Work With Sackboy

Think you’ve got what it takes to work with Media Molecule, the minds behind Sony’s new and way-too-cute game Little Big Planet? It seems that the team that created Sackboy will be watching the community for up-and-coming map and level designers, as a big piece of the game’s appeal is going to be all of the user-created content that will grace PSN once it hits.

Why would they be watching, specifically? To give you a job. That’s just how they roll.

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PAX: Cosplay Edition

I’m a huge nerd. Let’s just get that out of the way. I am maybe one of the biggest (not just in stature) nerds that you will ever meet. It’s a combination of factors that make me that way, really. However, I’ve always liked to think that there’s a line I would never cross, no matter what, a line that takes you from just a nerd into a sacred realm reserved for precious few…

That line for me is cosplay. And at PAX, there was lots of it.

Continue reading PAX: Cosplay Edition

Now Playing-Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

Since I am on a budget these days, I have turned to Gamefly for most of my gaming needs. This allows me to play games that I would normally never buy. One such game is Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. To clarify, this is not a review, as our review process has yet to be finalized, but merely my thoughts on the game as I close in on the final few levels.

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PAX: Saint’s Row 2

Even though I’m a bit of an XBox junkie, I’ve never actually played the original Saint’s Row for the 360, though I’ve consistently heard good things about it. The Saint’s Row 2 booth at PAX is almost impossible to miss, given that it’s got a giant gangsta’s head about twenty feet in the air, with 3 large HDTV’s plastered to the walls for people to play.

I’m a fan of open world games (too much of a fan), so I was pretty excited to see this one here. I stepped up to an open controller, wondering if it was going to be a thugarific good time, or just a GTA clone. I got a little bit of both.

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PAX: Hands-on with SOCOM

SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals Confrontation is the next entry in the popular Playstation franchise SOCOM. It’s set to hit in October, so I figured I’d wait in line to test it out with a few other dudes who looked to be formidable opponents. The booth was set up with four LCD monitors and PS3s for each of us. Having never played SOCOM before, I was genuinely excited to try the game out and see what all the fuss was about.

Considering that the people playing in front of us had their game freeze completely while playing, my hopes were not too high.

Continue reading PAX: Hands-on with SOCOM

PAX: Inside Bioware’s Dungeon

So right when you walk onto the exhibit hall at PAX, you come face to face with what looks to be a huge dungeon erected right in the middle of the hall. This ambitious construction belongs to none other than Bioware, makers of Baldur’s Gate, Mass Effect and one of my favorite games of all time, KOTOR. And inside, they were showing off their next PC game, Dragon Age: Origins.

Continue reading PAX: Inside Bioware’s Dungeon

PAX: Gears of War 2

As many of you know, Gears of War 2 was playable in multiplayer form here at PAX for the weekend. While I somehow missed the Microsoft booth in its entirety yesterday, I got over there as soon as possible today to check out a number of games, most notably Gears of War 2, both multiplayer and single player campaign.

Continue reading PAX: Gears of War 2

Top 5: New System Mascots That Aren’t Named Mario or Sonic

It appears as time goes on that Mario and Sonic (especially Sonic) are becoming almost irrelevant. Mario appears mainly in spin-off games, like Mario Kart and even that has lost its luster. Sure, he pops up in a true Mario game once every 3 or 4 years, but aside from New Super Mario Bros., was anyone really excited about any of those games? With that in mind, I thought it time to showcase the new mascots of the new generation. Feel free to disagree and add your own or make your own list.

Continue reading Top 5: New System Mascots That Aren’t Named Mario or Sonic

PAX: Waggle Fight!

I was actually surprised by how much Nintendo had to show off in its section, including Animal Crossing, Super Mario Sluggers, Wii Music, Tales of Symphonia Wii and Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels. Since we had a fun discussion about it on GamerSushi the other day, I figured I’d capture some dudes going at it, waggle style.

PAX: Fallout 3 Booth Kind of Rules

In continuing with their tradition of Fallout 3’s ridiculously awesome art, Bethesda seems to have gone all out with their PAX booth this year. While I was kindly asked by a Bethesda dude to not take any video, I was able to grab some pretty incredible pictures of the set-up that they had going on, which included but was not limited to a trailer, burned-up mannequins, and a huge metal cylon looking guy.

It also included perhaps the best piece of SWAG of the day…

Continue reading PAX: Fallout 3 Booth Kind of Rules

PAX: Resistance 2 and Retribution

Admittedly, I still haven’t gotten around to playing Resistance: Fall of Man, though I intend to pick it up one of these days. Preferably before the release of Resistance 2. Today, I got to watch some dudes play through a match or two of multiplayer, which was admittedly sweet, in addition, Daniel and I each play-tested Resistance: Retribution, the new PSP game.

Continue reading to see some video.

Continue reading PAX: Resistance 2 and Retribution

PAX: MK vs DC Gameplay

I’ll have to admit, when I first heard of Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, I thought it sounded like one of the most ridiculous things I ever heard. But after seeing some more footage pop up aboutt he game in recent months, I slowly moved from “that sounds stupid” to “that might be awesome”. After watching Batman and the Joker pummel each other for a bit today, I may have been sold.

Today’s WTF? Crazy Name Changes

Yahoo News is reporting that Cincinnati Bengals receiver Chad Johnson, known for his endzone antics has legally changed his last name to “Ocho Cinco”, a reference to his jersey number 85.


According to Johnson Ocho Cinco:

It’s something I don’t think anyone has ever done before. Have I ever had a reason for why I do what I do? I’m having fun.

Continue reading Today’s WTF? Crazy Name Changes

Weekend Plans: 8/29-9/2 Labor Day Edition

With a long Labor Day Weekend finally here, I thought I would see what everyone’ big plans are. Mine consist of seeing a movie today, probably Tropic Thunder and trying to get some Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune in before Monday.

Continue reading Weekend Plans: 8/29-9/2 Labor Day Edition

RoosterTeeth: Animated RedVsBlue Series?

Among the coolest things we saw at PAX today didn’t happen on the showroom floor, where dozens of new games were being brandied about for all to see. Nor was it located in a bag of swag handed to me with Little Big Planet stamped all over the side of it. No, in reality, the coolest thing I saw at PAX today was during the panel for RoosterTeeth, the creators of the Halo machinima “RedVsBlue”. What was it, exactly?

An animated (as in, cartoon) clip of a scene from a potential new RedVsBlue series.

Continue reading RoosterTeeth: Animated RedVsBlue Series?

PAX Update!

Wow. Seen a lot of crazy stuff at PAX today, but haven’t had any time to update about it because it’s been so nuts. Tonight, I’m going to be uploading my videos and pictures, and they’ll be released over the night and during the day tomorrow. Among some of the coolest things we saw: Little Big Planet, Resistance, the new Halo 3 map, a bunch of Wii games and Fallout 3. More to come!

Today’s WTF: Guitar Hero Movie?

Rush Hour and X-Men 3 director Brett Ratner wants to take his franchise ruining stick and beat Guitar Hero with it, according to MTV Multiplayer. Ratner has featured the game in several different projects as of late, including a Miley Cyrus music video. His dream is to make a Guitar Hero movie. WTF?

I’ll give you a second to brace yourselves for the super-spectacular plot…

Continue reading Today’s WTF: Guitar Hero Movie?

Waiting on Team Ico

It looks like we might not have to wait much longer to hear something about Team Ico’s next project. The creators of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are apparently hard at work on whatever their next game is, set to appear on the PS3. Sony worldwide head Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed that the game will be shown “soon”.

Continue reading Waiting on Team Ico

PSN Store Update 8/28/08

In the first of what will become a weekly feature, I proudly present to you this week’s new offerings at the PSN Store. One new downloadable game, The Last Guy, which was previewed here earlier this week and a few demos, most notably Soul Caliber IV, which I am anxious to get my hot little hands on. Also, some Warhawk add-on’s which look fine and dandy. Rest of the update after the break:

Continue reading PSN Store Update 8/28/08

Leaked: Gears of War 2 Achievements

I want to get this out of the way: I’m kind of an achievement whore.

Combining two things that I love, achievements and Gears of War, InsideGamer has posted a leaked list of Gears of War 2 Achievements. I’ve always been a fan of puns, and there are plenty to be had here including “Tanks for the Memories” and other groan-inducing achievement titles. Apparently, this is only 60 percent complete, and the full achievement list comes on Friday.

Continue reading Leaked: Gears of War 2 Achievements