Apparently, I was so distraught over the PSN being down (PSN-sane…get it?) that I didn’t do one of these for May, so I apologize and am back to make amends for June. We are fully into the summer now and thankfully, it’s not the drought that it once was. In my day, summers were when you replayed the games you got for Christmas, not buy new blockbusters and play them.
So even though I am still swamping through my own backlog and thankfully making progress, I think Infamous 2 is the game I most have my canny eye on. I loved the first game and from everything I have read about the sequel, it’s shaping up to take the franchise to greater heights. Also, I hate Duke Nuke ‘Em. But there are way too many great games coming out this month! It’s kind of insane.
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