Modern Warfare 2 Continues to Look Hot

Infinity Ward has released another Modern Warfare 2 multi-player footage video, and I can’t believe how amazing this game looks. The user interface has been completely changed, and the new blood splatter effect that replaces the traditional pulsing red screen when you’re wounded is pretty slick. The guns also look a lot more detailed, and the player models have gotten a complete over-haul. With a good engine in place from CoD 4, it looks like Infinity Ward went a little wild, and we all get to reap the benefits.

Just like the last multiplayer video IW released, this preview is chock-a-block full of little hidden clues as to what you can expect when the game launches November 10th. Keep your eyes peeled after the video “ends” for a nice little surprise.


Here’s something I’m wondering, though. With Modern Warfare being released on three platforms (360, PC and PS3), will it outperform Halo 3:ODST on sales, or will the power of Halo continue to shine through?

Modern Warfare 2 Teaser Dissect-ified

modern-warfare2Well that didn’t take long. In case you’ve been under a rock all day, the first Modern Warfare 2 teaser debuted last night, giving us little to go on but sound clips, flashes of video and lots of green. Oh, we also got a release date.

Anywho, some crazy dudes have already dissected the trailer nearly second-by-second, and have found some interesting things including a screenshot of some perks, potential hints at settings (South America, anyone?) and even translation of that Russian you heard. Frankly, I’m amazed whenever someone goes to all this trouble, so I must tip my hat to these fine folks.

It’s definitely worth a look if you’re interested in the game at all, especially once they start busting out the frame-by-frame captures of the montage that takes place near the end. So, what are your thoughts?

Source- Binge Gamer

GamerSushi Asks: Most Anticipated in 2009?

Well, as far as I know, we’re past most if not all of the major releases for this gaming season of 2008, and boy was it a memorable one. Left 4 Dead, Fallout 3, Prince of Persia, Bioshock, Little Big Planet, CoD: World at War, Mirror’s Edge, Saint’s Row 2, Gears of War 2, and then some, and still counting. While these games will keep us busy for a while, there is still more on the horizon…

So, that begs the question- now that these games are out, what are your most anticipated titles of next year? Anything on your radar that you’re just dying to play? It seems to me that there’s not quite as much to look forward to next year, though I’m interested in LotR: Conquest, Mass Effect 2, Final Fantasy XIII, Diablo III, Dragon Age and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. However, not all of those are even confirmed yet.

What are you looking forward to still? Answer away!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is Coming!

Color me shocked! Well, not really. But it’s still awesome to hear Activision announce Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be released in Fall 2009, just in time for yet another mad holiday rush. While I hear that Call of Duty: World at War is a great game in its own rite, CoD 4 was just an all around incredible experience that gamers have been dying to relive all over again.

While there aren’t many details announced for the game just yet, it sounds like it might be a direct sequel to what we already saw in CoD 4. You won’t see me complaining about that as I really enjoyed both the characters and the story, which just built and built until it exploded.

So- who’s excited about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2?

Source- Big Download