PAX Update!

Wow. Seen a lot of crazy stuff at PAX today, but haven’t had any time to update about it because it’s been so nuts. Tonight, I’m going to be uploading my videos and pictures, and they’ll be released over the night and during the day tomorrow. Among some of the coolest things we saw: Little Big Planet, Resistance, the new Halo 3 map, a bunch of Wii games and Fallout 3. More to come!

PSN Store Update 8/28/08

In the first of what will become a weekly feature, I proudly present to you this week’s new offerings at the PSN Store. One new downloadable game, The Last Guy, which was previewed here earlier this week and a few demos, most notably Soul Caliber IV, which I am anxious to get my hot little hands on. Also, some Warhawk add-on’s which look fine and dandy. Rest of the update after the break:

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PAX: That PS Triple

Get your envy sticks out, because I’m all set and ready to leave for PAX this weekend. While Microsoft has already revealed their lineup for the Expo (and it’s quite good), I’ve still been curious to see what Sony is going to have ready for the throng of gamers like myself.

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Little Big Planet Image Importing Only Via PS Eye

In news that may come as a blow to many gamers hoping to get their “create on” with Little Big Planet, in a recent interview with, producer Pete Smith and interface designer Jim Unwin confirmed what many had feared:

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