FarCry 3: Blood Dragon DLC Trailer Is Absurd and Awesome

I barely have the words to describe Blood Dragon, FarCry3’s new standalone DLC, but I suppose I’ll try my best. Imagine if FarCry3 were re-invented as a really terrible 80s science fiction movie starring Michael Biehn of Aliens and Terminator fame. Yes, that’s what Blood Dragon actually is. Oh, and there are also robot dragons that shoot lasers out of their eyes.

In what it is seriously one of the most bananas moves I’ve ever seen by any video game company, Ubisoft is going completely off the rails with FarCry 3’s new content — and I couldn’t be more excited, even if I have no idea where this inspiration comes from. I can’t say I’d mind playing FarCry3’s mechanics in a ridiculously hilarious ode to 80s science fiction. And for $14.99, I can’t see why I wouldn’t jump right in with two bionic legs.

So what do you guys think of that trailer? If you’re interested in more, IGN has the game’s first 15 minutes on YouTube. Who else thinks they’ll be purchasing this come May? Go!