We skipped our poll for January because there was nothing really noteworthy coming out until the 31st, so I am actually going to include the releases for the 31st in this month’s poll. I hope everyone is okay with this, but if not, you always have the option of making your own website and your own set of rules regarding the calendar.
2011 is gone and the games that it brought were almost unparalleled in terms of quality. 2012 has a lot to live up to, but I think the first few months are up to the challenge. We have sequels galore, HD reissues and maybe even a new IP or two. Check out the poll below and let us know what February release is the one you are looking forward to the most. Mine? Do you even need to ask? It’s Final Fantasy XIII-2, although Twisted Metal is a close second. Hit the poll and hit the comments!