I am not a typical hardcore gamer nerd. I have long since accepted that while I am a huge nerd, the demands for a robust sex life call me away from my nerdly pleasures more often than not. I do not replay games on harder levels, instead preferring to move on to a new game entirely. I do not collect Achievements or Trophies, I find it as enjoyable as homework. And I do not see the big deal about a number of giant game franchises.
Category: Playstation 3
PSN Update for 9/11/08
It’s that time of the week again, kids! This week’s PSN update features Jeopardy, which actually looks like a fun online version of the quiz show. I rock when watching it on TV, so it will be mine shortly. Rest of the update after the jump, courtesy of Playstation Blog: Continue reading PSN Update for 9/11/08
Waiting for Big Daddy
No, not your pimp. The Big Daddy from Bioshock, which is coming to the PS3 soon, after having been on the XBox 360 for a year. However, while the 360 version fits on a regular old honest-to-goodness DVD, the PS3 version will come on a Blu Ray disc, and will feature a 5 GB install. Yeah, 5 gigs.
The install is unfortunately mandatory and amounts to about 10-15 minutes of installation.
Luke be a Joker Tonight
It’s a shame that there hasn’t been a truly great Batman game in a while. But wait! Apparently, someone is going to try their hand with the new game Batman: Arkham Asylum. Overjoyed? Maybe not, but it gets better…
In news that can only be described as totally kick-ass, Mark Hamill is going to be reprising his vocal role as the Joker for the game. If you’re not sure what this means, it’s actually totally awesome.
Socom: Confrontation Beta Open To Qore Users on Friday
Do you like to get in on the ground floor of something that could be kind of fun? If so, I hope you bought the June edition of Qore on the PSN.
If you did, you will be treated to something special on Friday, September 12th as the Socom: Confrontation beta will be available for you to download and give a test run.
Continue reading Socom: Confrontation Beta Open To Qore Users on Friday
Little Big Planet’s Little Book
I know, I’m kind of a whore for any Little Big Planet info, but when we all get honest with ourselves, we want a little plush Sackboy to take with us everywhere. That’s normal… right?
Well, regardless of my odd obsessions, it seems that the manual for the game is already on the web at SCEA and available for your perusal. Pardon me while I print it out and read it cover to cover.
Sackboy Dances
Looks like Sony is finally understanding some proper marketing these days after all those bizarre early PS3 commercials. Sure, it’s trying pretty hard to be hip off of commercials that are years old, but come on… It’s Sackboy!
Shaking what his SackMama gave him.
Blu-ray: the 5 Year Countdown
I know that this is the way of technology, but it was still a little shocking to hear Andy Griffiths (go ahead, whistle, you know you want to) of Samsung say that Blu-ray has 5 years left as a viable media format.
Really? All of that warring and hooting and hollering between Toshiba and Sony for what amounts to be 5 years? I guess we get to look forward to another Sony proprietary after that. Joy.
PSN Store Update: 9/4/08
It’s Thursday! Time for another update to the PSN! This week brings a ton of video content and a new episode of Qore. If you have not subscribed to it, I highly recommend you do. It’s full of fun features and tons of info. And since I signed up for the first episode, I will be allowed into both the Resistance 2 and Socom: Confrontation betas! Eat your heart out! This month’s Qore features the Motorstorm: Pacific Rift demo.
Full list of new content after the jump:
LEVEL UP! Call of Duty 4 Double XP Weekend 9/12-9/14!
Time to dust off that copy of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and kill some people online! According to Infinity Ward’s blog, IAMFOURZEROTWO, next weekend will be a double experience point frag fest for both PSN and Xbox Live.
Continue reading LEVEL UP! Call of Duty 4 Double XP Weekend 9/12-9/14!
Square Enix Goes Mad With Power
In a shockingly ironic turn of events, Square Enix has become a corporation bent on raping the planet of its natural resources, draining valuable mako directly from the Earth’s surface. Oh wait, that last bit isn’t true, but somebody at Square Enix is smoking something, and I want in.
This might be an unprecedented move, but it seems Squenix is thinking about charging for the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII demo, which was set to appear packaged with the Blu Ray version of Advent Children Complete for free. The 90 minute long demo might end up being sold separately from the film after it comes out.
Fallout 3 Achievements Contain Vault Boy, Win
There are two kinds of people in this world: Fallout 3 nuts and Achievement nuts. Ok, so there are more types than that, but they aren’t concerned with the news that Fallout 3’s list of achievements is now up for your beady little eyes.
I know that some of you don’t care about achievements quite as much as myself, but these are worth checking out for the pictures alone, featuring Vault Boy in a variety of goofy poses and costumes, including one very much akin to a Mr. Norris.
Continue reading Fallout 3 Achievements Contain Vault Boy, Win
Work With Sackboy
Think you’ve got what it takes to work with Media Molecule, the minds behind Sony’s new and way-too-cute game Little Big Planet? It seems that the team that created Sackboy will be watching the community for up-and-coming map and level designers, as a big piece of the game’s appeal is going to be all of the user-created content that will grace PSN once it hits.
Why would they be watching, specifically? To give you a job. That’s just how they roll.
Now Playing-Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
Since I am on a budget these days, I have turned to Gamefly for most of my gaming needs. This allows me to play games that I would normally never buy. One such game is Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. To clarify, this is not a review, as our review process has yet to be finalized, but merely my thoughts on the game as I close in on the final few levels.
PAX: Hands-on with SOCOM
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals Confrontation is the next entry in the popular Playstation franchise SOCOM. It’s set to hit in October, so I figured I’d wait in line to test it out with a few other dudes who looked to be formidable opponents. The booth was set up with four LCD monitors and PS3s for each of us. Having never played SOCOM before, I was genuinely excited to try the game out and see what all the fuss was about.
Considering that the people playing in front of us had their game freeze completely while playing, my hopes were not too high.
PAX: Resistance 2 and Retribution
Admittedly, I still haven’t gotten around to playing Resistance: Fall of Man, though I intend to pick it up one of these days. Preferably before the release of Resistance 2. Today, I got to watch some dudes play through a match or two of multiplayer, which was admittedly sweet, in addition, Daniel and I each play-tested Resistance: Retribution, the new PSP game.
Continue reading to see some video.
Waiting on Team Ico
It looks like we might not have to wait much longer to hear something about Team Ico’s next project. The creators of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are apparently hard at work on whatever their next game is, set to appear on the PS3. Sony worldwide head Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed that the game will be shown “soon”.
Sony Fanboy Rant: Trophies vs. Achievements
For eons it seems, I have been forced to listen to 360 fanboys declare the glory of Achievements. What a joke. Achievements? Anyone can achieve something. Just think of Little Lebowski’s Urban Achievers. Proud we are of all of them? I THINK NOT. Aren’t Achievements what they hand out at the Special Olympics in lieu of medals?
Continue reading Sony Fanboy Rant: Trophies vs. Achievements
PAX: That PS Triple
Get your envy sticks out, because I’m all set and ready to leave for PAX this weekend. While Microsoft has already revealed their lineup for the Expo (and it’s quite good), I’ve still been curious to see what Sony is going to have ready for the throng of gamers like myself.
Preview: The Force Unleashed
Let’s face it, every single kid dreams about having a lightsaber or being able to force choke a bitch. Heck, I even wave my fingers in front of automatic doors and chuckle a little on the inside at my own cleverness. So it was with much anticipation and slight trepidation that I downloaded the demo for The Force Unleashed over the weekend to give my lightsaber a whirl.
All I’ve got to say is: TFU just may be the game Star Wars geeks have been waiting for.