Bethesda Short Changes PS3 Owners

fallout3-ps3For me, one of the coolest parts of finishing an open world game such as Grand Theft Auto IV or Crackdown or Fallout 3, is the ability to continue on around the world after everything is said and done. Especially in RPGs, where there might even be loads of sidequests yet to complete, so that you can truly experience all that the game you purchased has to offer.

A lot of people were upset with Fallout 3’s ending, which didn’t allow you to do this. So, Bethesda has heard the cries of discontent, and are releasing a patch this week with the DLC to allow 360 and PC users to continue exploring the post-apocalyptic paradise of Washington, DC. Cool deal, huh? Well, not if you’re a PS3 owner. Apparently, Bethesda has no plans for a PS3 Fallout 3 patch as of now, and they’re ok with that.

Kind of a crappy deal if you ask me. I’m not sure how game developers feel like this lack of support is ok for the gamers. Fair or foul for Bethesda? What do you guys think?

Source- MTV Multiplayer

EDIT: Confusing much? According to The Bitbag, there is no patch for the 360 and the PC. Rather, this update is all part of the DLC- which the PS3 is still not getting. Hope that clears things up a tad.

Rumor: Mass Effect Trilogy to PS3?

masseffect1You all know of my love for Mass Effect and its awesomely epic sci-fi space opera ways. As I’ve said before, it’s one of the more underrated games of this generation, and deserves a spot right near the top of the heap because of its excellent story telling, something that not many games do that well to begin with.

So, it should excite some of you Sony dudes to know that Second Story Gamer is reporting a rumor that Mass Effect and its eventual trilogy of games are all going to be hitting up the PS3. Their source says that this decision was made by EA due to the economic climate, and the official announcement will drop during GDC (also where Mass Effect 2 will first be revealed).

As I said before, this is a rumor, but even the idea of it is exciting. The thought of more gamers getting to experience such a fun title is always a welcome one. So what do you guys think?

Source- Second Story Gamer

Final Fantasy XIII and the Long Hello

ff-13We all know that Square-Enix has taken its sweet time on the last couple of Final Fantasy games, most notably Final Fantasy XIII. While many gamers were under the impression that it was coming to the US and Europe in 2009 (it hits in Japan later this year), that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Yes, ladies and gents, Final Fantasy XIII will not be coming to the western hemisphere this year. In fact, Square-Enix has recently said that FF XIII won’t release before April 2010 on these shores.

While I understand that these things take time, this to me is almost laughable. I mean, why were we seeing trailers for this 2-3 years ago if it’s so far from release?

So, is anyone still interested in this game? I want it to be good, but man, I’ve been seeing the same trailer over and over for years now so much that it’s hard to be excited.

Source- Final Fantasy XIII

Lame Alert: Fable II’s Knothole Island

fable2Apart from sounding like some kind of vulgar nickname for a body part, Fable II’s Knothole Island is going to be a downloadable addition that will hit XBox Live tomorrow. It offers extra areas to explore, along with some new sidequests to garner some more fame. Who knows, maybe there will be property there, as well.

One thing that it’s going to have is lots of lame. Why? It seems that one of the developers is hinting that Knothole Island is going to have a resurrection shrine, and that perhaps you will be able to reverse a couple of erm, choices from late in the game.

This brings me to one of my main quibbles about Fable II. But alas, there are spoilers. So only continue if you don’t care.
Continue reading Lame Alert: Fable II’s Knothole Island

Mass Effect 2 Struts Its Stuff at GDC 09

masseffectEvery generation has its underrated games. The ones that get overlooked, missed and perhaps swallowed in the wake of the hype of other gaming behemoths. I feel like one of those games for this generation has to be Mass Effect, which presented a level of story and cinematic presentation that I feel was unprecedented and largely unnoticed when it dropped.

Well, the sequel should hopefully be an even better endeavor, and it sounds like we’re getting our first look in just a couple of months at GDC in March. Apparently, some Bioware dudes are going to be there showing off some of the level creation techniques they’re using for the second game, having addressed some issues that they had the first time around.

There’s a lot of other technical mumbo jumbo in there that I couldn’t discern, but who cares? I’m pumped about finally getting some Mass Effect 2 news! Who’s with me?

Source- VG247

Ghostbusters and Final Fantasy: Advent Ghosts

There are lots of things that work when mixed together. Pizzas and being fat. Hamburgers and cheese. Poker and dudes. But Ghostbusters and Final Fantasy 7? I didn’t really expect that. I’m not really sure that it does work, but hey, it’s funny. Love the magazine/newspaper covers littered throughout.

Don’t cross the lifestreams!

Review: Fallout 3

fallout-3-zombie Having been a great fan of Bethesda’s earlier RPG series, The Elder Scrolls, I was eagerly waiting for Fallout 3 and their decision to make it into a FPS/RPG hybrid. Not having played any of the previous Fallout games, I was not concerned with any drastic changes they might have made, so this review will come from the perspective of a Fallout noob.

Continue reading Review: Fallout 3

The Craft of War: BLIND

So I’m rather impressed after watching this new WoW video. While this isn’t quite machinima (I’m guessing it’s all animated in a program like 3D Max), it’s still the best World of Warcraft video I’ve seen hands down. The animations are gorgeous, and it’s just entertaining to watch. While the music can and does get old, the fight scenes are pretty wicked.

Titled, “The Craft of War: BLIND”. Good stuff.

Review: Fable II

f2A few years ago, a new RPG from Lionhead Studios promised great adventures for XBox players. The premise was simple: create a character in the world of Albion, and tackle your quest however you wished. Want to kill villagers? Sure! Want to be a goody-too shoes? Go for it! While the game ultimately promised more than it actually delivered, many consider it to be a staple of the old XBox.

Fable II has now returned players to the realm of Albion, with promises renewed of an open world and a sprawling, epic tale. I eagerly picked the game up a few weeks ago, and started in right away. As some of you know, I’m a complete tool for open world games, so the prospect of diving into a new fantasy world that wasn’t Ivalice or something from Star Wars was very enticing.

So how did it hold up?
Continue reading Review: Fable II

WoW Could Be The World’s 4th Largest City

wow1It seems that WoW has now surpassed the 11.5 million subscriber mark this month, after decimating the 11 million mark just a short while ago. I guess those Wrath of the Lich King sales really pushed them over the edge. Who knew?

Seriously, though, that’s an absurd amount of subscribers. Stacked up against the biggest cities of the world, that places WoW just above Delhi, India which has 11.3 million people in the city proper. Just a couple more million to pass Mumbai (13.6 million), and that will be something quite unprecedented in gaming.

It’s hard to imagine that many people all playing the same game all the time. I’m really just baffled by that number. So how many of you here have played or are currently WoW players? You are a mighty army, I’m told. I’d rather not cross you.

Source- Kotaku

Shattered Save Slots: Final Fantasy VII

ff7-1We’ve all got those gaming memories that mean a lot to us. Things that, as a kid or heck, even as an adolescent or adult, have affected us deeply. It’s these moments that we look back upon with wonder, that make us into who we are as gamers, and captured our hearts forever for this “hobby”.

But what happens when someone comes along to shatter that pixel-perfect image you have in your head? In Shattered Save Slots, we take a look at some of gaming’s most memorable moments, and come at them with sarcasm, perspective and brutality.

This week, Eddy looks back at one of his favorite all-time games, Final Fantasy VII. And Anthony comes to… well, poop on it.
Continue reading Shattered Save Slots: Final Fantasy VII

Star Ocean: The Last Hope Trailer

The new Star Ocean: The Last Hope trailer is full of that oh so special JRPG flavor. And I heart it very much for that.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again- they just don’t make JRPGs like they used to, but Star Ocean for the XBox 360 looks to be all kinds of epic, with some sweet graphics, and ridiculously fun looking battles. Plus, there are spaceships. Sign me up!

New Final Fantasy XIII Trailer Says Nothing New

So I feel like I’ve been seeing the same Final Fantasy XIII Trailer for 2 years. It’s always the same shots, over and over, and we still don’t have any gameplay to look at. Granted, the same thing was the case for FF XII and that game turned out to be incredible, but even still. Anywho, here’s a new FFXIII trailer.

What do you guys think? Will this game be any good?

Ridiculous Super Sized Fat Man in Fallout 3

Like Fallout 3? Love explosions? Ever wanted to see 96 nukes go off at the same time from this super deluxe Fat Man v2? This is kind of awesome.

By the way, if you’d like to try this for yourself on Fallout 3 for the PC, download this dude and this guy.

Today’s WTF: Chrono Trigger at GameStop

As we all know, Chrono Trigger is considered to be one of the greatest RPGs, if not one of the greatest games of all time. It features a great cast, an epic storyline, and everyone’s favorite story trope, time travel. The game was just recently re-released on the Nintendo DS, and I absolutely can’t wait to pick it up.

However, apparently the re-release, according to GameStop, is slightly different from the version we all know and love. From their website:

If the physics depicted in TV and movies are correct, and we have no reason to doubt that, then messing with the time-space continuum always results in wacky adventures. Join Crono in this updated old-school favorite as he travels through time and space in order to go back to 1982 and throw a football over some mountains to win the state championship.

Wow. That sounds like it could be even better than the original. I’m not sure how long this will stay up on the GameStop website, so go check it out while you can!

Source- GameStop, via Kotaku

The Mass Effect 2 Wish List

Christmas is the time of year for wish lists. It’s often fun to ruminate on the things you’d like the most, put them all down, and hope that perhaps, you’ll get all those things you desire. This is no different for video games, particularly when we start talking about sequels.

The guys over at AtomicGamer have done just that in regards to Mass Effect 2, creating a wish list for the things that they would like to see in the follow-up to Bioware’s sprawling space opera RPG. The list includes all kinds of goodies like more alien races, visiting alien home planets, more tactical combat, unique weaponry, less linear storytelling and then some.

Personally, I’d love to see more consequences for the things that you choose in the game, as well as better sidequests with more variety. I simply loved the dialogue points, and I’d like to have even more to do and more people to interact with in such a brilliantly sculpted universe. What about you guys? What do you want to see from Mass Effect 2?

Source- AtomicGamer

Zelda Producer Aims to Beat Ocarina of Time

Ah, the good old Legend of Zelda series. How Nintendo needs you. How long will you keep getting shoveled out?

The man behind the Zelda franchise for the past few years, Eiji Aonuma, said in an interview recently that he won’t stop making Zelda games until he has made one that surpasses Ocarina of Time. Seeing as how that game is declared “OmG B3ST EvAR” from fans and gaming sites alike, that’s probably not a bad thing. Though one might think that if he hasn’t done it yet, will he able to do it now?

Here’s the quote:

I’m happy that a title I worked on some time ago remains highly praised to this day, but that also shows how none of the subsequent games in the series have surpassed it. As someone who is still working on the series, I have mixed feelings about that. Because I haven’t yet surpassed it, I can’t quit. Surprisingly, that simply motivation may be the reason I continue to work on the Zelda series.

More passionate developers=better games for us. Keep at it, good sir! What do you guys think about the Zelda franchise? Going in the right direction, or staying stagnant?

Source- GoNintendo

Fallout 3 Plus Google Maps Equals Sweet

Wow. I know I say it all the time, but I’m continually impressed by both the ingenuity of gamers and the way that they can help each other in community on these crazy tubes called the Internetz. For anyone that’s feeling overwhelmed by Fallout 3’s Capital Wasteland and all of its many places of exploration, some of the folks at Planet Fallout have built a google map edition.

Basically, you can find everything from NPC’s, easter eggs, to points of interest and all kinds of other stuff. You can even filter through the different groups, if you’re feeling extra spoiler-conscious. It’s really astonishing, even though the Wasteland isn’t nearly as big as Oblivion’s world, just how much is packed into the space.

Just clicking around is showing all kinds of cool stuff I didn’t know about, and I’m anxious to get in there and start exploring.

Source- Planet Fallout

The Last Remnant Does Mega Battles

Every time I think I’m not interested in The Last Remnant, Square goes and wows me with another trailer. I’ve said it before, but the graphics are the most stunning I’ve seen in an RPG to date (those are in-game cut scenes, people), and the combat actually looks entertaining. The voice acting is above par for more Square games, as well, so I really just don’t know how I feel. All I know is this trailer makes me want to play it. And it comes out on November 20th…

Am I crazy? Or is it just another JRPG that I should ignore?