7 Things a Hardcore Gamer Should Never Admit, Vol. 1

As those experienced in the realm of nerdery, we gamers know what it is like to be social outcasts more often than not. We understand that there are certain codes, unwritten rules to being a part of circles, and what must be done to infiltrate them.

The same is true of the gaming community, perhaps more so than other clubs. To keep our hardcore gaming membership card secure in our wallets, there are certain appearances we must uphold in order to earn the respect of the gaming community at large.
Continue reading 7 Things a Hardcore Gamer Should Never Admit, Vol. 1

Video Game Characters Secret Confessions!

We all have secrets. There are whole websites devoted to people just telling their secrets and Conan O’Brien has a segment where celebrities can reveal their darkest truths. In this post, Anthony has uncovered some of the most iconic video game character confessions you have never heard!


Continue reading Video Game Characters Secret Confessions!

Top 5: Games I Want For Xmas

It’s time for all the good boys and girls to make lists for their loved ones for Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever holiday festival you choose to celebrate. I celebrate Christmas, so this is a Christmas list. If that bothers you, don’t worry. I eat poorly and will likely die an untimely death. Now, on with the countdown…er count up, since I start with #1. Continue reading Top 5: Games I Want For Xmas

Story vs. Gameplay: Final Fantasy Edition

Story. Gameplay.

These two things are what matter most in a game to me. And they matter more when it comes to RPG’s and especially Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy games are known for great stories or great gameplay. But only a few have both. Three of them, in fact.

In this feature, I will walk through each Final Fantasy (minus spin offs, sequels and that online thing) and tell my thoughts on each game’s true strength: story or gameplay.

Continue reading Story vs. Gameplay: Final Fantasy Edition


Being a lover of all things Final Fantasy, I have decided to do the first in what will be a series of posts about this revered franchise. First, my credentials: I played the very first Final Fantasy when I was 9 years old. I have played every single version that was released in the United States within a month of its release.


Final Fantasy Ad Infinitum

One thing that I hear non-gamers joke about constantly is the name “Final Fantasy”. They always laugh and think themselves very clever as they declare “Final Fantasy what? Guess it wasn’t the final one! Bwa ha!” And then they chortle more and eat ham or something.

But in the end, as clearly as they don’t get it, it does beg the interesting question: just how far are those crazy Square Enix kids going to milk this franchise? Surely, there’s got to be a point where you say “enough is enough”. Not so, according to producer Shinji Hashimoto.

Continue reading Final Fantasy Ad Infinitum

Swamped! Too Many Games, Not Enough Time

I used to have so much time to play video games. When I was a kid, if I got a new game, it would keep me going for months. At Christmas time, when I got a bunch of new games, I was set until NEXT Christmas. Continue reading Swamped! Too Many Games, Not Enough Time

Square Enix Goes Mad With Power

In a shockingly ironic turn of events, Square Enix has become a corporation bent on raping the planet of its natural resources, draining valuable mako directly from the Earth’s surface. Oh wait, that last bit isn’t true, but somebody at Square Enix is smoking something, and I want in.

This might be an unprecedented move, but it seems Squenix is thinking about charging for the upcoming Final Fantasy XIII demo, which was set to appear packaged with the Blu Ray version of Advent Children Complete for free. The 90 minute long demo might end up being sold separately from the film after it comes out.

Continue reading Square Enix Goes Mad With Power