Dead Space Reviews Trickling In

For those of you interested in Dead Space and its crazy limb dismembering gameplay (in space no less!), some reviews are starting to drop in for the game’s release, which happens to be today.

So far, the reviews are really solid, ranging right around the B+ scale from several reviewers including IGN, 1Up and GameSpot. The consensus? Dead Space is the start of a great new franchise and is a suspenseful and chilling sci-fi tale with incredible audio and visual design that just happens to be a tad repetitive.

Not bad at all for the start of the holiday game barrage. Go check out the reviews if you’ve been considering this game.

Dead Space: Blood and Gore

More crazy videos out about Dead Space, this one highlighting the blood and gore you’ll be seeing when you play this game later this week. Watching these videos makes me want to play more and more, but like I’ve said before, I’m a little girl when it comes to scary games.

Why Do You Love Your Favorite Console?

With apologies to Episode III: Revenge of the Sith…

Console War! Sony and Microsoft are battered by the ruthless onslaught of the Nintendo Wii. There are exclusives on all sides. Fanboys are everywhere!

So even the most non-partisan gamer has a favorite console. I hate the console wars, but I prefer my PS3 to all others. Why do you guys like your console?

Continue reading Why Do You Love Your Favorite Console?

Fallout 3: March to the Monument

Some new Fallout 3 gameplay videos have dropped courtesy of GameTrailers, featuring different locales, enemies and a variety of weapons. This video here is probably the most epic one, documenting a march to the Washington monument through apocalyptic streets and tons of cool big guns. Check it out.

New Releases: Dead Space and More

Well, that crazy Fall/Winter season that we’ve been anticipating must have totally snuck up on us. Did any of you know that Dead Space was dropping this Tuesday? I certainly missed that somehow.

After all of the cool things I’ve seen about this game, it’s nuts that its release has been kind of downplayed compared to other ones. I guess people are holding their breath about it. I mean, it is by EA after all.

And there’s actually more coming than that…

Continue reading New Releases: Dead Space and More

TGS: Fallout 3 Trailer

Ah, Fallout 3. That game that continues to tease me. I’m seriously terrified of buying this game because of what Oblivion did to me. Basically, I spent 25-30 hours just robbing houses. Seriously. Open world games just own me that bad. I get addicted to the most inane things.

If I get this one, there’s no telling what silly activity might sidetrack me from the hours of gameplay packed inside of it. Anywho, there’s a new trailer from TGS. Cool beans.

New CoD:World at War Trailer Has Explosions, Burning

For all of you out there who can’t get enough of Call of Duty: World at War previews, there’s a new one that dropped today courtesy of Treyarc. This one pays special to tribute to us action gluttons, those of us that glory in explosions, flame and destruction. Take a look.

TGS: Resident Evil 5 Trailer

I’ve got to be honest, I’ve never been a big slobbering fan over the Resident Evil series, but RE5 is starting to gather my interest more and more. I know RE4 was great and all, it’s just nothing I had seen from this new game ever really seemed to grab me.

Plus, I’m a coward and zombie games are scary. Sue me. Here’s a new trailer for Resident Evil 5 from the Tokyo Game Show, and it’s looking pretty slick. There actually seems to be much more of a story, too. So- who’s excited about this game?

Can You Run Fallout 3 on Your PC?

If you hadn’t heard, Fallout 3 is done and ready to be delivered into your hands later this month. Bethesda was kind enough to put together the handy list of system requirements for you PC die-hards that are dying to pimp this thing out on your gaming rig.

Requirement list after the jump.

Continue reading Can You Run Fallout 3 on Your PC?

TGS: Prince of Persia Trailer

Since the Tokyo Game Show is now in full swing, expect all kinds of crazy news and videos for the next few days. Among these is this gem of a trailer for the new Prince of Persia game (coming December 2nd), which I admit to being completely disinterested in until I saw a similarly awesome trailer for it at PAX.

I loved the first game in the series, and after that it started going downhill. This looks to be a step in the right direction, and I have to say, the art style is just gorgeous. Who else is pumped for this game?

Source- Kotaku

Snake And Sephiroth Break Into LittleBigPlanet

Wow. File this under “too darn cute” and “way awesome”- it was just announced at TGS that two new sackboys are making their way to LittleBigPlanet… Old Snake and Sephiroth. Click here for more high-res screenies.

Once again, the amount of content in this game continues to amaze me, though i worry that because I’m going to suck at making levels, it won’t be quite as fun as it looks. Only time will tell. What other sackboys would you guys like to see?

Source- PlayStation.Blog

The Definitive Holiday Gaming List

We all know that lots of games are coming out this Fall/Winter. We’ve been through this drill many times as gamers. We’ve gotten used to it. However,  I don’t know if I remember another year quite like this one, with so many quality titles coming out across a variety of platforms.

GamesRadar has put together an awesome list of “The 28 Best Games Still to Come in 2008”, to help you get an idea of what’s in store for you. It’s really wild to see them all listed together like this. I think I want to play about 14 titles on it.

Hooray for going broke this holiday season? How many make your list?

Source- GamesRadar

Mirror’s Edge Gameplay Tastiness

Hard to really say too much about Mirror’s Edge, which drops in stores in November. Watching this game in person at PAX was incredible. There’s something about catching the design and the game in motion that is truly a unique experience. I’ve really never seen anything quite like it. Who knows how fun it’s going to actually be, but this gameplay video has me a little drool-happy. I can has?

Is anybody planning on getting this game? Is this footage not sick?

Source- Kotaku

Last Remnant Trailer Full of Awesome, Win

Last Remnant is a Square/Enix game coming out this Fall for both the PS3 and 360. Finally, an exclusive TGS trailer has been released, and for me, it’s the first time I’ve been able to see the game in motion. And, wow.

The wild thing? Some of those cut scenes might be in real time, seeing as how Square has made use of the stupid powerful Unreal Engine, used in games like Gears of War and Mass Effect. The gameplay looks promising, as well. I can’t believe I forgot this game was coming in November.

LittleBig Number Cruncher

Ok, I know people are probably tired of hearing it constantly, but it’s worth saying- LittleBigPlanet’s toolset is going to allow tons of creativity for young would-be designers. We’ve already seen things like Shadow of the Colossus, Sony’s keynote presentation at E3, Tetris and even a Chocobo Race all made using the LBP level builder.

This new one, however, might take the cake. Constructed out of a crazy series of pistons, ropes, and lord knows what else, this user has created an LBP level that acts as a calculator. If you have trouble adding and subtracting three digit numbers, then by all means, give this one a whirl. The really impressive part is when the camera pans up to reveal the machinery behind the madness. Wow.

Source- Kotaku

Resistance 2, Trophy Style

One of my anticipated games of the Fall/Winter gaming extravaganza is Resistance 2, as I’m sure some of you have guessed. It actually seems like this installment of the franchise will have more of a story to go on, and the gameplay is just looking fantastic.

So, for you completion gurus out there like myself, the Resistance 2 trophies have been released. Browse it, dissect it, take it apart, and get more excited about the game. Also, be careful, there might be a couple of spoilers hidden with its secret well of secrets.

Trophies after the jump!

Continue reading Resistance 2, Trophy Style

Great Deal On A PS3 HDD Upgrade

Is your PS3 memory getting filled out more than an application? I know mine is. My puny 40 GB HDD is down to a measly 10 GB and with Little Big Planet and Fallout 3 looming in the near future, steps must be taken. Thankfully, I have found a great deal on that I wanted to point out to you guys. Simply click the link above and feast your eyes on a 320 GB with FANTASTIC reviews from people who used it for their PS3. The price? $83.90.  Not too shabby, huh? So what are you waiting for????

CoD: World at War Co-Op Gameplay

Until recently, I mostly ignored any news about Call of Duty: World at War because the game 1) was back in WW2 and 2) wasn’t made by the same dudes that made CoD4, which is just incredible. However, I’ve started to pay more attention.

One thing that really interests me is the game’s co-op, which actually scales in difficulty depending on the skill levels of the players involved. This sounds like a total blast to me, and some new co-op gameplay footage is now out that really got me wanting this game. In this video featuring a street level, the rain effects are dazzling, and when the tank takes the building down, it just looks awesome.


Grand Theft Trophies

Ready to jump back into the depths of LIberty City?

PS3FANBOY has the just released list of Trophies for Grand Theft Auto IV for the PS3. For those of you that have a 360 and have done the Achievements already, this list will likely look familiar. For those of us who don’t, lock and load!

See the trophies after the jump! Continue reading Grand Theft Trophies