I Want a MegaMan Costume, Too

Look at this kid. He is a badass and he knows it, sporting his MegaMan costume for Halloween and looking utterly awesome. Apparently, his dad built the whole thing about of of a plastic cup, some LEDs, lots of black electrical tape, some cloth and some wires.

This is maybe one of the coolest video game related costumes I’ve ever seen, particularly because even if this little kid has never played MegaMan his entire life, he still looks rad, so he’d want to wear it anyway. What about you guys? Any gaming related costume ideas for Halloween?

Source- Destructoid via Gizmodo

Swamped! Too Many Games, Not Enough Time

I used to have so much time to play video games. When I was a kid, if I got a new game, it would keep me going for months. At Christmas time, when I got a bunch of new games, I was set until NEXT Christmas. Continue reading Swamped! Too Many Games, Not Enough Time

Today’s WTF? Crazy Name Changes

Yahoo News is reporting that Cincinnati Bengals receiver Chad Johnson, known for his endzone antics has legally changed his last name to “Ocho Cinco”, a reference to his jersey number 85.


According to Johnson Ocho Cinco:

It’s something I don’t think anyone has ever done before. Have I ever had a reason for why I do what I do? I’m having fun.

Continue reading Today’s WTF? Crazy Name Changes