The Halo RPG Video

Heck, they already made a Halo RTS. Why not a Halo RPG, Final Fantasy style?

While this video isn’t terribly original, it’s pretty well done and mildly entertaining. A bit too long though. The trick to a good short is knowing when to stop the joke, and these guys kind of went overboard. All in all, it’s worth a watch.


EVE Players Pulls off Most Badass Grief Job Ever

eveWow. This is one for the record books. Seriously. I’ve heard of some crazy junk going down in multiplayer games, but this one really takes the epic griefing cake. Basically, last night, a virtual mega-corporation was taken over, and it all happened inside of EVE Online.

For those of you who are unaware about EVE, it is essentially a spaceship-fighting MMO. It’s a lot bigger than that, but that’s the simplified version. Basically, in this game, there are guilds, factions, corporations and the like, the biggest of which was known as the Band of Brothers, which owned most of the territory in the game for quite some time… up until last night. When spies attacked. What follows is the greatest gaming teabag of all time.

Continue reading EVE Players Pulls off Most Badass Grief Job Ever

Left 4 Dead Valentines Equal Time 4 Love

l4dvalentineAs some of us men with a ball-and-chain (love you sweetie) know, Valentine’s Day is coming up just around the corner. Yes, that commercial holiday in which the meaning of romantic love is boiled down to buying each other trinkets and doodads.

However, if you’re feeling a bit out of sorts, and are looking for the perfect way to tell that special someone how you’re feeling, then fortunately, there’s a solution for you. And yes, it does involve zombies. Left 4 Dead valentine cards!

Created by a Penny Arcade forum goer, these guys kind of rule. I’m a sucker for puns, and these are about as silly as they come. My favorite is the tank. Anyone else know of any other good gaming related valentines?

Source- Penny Arcade forums

Today’s WTF- Gold Farming Site Bought for 10 Million

goldMaybe I’m in the wrong business. You see, I didn’t know that you could make money by selling fake money. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know all about gold farming in MMO’s (accruing lots of gold so you can sell it in real life), but I guess I just didn’t realize it was so lucrative. Like, ten million freaking dollars lucrative.

Yes, today,, a gold farming site, was purchased by an equity company for ten million big ones. So not only can fake money be sold for real money, but you can sell a company that does this for even bigger money.

Only in WoW, eh? What a world.

Source- Kotaku

Today’s Do Want: Real Portal Gun

portalThere really aren’t a whole lot of things I can say about this. I mean, I can talk about how I’ve always wanted to be a handy person (again), or how I like video game things and want them near me or on me. You know how it goes. But really, words can’t quantify how ridiculously cool this fanmade portal gun is.

Basically, a dude made it for his girlfriend because he knew she loved the game so much. It looks like a ton of care went into the project, and I can’t believe how good it turned out. I think I may love this man.

Anywho, check out the pictures yourself. I can has?

Source- Kotaku

This Left 4 Dead Shirt Rules

l4dshirtI don’t own a whole lot of extraneous video game merchandise. That’s not to say that I choose not to, or that I’m categorically opposed to filling my house with bizarre video game paraphernalia (my wife would throttle me), it’s just not financially viable all the time. Sure, kicking back with my life-sized Solid Snake cardboard cut-out would rule, but unfortunately, it’s not meant to be.

Enter a shirt that might make me spend my money like it’s going out of style. This Left 4 Dead shirt is kind of one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. It totally adheres to the “less is more” policy as far as t-shirts go, and I find that to be a welcome thing. Who says you can’t kill zombies in style?

So, who else is drooling over one of these? What’s the coolest video game merchandise you own?

Source- Zazzle

V.A.T.S. in Halo 3

I love gaming amalgamations. Combining all kinds of fun flavors to make new and exciting things is simply fascinating. Take this mash-up of Fallout 3 and Halo 3, for example, where someone added the V.A.T.S. combat system to the beloved Bungie shooter. Awesomeness ensues.


Today’s Totally Awesome: YouTube Street Fighter

Um, this kind of blows my mind. This YouTube video actually allows you to “play” Street Fighter through YouTube. Every now and then you’ll get choices like moves, characters, etc, all of which come in to play against your opponent. Wait too long to strike, and your opponent will decimate you. So yeah, YouTube Street Fighter. What will they think of next?


Wind Waker Dude Has Talent, Free Time

Ok, so the other day we showed you the one man Zelda theme band. This is possibly even better. One dude with a stupid amount of talent plays a variety of instruments to create the Wind Waker theme by himself. And when I say a variety, I mean a variety. Watch out for the chorus. It rules.

Thanks for the link, Smarty.

Today’s WTF: Dog Killed by Wii-Mote, Rez’d

wii-moteYikes. Be careful with those Wii-motes, kiddies. Not only do they cause all kinds of personal injury as well as property damage, but they are a damage to our cute and cuddly pets. Especially if you are bowling like a maniac and smack your new puppy in the noggin.

A family in Marquette, Michigan learned this the hard way because it is exactly what happened to Ozzie, their brand new miniature Sheltie. Apparently, the dog’s owner was playing Wii Sports when she swung her Wii-mote at the precise moment the dog jumped up towards her. She hit it in the head and killed it.

Fortunately for them, their neighbors came over and did doggy CPR (wtf) to bring the little guy back. They took him to the vet where he was treated for brain swelling, etc and now the dude is ok.

So, lesson learned. Be careful with your Wii-motes, people. For the love of all things furry.

Source- 9 News

Dude Creates Team Fortress 2 Dispenser

tf2dispenserI am maybe the least handy person in a world. I can’t build anything for crap. You should have seen my lame shop class creations. So that’s why I’m always absurdly impressed by the things that gamers come up with given the time, determination and the resources.

Take this guy, for instance, who built himself a real-life Team Fortress 2 dispenser. No he’s not a TF2 engineer, and no, it doesn’t give out ammo and health, but it does hold beer as well as all of his network equipment, such as his router and DSL Modem. It’s also got his phone and answering machine. Go figure.

So who wants one? Sign me up. If you’re interested in how he built the thing, check it out here, and if you’d like to see more pictures, check those out here.

Source- Steam Forums

Gamepocalypse: Wii Sports is the Best-Selling Game, Ever.

wii-sportsSeriously. Kick me right in the nuts, because I must be dreaming. I’m not really sure how this hasn’t gathered more attention recently, but it’s true- Wii Sports is the best-selling game of all time, now at over 40 million copies sold, putting it past Super Mario Bros., the previous title holder.

Granted, these numbers are a bit skewed, as both of these games were bundled titles with their systems (a PS2 bundled game would have sold 100 million plus copies), but it’s still significant, as no game has ever sold more than the original SMB until now. And it’s Wii. Freaking. Sports.

Curious about the other top 10 best-selling games of all time?
Continue reading Gamepocalypse: Wii Sports is the Best-Selling Game, Ever.

Today’s WTF: Lady Puts Credit Card in Wii

credit-card-wiiWow, starting the new year off with a bang, eh kids? Already we’ve got a pretty epic fail/wtf-inducing moment to talk about. And this one just takes many a cake.

Apparently, a poster over at NeoGAF has informed the gaming community this his neighbor broke her Wii by putting a credit card in it. The defense? She was trying to buy VC games and she took “put in your credit card” a bit too literally. Now her Wii is broken.

Funny thing is, there are just as many games to play on it… Ok, I kid. I bash on the Wii too much, but let’s transfer that negative energy into making fun of this silly lady. How’s that for an epic fail? View some pics of the ordeal here.

Source- Kombo

WoW Could Be The World’s 4th Largest City

wow1It seems that WoW has now surpassed the 11.5 million subscriber mark this month, after decimating the 11 million mark just a short while ago. I guess those Wrath of the Lich King sales really pushed them over the edge. Who knew?

Seriously, though, that’s an absurd amount of subscribers. Stacked up against the biggest cities of the world, that places WoW just above Delhi, India which has 11.3 million people in the city proper. Just a couple more million to pass Mumbai (13.6 million), and that will be something quite unprecedented in gaming.

It’s hard to imagine that many people all playing the same game all the time. I’m really just baffled by that number. So how many of you here have played or are currently WoW players? You are a mighty army, I’m told. I’d rather not cross you.

Source- Kotaku

Today’s WTF: Second Life Movie?

secondlifeAre you ready for the megaton WTF bomb for the day? Possibly even the week? I’m going to have to do it quickly though. It’s kind of like ripping off a band-aid, where it’s best to just do it and get it over with. Ok, well here goes nothing: Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean) has snagged the rights to a Second Life movie.

Yeah. You read that correctly. The story specifically has to do with a married dude who’s got a wife inside of the game as well. Dun dun dun!

So yeah, this guy is also making the Bioshock movie. And now, Second Life. Talk about a WTF inducing story. Anybody else NOT going to go see this one?

Source- Variety

Today’s WTF: Chrono Trigger at GameStop

As we all know, Chrono Trigger is considered to be one of the greatest RPGs, if not one of the greatest games of all time. It features a great cast, an epic storyline, and everyone’s favorite story trope, time travel. The game was just recently re-released on the Nintendo DS, and I absolutely can’t wait to pick it up.

However, apparently the re-release, according to GameStop, is slightly different from the version we all know and love. From their website:

If the physics depicted in TV and movies are correct, and we have no reason to doubt that, then messing with the time-space continuum always results in wacky adventures. Join Crono in this updated old-school favorite as he travels through time and space in order to go back to 1982 and throw a football over some mountains to win the state championship.

Wow. That sounds like it could be even better than the original. I’m not sure how long this will stay up on the GameStop website, so go check it out while you can!

Source- GameStop, via Kotaku

Disney’s Haunted Mansion in Counter-Strike: Source

Wow. Who needs Little Big Planet when you’ve got Counter-Strike: Source? Here, someone has literally created the whole Haunted Mansion ride and ported it into the game. Knowing a little bit about map building myself in Hammer for Counter-Strike: Source, I have no idea how this guy pulled off some of the stuff he did here. And planting the bomb in it is just mean.

Video Game Characters Secret Confessions!

We all have secrets. There are whole websites devoted to people just telling their secrets and Conan O’Brien has a segment where celebrities can reveal their darkest truths. In this post, Anthony has uncovered some of the most iconic video game character confessions you have never heard!


Continue reading Video Game Characters Secret Confessions!

Today’s WTF: The Great Solid Snake Escape

Video games teach us to do lots of things. Drive exotic cars, love exotic women and even jump on the heads of turtles. In the case of a 42 year old Turkish man in Germany, they taught him how to pull off a prison escape.

That’s right, a dude escaped from prison last week using a cardboard box. How very Metal Gear Solid of him. He hid inside of it and loaded himself into a cargo truck, which promptly drove him from the grounds, where he cut through the tarp and leaped to his freedom. This is both hilarious and scary, but I can’t help but laugh just a little on the inside. Dramatization below:


Source- Shacknews