After Street Fighter II

Ever wonder what happened after the events of Street Fighter II, leading up to the events of Street Fighter IV? A new anime trailer details just some of those instances, focusing mostly on Chun Li and Guile, and their thighs and hair respectively.

Personally, the art style for the upcoming SF IV is really intriguing to me, and I’m pretty interested in the game itself as well. SF II was the last fighting game that I was really into, and I’m wondering if the new game can renew my interests in the genre at all. What about you guys? Interested in SF IV? Fighting games in general?

Top 5: Games I Want For Xmas

It’s time for all the good boys and girls to make lists for their loved ones for Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever holiday festival you choose to celebrate. I celebrate Christmas, so this is a Christmas list. If that bothers you, don’t worry. I eat poorly and will likely die an untimely death. Now, on with the countdown…er count up, since I start with #1. Continue reading Top 5: Games I Want For Xmas

Rumor: Call of Duty 5 Perks?

For anyone that played Call of Duty 4’s excellent online multiplayer, you know the benefits, the joys and the struggles that come with the perk system. Do you get stopping power or Juggernaught? It’s those kinds of decisions and little abilities that made the game fun, though the martyr grenade always drove me up a wall.

Well, according to PlayStation Universe, they have a leaked list of Call of Duty: World at War perks, ready for you to look at, oggle, judge, and gasp at. I’m not sure where they got this list, and they don’t seem to be able to name their source, but nonetheless, it’s worth a look.

I’m actually really curious about the vehicle ones…

Continue reading Rumor: Call of Duty 5 Perks?

Tetris in LittleBigPlanet

And once again, the madness grows. Here is a cool video I saw of a level in LittleBigPlanet. What’s so special about it? Well, this particular person recreated the game Tetris. Sure it works kind of slow, and it’s not quite Tetris, but the idea is still there. I’m really impressed with whatever mechanism they rigged up to make the timing and such work right. Just another glimpse at what could be possible with this engine.

Also, gotta love the slow Tetris theme playing…

Play the Old School Fallout for Free

Though I am overwhelmed with excitement for Fallout 3, I have to admit that I never played the original PC games. Truth be told, I hear constantly that they were not only incredible, but also among the best PC games ever developed and then placed into the hands (or drives) of gamers.

So, imagine how cool it was to hear that GameTap is currently offering Fallout for free right now on their website, and all you’ve got to do is just sign up for free.

Granted, they might pester you at some point about, you know, giving them money, but hey- a free game’s a free game.

Source- Shacknews

LBP Extravaganza

The LBP mania is getting frenzied, wild and crazy even. This week, there are over 25,000 LittleBigPlanet beta keys being handed out like golden tickets all around the web. Do your best to find them, treasure them and use them for downloady goodness.

In addition, a new “Play Time” trailer has hit today. LBP madness, I says! Madness!

Need Your Resistance 2 Fix?

While I have yet to play the first Resistance game (I know, I know), what I’ve seen of the second one looks like a good time. After watching the multiplayer at PAX and seeing clips from E3 that showed off campaign mode, I’m getting more and more excited for the game.

For those of you, who, like me, go nuts over any bit of the news you see regarding your most desired games, I thought I’d post a link to 10 Resistance 2 videos released by Sony and Insomniac. It even includes the first footage of the co-op mode, which looks great. This game is dropping on November 4. Is anyone else looking forward to it?

Source- Joystiq


Wow, the possibilities just seem endless when I look at LittleBigPlanet. Take this new video, for instance, where a student re-created a Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus in LBP as a level. When I see stuff like this, it makes me both tingle with excitement and ashamed of my own lack of creativity.

Heavy Rain Equals No Do-Overs

If you’re unaware the upcoming PS3 game Heavy Rain, by Quantic Dreams, you should familiarize yourself with it. From the makers of Indigo Prophecy, it is an incredibly cinematic game that lets the character play it almost like an interactive movie, and from the looks of it, is going to be something special.

One interesting thing, though: the creator, David Cage says that you can even continue to play the game after the main character dies.

Continue reading Heavy Rain Equals No Do-Overs

Today’s WTF: No LBP Online Creation at Launch?

A post by a developer over on the Playstation forums dropped this bombshell recently: when LittleBigPlanet launches, you won’t be able to create levels via online multiplayer. Wtf?

Color me puzzled. You figure with the launch of one of Sony’s biggest games of the year, they would have their act together, or rather, they would put the pressure on Media Molecule to get their act together. I mean, maybe I’m wrong, but isn’t online co-operative level creation one of THE reasons to get this game?

Continue reading Today’s WTF: No LBP Online Creation at Launch?

Dead Space And “Strategic Dismemberment”

I don’t do too well with scary things. Ask any of my friends, and they’ll tell you that I scream like a little girl and cover my ears during most horror movies (or games). Needless to say, I have never been a fan of the survival-horror genre for this reason, though I will give grace to things concerning Zombies.

Dead Space, however, combines survival-horror with science fiction, and it looks delicious. I’m particularly intrigued by the unique lack of a HUD, and the UI is incorporated into the environment, really making the gameplay experience feel like a literal camera attached to the hero. It just oozes atmosphere, and not all games have that. Plus, strategic dismemberment just looks insane.

White Knight Story Comes Up For Air

Wow. Two years ago, Level-5 teased us all with an incredible new game called White Knight Story, which looked like it could become THE reason to own a PS3.

They even released a video preview of the game that completely blew my socks off and had me drooling like a maniac for a PS3, way back when I wasn’t even remotely interested in the system. While little bits of info have come out, the game has mostly stayed quiet and kept to itself.

Continue reading White Knight Story Comes Up For Air

Little Big Release Date

Since it’s been more than, I don’t know, a few days since we’ve posted anything related to LittleBigPlanet, I figured we were about due for some kind of excuse to talk about Sackboy. Well, that excuse has arrived.

Kotaku reports that Sony Europe has now set the release date for LittleBigPlanet as October 24th, which is way too close for words. Granted, this is the European release date, but one can only assume that the U.S. release will be coming on or around the same time. Excited yet?

Source- Kotaku

Mercenary Stunt-Off

While I never played the original Mercenaries game, I found the idea terribly appealing, since I’m a lover of all things open world-ish but also causing general mayhem. It seemed to be right up my alley. Needless to say, I’ve been very tempted by Mercenaries 2, which just recently saw the light of day at local retailers.

This new stunt video is making my mouth water. Do want. Did any of you guys play the original? Have you played the sequel yet?

No Place Like Home

For those of you PS3 owners who, like me, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Home, it seems like it’s finally getting closer after all these months. In case you’ve forgotten about what this new online lobby/world is going to feature, there is a new video out that fills you in on all of the goodies. Definitely worth a watch.

Personally, I think this could be just what the PS3 needs to give Sony’s console that shot in the arm that the dashboard functionality gives to the 360. Thoughts?

Source- PS3 Fanboy

Sonic Unleashed Equals Do Want

So for a bit now, I’ve had my eye on Sonic Unleashed. One thing that I love about old-school gaming that seemed to die out was the idea of 2 1/2 D, which is my favorite D of all. Last week, a new trailer for the return-to-roots Sonic appeared, and I have to say, I think it looks incredible. It seems to have the right mix of challenge and speed that made Sonic such an appealing franchise.

Your thoughts?