PSN Store Update: 9/4/08

It’s Thursday! Time for another update to the PSN! This week brings a ton of video content and a new episode of Qore. If you have not subscribed to it, I highly recommend you do. It’s full of fun features and tons of info. And since I signed up for the first episode, I will be allowed into both the Resistance 2 and Socom: Confrontation betas! Eat your heart out! This month’s Qore features the Motorstorm: Pacific Rift demo.

Full list of new content after the jump:

Continue reading PSN Store Update: 9/4/08

PSN Store Update 8/28/08

In the first of what will become a weekly feature, I proudly present to you this week’s new offerings at the PSN Store. One new downloadable game, The Last Guy, which was previewed here earlier this week and a few demos, most notably Soul Caliber IV, which I am anxious to get my hot little hands on. Also, some Warhawk add-on’s which look fine and dandy. Rest of the update after the break:

Continue reading PSN Store Update 8/28/08

Preview: The Last Guy

The Last Guy (TLG) is a game I’ve heard mention of for a few weeks now, but only recently have I come to understand just what it is. And what it is, is FUN. TLG is a PSN game, recently priced at $9.99 and will be available to suck up more of your precious HDD space on 8/28.

Continue reading Preview: The Last Guy