Microsoft Working on 300,000 Person MMO?

xblIt’s no secret that MMO’s are the train that every major developer hopes to ride into money country, following the trend of Blizzard’s oh-so-popular moolah machine, World of Warcraft. While we know that Microsoft previously worked on a Halo MMO that was ultimately canned, some have speculated that they still had something else they were constructing in the shadows.

Well, a recent post on DevelopMag shows that Microsoft is not only looking to get into the MMO genre, but to jump into it with flying colors. Apparently, Microsoft is working on having a game that can support 300,000 simultaneous players at once over XBox Live. To give you an idea of how nuts that is, EVE Online supports 300k players total. The most ever online at once was 50,000. Kind of crazy.

It definitely makes you wonder what kind of property this MMO is, considering that MS expects to have so many players on at once. A different, resurrected Halo MMO perhaps? It’s the only thing I can think of that would possibly be a big enough IP to attract an audience that large. Thoughts?

Source- DevelopMag

Mass Effect 2 Teaser Includes Shephard

Mass Effect 2 is maybe the game I’m looking forward to the most this generation. I loved the first one, and I have no reason to believe that the sequel won’t be even better. In a brand new teaser for the Bioware space RPG, we are finally shown glimpses of Shephard, who may or may not be something more than human. I’m really liking the look of this, it seems like it’s improved graphically, and the shooting segments look beefed up. Thoughts?

Machinima: Halo 3: ODST Thunder From Above

TheDuoGroup is at it again, with yet another excellent machinima short that combines some snazzy effects with Halo 3 footage. I really love the work these guys do, so it’s cool to see them make a trailer for Halo 3: ODST, a game in which we have no actual footage yet. Very creative.

GamerSushi Asks: Gaming Deal Breakers

t4Hope you dudes all had a great Memorial Day weekend, for those of you that got to have some free time, anyway. Me, I played tons of video games including Sacred 2, Halo Wars and Team Fortress 2 (apparently I dominate as a Pyro). I also saw Terminator: Salvation, and yes, it was as disappointing as everyone says.

I was totally with the movie until a certain point about half way in, and then everything just takes a huge nose-dive plot wise. Seriously, I’ve never seen a movie tank so hard, so fast, but this one did. I don’t often give in to the idea of “deal breakers” in a movie, but this one definitely had a couple of deal breakers that got in the way of my enjoyment.

It got me thinking about deal breakers in terms of video games, actually. Something that is so inexcusable that you instantly stop enjoying the game that you are playing. I think for me deal breakers are multiplayer games that are unbalanced or full of exploits (hello Gears of War 2), or single player campaigns that pull you out of the fun and make you do boring puzzles again and again.

What about you guys? Do you have any gaming deal breakers?

Finally, a Proper Modern Warfare 2 Trailer

In case you weren’t watching the Eastern Conference Finals tonight on TNT, you may have missed the epic reveal trailer for Modern Warfare 2, full of explosions, intrigue, accents and lots of sweet action. In particular, I’m a fan of the rope sequence ascending through the flames. It pretty much made me pee a little. Anywho, watch it and leave your comments! Who else is excited to play this game in November?

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

sacred21Since it’s a holiday weekend here in the States, I’m sure that many of you are getting to do some gaming over the last few days that you haven’t been able to do recently. For me, I’m loving a game called Sacred 2 right now, a hack-n-slash RPG that is absolutely HUGE. Seriously, my brother and I have played it for over 12 hours and haven’t even discovered 20 percent of the map yet. Awesome? Yes.

I’ll probably hit up some Halo Wars at some point and also some Valkyria Chronicles. I really need to nail that game down, finally. So what are you guys playing over the weekend? Go!

Yet Another Modern Warfare 2 Tease

More teasers? I get that Infinity Ward wants to hype their game, but come on. Oh well, I guess I can’t complain too much when I gobble up every bit of info that they throw at me, ravenously looking for more.

While the world premiere of Modern Warfare 2 is still just a couple of days away, it seems that a new teaser is out tonight exclusively on GameTrailers. So, kick back, relax and enjoy the 28 seconds of teasing, 10 of which we’ve already seen.

Mass Effect 2 Has a Trailer for an E3 Trailer

Bioware is super excited about what they’re going to be showing off at E3 this year in regards to Mass Effect 2. Apparently, there will be a new trailer that gives us the scoop about what to expect from both the gameplay and the story. How excited are they about it? Well, so excited that they made a trailer for that trailer. That’s right, it’s the Mass Effect2 E3 prelude, and it’s full of teasing galore. Give it a watch.

Modern Warfare 2 Details From Game Informer

modern-warfare2Got the newest issue of Game Informer in the mail today, and I was pleased to see that this issue’s cover story was a first look at Modern Warfare 2, from Infinity Ward. Considering we’ve had naught but two tiny teasers to go on so far for this game, I was instantly excited to tear it open and read away.

While there’s no real earth shattering news about the game, there are a few details that have been confirmed by the developers. For one, there doesn’t seem to be a co-op mode for the single player campaign, however, there will be a new co-op mode called Special Forces. This mode thrusts the player into crazy scenarios (a la Mile High Club from CoD4) built for co-operative play with some buddies.

In addition, Modern Warfare 2 continues the story of the first game, taking you to the snowy regions of Russia as well as the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan and will be about 8-10 hours long, about the same amount as CoD4. Enemies will carry modifiable weapons, much like foes might in multiplayer. Also, there will be lots of destructible props within the environment, many more than in previous entries.

All in all, while there’s nothing to really get pumped about, it’s cool to hear more about Modern Warfare 2. I’m really pumped about Special Forces mode, as it is full of the kinds of scenarios that Infinity Ward couldn’t fit in the story. The one in the magazine featured commandos storming a shower room, decked out with riot shields as enemies fired down from above. It looks awesome.

So, who else is pumped about this game?

Meet the Spy Trailer Meets Your Mom

I’ve got to say, I’ve been a huge fan of the Valve “Meet The” series, though why you still have a trailer promoting a 2 year old game, I’m not sure. Anywho, this newest entry, Meet the Spy, is probably my favorite so far of the bunch, and has some really awesome stuff to be seen inside. Hurry up and watch it, before he finds your mom, too.

Gaming Obsessions

warcraft3I think I need an intervention. I have this problem, you see. Sometimes, I get stuck playing a game for months on end, not because it’s ridiculously fun or anything, but because I become obsessed with getting good at it. I don’t know why, but I have this fixation with certain games where I need to become better at them, even after the game isn’t nearly as fun as it once was when I started playing.

I suppose this is an obsession. Right now for me, I’ve been doing this with Halo Wars. It’s a good game, and I still have fun, but I spend more energy on trying to come up with the right build order than really enjoying what’s there. I think this happened for me with Halo 2 as well, and Warcraft 3 before that. Games like Halo 3 and Counter-Strike have never been bogged down like that, but for some reason, those other titles were.

So what about you guys? Has a game’s fun ever been obscured by a want to be better at it? Or have you been obsessed with a game in general?

First Modern Warfare 2 Gameplay Video

Well, it seems that another tiny teaser is available for the next entry to the Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 2. It shows some snow action, underwater bits, and some good ol’ helicopter flying. It also hints to a debut of some more footage, set for May 24th during the NBA Eastern Conference Finals on TNT. I think I’ll have my DVR handy.

GamerSushi Asks: What Are You Playing?

peggleIt’s been awhile since I’ve checked in with what you guys have been up to, videogame-wise, so I thought I’d take a little poll. Now that the Spring games have come and gone, and we enter that familiar “release drought” that plagues gamers each year, I’m curious what games are currently being tackled by your calloused fingers.

For me, I’ve been playing lots of Halo Wars, Peggle, and even a little Final Fantasy VI on my Nintendo DS. I’m hoping to move towards finally finishing Valkyria Chronicles later this week, as well as some Resistance 2. Right now, I just don’t have as much time as I want, and I end up playing Halo Wars instead of moving onto some other games that I seem to have wasted money on. Also, Peggle is stupid addicting and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t played it. Hopefully, I can get my act together soon.

What about you guys? What are you playing?

GameCop Vs LameCop #6

GameCop vs. LameCop is a feature where Anthony and I argue about video game issues, playing the role of either the GameCop or the LameCop as we do so. We switch roles each time. The GameCop has your best interests as gamers at heart, while the LameCop is just what he sounds like: a total loser.

This week, we tackle several issues including multiplayer in single player games, Nintendo’s lackluster GTA: Chinatown Wars sales and E3 predictions.

Continue reading GameCop Vs LameCop #6

Bioshock 2 Multiplayer Details

bioshock2Once again, a case of a game having multiplayer that doesn’t exactly need it in the first place. When Bioshock came out, there was a group of people that, as great as the game was, wanted multiplayer for some reason. I’m not sure what exactly they expected, but I for one love playing great single player games and thought that Bioshock was a perfect example of that golden age of gaming done right.

Well, it seems that the 2K Games dudes are going to deliver a multiplayer experience for the sequel, but luckily, it sounds like they’re going through a lot of work to do it, rather than just throwing everybody in Big Daddy suits. Apparently, each player is going to play a plasmid test subject during the Fall of Rapture. So, basically, the multiplayer helps add to the lore and mythos of the game series as a whole.

If Bioshock 2 has to have multiplayer, it’s probably better that they do something like this that builds more layers onto the story. Hopefully though, the mode doesn’t turn out to be stupid or take away from development of the single player. What do you guys think?

Source- Kotaku

Red Dead Redemption: Debut Trailer

I never played the original Red Dead Revolver for the PS2, but I heard it was at least decent enough. Created by Rockstar, the dudes that make Grand Theft Auto, this new Red Dead Redemption trailer is all kinds of awesome. I really love the atmosphere, and I’ve always wished for more great Western-themed games. Who else thinks this looks promising? Did anyone play the original?

Fallout 3: Broken Steel Debut Trailer

Man, you’ve got to hand it to Bethesda for all of the DLC they’ve been able to support their game with. Lots of games companies have said they’d do it, but Fallout 3 has really received some awesome additions to the excellent FPS RPG from last year. This Broken Steel trailer, the newest DLC for the game, is looking rather awesome. What do you guys think? Who has played any of the DLC packs so far?

GamerSushi Asks: Quick and Sucky?

corThere are rare moments in gaming life that make me stop and say “wow”. I pick up the controller, and I know that I’m playing gaming gold, that what I am experiencing is something new and fresh and fascinating, and I know it within a couple of minutes of gameplay. Then, there are times when the exact opposite happens. When I know that what I am playing is complete and utter crap. And it barely took me long to figure it out.

For me this weekend, that was Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena. While I’ve been excited to play this game for months, I was pretty horrified early on when I discovered how shoddy the gameplay mechanics felt, how boring the whole thing was, and how glitchy it was to boot. I mean, hell, they literally use the same exact tutorial from the XBox game (Escape from Butcher Bay) as the intro to this one, shocking you with its outdated graphics. I was really disappointed at how boring the game is, because I really wanted to like it.

So what about you guys? What’s the last game that you played where you knew almost instantly that you didn’t want to play it anymore?

TMNT: Turtles in Time Remake

tmntMan. I don’t know how many of you guys played the old school side-scrolling beat-em-up Ninja Turtle games back in the day, but they were pretty much my favorite things ever. The original TMNT for the NES (with rocket-powered skateboards), as well as Hyperstone Heist and Turtles in Time were so stinking fun to play back then, I remember repeatedly renting those games and beating them in one sitting with my brother.

That’s why I’m thrilled to hear that a 3D Turtles in Time remake is underway, and is rumored to be coming to XBox Live sometime in the near future. If this is true, I’m buying that game the day it comes out and playing the junk out of it.

Who else loves this game and wants to hit up some 4 player co-op when it drops?

Source- Destructoid

Dead Rising 2 Trailer

Well, the long wait is over for actual video footage from Dead Rising 2 with this brand new trailer. It features the new character as well as a variety of new weapons. I for one am particularly excited for the paddle with the chainsaws attached, or the motorcycle with the same previously mentioned chainsaws. Kind of awesome.

Kotaku also has a write-up of some demo footage that they saw, including the mention of up to 7,000 zombies at a time. Pretty crazy. Who else is pumped?