Lord of the Rings: Conquest, Baddies Trailer

Lord of the Rings: Conquest comes out in January, and lets you play in some of your favorite battles online against other equally nerdy opponents. In this new trailer, we get to see a glimpse of the dark forces of Sauron doing their thing and it looks awesome. Lord of the Rings? Check. Nazgul? Check. Killing Hobbitses? Check.

Do want.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is Coming!

Color me shocked! Well, not really. But it’s still awesome to hear Activision announce Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be released in Fall 2009, just in time for yet another mad holiday rush. While I hear that Call of Duty: World at War is a great game in its own rite, CoD 4 was just an all around incredible experience that gamers have been dying to relive all over again.

While there aren’t many details announced for the game just yet, it sounds like it might be a direct sequel to what we already saw in CoD 4. You won’t see me complaining about that as I really enjoyed both the characters and the story, which just built and built until it exploded.

So- who’s excited about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2?

Source- Big Download

Ghostbusters Trailer Shows Ghosts, Busting

When there’s something strange, in the neighborhood… Who you gonna call?

Addictive song aside, this trailer actually arouses an incredible fanboy lust inside my nerdy heart. The Ghostbusters franchise is one that I love, and I’ve always felt that there was lots of untapped potential there in terms of more stories for the crew. This game will feature 4 player co-op from what I’m told. Just don’t cross the streams!

Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena Trailer Nerds Me Out

Not sure if many of you ever played Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, but it really was ahead of its time for an FPS. It combined platforming, first person fist-fights, puzzles, RPG-ish sidequests and was also the first XBox game to use normal mapping, and looked great for it.

It’s crazy exciting to me to see another game in the series coming out, though I think I wouldn’t mind seeing a new movie in the franchise, either. I may be the only one, though. Chronicles of Riddick may have been cheesy, but it was a cool sci-fi universe, darnit! Anywho, check out the trailer. It’s epic.

God of War III Trailer Coming Soon

Well, I guess Spike TV managed to nab a bunch of rad exclusives for the Video Game Awards this year. First, they’ve teased a world premiere of Uncharted 2, and now there are even rumblings about God of War III for the PS3 debuting as well. The Awards will be shown on December 14th.

Apparently, David Jaffe, the creator of God of War III, has been talking up the graphics, saying that Gears of War 2 would be put to shame, etc. That’s mighty big talk from a mighty big mouth, so let’s see what the game actually looks like.

Anybody else excited about this announcement?

Source- VG247

Uncharted 2 Announcement Teaser

We all knew it was coming, but I didn’t expect to see anything so soon. Apparently Spike TV is teasing an announcement of some kind for Uncharted 2, and they’ve even included a nifty little trailer. This is one of the more exciting franchises I’ve played in recent years, and might be the best thing that the PS3 has going for it. Hopefully we’ll see more on December 14, at the Video Game Awards.

Epic Prince of Persia Trailer Makes Me Happy

Time for another epic trailer for Prince of Persia before I start eating lots of turkey until something in my stomach blows or fails. Every step of the way, I’ve been terribly impressed by this game’s artful care, which ranges from the design to the graphics and even the story, as shown here. I really can’t wait. This is out next Tuesday, December 2, by the way.

Anybody picking it up?

Legend of Zelda Meets Little Big Planet

Since we’re on the subject of Zelda, it only seemed appropriate to post this LittleBigPlanet map, which features recreated gameplay from the first Legend of Zelda game on the NES. Pretty incredible. I mean, sure, it’s slow and isn’t quite the same, but I’m impressed yet again by the seemingly limitless possibilities in this engine. The thing is, we’ve probably barely even scratched the surface.

Funny fact about the original Legend of Zelda: I could never play it because the dungeons always scared me when I was a kid.

Eidos Wants Negative Tomb Raider Reviews Delayed

In today’s gaming culture and in the age of Metacritic, this isn’t all that surprising, but it seems that Eidos is asking that anyone who gives the new Tomb Raider a score under an 8 has to delay their reviews. Basically, they’re trying to boost the game’s Metacritic score in order to persuade buyers.

While I understand it in the business sense, it’s kind of shady seeing as how Eidos was part of the whole Gerstmann-gate/Gamespot scandal all those many months ago. It’s not entirely too shocking that video game companies have this kind of hold over the reviewers that they advertise with, but it really is just another sign that gaming editorials these days are jacked.

It especially makes me miss Dan Hsu, former editor-in-chief at EGM, who always took the ballsiest stance possible against these kinds of shenanigans. What do you guys think of Eidos’ policy on game reviews- fair or foul?

Source- Shacknews

Prince of Persia: Open World and Story

Prince of Persia, why must you appear so tasty? Something I didn’t know about this game is that instead of being linear, it takes place in an open world. Definitely a different take on the series, and one that might add even more interesting twists to the Price of Persia franchise.

Also, if you’ve played Uncharted, the dude that plays Nate is the Prince. So that rules.

Street Fighter II in LBP

Ah, the obligatory “someone put x in LBP” video, but even still, I never get tired of them. This LittleBigPlanet level features Street Fighter II’s Ken, Ryu, Zangief and even Blanca, engaging in battles. Pretty creative stuff, and yet another reminder that I’d never be able to do something as cool as this.

Fatality Versus Heroic Brutality

In case you were dying to know, here’s a video clip of every single fatality and heroic brutality finishing move in the new Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe game. While some of them are downright cool (I love the nostalgia of the arcade drop and Scorpion’s fire breathing), it’s sad that they couldn’t do more with what they had and just went with the all out gore. Either way, some of these are entertaining to watch. What’s your favorite?


Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix…whew…Next Week!

PS3Fanboy is confirming what many have suspected: the Cloverfield monster-sized titled Super Street Fighter II HD Remix…sorry, exhausted from typing…will be released on the PSN on Tuesday the 25th of November with the Xbox Live versions coming the next day.

  Continue reading Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix…whew…Next Week!

Mirrors Edge 2D Flash Game Kind of Rules

There’s a new Mirrors Edge 2D flash game out that is actually pretty sweet. It’s a joint project from Brad Borne and EA to bring the Mirrors Edge experience to the browser, and I’m surprised by just how fun it is. You can do a bunch of the normal moves of the game including sliding, jumping, wall kicks, etc.

Even though this is just a one level beta, I’m thoroughly impressed by what’s pulled off. It’s relatively difficult, but I’ve got to say that if the final game is anything like that, I’ll be playing it on my browser, that’s for sure. As for the real game, it’s still on the Gamefly queue. How many of you guys have gotten to play it? Thoughts?

Source- Borne Games

Fallout 3 Plus Google Maps Equals Sweet

Wow. I know I say it all the time, but I’m continually impressed by both the ingenuity of gamers and the way that they can help each other in community on these crazy tubes called the Internetz. For anyone that’s feeling overwhelmed by Fallout 3’s Capital Wasteland and all of its many places of exploration, some of the folks at Planet Fallout have built a google map edition.

Basically, you can find everything from NPC’s, easter eggs, to points of interest and all kinds of other stuff. You can even filter through the different groups, if you’re feeling extra spoiler-conscious. It’s really astonishing, even though the Wasteland isn’t nearly as big as Oblivion’s world, just how much is packed into the space.

Just clicking around is showing all kinds of cool stuff I didn’t know about, and I’m anxious to get in there and start exploring.

Source- Planet Fallout

The Last Remnant Does Mega Battles

Every time I think I’m not interested in The Last Remnant, Square goes and wows me with another trailer. I’ve said it before, but the graphics are the most stunning I’ve seen in an RPG to date (those are in-game cut scenes, people), and the combat actually looks entertaining. The voice acting is above par for more Square games, as well, so I really just don’t know how I feel. All I know is this trailer makes me want to play it. And it comes out on November 20th…

Am I crazy? Or is it just another JRPG that I should ignore?

Fallout 3 Versus Oblivion

So we are several weeks into the holiday season of video game releases, and no doubt many of you are already piled too high with games to play. Myself, I just finished Saint’s Row 2 over the weekend and have just jumped into Fable II as of yesterday. One game that I’m putting on hold so I can savor it in its entirety is Fallout 3, which has been good to me when I’ve had a chance to play it.

I know a lot of people are curious about how it stacks up against say, Oblivion, so CVG has put together a little article that stacks the two against each other head to head in terms of eye candy, combat, questing and the worlds that the games take place in. Looks like Oblivion wins, in their eyes. Definitely worth a look if you’re into either game.

Personally, it seems that Oblivion had way more interesting quests (dark brotherhood, wow), but Fallout 3’s story is very immersive, as is the world of the wasteland. What about you guys, what do you think?

Source- CVG

Bragging Rights: Pwning Call of Duty 4

Do you ever finish a game and don’t know what to play next? Man, I agonize over this sometimes. Should I go back and play some more Oblivion, but if I do will I not want to play Fallout 3 when I get it for Christmas? Do I want to finish Final Fantasy X-2 or find more prizes in Little Big Planet? When in doubt, I play Call of Duty 4.
Continue reading Bragging Rights: Pwning Call of Duty 4

Another Prince of Persia Story Trailer

Sigh. Another really cool trailer for Prince of Persia. I guess you can watch it and get happy or something. Me? I’ll just sulk because it means another $60 out of my pocket. Thanks video gaming. You rule like a kick in the nuts.

Call of Duty World at War Teases us with Jungles

Another trailer is out for Call of Duty: World at War, this one featuring sneaky foes hiding in secret jungles, ready to strike at a moment’s notice. This game released this week a little under the radar, considering how much hype was centered around it, but so far I’m only hearing great things. In particular, I hear the Pacific levels are wild and epic, with some huge clashes.

Has anyone played this? Tell us your thoughts!