So, the new DS RPG from Square titled “Blood of Bahamut” (there is no Final Fantasy in the title, my bad on that one) has a brand spanking new trailer out for it. The comparisons to Shadow of the Colossus look to be correct, as the trailer pits 2D sprites against these enormous stone and moss beasts. I like the style of it, but I’m not sure what I think of the gameplay just yet. Still, it’s an interesting concept. What do you guys think?
Category: RPG
Final Fantasy: Blood of Bahamut for the DS
So the other day, a spooky but crazy epic Square countdown site launched, teasing gamers with an awesome looking shot of Bahamut over what looks like a colossus from Shadow of the Colossus. Oh, and the colossus has a city on its back.
While gamers speculated over what it was, it looks like the news has been broken by Jump Magazine in Japan. It is a teaser for a new Square game called Final Fantasy: Blood of Bahamut for the Nintendo DS. FF:BoB (as I’ve dubbed it) is a 4 player co-op action RPG game that has 2D sprites running against 3D backdrops. Which sounds incredible, by the way.
Even cooler? The premise has the characters living in the city perched atop the giant creature’s back. Only problem is, lots of other huge douches keep coming to attack your walking city. No fun. But I’m all for that. This game sounds terribly compelling and inventive. Anybody else excited?
Source- Nintendo DS Fanboy via Final Fantasy Union
White Knight Story Trailer Makes me Tingle
No, not the Tingle from the Zelda games. I mean tingle of the “my JRPG sense is tingling” sort. It’s been awhile since I’ve played a truly great JRPG, and White Knight Chronicles keeps tapping me lovingly in all the right places. The newest trailer is an epic montage of some of the story of the game, and while the graphics aren’t nearly as good as say, Last Remnant, I can’t help but watch and hope that this game is as awesome as it’s starting to look.
Anyone else wanting this game?
Wheel of Time MMO?
I’m not sure how many of you have ever read or attempted to read The Wheel of Time books by the late Robert Jordan. If you haven’t, you should know that they are a huge series of epic fantasy books, sometimes awesome, sometimes frustrating, but always long. They are now on book 11 out of 12, with the last being finished by a new author, since Jordan has passed on.
Well, in news that’s not so surprising, it looks like Red Eagle Entertainment has picked up the rights to do movies, TV shows, and even games based on the property. Quite frankly, I’m surprised this didn’t go down sooner, considering how many fans of the series there are out there.
Calling All Pervivores- RPG Innuendoes
If you laugh at this, you are a perv. Go ahead, try not to laugh. This is a clip from a PS2 RPG called Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia that’s just begging for you to watch. Though be careful… there are some who might consider the material racy. But only if their mind is in a naughty place.
For the record, I lol’d. Muchly.
Rumor: Fable II Announcement Tease
Lionhead Studios are a crafty bunch of dudes. Also, they’re European, so you know that makes them of an extra wily sort. Plots, schemes, tricks and even hijinx are a part of their repertoire. Well, it seems that those devils are up to no good again, as they are now teasing about a HUGE Fable II announcement coming next week.
I mean, I’m not trying to be a cynic… but how huge could it be? In all likelihood, it’s DLC, so why should I poop my pants about it? Unless they’re giving you a code that unlocks 20 more hours of gameplay, I can’t see what the big deal is.
So what do you guys think the announcement is? Horse armor? A new patch? More wives?!
Source- Eurogamer
CVG has up some updated information regarding the working KOTOR MMO that everyone in the entire universe (and by that I mean myself) is itching to play. The main feature in this article is about the single player experience, or that the MMO is designed to feel more like Bioware’s single player games, rather than the typical MMO with endless grinding and no substance.
The cool bits of the article relate to character customization, which will apparently be fairly robust as well as the companion characters, which are NPC party members who interact with you just as they do in other Bioware games. It really sounds like they want to give players the KOTOR they’ve been waiting for, in addition to a great MMO.
Gamepro’s List of Top 26 RPG’s Of All Time… just released their list of the 26 Best RPGs and like every list, this one seems destined to start up some controversey. And I am happy to oblige. No LARP’s allowed!
Continue reading Gamepro’s List of Top 26 RPG’s Of All Time…
Big Shiny New White Knight Video
If you’re a PS3 fan and an RPG fan, then you’ve no doubt heard of Level 5’s White Knight Chronicles, the new RPG from the DQ makers that will be hitting Japan this Christmas. From what I’ve seen of the game so far, there’s plenty to be excited about, and their track record for wicked RPG’s is nothing to scoff at.
If you’re interested, PS3 Fanboy has posted a 14 minute video of some of the TGS walkthrough of White Knight Chronicles. It takes you on a tour through Level 5, as well as shows you some making-of shots, and even a few minutes of gaming footage towards the end.
Personally, I’m glad to hear some more RPG news coming out of either camp, as RPG’s seem to be a dying breed on consoles these days. I think this is one of the reasons Fable II has done so well after being reviewed as being just below great. People just need them some good ol’ fashioned role playing and fantasy video games.
Source- PS3 Fanboy
PS3 Fallout 3 is Kind of Really Bug-ish?
I don’t know why developers feel like they can release broken versions of games (when their budgets are up and the games cost more for us), but that’s just the way things are these days. Just patch it later, right? It’s the mantra of the industry.
Anywho, all that to say that apparently, Fallout 3 for the PS3 is a bit buggy, and Bethesda’s forums are filled with complaints about freezing games, textures that don’t load, and even more.
Hopefully they can release some kind of patch to fix this in the near future, because this game really doesn’t deserve to be spoiled. I’ve been playing it some this week and so far I’m completely enthralled. While I’m not sold on the combat, I love the style, the world and the story, and it’s been great to just dive into it. Anyone else played this yet?
Source- Kotaku
Zombie Infection in WoW
Starting last weekend, zombies began appearing in World of Warcraft, infecting all in their path with their hatred of the living and their love of tasty non-NPC flesh. Basically, anybody that came into contact with a zombie had to get a cure, or become a zombie themselves.
Hundreds of thousands were infected. It was meant to be a fun Halloween game plus a promotion for the upcoming expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. However, Blizzard had to put an end to the blight yesterday. Why, you ask? Because grumpy WoW players couldn’t have any fun, and were upset that the zombies were ruining their gameplay experience.
I guess not everyone shares my feelings that Zombies make everything better.
Penny Arcade Episode 2 Out Next Week
As if there’s not already enough great games to play, Penny Arcade’s Xbox Live Arcade and PC title, “On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 2” is going to hit next week, on October 29th. It will run about $14.95 in moneyz or 1200 MS Points, depending on which medium you choose to play it in.
Supposedly it totals in at around 6-10 hours of gameplay, with more levels than the first, new areas, and new jokes, of course. I’m not sure how many of you guys were able to play the first game, but I found it to be pretty enjoyable, especially for an XBLA title. I’d definitely recommend checking it out if you’ve got the MS points, or if you’re a fan of PA in general.
Also, Episode One is finally hitting the PSN this week as well, so if you’re a Sony guy, you can finally experience that.
Source- Kotaku
Bioware Announces the New KOTOR MMO
Ah, at last we have arrived. Even though people have known about this project for months, it’s finally official: Bioware is indeed working with LucasArts to create a new KOTOR MMO titled The Old Republic. It takes place about 300 years after KOTOR, and centers on the war between the Old Republic and the Empire.
IGN has a writeup of one of the pillars of the game– characters and story, something that’s lost in MMOs typically. Bioware’s goal is to let you feel like you are actually part of the narrative. Rather than having some big general story that everyone kind of participates in, there is an overarching story for each class. Sounds incredible and ambitious.
Scratching the Fable II Itch
Wow, I can’t believe we’re already at the Fable II launch. I must admit that some recent videos have left me doubting about how the final product’s going to turn out, but this new TV special really gave me that itch again. It goes over the story, the world, the art, pro-creation and all kinds of goofy stuff. Give it a watch.
And now I must ask- who’s getting it?
Dragon Quest IX Trailer
I’m not sure how many of you have ever partaken in the Dragon Quest series, but it’s among the RPG elite out there, and I think Dragon Quest VIII for the PS 2 may have been one of the best RPG’s I’ve played in years. The games have some fun combat, tons of depth, and art by Mr. DBZ himself, Akira Toriyama.
Dragon Quest IX is coming in 2009 for the DS, and this trailer is kind of wicked. It’s really hard to believe I’m looking at a DS game when I see some of the cut scenes and gameplay. Crazy what a handheld can do these days, no?
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Trailer
Ok, so it’s got one of the stupidest names I’ve ever seen, but Kingdom Hearts DS (as I’m going to refer to it from here on out) looks pretty cool. While I didn’t play KH2 because the story looked convoluted beyond believe, this actually is intriguing to me. What really grabs my fancy is the 4 player multiplayer arena clip, which just seems to be a blast. Thoughts? Who has played the other KH games?
Dragon Age Coming to Consoles?
One of the more interesting things I saw at PAX a few months back was Dragon Age: Origins, from famed developer Bioware. It looks to have some great hack and slash gameplay and a great story to boot. From what I saw, it was one of my more anticipated games of the next year along with Diablo III.
Well, for those of you who refuse to play games on your PC, this should be some good news, then. It seems that Dragon Age is coming to consoles in late 2009. A Bioware dude even confirmed that it would be coming to both the 360 and the PS3.
Trust me, this is good news. This game is going to be awesome. Who’s excited?
Source- November 2008 Game Informer
LBP: Final Fantasy VI, Terras Theme
Ah, more merry music-making from Little Big Planet. This time, the music is from Final Fantasy VI rather than X, which is a much better choice for nostalgia and awesome factor. I know it’s been stated a lot, but somehow it still seems appropriate- I’m dying to see what people do with the full release of this game.
Fable II Gun and Swordplay
A new video is out showcasing some of the combat from the upcoming Fable II. I’m still very curious if this game can live up to all of the hype surrounding it, especially after the last one was considered such a letdown compared to all of the promises. I think I may ask my family for this one for Christmas, so I don’t spend my own money on it.
How about you guys? Who’s buying it?
Trailer: Suikoden TierKreis for the DS
Suikoden III ranks among one of my favorite games of all time. It was a tremendous RPG with a great, unique story told from three different perspectives and had a huge cast of characters. I haven’t been crazy about a Suikoden game since then, but Suikoden TierKreis for the DS might just change that.
It seems like more and more traditional RPG’s are headed to the handhelds. This is totally ok with me, seeing as how it’s easy to pick up a handheld for a few minutes at a time and then be done with it. Did any of you guys play any of the other Suikoden games?