for the PS3 this year, Killzone 2 just isn’t even on my radar. It’s like everyone forgets that the first one was just mediocre.

So what do you guys think? Do you see a Halo Killer coming along any time in this generation? And is Killzone 2 actually going to be any good? Tell us your thoughts!

Source- The Goozex Report

LittleBigPlanet Rolled!

If I was really mean, I would say this is something other than what it is: Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” performed in LittleBigPlanet. Some fun machinima work right there. Since you know what it is, it’s not technically a Rick Roll, right? Right?
