Halo Wars Demo is Live!

halo-warsWell, the long-awaited Halo Wars has now produced a demo on XBox Live for you fanatics to get your grubby hands on. The game doesn’t come out until March 3rd, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go ahead and kill your fair share of Covenant vehicles and ground troops, RTS style.

I’m really interested to see how the game holds up on several levels. One, as a Halo game, does it do the franchise justice, and is it enough to tide the fans over until Halo ODST? Also, as an RTS on a console, is there enough depth there for long time RTS fans, but enough accessibility so that new players and Halo fanboys can dive right in and use it intuitively.

So, who else is going to download this demo? Anybody pumped about Halo Wars?

Source- Major Nelson

EA Dishes out a Triple Bomb of Announcements

eaWow, EA had themselves quite the day today. First, they informed us rabid fanboys that Bioware’s Dragon Age: Origins wouldn’t be hitting multiple consoles (XBox 360 and PS3) or the PC until later in 2009, which is contrary to the “early 2009” release date they teased at last year. Those whores.

After that, they went on to confirm a rumor that started circulating last week- Dead Space Wii! That’s right, the Nintendo Wii console-slaying machine will be getting its own dose of strategic dismemberment. I’m wondering how the controls translate, and I actually imagine they’ll be pretty well suited.

And lastly, we finally got some dirt on Mass Effect 2, also from Bioware. Namely, that it’s not coming until early 2010. However, the juicy part of all that is that they said it would be a multiplatform release. Now, that could mean XBox 360 and PC. Or better yet, maybe the PS3 will see Mass Effect 2 after all.

So, after that flurry of announcements- which are you most excited about? Dragon Age: Origins, Dead Space Wii or Mass Effect 2? Go!

Sources- Yahoo, VG247 and Kotaku

Sup Chief, Episode 1: Mister Chief

I’ve posted a few videos by TheDuoGroup, some of my favorite machinimators. Well, they’re now breaking into the live action realm with a new Web series called Sup Chief?, about a group of guys that gets a new famous roomie from the Halo series. This first episode has its moments, but I’m really curious as to how they’re going to stretch this into a series without the premise getting stale. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.

Left 4 Dead Valentines Equal Time 4 Love

l4dvalentineAs some of us men with a ball-and-chain (love you sweetie) know, Valentine’s Day is coming up just around the corner. Yes, that commercial holiday in which the meaning of romantic love is boiled down to buying each other trinkets and doodads.

However, if you’re feeling a bit out of sorts, and are looking for the perfect way to tell that special someone how you’re feeling, then fortunately, there’s a solution for you. And yes, it does involve zombies. Left 4 Dead valentine cards!

Created by a Penny Arcade forum goer, these guys kind of rule. I’m a sucker for puns, and these are about as silly as they come. My favorite is the tank. Anyone else know of any other good gaming related valentines?

Source- Penny Arcade forums

How Does Hype Affect You?

halo3In our chosen hobby of playing video games, it is fair to say that the Internet is a major component. And the internet is good at several things, but the thing it excels at more than any other is buzz. Nothing gets word moving faster than the InterGoogle and game companies and fanboys alike take advantage of this. But hype comes in more forms than that.

Let’s take a look at Halo 3. It had the kind of buzz reserved for a major box office movie. When I saw all the cross-promotional tie-ins, I started to wonder if Bungie was being run by George Lucas. I mean, seriously: Halo energy drinks?

I saw so many commercials and trailers and ads with Master Chief pleading with me to finish the fight that I honestly was ready to join the Covenant.
Continue reading How Does Hype Affect You?

The Goldeneye Achievements That Could Have Been

ge-360This list is actually kind of sad. You see, Goldeneye was supposed to be released for XBox Live Arcade at some point over the last year or so, but Microsoft and certain other parties couldn’t act like big boys and get the thing to happen. So as a result, we, the gamers missed out on the re-release of an old classic. I mean, imagine an XBL deathmatch in this game. Sigh.

An all too painful reminder of the Goldeneye that could have been graced the Intertubes today, namely in the form of supposedly leaked achievements.

While these aren’t the confirmed actual achievements from the game, the names seem to speak for themselves.

Continue reading The Goldeneye Achievements That Could Have Been

Batman: Arkham Asylum Breakout Trailer

Ok, so Mark Hamil’s Joker and a new Batman video game is a total “do want” kind of thing for me. This new Batman: Arkham Asylum trailer finally shows off the voice talents from the animated series, as well as a look at some gameplay. Great stuff in here, this game might actually be worth playing. Thoughts?

Final Fantasy XIII Kick-Off Trailer

Just when I thought I wasn’t interested in Final Fantasy XIII any longer, Square-Enix goes and releases a brand new kick-ass trailer for it. Seriously, after seeing the same one for the last 3-4 years, it’s nice to see some sweet new footage, along with some really exciting battle gameplay. I guess I’m back on the hype train again.

What do you guys think?

Prince of Persia DLC Gives Game a Proper Ending

popI’m not sure how many of you played Prince of Persia, but I’m going to give the tiniest of spoilers here, so watch out. While I won’t go into much detail, there really isn’t a true ending to the game, as everything you worked hard to do is essentially undone in the game’s “resolution”. Many people were upset about this, though I guess a few got into it and found it artsy and well done.

However, Ubisoft is going to rectify this with a DLC Epilogue that continues the events of the story, gives some new costumes and even a new power. Personally, I find this to be a little disgusting. Don’t just cut your game off short to give the real ending away for 20 bucks at a later date. I can’t stand the lengths these developers are going to nickel and dime us to death. Or technically, 10 and 20 dollar us to death, to quote Penny Arcade.

So what do you guys think? Fair or foul?

Source- IGN

My Spartan Girl Music Video

One of my favorite machinima groups, Darkspire Films, has released some more comedic gold today with their new music video, My Spartan Girl. It’s essentially dedicated to all the girl gamers out there, specifically in Halo 3. It’s kind of tasteless, hilarious, and maybe also slightly NSFW.

One other word: hawt. And if you really want, you can download the song here.

Resident Evil 5 Demo is Online!

That’s right, the long awaited demo for the much-anticipated Resident Evil 5 is now online for the XBox 360. The best part? You can even play some co-op with a friend, and slay crazed villagers together! In honor of this totally awesome event, here’s a sweet video of Resident Evil 5 demo co-op play. I still can’t get over these graphics. They make my heart all a flutter.

EDIT: My bad dudes! This is currently available for the XBox 360, but it won’t hit PSN until next week.

Riddick: Dark Athena Opening Cinematic

I’m a total sci-fi tool. I will admit it before anyone else even thinks it. That’s why I am kind of losing my junk over this video, the first four minutes of Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena. It’s definitely got a cool sci-fi feel to it, and I’ve always loved the universe of the Riddick stories.

Best part of all? This video game is only two months away. How does it look to you guys?

This Left 4 Dead Shirt Rules

l4dshirtI don’t own a whole lot of extraneous video game merchandise. That’s not to say that I choose not to, or that I’m categorically opposed to filling my house with bizarre video game paraphernalia (my wife would throttle me), it’s just not financially viable all the time. Sure, kicking back with my life-sized Solid Snake cardboard cut-out would rule, but unfortunately, it’s not meant to be.

Enter a shirt that might make me spend my money like it’s going out of style. This Left 4 Dead shirt is kind of one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. It totally adheres to the “less is more” policy as far as t-shirts go, and I find that to be a welcome thing. Who says you can’t kill zombies in style?

So, who else is drooling over one of these? What’s the coolest video game merchandise you own?

Source- Zazzle

GTA IV Machinima: Dirty Brake

Zachariah Scott of LitFuseFilms is at it again with some more GTA IV machinima tests, the newest of which is called Dirty Brake. This one involves some good old fashioned driving and destruction, something we can all relate to in terms of the GTA series. A particularly epic shot has to do with a light pole. You’ll know it when you see it. Also, make sure to check it out in HD.


V.A.T.S. in Halo 3

I love gaming amalgamations. Combining all kinds of fun flavors to make new and exciting things is simply fascinating. Take this mash-up of Fallout 3 and Halo 3, for example, where someone added the V.A.T.S. combat system to the beloved Bungie shooter. Awesomeness ensues.


Where Should GTA V Be Located?

gta4pcApparently, there are rumors that GTA V might drop as soon as this freaking year. While I’m not putting too much stock in these things just yet, it does bring up an interesting discussion. Will we return to Liberty City? GTA III moved to both Vice City and San Andreas, so what are the likely candidates for the next free-roaming installment?

The XBoxist has put together a list of their top 5 candidates for GTA V. They’ve got a pretty interesting breakdown as to why some of these settings would be ideal, namely Moscow, Paris, Tokyo, Hawaii and the future.

As some of you know, I’m a big fan of that last one. Also, I could see Tokyo make for a great GTA world. What do you guys think? What should the next Grand Theft Auto city be?

Source- Xboxist

Lame Alert: Fable II’s Knothole Island

fable2Apart from sounding like some kind of vulgar nickname for a body part, Fable II’s Knothole Island is going to be a downloadable addition that will hit XBox Live tomorrow. It offers extra areas to explore, along with some new sidequests to garner some more fame. Who knows, maybe there will be property there, as well.

One thing that it’s going to have is lots of lame. Why? It seems that one of the developers is hinting that Knothole Island is going to have a resurrection shrine, and that perhaps you will be able to reverse a couple of erm, choices from late in the game.

This brings me to one of my main quibbles about Fable II. But alas, there are spoilers. So only continue if you don’t care.
Continue reading Lame Alert: Fable II’s Knothole Island

Review: Mirror’s Edge

me-1Last year, EA surprised much of the gaming world with several brand new titles that showed innovation and style, opening gamers up to the possibility that the company had turned over a new leaf. One of those titles was Mirror’s Edge, the first person platformer that puts you behind the eyes and in the shoes of Faith, a runner in a future dystopia. She climbs rooftops and leaps across alleys, and you control it all from her point of view.

One of the first things you’ll notice when you turn the game on is the design, the feel of Mirror’s Edge as you play. The city’s rooftops are pristine, clean and vibrant. The camera sways slightly with Faith’s run, and you can hear her breathe from the the strain of diving from platform to platform. Working together, it really does simulate first person in a way that I haven’t experienced before, and it is incredibly immersive.
Continue reading Review: Mirror’s Edge

Mass Effect 2 Struts Its Stuff at GDC 09

masseffectEvery generation has its underrated games. The ones that get overlooked, missed and perhaps swallowed in the wake of the hype of other gaming behemoths. I feel like one of those games for this generation has to be Mass Effect, which presented a level of story and cinematic presentation that I feel was unprecedented and largely unnoticed when it dropped.

Well, the sequel should hopefully be an even better endeavor, and it sounds like we’re getting our first look in just a couple of months at GDC in March. Apparently, some Bioware dudes are going to be there showing off some of the level creation techniques they’re using for the second game, having addressed some issues that they had the first time around.

There’s a lot of other technical mumbo jumbo in there that I couldn’t discern, but who cares? I’m pumped about finally getting some Mass Effect 2 news! Who’s with me?

Source- VG247

Prototype Trailer Is Kind of Freaking Sweet

Consider me a little pumped about Prototype, Activision Blizzard’s new open world action game that’s coming in 2009. Basically, you are in a city full of infected people, you have super powers, and the military is hunting you. I mean, if chunking a civilian into a helicopter is wrong, well then… you know the rest. The new Prototype trailer just came out last night, and it ruled me just a little.