Now, this question may seem premature, but I think it might be of use to Microsoft. There are no games yet and we don’t even know how accurate the demo at E3 was for certain, but based on what you have seen and their projections, what do you feel is a fair price for Natal? Bear in mind that you need a 360 to play it, though I am sure there will be bundles available. So if you don’t have a 360 and want to play Natal you will have to buy both. So what’s your projected price point?
Category: XBox 360
Valve Not Sold On Natal
Natal blew some minds at E3 and caused all kinds of fanboy skirmishes across the Internet. Is it real? Does it work? Will the games be any good? One of those questions has now been asked by Valve, who have had a closer look at Natal and while impressed with the tech, they need to see more. Namely, a game that really shows off what it can do, as Chet Faliszek says:
There’s a lot of coolness around it, but I’m not sure about the game that comes with that, and I’m not sure, personally, how much I wanna move around. I’m a lazy, lazy man. I don’t want to move. I don’t want to be fatigued playing a game.
Anyone can crap out a tech demo, but how can you use this in a game that won’t annoy us lazy gamers? What do you guys think of Natal and what would you like to see done with it?
Source- VG247
TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled Launch Trailer
Oh man, how I miss sidescrolling co-op beat-em-up games. Seriously, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtles in Time and Hyperstone Heist games were some of my favorite classic titles from the good old SNES and Genesis days. Playing those games with my brother and our neighbors pretty much defined my summers during childhood.
So that’s why I’m stupid excited for the re-shelling of TMNT: Turtles in Time. It hits PSN and XBLA this week for only 10 bucks, and I seriously can’t wait for it. Anybody else going to get in on this action?
Batman: Arkham Asylum Opinions Surface
One game that I keep forgetting about for the Fall is Batman: Arkham Asylum. The game comes out in just a few weeks, and looks like just the kind of game that a great character like Batman has always deserved, with a cool cross of sneaking action with cool looking cutscenes. And hey, it even has Mark Hamill doing the Joker’s voice, so you can’t go wrong there.
But is the game any good? Apparently, yes. A few game publications are already starting to weight in with their opinions on the new Batman romp, and so far, it sounds awesome. The Official Playstation Magazine has given Arkham Asylum a 9/10, and GamesRadar has followed suit with a glowing 3 page preview. They even go as far as saying that this could be the greatest superhero game of all time.
So, who else is interested in this game. It may be moving up on my list, especially since it comes out in just a few short weeks on August 25th. And hey, if nothing else, you can test out the demo, which hits this Friday.
Source- GamesRadar and PS3Vault
GamerSushi Asks: Adventure Games?
One of my favorite old school genres had to be the point-and-click adventure games for the PC. I remember when I was a kid I used to love playing games like Police Quest, Space Quest, Maniac Mansion and Myst. Myst especially changed the way I viewed video games, with its hauntingly quiet atmosphere, its hefty brain teasers and creepy story of two sons. I for real used to play that game for hours at a time.
However, I never played The Secret of Monkey Island until just the last couple of weeks, when it re-released in a special edition form on XBox Live Arcade. I’ve always heard great things about it, but I’m finally getting to experience the games charms for myself. It really has some brilliant writing, great characters and some laugh-out-loud moments.
The crazy thing is I’m realizing just how much I miss these kinds of games. How cool would it be if all of those old school games started re-releasing with new coats of paint? I’d play the heck out of them, that’s for sure. So what about you guys? Did you ever get into those old school point-and-click games? What were your favorites? Go!
Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Debut
Now here is one FPS that I am looking forward to in a real bad way. I still maintain that Call of Duty 4 has some of the best (if not the best) multiplayer gaming of this generation so far, so I really can’t wait to see what Modern Warfare 2 does to improve upon that. So that’s why it’s exciting to see this new Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer debut trailer, which dishes out some of the dirt about a new perk, customizable kill streak load-outs. Awesome.
Cutting Through the Shooter Fat
Those of you that frequent this site know something of my sordid disdain for the FPS overflow of the current generation. It seems that nearly every blockbuster title for the last couple of years has been some kind of shooter, be it Resistance, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Halo, Left 4 Dead or Killzone. Shooters are bombarding us from every corner, and after some time, I grew rather sick of them.
So for the last few months, I’ve been on something of an FPS diet. I’ve been on a real diet, too, coincidentally enough. The funny thing about losing weight is that people always want to know what your secret is. You say that you’ve lost x amount of pounds, and people always ask, “How have you been doing it?” When the answer is “getting off my ass to exercise and not eating like a wildebeest”, they tend to get a tad upset. As if I’m holding out on them. Oh right, there was also a secret pill that made it really easy. Forgot to mention that part.
Continue reading Cutting Through the Shooter Fat
Splinter Cell and Red Steel 2 Migrate to 2010
Man, as if the list of games moving to 2010 wasn’t already long enough, it seems that Splinter Cell: Conviction and Red Steel 2 are jumping the 2009 ship, too. Apparently, they are heading to the brighter, greener and Modern Warfare 2-less pastures of 2010, able to enjoy some more publicity.
While I understand that people are afraid of the Modern Warfare 2 machine (not to mention Halo: ODST and Super Mario Galaxies 2), I really am shocked that this many game companies are breaking up the dreaded Fall o’ Games. I mean, I’m not complaining about it, although Splinter Cell was my number one anticipated game, I do think it’s interesting that publishers are finally trying to spread their profit around a little bit instead of loading up. You saw Warner Bros. pull the same move last year by bumping Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince to Summer 2009 instead of Winter 2008. I think Ubisoft didn’t want 3 of their blockbusters (along with Assassin’s Creed 2) all coming out at once.
So far, Bioshock 2 and Heavy Rain have already moved. What do you guys think about all these games moving out of the Fall?
Source- VG247
Left 4 Dead 2: What’s New?
At this point, I’m pretty sure everyone’s aware about Valve’s new mod, er, sequel for the popular zombie shoot-em-up, Left 4 Dead 2. There’s lots of controversy, whining and general bickering out there about the release of this game so soon after the first. Well, for anyone wondering what’s new, here’s a new video interview with Valve sporting a few highlights from the upcoming game. So, is it new enough for you?
Halo Anime Coming Next Year
Even though they’re not my favorite games ever, I’m still a dork about anything related to the Halo universe, especially peripheral materials that explore other areas of the mythos. For some reason, Bungie hasn’t done a stellar job presenting their story within the confines of the game, but all of the extended media is an entirely different story.
That’s why I’m kind of excited about the Comic-Con announcement from today that reveals that Halo Legends, a Halo anime, is coming early next year to DVD and digital platforms. There aren’t a whole lot of details yet, but some pretty cool looking images. So far, all we know is that it’s going to be seven short films from the director of Appleseed Ex Machina, which I haven’t seen.
Anywho, does anyone else think this is kind of cool? Like I said, I’m not a huge Halo fanboy, but I really think it’s got a quality mythology behind it, and if the art is cool enough, this could be sweet. Thoughts?
On Video Game Endings and Falling Action
If there’s one thing that not too many video games have, it’s a solid, well-thought out ending. In fact, many games just throw you up against the final boss, show the heroes riding off into the sunset (or helicoptering, if you’re Chris and Sheva) and ready to face another adventure in the oh-so-exciting and inevitable sequel. But is this the way it needs to be?
The dudes on the 1UP podcast had an interesting discussion about the idea of video game endings, recently. Namely, that most good stories are structured so that they have a denouement, or falling action that occurs after the climax. A sense of wrapping things up towards the conclusion. Video games, however, don’t do this at all. They build and build until a climactic boss battle, and then end within 5 minutes of the action. Very rarely do they offer any real resolution for the player, much less in a playable form.
This is interesting stuff. Check out what the 1UP guys say after the jump:
Continue reading On Video Game Endings and Falling Action
GamerSushi Asks: Save Systems?
Howdy all. Been a long and relaxing weekend, hence the lack of posts. I’m kind of a weird creature in that the less I have on my plate, the less I tend to do. The busier I am, the more time I make for posting on GamerSushi, working out, etc. It’s odd.
Anywho, after playing Battlefield 1943, 1 Vs 100, Mass Effect and last but not least, the Secret of Monkey Island, this weekend has been monumental for me in terms of gaming. Lots of great flavors. Mass Effect and Monkey Island got me thinking about save systems, though. In those games you can save the game whenever and wherever you want. While this is great in lots of ways (it’s nice to just be able to save and turn off a game without having to wait to find a save point), in some ways you can get screwed if you’ve saved yourself into a corner.
So what do you guys think? Is there any particular game where you’ve really enjoyed the save system? Have you been screwed over by a save point in a game before? Go!
What a Wonderful L4D
Oh, man. Coming straight from the dude that made that awesome Black Mesa: Source trailer months back, a new video celebrating the dismal and zombie-fied Left 4 Dead has just arrived. The best part? It’s got Louis Armstrong singing away. This video is extremely impressive, and I love what this guy gets out of the Source engine. Watch it!
Nathan Fillion Talks Halo ODST
I’m a big fan of all things related to Firefly, particularly Nathan Fillion, Captain Mal Reynolds himself. Not only is the guy really into Bungie and the Halo series, he just happens to be one of the leads in the next Halo game, Halo ODST. This new interview shows off a few new clips of the game, and some humorous stories from Mr. Fillion as well.
I have to say, while I initially didn’t care for this game at all, I’m starting to slowly warm up to it. What about you guys? Who’s going to play this?
Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition is Silly and Hot
I’m all about collecting absurd video game paraphernalia. I mean, I’m the guy that bought the stupid Legendary edition of Halo 3 so I can have that Master Chief helmet chilling in my living room next to my shelves o’ DVDs. I also eye those Final Fantasy figures from time to time.
But the Prestige Edition of Modern Warfare 2 is a different kind of animal all together. Not only does it come with the totally rad Modern Warfare 2, a sweet art book and some other goodies… but it also sports a real, functioning and completely excessive pair of night vision goggles. Wow.
I have to say that while I would never buy this, a small and dorky part of me is beyond tempted to. I mean, people use those things for wars, and I could have them in my home. Way better than a Halo helmet, if you ask me.
So what do you guys think? Cool, lame or meh? Go!
Source- Destructoid
Mass Effect 2 Reveal Dev Diary
Wow. I know I keep saying it all the time, but every single new Mass Effect 2 video we get simply drives me crazy with anticipation. Every time I think I can’t possibly be any more excited about the game, Bioware does something awesome and makes me even more so. Take this new Mass Effect 2 Reveal Developers Diary, where the devs talk some more about the E3 demo, including a hint at one of the possible endings of the game. Needless to say, my jaw dropped when they said it. Give it a watch.
Battlefield 1943 is Good Old Fashioned Fun
As many of you know, Battlefield 1943 released yesterday over PSN and XBox Live. While the game launched with some issues (namely, server capacities), those issues are being dealt with and the game is slowly but surely becoming playable again.
After some difficulty joining a server, I finally was able to land inside, and I have to say, I had a blast. It really is good to be playing Battlefield again, especially in the WWII setting, with bombers, aircraft carriers, boats and jeeps all at your disposal. The game works with squads and squad spawns, which was such brilliant addition to the series with BF 2. So, if you’ve got either a PS3 or XBox 360, this game is a ton of fun and a definite steal at only $15 for the whole deal.
So, who’s gotten to play this game yet? What did you think?
Redefining Splinter Cell: Conviction
One of the games that impressed me the most from E3 that I truly didn’t expect was Splinter Cell: Conviction. The last couple of times we saw this game (years ago), it didn’t seem to have a whole lot going for it, but after some revamping and retooling, the game seems to be getting along just swimmingly. Here’s a new behind the scenes video that shows off the mindset that went behind the game’s attractive new design, and some of the new gameplay elements.
Who else thinks this game looks awesome?
GamerSushi Asks: Gaming Thumbs?
There are some things that I think you all should know. Fight Night Round 4 came out last week. Fight Night Round 4 has realistic face punching physics. Fight Night Round 4 is a hell of a lot of fun. Seriously, I can’t stop playing this game. The legacy mode is deep and engaging, and your character even ages as you progress through scheduling your fights for the year.
However, one bad thing about the game is that it is giving me gaming thumbs. I think you know what I’m talking about. When you play a game so much that it starts to give you new callouses on your thumbs because you haven’t played a game like that in a while. Well right now, I’ve got those bad, because I seriously can’t seem to put it down. My brother came over the other night, and we squared off for nearly two hours throwing punches, dodging and dishing out uppercuts. It was heavenly and I highly recommend it.
So what about you guys? What was the last game that gave you gaming thumbs? Also, who else has played this game or wants to? Go!
Alpha Protocol Demonstration
So, I’m not quite sold on Alpha Protocol yet. I feel like I flip-flop a little on the game each time I see it. Sometimes it looks like the cool parts of Mass Effect mixed with some Splinter Cell, and other times it just looks like a bad mashup of both of those games. This developer walkthrough has a couple of cool points to it, but I’m still not sure how I feel. All in all, I’m wondering if the game will be a slightly decent substitute while I wait for Mass Effect 2 to come out. Thoughts?