Rumor: Fable II Announcement Tease

Lionhead Studios are a crafty bunch of dudes. Also, they’re European, so you know that makes them of an extra wily sort. Plots, schemes, tricks and even hijinx are a part of their repertoire. Well, it seems that those devils are up to no good again, as they are now teasing about a HUGE Fable II announcement coming next week.

I mean, I’m not trying to be a cynic… but how huge could it be? In all likelihood, it’s DLC, so why should I poop my pants about it? Unless they’re giving you a code that unlocks 20 more hours of gameplay, I can’t see what the big deal is.

So what do you guys think the announcement is? Horse armor? A new patch? More wives?!

Source- Eurogamer

Sony Patents Motion Control Device, Good for Waggles

Sigh. Given Nintendo’s hysterical success this generation, this shouldn’t come as too big of a surprise. We all knew it would come to this. With rumors of Microsoft working on a similar device, it seems that the end is nigh for those of us that like to play games like normal people: Sony has patented a motion control device.

The device relies on ultrasonic and video signals to track its position in relation to a camera and its distance away from it. It actually seems more like a break-apart controller that can be reassembled in different formations, including a massive beating stick.

So what do you guys think? Sony just covering its bases? Or the sign that next gen is going to be super motion-tastic from more than just Nintendo?

Source- Videogaming247

Rumor: PS4 Specs?

So once again, I wonder aloud- is it already time for the next gen (you’ll see more about that this weekend)? A rumor has been going around about the potential PS4 specs. Apparently, Sony has sent out some stuff to developers asking for feedback on a few specs that they have in mind.

When is Sony planning on launching this? 2011, by the looks of it. Wow.

Continue reading Rumor: PS4 Specs?

Rumor: XBox “720” Will Be Forward Compatible?

Once again, a part of me frets in a major way that people are already bringing up the next generation so often. Especially hearing that they are testing and rumor leaking this info as well.

This one’s kind of interesting though. XBox Evolved is reporting that Microsoft is testing “forward compatibility” for their next console. What this means is basically that XBox 360 games will be playable in the console, but they will also be upgraded/enhanced by the new console’s powers.

Ideally, this would improve things like draw distance/ load times, all kinds of things. Now if it could only take the douches off of Live… Thoughts?

Source- XBox Evolved

Half Life 2 Episode 3 Still Far Away

And by “far away”, I mean 2010.

Though the wait between Half Life 2 and Episode One was about 2 years, Valve’s Doug Lombardi has said in an interview that the next installment of the epic storyline will probably take a little longer than that even before it’s ready to release. Episode 2 came out in 2007. So yeah, 2010 or thereabouts.

While this seems like a downer, he also hinted that they could be showing something new by the end of the year, after Left 4 Dead’s release. Fun stuff! So who is anxious for Episode Three?

Source- Shacknews

Rumor: Revealing the KOTOR MMO

The long-rumored (and sort of confirmed by EA) KOTOR MMO has been a thing of legend over the last few months. As a joint venture between LucasArts and Bioware, it’s got fanboys (namely, me) chomping at the bit for any kind of official confirmation or piece of news to show that dear sweet Lord, it is true.

Well, according to CVG, that news is coming soon. Like, in just a few weeks.

Personally, I’m dying to hear something about this game, seeing as how KOTOR is one of my favorite games of all time. I’ve never allowed myself to touch an RPG, but for this, I just might have to break those rules.

What about you guys? Excited about a KOTOR MMO?

Source- CVG

Make Way for the New DS

While lots of rumors and speculations have been swirling about a looming announcement from Nintendo, it seems that someone has finally broken a story. MCV is reporting that tomorrow morning, Nintendo is going to be announcing a brand new and upgraded model of the Nintendo DS.

Apparently, this DS is going to be designed to compete with the PSP, which is kind of rocking the DS in terms of sales recently. While nobody knows all of the additional features, it seems that it’s going to feature both an MP3 player as well as a camera of some kind. Looking forward to seeing more about this tomorrow. Who else is excited about the new DS?

Source- MCV

Introducing: Skorge in Gears of War 2

In light of the end of the Gears of War 2 Campaign NDA, news and screens are starting to break all around the Web about the single player portion of Epic’s upcoming game. One of the announcements that hit that is seemingly unrelated is that Skorge, the predator-looking locust seen in some recent screenshots, is going to be playable in Gears of War 2 Multiplayer.

He is kind of awesome looking, though it seems that his dual-chainsawed staff will be toned down or removed in order to keep things balanced. Also, he’ll be the end boss that shows up in the co-op Horde mode, which pits 5 players against AI armies of locusts. Cool stuff!

Source- AddictGaming

Rumor: Call of Duty 5 Perks?

For anyone that played Call of Duty 4’s excellent online multiplayer, you know the benefits, the joys and the struggles that come with the perk system. Do you get stopping power or Juggernaught? It’s those kinds of decisions and little abilities that made the game fun, though the martyr grenade always drove me up a wall.

Well, according to PlayStation Universe, they have a leaked list of Call of Duty: World at War perks, ready for you to look at, oggle, judge, and gasp at. I’m not sure where they got this list, and they don’t seem to be able to name their source, but nonetheless, it’s worth a look.

I’m actually really curious about the vehicle ones…

Continue reading Rumor: Call of Duty 5 Perks?

Halo 3: Prepare to Drop

So last night, I posted about the countdown that appeared on Bungie. Well, the countdown is officially over, and with its end came a new teaser for a brand new game, as some were anticipating. It’s no Halo 4, if that’s what you’re hoping for, but it is related to the Halo universe.

While not many details are given, and it remains enigmatic as ever (thanks Bungie), there are a few clues to pick up on.

Video after the jump.

Continue reading Halo 3: Prepare to Drop

Rumor: Mass Effect Movie?

As we all know, the world of video game movies has been a tough one for studio execs to crack. Nearly every movie based on a video game has been wretched, and it just doesn’t seem to show any signs of letting up.

However, it seems that Avi Arad, one of the bigwigs responsible for Marvel’s recent comeback, has optioned the rights from EA to produce a movie based on the RPG Mass Effect. Pretty wild.

Continue reading Rumor: Mass Effect Movie?

Little Big Release Date

Since it’s been more than, I don’t know, a few days since we’ve posted anything related to LittleBigPlanet, I figured we were about due for some kind of excuse to talk about Sackboy. Well, that excuse has arrived.

Kotaku reports that Sony Europe has now set the release date for LittleBigPlanet as October 24th, which is way too close for words. Granted, this is the European release date, but one can only assume that the U.S. release will be coming on or around the same time. Excited yet?

Source- Kotaku

Coming Soon: Guitars Gently Weeping

Guitar Hero and Rock Band are the latest craze with everyone these days. This is a game that I would call a casual game, no question. And big rumblings coming courtesy of EGM’s gossip monger Quartermann: Continue reading Coming Soon: Guitars Gently Weeping

Rumor: Warhammer 40k Space Marine Video

A video of a new 3rd person action game in the Warhammer 40k universe titled “Space Marine” is starting to make its way around the web. This is an unconfirmed game, so it’s got “leak” written all over it. You might want to watch this one before it gets taken down!

Edit: The video we had posted was taken down, so this one appears courtesy of Kotaku.

Rumor: M-M-M-Music Breaker!!

Killer Instinct has some of the greatest sound bytes of any game, fighting or otherwise, that I can remember (ultra! ultra! ultra!). In addition, it had some really wicked combos that were a joy to pull off, no matter how cheap they were.

So it’s with some giddiness that I post the story that’s been circling various gaming sites today, namely that a supposed picture has been snapped of Killer Instinct 3 sheet music for the upcoming game. I’m kind of deliriously enthused.

Continue reading Rumor: M-M-M-Music Breaker!!

Rumor: New Halo 3 Achievements

More Halo 3 achievements are coming? Yes please.

It seems that someone snapped some screenshots of a menu during PAX that had new achievements listed as part of “Halo 3 Mythic”. What’s actually very interesting is I was told this very rumor at the show by someone who claimed to see it.

I chalked it up to crazy talk. Looks like I was wrong.

Continue reading Rumor: New Halo 3 Achievements

Leaked: Gears of War 2 Achievements

I want to get this out of the way: I’m kind of an achievement whore.

Combining two things that I love, achievements and Gears of War, InsideGamer has posted a leaked list of Gears of War 2 Achievements. I’ve always been a fan of puns, and there are plenty to be had here including “Tanks for the Memories” and other groan-inducing achievement titles. Apparently, this is only 60 percent complete, and the full achievement list comes on Friday.

Continue reading Leaked: Gears of War 2 Achievements

Rumor: Waggle Your Saber With More Accuracy

Everyone knows that one of the first things they geeked out about when they imagined playing the Nintendo Wii was some kind of super badass lightsaber dueling game. This fantasy may or may not have included a sarlacc pit and jedi robes.

Well, in addition to their other two lightsaber dueling games (The Clone Wars:Lightsaber Duels and The Force Unleashed), it seems that LucasArts might have a third one in the works—this one utilizing one-to-one motion with Wii’s new MotionPlus.

Continue reading Rumor: Waggle Your Saber With More Accuracy

Rumor: Halo by Who?

Big goings-on on the Interwebz. Rumblings, some would say. According to OXM, the next installment of the Halo franchise (Halo 4 for those keeping the score at home) is being developed by Gearbox Software, the fine minds behind Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway, Halo PC and the upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Continue reading Rumor: Halo by Who?