GamerSushi Community Night!

community-nightWe’ve developed quite a cool community here at GamerSushi. For reals, Anthony and I really just enjoy hearing your thoughts on the dumb gaming-related things that we think about (ie: obsess over), and the last few months has been especially cool as you guys weigh in and give your feedback.

That being said, what good is a community of gamers if they don’t actually game together? Anthony and I would like to start doing some GamerSushi community nights in the near future, where we all get together and frag, talk trash, and cause some all out mayhem. We’d like to do 3 separate nights for 3 separate platforms: XBox 360, PC and PS3.

What multiplayer games do you guys own for each of these systems? We’ll look at what everyone says and come up with some games and some dates. Go!

Review: Metal Gear Solid 4

mgs4-2Ok, so Metal Gear Solid 4 came out last summer for the PS3, but some of us didn’t get a chance to finish the darn thing until recently, so sue me. I wanted to take some time away to reflect on finishing this epic saga that spanned multiple console generations, and review it without the hype of the story itself weighing me down.

For me, Metal Gear Solid ranks as one of my favorite series in gaming history. The PSX game grabbed me in some kind of vicious chokehold, and still hasn’t let go to this day.

The combination of stealth gameplay and big-budget Hollywood action, not to mention an entangled plot really struck me back in those days, awakening me to the potential that video games had as a medium. Over the years, there have been stumbles and triumphs for this series, moments that leave you shaking your head in embarrassment (naked Raiden, anyone), or raise your fist in victory (defeating The End). So, how does Metal Gear Solid 4 stand up to its predecessors?
Continue reading Review: Metal Gear Solid 4

GamerSushi Asks: Your Gaming Weekend

vcIt’s a special weekend here in America. A sacred one, if you will. You see, there’s this thing called football, and apparently a big showdown is happening tonight that we are all going to stop and marvel at. By the way, go Steelers.

However, the weekend is also the time for gaming. So what games have you guys been working on lately? Me, I’ve been doing some Left 4 Dead versus still, but the gaming gem I’ve been having a blast with lately is Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3. How nobody is talking about this game, I have no clue, but it might be the best PS3 exclusive out there, I’m thinking. It is also the best Strategy RPG I’ve played since Final Fantasy Tactics, and quickly becoming one of my favorites this gen.

Seriously, if you haven’t heard anything about it, it’s great. Beautiful art, addictive gameplay, a great step in innovating the SRPG genre. So what about you guys? What are you playing?

GameCop Vs LameCop #4

GameCop vs. LameCop is a feature where Anthony and I argue about video game issues, playing the role of either the GameCop or the LameCop as we do so. We switch roles each time. The GameCop has your best interests as gamers at heart, while the LameCop is just what he sounds like: a total loser.

This week, we tackle several issues including Nintendo’s Wii Motion Plus, Ubisoft’s shady DLC and Sony’s penchant for starting the hype train too early.

Continue reading GameCop Vs LameCop #4

Review: Fable II

f2A few years ago, a new RPG from Lionhead Studios promised great adventures for XBox players. The premise was simple: create a character in the world of Albion, and tackle your quest however you wished. Want to kill villagers? Sure! Want to be a goody-too shoes? Go for it! While the game ultimately promised more than it actually delivered, many consider it to be a staple of the old XBox.

Fable II has now returned players to the realm of Albion, with promises renewed of an open world and a sprawling, epic tale. I eagerly picked the game up a few weeks ago, and started in right away. As some of you know, I’m a complete tool for open world games, so the prospect of diving into a new fantasy world that wasn’t Ivalice or something from Star Wars was very enticing.

So how did it hold up?
Continue reading Review: Fable II

GamerSushi Asks: List Your Games

xmasI’ve always loved the Winter Break. So much time for the things that really matter. You know what I mean. Family, friends and games. I think it’s fairly safe to assume that the majority of us are either enjoying blissful freedom for gaming time already, or we are just on the verge of it (I fall into this latter category).

Since so many of us will have more time than normal to play through some piled up stacks of game discs, I thought I’d take the time to find out what all you guys are playing through. It’s been no secret that this Fall has blasted us in the mouth with a cannon full of titles, and I’d like to say that we all took it like men.

Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be doing my best to finish Fable II, Prince of Persia, Fallout 3 and Chrono Trigger on the DS. I know that I won’t come anywhere close to doing all of that, but a man’s got to dream, doesn’t he?

What about you guys? What will you be playing over the holidays? List your games!

The GamerSushi Grading Rubric

As you know, we’ve started to review games here on GamerSushi. Every now and then, we’re looking to post some of our thoughts about the games we’ve beaten, and then rating them based on our experiences. Hopefully, you’ll find this to be a well thought out feature that we do, and trust us, a lot of thought has gone into the process.

Here’s a handy chart that will let you know what we mean by our letter grades of games. Props to our bud Nick (the great bearded one) for coming up with this. I kind of heart it alot. Click on the thumbnail to view it.

Let us know what you think!

Review: Gears of War 2

A few years ago, Epic introduced us to the wonderful world of Sera, and its monstrous inhabitants, both human and locust alike. Gears of War was a flagship title for the XBox 360, quickly becoming THE reason to own Microsoft’s next-gen system, and it made its mark in a rather commanding fashion.

For me, Gears of War was the first and biggest “next-gen” experience I’ve felt when playing a game, where I had a moment that made me say “Wow… this is the next gen”. The co-op play, the graphics, the score, everything about it came together to create an experience that was part Predator, part Aliens, part video game and all awesome.

So how does the sequel fare?

Continue reading Review: Gears of War 2

A Gaming Emergency!

So I’m exactly in the position that i didn’t want to be in: I’ve got a bunch of games to play, and I’m dabbling a little in each one, without ever really jumping into one to finish it.

Right now, I’ve got: Fable 2, Saint’s Row 2, Fallout 3 and Little Big Planet sitting in my apartment, and I’m just knocking out a bit here and a bit there. To top it all off, Gears of War 2 releases later this week, and after playing the Mirror’s Edge Demo (more on that later) and seeing the new Prince of Persia trailer, I’m in a bad spot.

Continue reading A Gaming Emergency!

GamerSushi Face Off: Dante vs. Alucard

It’s fun to fantasize, isn’t it? Jessica Alba, Britney Spears circa 2001 and myself are all living happily together in my fantasy world. A world without The Hills and other nonsense. A world where video game characters collide. Unlike other dream matches, I am going to keep it real. So here is the first GamerSushi Face Off:

Continue reading GamerSushi Face Off: Dante vs. Alucard

GamerSushi Asks: Game Reviews

There’s an ongoing discussion around gaming media and the industry these days about the nature of gaming reviews, and whether or not they’re broken in their current state. We here at GamerSushi have been in a lengthy (pages of Facebook threads) discussion about what exactly makes a good game review.

Is it a percentage, a score out of 10, a letter grade, a thumbs up, or some other way of attributing a tangible rating to a product, like gold stars or smiley face stickers? Poop?

Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Game Reviews

How To Get A GamerSushi Avatar

I see that while many of you have registered, not everyone knows how to get a fun picture next to your name when you leave comments. That’s because you haven’t signed up for Gravatar yet.

Gravatar is an online tool that is essentially a universal avatar system. Basically, you’ll have the same avatar for any website that uses Gravatar instead of having to set up a new picture for every profile you create. It’s pretty cool, and it’s ridiculously easy to sign up for, so you should go get a Gravatar.