Some new Fallout 3 gameplay videos have dropped courtesy of GameTrailers, featuring different locales, enemies and a variety of weapons. This video here is probably the most epic one, documenting a march to the Washington monument through apocalyptic streets and tons of cool big guns. Check it out.
Category: RPG
TGS: Fallout 3 Trailer
Ah, Fallout 3. That game that continues to tease me. I’m seriously terrified of buying this game because of what Oblivion did to me. Basically, I spent 25-30 hours just robbing houses. Seriously. Open world games just own me that bad. I get addicted to the most inane things.
If I get this one, there’s no telling what silly activity might sidetrack me from the hours of gameplay packed inside of it. Anywho, there’s a new trailer from TGS. Cool beans.
Diablo III: Say Hello to The Wizard
This morning, Blizzard announced a new class to go along with the witch doctor and barbarian: the wizard! Now, you can mow down hordes of enemies with kick-ass AoE spells while stealing your friend’s loot. I can’t wait to see all of the new classes they continue to bring to this game. All we need now is some release info.
Source- Joystiq
First Day Co-Op for Fable II
So I guess we’re supposed to celebrate the fact that a new feature is finished for Fable II that should have been included in the game in the first place. Several weeks ago, Lionhead Studios let slip that Fable II’s co-operative online play wouldn’t be accessible when the game launched. Rather, they would be working on a patch for it.
However, it seems those crazy dudes have gotten their act in order, and the co-operative patch will be ready the day you buy the game. Joy!
Can You Run Fallout 3 on Your PC?
If you hadn’t heard, Fallout 3 is done and ready to be delivered into your hands later this month. Bethesda was kind enough to put together the handy list of system requirements for you PC die-hards that are dying to pimp this thing out on your gaming rig.
Requirement list after the jump.
New, Unique Ideas Coming to Next Zelda
Poor Link. He’s gone from 2D to 3D to cel shading to dark and gritty. He’s been all over the place.
Actually, come to think of it, the only thing that’s changed about him since Ocarina of Time is the way he looks. The core of all of the Zelda games has remained unchanged for some time now, but it looks like Shigeru Miyamoto, the man behind Link, has implied he wants to rectify this for the next iteration of the franchise.
According to him, something new is coming.
Last Remnant Trailer Full of Awesome, Win
Last Remnant is a Square/Enix game coming out this Fall for both the PS3 and 360. Finally, an exclusive TGS trailer has been released, and for me, it’s the first time I’ve been able to see the game in motion. And, wow.
The wild thing? Some of those cut scenes might be in real time, seeing as how Square has made use of the stupid powerful Unreal Engine, used in games like Gears of War and Mass Effect. The gameplay looks promising, as well. I can’t believe I forgot this game was coming in November.
Top 5: Video Game Binges
As you well know, the holiday season is looming, teasing us with its glowing goodness and promise of days off of work and school alike. However, there’s one other thing that the holidays bring to us every year, lumbering towards us like great Godzilla-monsters ready to trample our social lives to ruin: video games.
Sometimes, in these awesome and terrible times with nothing but free time and a pile of gaming to get through, we do things we are not altogether proud of: We binge. It’s like that inner beast takes over, a beast that isn’t satiated until we finish those games. You know what I’m talking about.
I bring you several instances where this happened in my life. Here are my top 5 video game binges:
Tales of Symphonia 2’s Opening Is So RPG
Besides hiding my head under a rock, one of my other hobbies is missing out in video game news that everyone else knows about. Namely, that there is a Tales of Symphonia sequel (titled Dawn of Souls) hitting the Wii in November. Wtf? For those of you who don’t know, ToS was a Gamecube RPG that was one of the shining stars of that system, and one of the best RPG’s of last gen, in my opinion.
I seriously had no clue about this game, or I would have been excited as I am right now. What’s funnier is I saw this back at PAX, but thought it was just the original ToS being re-released with waggle controls, so I barely gave it a glance. Here’s the opening cinematic from the game. Did anyone else play the original ToS?
Rumor: Revealing the KOTOR MMO
The long-rumored (and sort of confirmed by EA) KOTOR MMO has been a thing of legend over the last few months. As a joint venture between LucasArts and Bioware, it’s got fanboys (namely, me) chomping at the bit for any kind of official confirmation or piece of news to show that dear sweet Lord, it is true.
Well, according to CVG, that news is coming soon. Like, in just a few weeks.
Personally, I’m dying to hear something about this game, seeing as how KOTOR is one of my favorite games of all time. I’ve never allowed myself to touch an RPG, but for this, I just might have to break those rules.
What about you guys? Excited about a KOTOR MMO?
Source- CVG
New Final Fantasy for the Wii
Since the Tokyo Game Show is on its way soon, you can expect tons of new info to come out of Japan like this over the next few weeks. In the newest issue of Shonen Jump, Square Enix has dropped that a new FF: Crystal Chronicles game is coming to the Wii in January.
The new game is called Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. It’s no Final Fantasy XIII, but hey, Final Fantasy is Final Fantasy. Apparently, it’s coming to the DS too, and will allow online playability between DS and Wii users.
Play the Old School Fallout for Free
Though I am overwhelmed with excitement for Fallout 3, I have to admit that I never played the original PC games. Truth be told, I hear constantly that they were not only incredible, but also among the best PC games ever developed and then placed into the hands (or drives) of gamers.
So, imagine how cool it was to hear that GameTap is currently offering Fallout for free right now on their website, and all you’ve got to do is just sign up for free.
Granted, they might pester you at some point about, you know, giving them money, but hey- a free game’s a free game.
Source- Shacknews
Story vs. Gameplay: Final Fantasy Edition
Story. Gameplay.
These two things are what matter most in a game to me. And they matter more when it comes to RPG’s and especially Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy games are known for great stories or great gameplay. But only a few have both. Three of them, in fact.
In this feature, I will walk through each Final Fantasy (minus spin offs, sequels and that online thing) and tell my thoughts on each game’s true strength: story or gameplay.
Fabulous Fable 2 Achievements
Ok, this one is for Eddy and all those other Achievement Whores out there who are anxious for Fable 2 to come out and hopefully live up to the hype it has generated. I think it looks like a fun game, but time will tell. Time and fanboys. Full list of Achievements after the jump. Continue reading Fabulous Fable 2 Achievements
White Knight Story Comes Up For Air
Wow. Two years ago, Level-5 teased us all with an incredible new game called White Knight Story, which looked like it could become THE reason to own a PS3.
They even released a video preview of the game that completely blew my socks off and had me drooling like a maniac for a PS3, way back when I wasn’t even remotely interested in the system. While little bits of info have come out, the game has mostly stayed quiet and kept to itself.
Rumor: Mass Effect Movie?
As we all know, the world of video game movies has been a tough one for studio execs to crack. Nearly every movie based on a video game has been wretched, and it just doesn’t seem to show any signs of letting up.
However, it seems that Avi Arad, one of the bigwigs responsible for Marvel’s recent comeback, has optioned the rights from EA to produce a movie based on the RPG Mass Effect. Pretty wild.
More Diablo III Crazies
We all know that the Internet is full of crazies. Loonies. Nutsos. Especially when it comes to tampering with their favorite hobbies, namely gaming. When that game happens to be Diablo III, it seems that people move from regular crazy into the territory of slobbering fanboy crazy, which is a different kind of crazy altogether.
After all of the months of moaning about the brighter more colorful approach to the world of Diablo, Blizzard says that fans will have more reasons to hate them in the near future, when they release the next class of character that can be found in the game.
Sonic Rolls for Initiative
Sonic the Hedgehog was just about one of the best reasons to own a Genesis back in the day, but dude hasn’t aged all too well in the recent years. In fact, he is said to be on street corners, selling his fur and… other… unmentionable services to random passersby.
However, things seem to be on the up and up for our dear spiky blue friend, what with Sonic Unleashed showing off totally retro 2 1/2 D gameplay full of all the Sonis tropes we know and love. And now, there’s the Sonic DS RPG that’s set to hit at the end of this month, produced by none other than developer Bioware.
Final Fantasy Ad Infinitum
One thing that I hear non-gamers joke about constantly is the name “Final Fantasy”. They always laugh and think themselves very clever as they declare “Final Fantasy what? Guess it wasn’t the final one! Bwa ha!” And then they chortle more and eat ham or something.
But in the end, as clearly as they don’t get it, it does beg the interesting question: just how far are those crazy Square Enix kids going to milk this franchise? Surely, there’s got to be a point where you say “enough is enough”. Not so, according to producer Shinji Hashimoto.
Square Enix Goes Mad With Power
In a shockingly ironic turn of events, Square Enix has become a corporation bent on raping the planet of its natural resources, draining valuable mako directly from the Earth’s surface. Oh wait, that last bit isn’t true, but somebody at Square Enix is smoking something, and I want in.
This might be an unprecedented move, but it seems Squenix is thinking about charging for the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII demo, which was set to appear packaged with the Blu Ray version of Advent Children Complete for free. The 90 minute long demo might end up being sold separately from the film after it comes out.