Uh oh, a top ten list from a mainstream magazine? I don’t know about you guys, but I am always curious to see what the “normie” think of us geeks and our nerdy pastime. Time magazine released their list of the top ten games of 2009 and I have to say, it’s not bad. The problem is when they get a game wrong, they really get it wrong! Take a look for yourself, but DJ Hero at #3? Uncharted 2 at #10? What the hell is up with that? Oh and they also imply that Batman: Arkham Asylum takes place moments after The Dark Knight ends.
It’s these kinds of things that have me wondering if they are even paying attention or just using Google a whole lot. They also say that New Super Mario Bros Wii is “so much fun it might supplant DJ Hero as the go-to party game.” Ok, wtf? Honestly, I can’t even begin to defend that. For Time, it seems hype makes might. I have not met anyone who has played DJ Hero, let alone with a group of friends. But Time must have seen the commercial on TV and that was good enough for them.
Enough ranting, I will allow you guys to look at it yourselves. Am I crazy or this list just a bit off?
Source: Time Magazine