Need Your Resistance 2 Fix?

While I have yet to play the first Resistance game (I know, I know), what I’ve seen of the second one looks like a good time. After watching the multiplayer at PAX and seeing clips from E3 that showed off campaign mode, I’m getting more and more excited for the game.

For those of you, who, like me, go nuts over any bit of the news you see regarding your most desired games, I thought I’d post a link to 10 Resistance 2 videos released by Sony and Insomniac. It even includes the first footage of the co-op mode, which looks great. This game is dropping on November 4. Is anyone else looking forward to it?

Source- Joystiq


Wow, the possibilities just seem endless when I look at LittleBigPlanet. Take this new video, for instance, where a student re-created a Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus in LBP as a level. When I see stuff like this, it makes me both tingle with excitement and ashamed of my own lack of creativity.

Today’s WTF: Wario Dominates YouTube

This falls under the category of the oh-so-rare “good” WTF. Nintendo just put up a new Wario video on YouTube, and I demand that you go watch it. It’s a very clever piece of marketing from Nintendo, and I admit to giving out a “WTF” once I saw that something wasn’t quite what it seemed.

Normally, I would just embed this, but in this one instance, it would kind of ruin what Nintendo’s got going on. So go ahead. Go check out Nintendo’s YouTube Wario video. You won’t regret it.

Halo 3 Machinima: Without Providence

Here is a Halo 3 machinima short from TheDuoGroup, who I happen to be a fan of. They also created a Metal Gear Solid animated short which circulated around the Internet a few months back, and I was very impressed by it.

This new piece is short and simple, but has some very clever visual elements that you don’t often see in Halo machinima, or any machinima at all, really. Great use of some animated elements, and it features a song by Beck, so you know it’s gotta be good.

Dead Space And “Strategic Dismemberment”

I don’t do too well with scary things. Ask any of my friends, and they’ll tell you that I scream like a little girl and cover my ears during most horror movies (or games). Needless to say, I have never been a fan of the survival-horror genre for this reason, though I will give grace to things concerning Zombies.

Dead Space, however, combines survival-horror with science fiction, and it looks delicious. I’m particularly intrigued by the unique lack of a HUD, and the UI is incorporated into the environment, really making the gameplay experience feel like a literal camera attached to the hero. It just oozes atmosphere, and not all games have that. Plus, strategic dismemberment just looks insane.

First Person Zombies in Left 4 Dead

To me, one of the cool aspects that hasn’t been talked about in Left 4 Dead is the “Director”, an AI system that creates encounters for you as the game goes, meaning no 2 single-player (or co-op) playthroughs might be the same.

In versus mode, this changes. You play as a zombie, which makes you the “Director”, designing the campaign experience for your friends, in a sense.  You can even call other zombies to your aid to battle your human foes. A new video interview has appeared on the webz, highlighting some of these features.

Creating an XBox Mii, Er, Avatar

Apparently my XBot is showing today, as I bring even more news from the MS front. Once again, Gamerscore Blog has updated this week with some new info about the features of the upcoming new XBox Experience, an update to the 360’s dashboard.

This week covers the creation of Avatars for you to use as part of your Gamertag, and I have to say that I like some of the options. While there are lots complaining about them being glorified Miis, that is 100 percent correct. However, Nintendo hates all things related to the Internet, so the Miis just live in loneliness on your Wii. Here, they go out into the wild and flourish.

Come Get Some Duke Nukem

No, not the vaporware Duke Nukem. I’m talking about the flesh-and-bone older brother, Duke Nukem 3D, which is coming to XBox Live Arcade later this month. A new trailer hit earlier this week, and man, I’m actually really pumped for the release.

I remember playing this thing on the N64 with my brother, and we would just do the deathmatch stuff with our friends all day long. Not to mention that this new version comes packed with 8 player multiplayer over XBL, but also the ability to save and share clips and even rewind it when you die, a la Prince of Persia. This is going to rule. Now if only they could get Goldeneye on XBLA…

Dear Gears of War 2 Diary

Gears of War 2 is looming, and the hype machine is ever-marching towards you and your XBox360. That’s why Epic has released another developer diary to tide your insatiable hunger for all things Gears of War 2 related. This new video features the weapons in the new game, along with a few other treats.

Despite the hype that is going to be all over this, I can’t help but be excited. I loved the campaign of the first game, and the second seems like it’s going to top it in nearly every facet.

Wii Music: Harpsichord Beats Dog

After the recent “dog” demonstration from Nintendo, I had to say that my hopes for Wii Music were all but dashed upon the rocks of my sanity. There’s no way on the lord’s green earth that you would catch me playing a dog instrument.

However, the new Harpsichord demonstration definitely looks promising. Beyond just waggling and dongling, the player looks to be totally engaging with the instrument in a realistic way, without paying $200 for a box full of goofy plastic peripherals. Cool stuff. Maybe I can play the wicked riff from “In My Life” by the Beatles.

Portal Begins

A new Half Life 2 mod is underway called Portal:Prelude, which is exactly what it sounds like. The huge mod (19 test chambers and 400 lines of dialogue) is a fan-made prequel to last year’s beloved Portal, and will be completely free to download. 

The project seems ambitious and terribly impressive. They’ve even been contacted by Valve, which is more than some of us who work with the Source engine can say… If you’ve played Portal, I’m sure you’ll be interested in this.

Source- Kotaku via Portal:Prelude

Star Wars Retro Action

If you’re familiar at all with the Gametrailers “Retrospective” features, then you know that they totally rule. Typically, they will do several weeks of retrospective videos leading up to the release of a new and exciting game.

This time, in anticipation of The Force Unleashed, the “Retrospective” series has focused on Star Wars and all of the videogames that the popular science fiction franchise has spawned in its wake. They are all the way up to 10 installments now, but I thought I’d share number 7, which features Shadows of the Empire and KOTOR, two of the better Star Wars games ever made (though nostalgia may be helping Shadows out a lot).

Ah, memories. Did you guys ever play these games?

Mercenary Stunt-Off

While I never played the original Mercenaries game, I found the idea terribly appealing, since I’m a lover of all things open world-ish but also causing general mayhem. It seemed to be right up my alley. Needless to say, I’ve been very tempted by Mercenaries 2, which just recently saw the light of day at local retailers.

This new stunt video is making my mouth water. Do want. Did any of you guys play the original? Have you played the sequel yet?

No Place Like Home

For those of you PS3 owners who, like me, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Home, it seems like it’s finally getting closer after all these months. In case you’ve forgotten about what this new online lobby/world is going to feature, there is a new video out that fills you in on all of the goodies. Definitely worth a watch.

Personally, I think this could be just what the PS3 needs to give Sony’s console that shot in the arm that the dashboard functionality gives to the 360. Thoughts?

Source- PS3 Fanboy

Sonic Unleashed Equals Do Want

So for a bit now, I’ve had my eye on Sonic Unleashed. One thing that I love about old-school gaming that seemed to die out was the idea of 2 1/2 D, which is my favorite D of all. Last week, a new trailer for the return-to-roots Sonic appeared, and I have to say, I think it looks incredible. It seems to have the right mix of challenge and speed that made Sonic such an appealing franchise.

Your thoughts?

Get Informed About the New Dashboard

Personally, one of the things that shocked (in a good way) me most about the 360 when I bought it was the dashboard. I thought it was such a clever user interface, and it had a nice slick look to it. For me, it changed it into something more than a console, so I’m really excited about the completely revamped interface, coming soon.

For anybody else that’s interested, Gamerscore Blog is now going to be updating each Friday to bring tips and explanations about all the features of the new 360 dashboard.

Continue reading Get Informed About the New Dashboard

Seth MacFarlane Does Mario

In the classic case of two great tastes that taste hilarious together, Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, has introduced a new web product called the Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy. One of his first installments tackles Super Mario Bros. More specifically, Mario saving the Princess.

If you’re a fan of the humor of Family Guy, this should be right up your alley. The Star Power tune gets me every time.


Kick, Punch, Parappa

Kick, punch, it’s all in the mind…

I’m not sure how many of you ever played Parappa the Rapper for the original Playstation, but that game was kind of awesome. I keep hoping for a sequel to it, to be honest.

Mega 64, creators of skits that mimic popular game franchises in public (see their Tetris video, plz), had different plans. They took Parappa to the streets. Hilarity ensued.


Sims 3 Equals Wacky Fun

I’ve always thought of playing The Sims as an odd sort of time travel. At least it was for me, sitting in front of a computer for hours as I lived vicariously through other people, sometimes trapping them in swimming pools without ladders or rooms without exits. Call me sadistic, but The Sims is darn fun no matter how you play it.

So, naturally, I’m pretty thrilled about Sims 3, whose developers released a behind the scenes video today. Let’s hope that EA doesn’t castrate this game with a terrible DRM like Spore’s, but only time will tell.