For all of you out there who can’t get enough of Call of Duty: World at War previews, there’s a new one that dropped today courtesy of Treyarc. This one pays special to tribute to us action gluttons, those of us that glory in explosions, flame and destruction. Take a look.
Category: XBox 360
Halo 3: Recon is Not DLC
After the debut of Halo 3: Recon earlier today, people were speculating about the nature of the game’s release. Is it DLC, a simple expansion, a full game?
Well, word has come down that Halo 3: Recon drops in Fall 2009 and will in fact be a standalone DVD, complete with Forge, new multiplayer maps, 4 player co-op, all the normal Halo fixes. And apparently, people (including myself) have been wrong about the idea that the game is squad based.
While the game is set to be similar to other Halo experiences, it “will require players to employ more elements of stealth and cunning than ever before”, according to Microsoft. Metal Gear Halo? We’ll see how that works out.
Source- Shacknews
TGS: Resident Evil 5 Trailer
I’ve got to be honest, I’ve never been a big slobbering fan over the Resident Evil series, but RE5 is starting to gather my interest more and more. I know RE4 was great and all, it’s just nothing I had seen from this new game ever really seemed to grab me.
Plus, I’m a coward and zombie games are scary. Sue me. Here’s a new trailer for Resident Evil 5 from the Tokyo Game Show, and it’s looking pretty slick. There actually seems to be much more of a story, too. So- who’s excited about this game?
Can You Run Fallout 3 on Your PC?
If you hadn’t heard, Fallout 3 is done and ready to be delivered into your hands later this month. Bethesda was kind enough to put together the handy list of system requirements for you PC die-hards that are dying to pimp this thing out on your gaming rig.
Requirement list after the jump.
TGS: Prince of Persia Trailer
Since the Tokyo Game Show is now in full swing, expect all kinds of crazy news and videos for the next few days. Among these is this gem of a trailer for the new Prince of Persia game (coming December 2nd), which I admit to being completely disinterested in until I saw a similarly awesome trailer for it at PAX.
I loved the first game in the series, and after that it started going downhill. This looks to be a step in the right direction, and I have to say, the art style is just gorgeous. Who else is pumped for this game?
Source- Kotaku
New, Unique Ideas Coming to Next Zelda
Poor Link. He’s gone from 2D to 3D to cel shading to dark and gritty. He’s been all over the place.
Actually, come to think of it, the only thing that’s changed about him since Ocarina of Time is the way he looks. The core of all of the Zelda games has remained unchanged for some time now, but it looks like Shigeru Miyamoto, the man behind Link, has implied he wants to rectify this for the next iteration of the franchise.
According to him, something new is coming.
Halo 3: Recon Trailer
And now, we get a slightly more proper trailer straight out of TGS for the new Halo 3 DLC/expansion/prequel/franchise-milker which was teased just a few weeks ago.
The official name? Halo 3: Recon. I find the title odd, seeing as how it’s a prequel to Halo 3 and looks to take place during the events of Halo 2. Regardless, you’re a dude, you’re alone, and there’s some epic music and thunderstorms.
Gears of War 2: Multiplayer Diary
The new Gears of War 2 Developer Diary hit today, this time highlighting the game’s multiplayer fun-itude. Right now, it’s being hosted at ESPN, which is kind of odd, but hey, it is what it is. It’s cool to hear the devs talk about their philosophy of multiplayer and to see a little bit of new footage.
So far, looks fun. I was decently entertained by the GoW multiplayer when it first hit, and I even went through the trouble of getting most of the achievements. I’m really looking forward to the co-op modes, but this should still be a pretty awesome distraction when I first grab the game.
Source- ESPN
The Definitive Holiday Gaming List
We all know that lots of games are coming out this Fall/Winter. We’ve been through this drill many times as gamers. We’ve gotten used to it. However, I don’t know if I remember another year quite like this one, with so many quality titles coming out across a variety of platforms.
GamesRadar has put together an awesome list of “The 28 Best Games Still to Come in 2008”, to help you get an idea of what’s in store for you. It’s really wild to see them all listed together like this. I think I want to play about 14 titles on it.
Hooray for going broke this holiday season? How many make your list?
Source- GamesRadar
Mirror’s Edge Gameplay Tastiness
Hard to really say too much about Mirror’s Edge, which drops in stores in November. Watching this game in person at PAX was incredible. There’s something about catching the design and the game in motion that is truly a unique experience. I’ve really never seen anything quite like it. Who knows how fun it’s going to actually be, but this gameplay video has me a little drool-happy. I can has?
Is anybody planning on getting this game? Is this footage not sick?
Source- Kotaku
Gears of War 2: Horde Mode “Do-Nots”
For those of you who don’t know, Gears of War 2 features “Horde Mode”, where you and 4 friends are holed up in an area, attempting to survive wave after wave of next gen baddies.
While this sounds like co-op heaven, multiplayer games are tarnished by just one d-bag that doesn’t know how to play the game or refuses to play by the rules.
Well, OXM has released its list of the “7 Deadly Sins of Horde Mode” in preparation for the big GoW2 release date.
Read up and get familiar with the sins in question so you don’t muck up my Horde game!
Source- OXM
Last Remnant Trailer Full of Awesome, Win
Last Remnant is a Square/Enix game coming out this Fall for both the PS3 and 360. Finally, an exclusive TGS trailer has been released, and for me, it’s the first time I’ve been able to see the game in motion. And, wow.
The wild thing? Some of those cut scenes might be in real time, seeing as how Square has made use of the stupid powerful Unreal Engine, used in games like Gears of War and Mass Effect. The gameplay looks promising, as well. I can’t believe I forgot this game was coming in November.
Gears of War 2: Das Weapons
Once again, Gears of War 2 news is starting to spill out left and right. While the hype for the game is building, I really don’t think it’s seen the stupid-iculous proportions that say, Halo 3 saw (Mountain Dew Master Chief, wtf?).
Kotaku recently posted a few hands-on impressions of the game, which includes a brief list of Gears of War 2’s weapons. There is even a list of vehicles in there, which was a fun and slightly unexpected addition. A tank? A helicopter? Tell me more.
Best of all, the writer says that he never played the first one, and even hates shooters- but loved what he got his hands on. Sounds like a good time. Go read!
Source- Kotaku
Flying the Reaver in Gears of War 2
While it is an unusually slow time for video game news, there is apparently an unending well of information regarding Gears of War 2.
Some new Gears of War 2 screenshots were released today, showing off some more of the game’s gorgeous visuals and fairly varied locales. While somewhat similar, they at least look more colorful than the first game, which was mostly just brown places. One of the screenshots in particular that is eye-grabbing is the shot of the heroes atop a flying Reaver, escaping from some terrible and gigantic beast-thing. Hype level: rising.
Source- Xbox360Fanboy
Halo Wars Gameplay Footage
Well, it’s a rather slow weekend in terms of video game news, so at the risk of turning into Halo-sushi, I thought I’d post some Halo Wars actual gameplay footage, rather than just the trailer from the other night. It seems to be standard RTS fare, with that Halo-rific twist on the gameplay.
It actually seems to work pretty well from the screen, and is probably simple to control to boot, given that it’s designed for the 360. I do worry about how fun the game will be though, considering that there seems to only be 2 races, Covenant and Human. I doubt we’ll see the Flood making any appearances. Thoughts?
Bungie Introduces “BuTube”
Ok, it’s not really called that, but hey, a man’s got to dream. For those of you that play Halo 3, this will be some rather cool news. And even if you don’t, it’s kind of a crazy step forward in terms of console conline communities go, that you can look forward to seeing in your favorite games down the road.
Bungie is adding a feature on their site in the near future that will allow Halo 3 players to upload their saved film files and then render them into WMV files. That’s right, you don’t need a capture card any longer to share your video clips with the Web.
Halo Wars: Field Trip to Harvest Trailer
A new trailer has surfaced for Halo Wars, finally giving us a glimpse into what specifically the story is going to be about, besides Halos and/or Wars. For those of you who don’t know, Harvest was the point where the Covenant first attacked humanity, and it seems that they must return their for some mysterious purpose before the events of Halo proper.
So, is anyone else but me excited about this game? I mean, I’m not jumping out of my chair for it, but I’m still keen to see more about the mythology of the franchise.
EA Cancels Tiberium, Comment Fight Ensues
Nothing like a good old fashioned blog war. In case you hadn’t heard, EA has canceled Tiberium, the sci-fi RTS/FPS that had you playing as generic space marines fighting some generic bad guys. Wait, why was this canceled again? I think there’s a market for that.
Anywho, what’s even crazier than this game getting canceled is the comment fight that erupted at Gamasutra, where several disgruntled developers have weighed in on what the real development problems were with the game, naming names and crucifying producers and execs.
CoD: World at War Co-Op Gameplay
Until recently, I mostly ignored any news about Call of Duty: World at War because the game 1) was back in WW2 and 2) wasn’t made by the same dudes that made CoD4, which is just incredible. However, I’ve started to pay more attention.
One thing that really interests me is the game’s co-op, which actually scales in difficulty depending on the skill levels of the players involved. This sounds like a total blast to me, and some new co-op gameplay footage is now out that really got me wanting this game. In this video featuring a street level, the rain effects are dazzling, and when the tank takes the building down, it just looks awesome.
After Street Fighter II
Ever wonder what happened after the events of Street Fighter II, leading up to the events of Street Fighter IV? A new anime trailer details just some of those instances, focusing mostly on Chun Li and Guile, and their thighs and hair respectively.
Personally, the art style for the upcoming SF IV is really intriguing to me, and I’m pretty interested in the game itself as well. SF II was the last fighting game that I was really into, and I’m wondering if the new game can renew my interests in the genre at all. What about you guys? Interested in SF IV? Fighting games in general?