Rumor: Leaked Beyond Good and Evil 2 Footage?

Not many people played Beyond Good and Evil, which is a shame because it was one of my favorite games of last generation. Much to the happiness of fans, a sequel is coming. Well, it seems that some dudes may have stumbled across a leaked video of Beyond Good and Evil 2, and posted it on the Web for our viewing.

While it’s not confirmed that this is Beyond Good and Evil 2, anyone that has seen the first one can recognize the style of the government soldiers, as well as Jade. And let me be the first to say that this video is incredible. I don’t think it’s actual gameplay, but seems to be more of a target render. If they get anywhere within 50 percent of what they show in this video, I’ll be a happy man.

Who played the first Beyond Good and Evil? Who else thinks this is awesome, if it is indeed the sequel?

Today’s Do Want: Awesome Movie Games

fifthelement1-smallAwesome video games based on movies are in rather short supply on the whole. You figure that these two great visual mediums wouldn’t be all that hard to combine, but for some reason the translations across both sides of the line have been rather awkward to say the least, and rather awful for the most part.

That’s why these new screenshots will make you drool and long for game movies that could have been. It seems that over at the Game Artist forums, a friendly competition is underway for users to create video game screenshots based on famous movies. Some of the submissions include Aliens, Hellboy, Harry Potter, Blade Runner, Indiana Jones, and then some. And they’re incredible.

The screenshots are mostly created in Unreal or the CryEngine, and are pretty face melting. Seriously, you’ll wish that these really existed. Hit the jump to see the screenshots.
Continue reading Today’s Do Want: Awesome Movie Games

Someone Should Make This TF2 RPG

tf2rpgI’ve seen a lot of mash ups in my life, and they don’t always work. However, when they’re solid, they’re freaking rock solid, and this is no exception. Over on the Team Fortress 2 Maps forums, user goldenhearted has thrown together a wicked concept: a Team Fortress 2 RPG, complete with a party of the Heavy and the Medic, on a mission to locate the Scout.

The really cool part about all of it is the menus and the user interface that he’s put together, complete with the classic and colorful Team Fortress 2 look. He’s posed a few cut scenes together with GMod, and even has some loading screen mock ups. All of it is really slick and just screams to be made into an actual game. So, modders, if you’re reading this, get to it!

To check out the awesome gallery of photos, head over to TF2Maps. Thanks to Lord Ned for the heads up.

The Warthog Promo

TheDuoGroup, one of my favorite machinima teams, is at it again with a brand new video. In this one, they put together a well shot warthog ad as it would be seen in the Halo universe. I really like the way this is put together, and the way they transitioned between each map is kind of awesome.

Mega64 Tackles Shadow of the Colossus

Mega64 is up to their old tricks again, this time bringing the likes of the legendary PS2 game Shadow of the Colossus to the real world. While they typically just rehash and repeat the same material in these kinds of videos, I couldn’t help but laugh the first time he jumped on the suited Colossus’s back. Pure hilarity.


Real Life Mirror’s Edge Is Awesome

I don’t really have a lot of words for this, except that a dude runs around with a camera and does lots of real life Mirror’s Edge style parkour craziness. Pretty impressive that he did all of this one handed. He also puts in some magic tricks. Thanks to Smarty for the link.


Ridiculously Awful Video Game Commercials

Wow. Gaming commercials used to be awful. And not just regular awful. But a special, superior awful reserved only for the most atrocious of media follies. Here is a video with the best of the worst old school video game commercials. It’s hard to believe that anyone used to buy these games after these advertisements. Za za za Zelda!

So, which one is your favorite? Mine would have to be the Pole Position one. Anything that says it will leave skidmarks on my soul is something that I will keep in my heart forever.

Today’s Do Want: EVE Fan Video, Day of Darkness II

EVE Online, the space MMO that is home to brigands, rogues and generally awesome dudes, always seems to come along and tantalize me. Particularly after a fan trailer like this latest machinima work from EVE player Dire Lauthris. The video is produced mostly with in-game footage (though he adds some sizzle here and there), and is also incredible. Apparently, he’s been working on it since back in 2007.

If you want to hear more about the dude’s methods, check out the EVE forums.

Source- RPS

Cube of War Trailer

Once again, got to love the April Fool’s posts from all over the Internet today. Actually, you don’t. I mean, while I think it’s funny that everyone does gags, it actually irritates me that for a whole day I can’t read anything real online. Kind of lame.

However, this fake trailer for a new God of War: Chains of Olympus play mode featuring the Companion Cube from Portal is the opposite of lame. In fact, it’s incredible. I’d totally play this game.

When Left 4 Dead Becomes Left 12 Dead

You all know of my nerdy fanboy-slobbering love for all things Valve, specifically Left 4 Dead in recent months. As many have discussed on this before and even today, it’s a great co-op game that requires the utmost teamwork between 4 players in order to survive.

Well, what happens when you add 12 players? It becomes awesome, that’s what. Check out this new mod that requires lots of trickery but ends in good times. Kind of great.


Source- L4D Mods

Modern Warfare 2 Teaser Dissect-ified

modern-warfare2Well that didn’t take long. In case you’ve been under a rock all day, the first Modern Warfare 2 teaser debuted last night, giving us little to go on but sound clips, flashes of video and lots of green. Oh, we also got a release date.

Anywho, some crazy dudes have already dissected the trailer nearly second-by-second, and have found some interesting things including a screenshot of some perks, potential hints at settings (South America, anyone?) and even translation of that Russian you heard. Frankly, I’m amazed whenever someone goes to all this trouble, so I must tip my hat to these fine folks.

It’s definitely worth a look if you’re interested in the game at all, especially once they start busting out the frame-by-frame captures of the montage that takes place near the end. So, what are your thoughts?

Source- Binge Gamer

Today’s WTF: Mario Bros Vs Ronald McDonald

There are really not many words to describe this other than WTF. Apparently, Ronald McDonald wants to destroy Burger King. And uh, I guess the Mario Bros. want to stop him? Also, the Hamburglar appears. Just… wtf?

Doom and Diablo, Together at Last

doomabloSometimes we get curious about video game mash-ups. Call it an adventure to blend things together that don’t normally seem to fit. While it may turn out to be crap, sometimes it’s total gaming gold.

Take Doom: Fall of Mars, for instance, which combines Diablo and Doom in a shockingly fun and really inspired way. How does this work, you ask? Well, imagine if you married the click and attack style view and mechanics from Diablo and the sprites and weapons of Doom, and then you’ll have a fairly accurate picture of the gameplay. And the most surprising thing of all is that I would actually pay money for this.

Luckily though, you can download the 3.3 MB demo for free, and enjoy the three levels. So what do you guys think? Face explodingly awesome or what?

Source- Rock Paper Shotgun and If Software

Debunking Video Game Lies

mk-ermacRemember back in the day, when there was nothing like PSN or XBox Live or Steam for you to monitor what your friends were doing and see their trophies or achievements? Back then, they could say whatever they wanted, and you had to take them at face value. There’s a dude named Ermac in Mortal Kombat, they would say. Or you can resurrect Aeris, they’d report. Lies!

Well, someone has finally decided to put a stop to all of the video game lies with the official Video Game Lies Wiki, which documents the many untruths that people cling to about their old favorites. It’s definitely interesting to scroll through some of the lists and see things that I recognize from my elementary and middle school days.

Definitely worth checking out. So which of these are familiar to you guys? Did you have that one friend (like I did) who always lied to you about things hidden in video games?

Source- Video Game Lies Wiki via GameSetWatch

First Old Republic Webcomic Is Live

swtorBioware is hard at work on The Old Republic, the MMO continuation of the KOTOR franchise. Right now, this is the only MMO that I’ve ever really been tempted to play, and the more content I see, the more I just salivate and have to avoid the Internet altogether. Seriously, this game might ruin me.

In preparation for the inevitable albeit mysterious release date of the Star Wars MMO, Bioware has published the first TOR webcomic. By the time the game comes out, there will be six total. Perhaps when the second one comes out, we’ll have a better idea of when this game might launch.

As far as webcomics go, I’m a big fan of the art, and it looks like it’s setting us up for a pretty grand and epic space opera once the game hits. While many of the commenters hilariously feel the need to gripe about what is just a bit of a prequel piece, I enjoyed it. What do you guys think?

Source- Star Wars: The Old Republic

Whitest Kids You Know: Call of Duty

Ah, playing multiplayer games online. They all come with their own shares of both joy and sadness. The Whitest Kids You Know dudes have made a new skit portraying these struggles in Call of Duty. It’s definitely a funny although depressingly accurate portrayal of online gaming. Makes you wonder how long we’ll continue to put up with these grievances, no? Anywho, do give it a watch, and laugh heartily.

Today’s Holy Crap: Escape from City 17

Dang. It’s amazing what you can do with some nice equipment and only $500 dollars on the Internet these days. These guys have put together a live action Half-Life 2 short film, Escape from City 17, that could easily be on TV. Some really great work here, I’m impressed.


The Halo RPG Video

Heck, they already made a Halo RTS. Why not a Halo RPG, Final Fantasy style?

While this video isn’t terribly original, it’s pretty well done and mildly entertaining. A bit too long though. The trick to a good short is knowing when to stop the joke, and these guys kind of went overboard. All in all, it’s worth a watch.


Rumor: Dead Rising 2 Viral Video

So a viral video popped up on the glorious ‘tubes today, purporting to be a trailer for Dead Rising 2. While we can’t be sure, as this trailer is filmed via cam off a TV screen, it does offer some interesting teases. Say, zombies in Las Vegas? If this is actually true, then I am all over this game.

Also, rolling over zombies in a hamster ball would totally rule.


Adam Sessler Responds to Fanboy Wars, Is Pissed

Wow. Adam Sessler is a super nice guy, at least from the time that I met him at PAX. He was super busy, and in a rush, but took the time to talk to me and even accepted a business card from me. Super swell fellow.

Well, this happy-go-lucky man is a bit pissed off in the newest edition of “Sessler’s Soapbox”, in which he responds to the fanboy wars between XBox 360 and PS3 fans after X-Play’s review of Killzone 2. Basically, after the review, people accused XPlay of being biased towards the 360, and also of lacking integrity, for getting paid off to review the game the way they did.

The best part of all? They gave the game a perfect score. Yeah. I can see why he’d be pissed. He really gets going by the end, too.