TheDuoGroup, one of my favorite machinima teams, is at it again with a brand new video. In this one, they put together a well shot warthog ad as it would be seen in the Halo universe. I really like the way this is put together, and the way they transitioned between each map is kind of awesome.
Category: XBox 360
GamerSushi Asks: Competitive Gaming?
So tonight I played and lost in a Halo Wars tournament hosted by the good dudes over at Rooster Teeth. It was a 32 man 1 v 1 tournament that lasted a total of 4 hours before it was all said and done. Well, really, for me, it only lasted about 30 minutes, as I went out in the first round.
To be honest though, I don’t feel too bad, seeing as how the guy and I fought it out like crazy and actually had a pretty close game… and then he went all the way to the finals. It stinks knowing that I might have made it that far, but what can you do? Anywho, it made me think about other tournament situations I’ve played in, which haven’t been many. I’ve participated in a couple of Halo tournaments, but they were so poorly put together that anybody could have made it out of there.
What about you guys? What games have you played competitively?
GamerSushi Asks: Changing the Ending?
There might be some slight spoilers here regarding Fallout 3, but I will do my best to avoid them. I haven’t finished the game, so I can’t spoil it too much anyway, I can only talk about what I know.
It seems that the new Fallout 3 DLC, “Broken Steel” which will hit next month on the PC and 360, actually removes the ending of the game itself. Beyond that, it even changes a few key events leading up to the finale, in order to make things more to people’s liking after lots of complaining about the original ending.
Not only does this raise the level cap and allow people to explore the world after the game is finished, it also raises some interesting questions.
Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Changing the Ending?
Left 4 Dead Survival Pack Hits Today!
The new DLC for Left 4 Dead releases today, bringing with it some new maps for versus play as well as a new mode, “Survival”. The more I read about Survival, the cooler it sounds. Basically, it takes the big crescendo moments from the campaigns (like the hospital elevator or the boat house) and stretches them out indefinitely, gradually adding more and more zombie spawns as you mow them down with limited supplies. This could be awesome.
The Survival Pack hit the 360 late last night, and should be out for the PC version later in the day. The best part of all of this is that it’s free, thanks to the fine dudes at Valve. I haven’t played Left 4 Dead in a month or so, but I just might play it like a maniac again thanks to this.
Who else is excited?
Fight Night Round 4 Trailer
One of the biggest surprises of this generation for me so for was when I first played Fight Night Round 3. It was pretty much the first HD game I played, and it looked stunning. But beyond that, playing it in a room full of people and beating the snot out of each other was such a blast, there have been few multiplayer games that have compared in terms of on-the-couch play. Needless to say, I’m really pumped about Fight Night Round 4, especially after the new trailer, which is comprised completely of in-game footage.
Anyone else play Fight Night Round 3? Excited about Round 4?
Bethesda Announces Fallout: New Vegas
Well dudes, it looks like we finally have confirmation of a new Fallout sequel in 2010, courtesy of Bethesda. The next Fallout game will take place in a post-apocalyptic version of Las Vegas, and is another story told in the same universe we already know and love, much like The Pit or Anchorage.
While Fallout: New Vegas isn’t a true sequel to Fallout 3, it’s nice that a full game is coming, and the idea of a Las Vegas setting is super intriguing to me. Another interesting tidbit is that Obsidian, creators of KOTOR 2, are going to be working on this sequel with Bethesda, which should theoretically free Bethesda up to focus on other things- Elder Scrolls V, anyone?
So, who’s excited about the announcement of a new Fallout game?
Source- Kotaku
GamerSushi Asks: The Plateau?
As you all know, I tend to move from multiplayer game to multiplayer game, stopping and camping out on one of them at a time for a few months. Right now, the game of multiplayer choice has been Halo Wars, and so far I’ve been really into the versus modes.
However, my 2 v 2 teammate and I have recently moved into a new skill tier of players, and we’re finding that our tactics aren’t working as well as we used to. Try as we might to adapt and test new strategies, we’re only winning about half of our matches, and just getting crushed by some players. I wonder if we’ve kind of topped off in terms of how good we are, which really isn’t all that great, all things considered.
So what was the last game that you guys have played where you felt this kind of noticeable plateau in your skill level? What did you do? Did you fight through it, or just accept it and move on? Go!
End of Eternity Trailer Has Bullets and Style
End of Eternity, a game I’ve never heard of but am now insanely interested in, is a new RPG that is in development from Tri-Ace and Sega, set to release on the XBox360 and PS3. The new trailer shows off some stunning cinematics, complete with high-flying dudes with guns blazing, and a really incredible art style to the whole thing.
Is anyone else interested in this game after the trailer?
Review: Resident Evil 5
Every now and then in a generation, a game really comes along and surprises you. Just when you think that you won’t play another really great title for some time, something lands in your lap and is a joy to play again and again. Resident Evil 5 has been that game for me over the last few weeks.
I have a small confession to make that I know will hurt my gaming cred amongst some of the faithful Resident Evil-a-holics here- I’ve never played Resident Evil 4. Yes, I know that it was probably the best game on the Gamecube and one of the greatest games of all time possibly, but I just never played it. Not because I didn’t want to, I just really never got around to it. Things like that happen when you get married the same year as a blockbuster video game. You tend to miss out. Though marriage still rocks.
Continue reading Review: Resident Evil 5
GamerSushi Community Night!
We’ve developed quite a cool community here at GamerSushi. For reals, Anthony and I really just enjoy hearing your thoughts on the dumb gaming-related things that we think about (ie: obsess over), and the last few months has been especially cool as you guys weigh in and give your feedback.
That being said, what good is a community of gamers if they don’t actually game together? Anthony and I would like to start doing some GamerSushi community nights in the near future, where we all get together and frag, talk trash, and cause some all out mayhem. We’d like to do 3 separate nights for 3 separate platforms: XBox 360, PC and PS3.
What multiplayer games do you guys own for each of these systems? We’ll look at what everyone says and come up with some games and some dates. Go!
First Bioshock 2 Gameplay Video!
Well, here it is, the first Bioshock 2 gameplay video. It showcases some of the combat while playing as the prototype Big Daddy, and even features some creepy Big Sister action, too. I love the bit with the water coming in through the window, and the graphics really do look insane. Definitely seems like stepping back into Rapture. What do you guys think?
GamerSushi Asks: Cheap Gaming?
As you all know, I’ve been tearing up quite a bit of Halo Wars recently. The online multiplayer is so fun, and my friend and I have been testing out all kinds of strats in 2 v 2 arranged matchmaking. Our current one involves warthog rushing in the first couple of minutes of the game, and so far it’s working well.
However, while I feel the game is terribly well balanced, there are a few borderline-annoying things about it in terms of overpowered units, etc. The Covenant army gets a hero, depending on which race they choose. While the hero is a cool addition, when they are leveled up, they are virtually unstoppable and act as a one-man army.
Like I said, this doesn’t keep the game from being enjoyable, but it got me thinking about other cheap tactics or cheap factors in video games. You know what I mean- things that always own you or unfairly seem to just whoop you to the point of irritation. For me, I think one of the biggest ones was NCAA 2005 Football. Occasionally, the CPU seemed to decree with the football gods that no matter what you did in a particular game, you were going to lose, period. It was a really stupid system, and one that resulted in many a thrown controller.
What about you guys? Ever come across cheap tactics or cheap games that frustrated you?
Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Trailer
Just when I thought I had curbed the Halo 3 addiction, Bungie goes and releases this Mythic Map Pack trailer. The map pack will be hitting tomorrow April 9, and sports 3 brand new maps. I think the most intriguing thing about it is Sandbox, which has 3 different spaces for tons of Forge-ness to take place, which will no doubt lead to lots of community created custom games. And those always rule. So, are any of you guys planning on picking this up?
GamerSushi Asks: Games You Thought Would Suck?
So this weekend, I played me a ton of Resident Evil 5. The co-op mode in particular is such a blast to play, especially the farther you progress. The game really does get more action-oriented the longer you play, which is wild considering that when it starts, you’re conserving your ammo like a mad man and trying to find loot under every rock and barrel you come across. It’s not long before you’re hording ridiculously power up-ed weapons and slaughtering the masses of infected zombie-people.
The thing that shocks me the most about this game is that I’m actually loving it. For a game that I wasn’t excited about in the slightest to just come along and grab me so really is a testament I think to just how fun it is to play. I know I made several posts about the game’s controls (which I still believe you should be able to run in the damn thing), but all in all, it really has surprised me with its awesomeness.
What was the last game that you thought that was going to be lame, but turned out to be totally awesome? Go!
Review: Halo Wars
Halo Wars was first introduced back at X06 with all the hype and subtlety of a flash grenade blinding your senses. Since then, the FPS turned RTS game has seen numerous delays and revisions before finally hitting store shelves in March 2009. So, was it worth the wait? Did the game live up to the Halo brand? How well does this console RTS play? Let’s talk about that.
Continue reading Review: Halo Wars
Alpha Protocol: Obsidian Evolves Trailer
A few weeks ago, I posted a trailer for Alpha Protocol, the stealth/action RPG from Obsidian, creators of KOTOR 2. That trailer pretty much blew me away, and their new trailer for the game, in which Obsidian discusses its evolution, keeps me interested as well. I have to say that I’m really curious about how this game is going to come together in a way that mixes story, RPG elements, and spy tactics.
So far it looks promising. Keeping my eyes on this one for sure. What do you guys think of what you’ve seen?
A Tale of Two Liberty Cities
If you’re unaware, GTA: Chinatown Wars was just released recently on the Nintendo DS, and from what I hear, the game is actually pretty good. It returns to the top down view of the old school GTA games, but brings the thieving and action to the small dual screens of the Nintendo handheld.
The game takes place in the same Liberty City that GTA IV takes place in, and I have to say, it seems that Rockstar has done a great job re-creating the living breathing world that we saw in the next gen version. Even though I’m not crazy about GTA IV, the city is probably my favorite piece of the game. GamesRadar has put some side-by-side comparisons of Chinatown Wars and GTA IV up for gamers to check out, and it’s pretty breathtaking.
So what about you guys? Anybody interested in Chinatown Wars? I might actually pick it up now.
Source- GamesRadar
Would You Pay For A Console MMO?
While you can’t fault a company for trying to make money (that is their purpose after all), I’m a tad miffed at hearing of the constant nickel-and-diming that is starting to pop up in the video games industry. I am all about paying for great content that is worth the money, but when I hear about EA having map packs and weapons for sale less than two weeks after Godfather II’s release, I’m annoyed.
The same goes with hearing the latest rumor that Microsoft is working really hard to nail down a pricing structure for an XBox 360 MMO at some point in the future. While this shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, it’s just a shame to hear about a service that already charges money for ongoing online costs expecting to get more money for an individual game. While lots of people pay for MMO’s on the PC, this just isn’t something we’ve seen yet on a console.
So what do you guys think? Would you pay money to play an MMO on your console? And for 360 owners, what’s the alternative? Personally, I might not mind an additional tier to the XBox Live subscription that allowed me to play all MMO’s, but the idea of paying two fees at once still bugs me. Thoughts?
Source- Destructoid
Dead Rising 2: It’s Over Six Thousand
6000 is a lot no matter how you slice it. With 6000 bucks I could buy a kick ass computer and a killer monitor. Or 6000 dollar menu burgers. Or 12000 sodas. Either way, it’s a big number. Especially when you’re talking about the number of zombies that could be on-screen at once in Dead Rising 2.
Apparently, the development dudes at Blue Castle Games, the studio making Dead Rising 2, confirmed at GDC last week that the target number for simultaneous undead baddies on-screen at once is around 6000. In addition, it’s rumored that there will be over 800 different versions of these zombies, which means you won’t be looking at the same zed-heads over and over again every 5 seconds or so.
If they can actually pull this off, color me impressed. Left 4 Dead has some of the most characters I’ve seen at once, but the thought of fighting 6000 zombies at the same time is exhilarating. So, what do you guys think? Excited about the game?
Source- MTV Multiplayer
Mass Effect 2 Leaked Gameplay Footage
I’m not always the biggest fan of watching handheld shaky-cam-o-vision, but I couldn’t resist it when it comes to Mass Effect 2. They showed off some level building techniques at GDC recently, and someone in the audience filmed it. In this day and age, you can’t expect that to not happen, right?
It’s definitely interesting to see them show the different stages of putting a game together, from cut scenes to level design. Already, it seems like there have been improvements made to the shooting mechanics. Man, I can’t wait to see more of this game.