Halo 3: Recon Trailer

And now, we get a slightly more proper trailer straight out of TGS for the new Halo 3 DLC/expansion/prequel/franchise-milker which was teased just a few weeks ago.

The official name? Halo 3: Recon. I find the title odd, seeing as how it’s a prequel to Halo 3 and looks to take place during the events of Halo 2. Regardless, you’re a dude, you’re alone, and there’s some epic music and thunderstorms.

Gears of War 2: Multiplayer Diary

The new Gears of War 2 Developer Diary hit today, this time highlighting the game’s multiplayer fun-itude. Right now, it’s being hosted at ESPN, which is kind of odd, but hey, it is what it is. It’s cool to hear the devs talk about their philosophy of multiplayer and to see a little bit of new footage.

So far, looks fun. I was decently entertained by the GoW multiplayer when it first hit, and I even went through the trouble of getting most of the achievements. I’m really looking forward to the co-op modes, but this should still be a pretty awesome distraction when I first grab the game.

Source- ESPN

Mirror’s Edge Gameplay Tastiness

Hard to really say too much about Mirror’s Edge, which drops in stores in November. Watching this game in person at PAX was incredible. There’s something about catching the design and the game in motion that is truly a unique experience. I’ve really never seen anything quite like it. Who knows how fun it’s going to actually be, but this gameplay video has me a little drool-happy. I can has?

Is anybody planning on getting this game? Is this footage not sick?

Source- Kotaku

Homebrew: PSP as a Dual Monitor

Here’s a neat little trick for your PSP: using it as a second computer monitor. Apparently, there are people out there that need about 32 extra square inches of screen space, or approximately 966 x 544 pixels.

So, if you’re one of those dudes that likes to do crazy stuff to his PSP, you should definitely check out the requirements and install procedures at PSP Updates.

LittleBig Number Cruncher

Ok, I know people are probably tired of hearing it constantly, but it’s worth saying- LittleBigPlanet’s toolset is going to allow tons of creativity for young would-be designers. We’ve already seen things like Shadow of the Colossus, Sony’s keynote presentation at E3, Tetris and even a Chocobo Race all made using the LBP level builder.

This new one, however, might take the cake. Constructed out of a crazy series of pistons, ropes, and lord knows what else, this user has created an LBP level that acts as a calculator. If you have trouble adding and subtracting three digit numbers, then by all means, give this one a whirl. The really impressive part is when the camera pans up to reveal the machinery behind the madness. Wow.

Source- Kotaku

Tales of Symphonia 2’s Opening Is So RPG

Besides hiding my head under a rock, one of my other hobbies is missing out in video game news that everyone else knows about. Namely, that there is a Tales of Symphonia sequel (titled Dawn of Souls) hitting the Wii in November. Wtf? For those of you who don’t know, ToS was a Gamecube RPG that was one of the shining stars of that system, and one of the best RPG’s of last gen, in my opinion.

I seriously had no clue about this game, or I would have been excited as I am right now. What’s funnier is I saw this back at PAX, but thought it was just the original ToS being re-released with waggle controls, so I barely gave it a glance. Here’s the opening cinematic from the game. Did anyone else play the original ToS?

Halo Wars Gameplay Footage

Well, it’s a rather slow weekend in terms of video game news, so at the risk of turning into Halo-sushi, I thought I’d post some Halo Wars actual gameplay footage, rather than just the trailer from the other night. It seems to be standard RTS fare, with that Halo-rific twist on the gameplay.

It actually seems to work pretty well from the screen, and is probably simple to control to boot, given that it’s designed for the 360. I do worry about how fun the game will be though, considering that there seems to only be 2 races, Covenant and Human. I doubt we’ll see the Flood making any appearances. Thoughts?

Machinima: Oil’s Well

I’m not sure just how many of you are familiar with Machinima, but one of my favorite machinimakers out there is Ross Scott, who makes a little series in Half Life 2 called Civil Protection. These episodes star Mike and David, two combines who patrol the streets of City 17 and have humorous antics.

However, in the newest short, he has them talking about today’s oil crisis. I’ve always been really impressed with Scott’s camera work and manipulation of the Source engine, knowing a little about Hammer (the editor) myself. I’m pretty much in awe of some of what he pulls off here.

Halo Wars: Field Trip to Harvest Trailer

A new trailer has surfaced for Halo Wars, finally giving us a glimpse into what specifically the story is going to be about, besides Halos and/or Wars. For those of you who don’t know, Harvest was the point where the Covenant first attacked humanity, and it seems that they must return their for some mysterious purpose before the events of Halo proper.

So, is anyone else but me excited about this game? I mean, I’m not jumping out of my chair for it, but I’m still keen to see more about the mythology of the franchise.

Wii Punch-Out Trailer

Ah, the nostalgia begins. So far, Wii Punch Out is looking good. Really, they could just recreate the exact same game with some updated graphics and I’d be happy with it. Luckily, that’s about exactly what this seems to be. Hopefully it’s got a tad more depth though, and maybe a little bit more length on it.

Bravo Nintendo!

Sin and Punishment 2 Teaser

Wow. Got to hand it to Nintendo for this one. If you were unaware, a game existed in Japan for the N64 called Sin and Punishment, an on-rails shooter that many consider to be one of the best of the N64, if not one of the best in that genre altogether. Sadly, we never knew its joy in America except through drastic means.

Well, it looks like a Sin and Punishment sequel is going to be hitting the Wii, and even though it’s just a teaser trailer, some of the gameplay footage really does look incredible. Now that I’m done peeing my pants about it, watch the video.

CoD: World at War Co-Op Gameplay

Until recently, I mostly ignored any news about Call of Duty: World at War because the game 1) was back in WW2 and 2) wasn’t made by the same dudes that made CoD4, which is just incredible. However, I’ve started to pay more attention.

One thing that really interests me is the game’s co-op, which actually scales in difficulty depending on the skill levels of the players involved. This sounds like a total blast to me, and some new co-op gameplay footage is now out that really got me wanting this game. In this video featuring a street level, the rain effects are dazzling, and when the tank takes the building down, it just looks awesome.


After Street Fighter II

Ever wonder what happened after the events of Street Fighter II, leading up to the events of Street Fighter IV? A new anime trailer details just some of those instances, focusing mostly on Chun Li and Guile, and their thighs and hair respectively.

Personally, the art style for the upcoming SF IV is really intriguing to me, and I’m pretty interested in the game itself as well. SF II was the last fighting game that I was really into, and I’m wondering if the new game can renew my interests in the genre at all. What about you guys? Interested in SF IV? Fighting games in general?

Retro: Playable Famicom in Wii Music

In an act of total fanboy service, Nintendo has stuck the original NES into Wii Music’s broad and eclectic repertoire of instruments. While I kind of made fun of this game, and still am inclined to, some of the game-related sounds coming out of this seem like they’d be a lot of fun to do stuff with. Plus, I’m a dork for all things related tot he original Famicom.

Machinima: Katy Perry Sings Simlish

For those of you who don’t know, “Simlish” is the language spoken by those oh-so-lovable Sims. Recently, Katy Perry, singer of “I Kissed a Girl”, that song that gets annoyingly stuck in your head, re-recorded her song “Hot N Cold” in Simlish for this machinima music video.

While it’s weird to here a song this way, it’s pretty nuts what the Sims is still capable of in terms of machinima. Fun stuff.

Rayman Raving Rabbids: Heroes Spoof

I enjoyed the first Rayman Raving Rabbids for the Wii alright. It was a good time, I had fun with some of the mini-games, but let’s get real- the rabbids were the best part of the darn game. And even better than the game, the promotions and commercials they appeared in always made me chuckle.

This newest commercial even pulls a spoof on the new season of Heroes, poking fun at the Level 5 business we’ve been seeing on all the teasers. Fun stuff. Any of you dudes into Heroes, or does your heart pull favorably towards some other show? Me, I’ve lost some faith in Heroes recently…

LBP Extravaganza

The LBP mania is getting frenzied, wild and crazy even. This week, there are over 25,000 LittleBigPlanet beta keys being handed out like golden tickets all around the web. Do your best to find them, treasure them and use them for downloady goodness.

In addition, a new “Play Time” trailer has hit today. LBP madness, I says! Madness!

Halo 3: Prepare to Drop

So last night, I posted about the countdown that appeared on Bungie. Well, the countdown is officially over, and with its end came a new teaser for a brand new game, as some were anticipating. It’s no Halo 4, if that’s what you’re hoping for, but it is related to the Halo universe.

While not many details are given, and it remains enigmatic as ever (thanks Bungie), there are a few clues to pick up on.

Video after the jump.

Continue reading Halo 3: Prepare to Drop

Gears of War Dev Diary: Story

While the Dev Diary from Epic from a few weeks ago covered the weapons of Gears of War 2, we finally have something that dives just a little bit into the story of the game, which I am excited about. Even though the story in the first game was in the background, with the grizzly gory beefy guys in the foreground, I thought the foundation was there for a potentially cool narrative. Hopefully, we’ll get that in the sequel.