Retro Nintendo Customer Service Training Video

I love when all things retro surface again on the Internet, rising from their graves like some unholy zombie minion, ready to slay us with laughter and tales of times gone by. Today’s particularly retro minion comes courtesy of a 1991 Nintendo training video that helps people deal with customers with defective (or supposedly defective) products. Ah, remember back when that Nintendo seal meant something? Good times.


Sup Chief, Episode 1: Mister Chief

I’ve posted a few videos by TheDuoGroup, some of my favorite machinimators. Well, they’re now breaking into the live action realm with a new Web series called Sup Chief?, about a group of guys that gets a new famous roomie from the Halo series. This first episode has its moments, but I’m really curious as to how they’re going to stretch this into a series without the premise getting stale. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.

Left 4 Dead Valentines Equal Time 4 Love

l4dvalentineAs some of us men with a ball-and-chain (love you sweetie) know, Valentine’s Day is coming up just around the corner. Yes, that commercial holiday in which the meaning of romantic love is boiled down to buying each other trinkets and doodads.

However, if you’re feeling a bit out of sorts, and are looking for the perfect way to tell that special someone how you’re feeling, then fortunately, there’s a solution for you. And yes, it does involve zombies. Left 4 Dead valentine cards!

Created by a Penny Arcade forum goer, these guys kind of rule. I’m a sucker for puns, and these are about as silly as they come. My favorite is the tank. Anyone else know of any other good gaming related valentines?

Source- Penny Arcade forums

Batman Gets Pwned

Ah, the thought of extraordinary people doing extremely ordinary things is always a good one. Take superheroes like Batman, for instance. Does he play video games? Perhaps he plays himself in Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. If you imagined all that, you’d end up with this new short, Batman Gets Pwned. This video is cheesy and goofy, but it still made me laugh. Especially love the puns.

My Spartan Girl Music Video

One of my favorite machinima groups, Darkspire Films, has released some more comedic gold today with their new music video, My Spartan Girl. It’s essentially dedicated to all the girl gamers out there, specifically in Halo 3. It’s kind of tasteless, hilarious, and maybe also slightly NSFW.

One other word: hawt. And if you really want, you can download the song here.

V.A.T.S. in Halo 3

I love gaming amalgamations. Combining all kinds of fun flavors to make new and exciting things is simply fascinating. Take this mash-up of Fallout 3 and Halo 3, for example, where someone added the V.A.T.S. combat system to the beloved Bungie shooter. Awesomeness ensues.


Today’s Totally Awesome: YouTube Street Fighter

Um, this kind of blows my mind. This YouTube video actually allows you to “play” Street Fighter through YouTube. Every now and then you’ll get choices like moves, characters, etc, all of which come in to play against your opponent. Wait too long to strike, and your opponent will decimate you. So yeah, YouTube Street Fighter. What will they think of next?


Wind Waker Dude Has Talent, Free Time

Ok, so the other day we showed you the one man Zelda theme band. This is possibly even better. One dude with a stupid amount of talent plays a variety of instruments to create the Wind Waker theme by himself. And when I say a variety, I mean a variety. Watch out for the chorus. It rules.

Thanks for the link, Smarty.

The Fanboy Letter Mad Lib

fanboy1Fanboys. Got to love them. Actually, you don’t have to, I take that back. Personally, I think fanboy-ism is completely ridiculous in the sense that you’d defend a console or company no matter what, out of loyalty. But whatever, what do I know.

What I am sure of, though, is that making fun of said fanboys is hilarious. Which is where Hardcasual enters the scene with their new angry fanboy letter activity. Basically, it works just like a mad lib, where you insert different words to create the absurd fanboy rant to a company that has changed a beloved franchise.

Read the full contents after the jump!
Continue reading The Fanboy Letter Mad Lib

Video Games’ Worst Voice Acting

We’ve all been there. That painful cringe as a voice actor in a video game lets loose another putrid sound byte. While gaming has come along way in this regard, there are so many bad spots in the past that its fun to reminisce upon them, much like this video does.

I have to say, I’m glad that both FFX and the original Resident Evil ended up here. That “master of unlocking” line is brutal.

Hilarious Super Mario Bros Show

If you are at all familiar with the Matrix ping-pong video that circulated a million years ago in Internet time, then you should recognize the same style that’s going on in this awesome Super Mario Bros video. I love that this is all done on a stage, it’s terribly creative and executed so well, to boot. Watch!


LittleBigPlanet Rolled!

If I was really mean, I would say this is something other than what it is: Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” performed in LittleBigPlanet. Some fun machinima work right there. Since you know what it is, it’s not technically a Rick Roll, right? Right?


Ghostbusters and Final Fantasy: Advent Ghosts

There are lots of things that work when mixed together. Pizzas and being fat. Hamburgers and cheese. Poker and dudes. But Ghostbusters and Final Fantasy 7? I didn’t really expect that. I’m not really sure that it does work, but hey, it’s funny. Love the magazine/newspaper covers littered throughout.

Don’t cross the lifestreams!

LittleBig Michael Jackson Planet

LittleBigPlanet has been used to make lots of things. Calculators, music composers, wedding proposals and even side scrolling shooters. Apparently, you can also make music videos to Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” and “Thriller”. Yes, there is even some moonwalking. One of the coolest parts of all? The dude that made this actually made it for a machinima class at USC. Good way to make the grade, I guess.


The Metal Gear Solid Cast Improv Therapy

Sounds just as confusing as the plot of MGS4, no? Basically, there is a new video out that features the voice actors of the MGS games (Raiden, Snake, Roy Campbell, Naomi Hunter and Otacon) all doing an improv session. The idea behind the skit is that they can’t separate the game characters from their actual lives.

It’s completely made up on the spot (improv, duh), and is sometimes bizarre and somteimes hilarious. My favorite bits are when David Hayter busts out the Snake voice, and when they jump in with the “Snaaaaaake” bits. Some good stuff, give it a watch.


Kid Gets a Wii, Needs a Slap

Just a warning: watch this at your own risk. You thought the music in that WoW video was bad? Wait til you get a load of this ADHD freak’s screaming about his new Nintendo Wii. I’m not trying to be a grinch, I mean it’s cool that he’s excited. But still.

Major props to Nintendo for keeping the excitement for this going 2 years later. Seriously, I thought it would fade by last Christmas, but I was dead, dead wrong.

The Craft of War: BLIND

So I’m rather impressed after watching this new WoW video. While this isn’t quite machinima (I’m guessing it’s all animated in a program like 3D Max), it’s still the best World of Warcraft video I’ve seen hands down. The animations are gorgeous, and it’s just entertaining to watch. While the music can and does get old, the fight scenes are pretty wicked.

Titled, “The Craft of War: BLIND”. Good stuff.